A/N: This is the final chapter of Jensen and Jared's adventures in the Supernatural world. I hope you enjoy.

After a screaming match with the Manager Jensen and his new buddy agreed to wait in the motel lobby for the police to arrive. "You're working with them, aren't you," he asked the manager. "You and Carl—"

"My name is Carlos," the man who played the angel Virgil said.

"-and Jim and…" The motel lobby doors opened and Jared came inside, followed by…was that Kim Rhodes? "Kim? What is Kim doing here? Kim, are you in on this too?"

It was hard to believe. She was so sweet and above pranks. How could she do this to them?

Kim's facial expression was one of confusion. As she continued to play along with the charade of being her character, Jody Mills, Jensen realized how good of an actress she was, and if she hadn't been involved in this convoluted ploy to convince Jared and Jensen that Supernatural was really happening then he would have thought they were lucky to have her working on their set.

"Witch's curse," Jensen heard Jared say to Kim. "I'll take care of him, okay? You deal with the manager. Come on Dean, let's go."

That just pissed him off. Why is Jared playing along now? "I'm not Dean Winchester. My name is Jensen Ackles. I'm an actor. I was in the running to play Captain-Freaking-America! You better recognize! I'm Goddamn A-list baby!"

"That's right, Captain. You passed on them. Chris Evans was a consolation prize."

"Damn straight!"

"Now come on." Jared put his arm on Jensen's shoulder to guide him out of the lobby. It perhaps too familiar a touch.

"Don't touch me!" Jensen shouted. He stormed out of the lobby.

"That's quite a curse," he heard Jody say to Jared before the doors closed. "You sure you can handle him?"

"Yeah. It's best not to crowd him. Thanks for handling all this." Jared ran after Jensen.

"Jensen! Wait up!" He caught him in the middle of the parking lot. "I…I think this is all real. I think we're actually inside the show."

Jensen looked his costar up and down. Jared was disheveled with rope burns across his arms, a few slashes of cuts here and there and his glorious mane that he usually spent three hours a day perfecting was a mess. "That's batshit, Jared."

"How else do you explain it? This is too elaborate to be a prank. This is a real town we're in. And I keep seeing angels and they appear and disappear in front of my eyes. This has to be real."

Carl caught up with them too. What did this asshole want? "Hey guys…what's going on?"

"Go away, Carl," Jensen said. "This doesn't involve you.

"My name is Carlos…and I'm just as confused as you guys. Are we in some sort of alternative reality?"

"Yes Carl! Way to catch up with the rest of the class." Jared grabbed Jensen by the arm again and walked with him away from Carl. Despite how much he hated Jared, Jensen let him do it. It was better than spending time with some pleb extra.

Carl followed anyway.

"Just go away, extra!" Jensen yelled at him. "Come on, Jared. The manager gave me a new room after Carl jumped through the window of the last one."

"Carlos. And that wasn't me. I woke up on the ground outside, but I didn't jump through a window. Why would I do that? Why would anyone do that?" Carl gestured wildly and his face turned red. Clearly, he was as distressed as Jared and Jensen were about this whole situation. Only they didn't give a damn about how he felt.

Jensen and Jared ignored the extra and reached Jensen's new room. When they arrived they unlocked the door then slammed the door on Carl's face.

"I'm pretty surprised that Kim Rhodes is in on this too. She always seemed too sweet to get involved in a prank war." Jensen laid down on the closest bed.

"Dude! How are you not getting that this isn't a prank? It's really happening." Jared pulled out a chair and place it in front of Jensen's bed, angling him perfectly for a heart to heart. Too bad Jared and Jensen didn't have Sam and Dean's bromancing skills. There would be no heart to heart.

"You're high," Jensen said.

"No, I was tortured by Bobby Singer for hours. Bobby Singer, not Jim Beaver. And I've seen 4 different angels appear and disappear in the past 24 hours. This is real. We're in a world with monsters."

Jensen sat up and ran his fingers through his ungelled hair. "How?" This was all just too insane.

"I don't know." Jared leaned back in the chair and stroked his chin like he was thinking really hard, though knowing Jared it was more likely he had gas. "What happened in today's script?" Jared asked.

"Didn't you read it?"

"I already told you I never read the whole script."

Jensen rubbed his temples. If this really was an alternative universe why did he have to get stuck his with his universe's biggest idiot? It was like some sort of cosmic joke. "Balazathar sent us through a portal to another world—shit! That really happened?"

"Uh-huh," Jared said.

"This is all real? This world is real? We're just…acting out some guys' lives?"

Jared nodded.

"Fuck!" Jensen leaned back on the bed again, looking up at the popcorn ceiling. There was a crack that ran through the middle toward the wall against the bathroom. This motel was rough. Why did poor people put up with places like this?

"I know," Jared said, not saying anything that could possibly aid Jensen's new extensional crisis.

There was a long couple of minutes of silence where Jared for once gave Jensen the space he needed. Maybe he actually understood just how badly Jensen's world had been rocked. After all, had Jared been through this same existential crisis earlier that same day?

"So what do we do?" Jensen finally asked when he sat back up. It was time to accept this reality and deal with it.

Jared smiled. "Well Sam and Dean are hunters, right? So we hunt."

"You want to take over their lives?" Hunting. It wasn't glamorous and it wasn't safe. It was the only thing they knew about this world, though.

"What else can we do?" Jared asked.

Jensen shrugged. It seemed like the best plan either of them could come up with. They went to bed and decided to start looking for a case in the morning.

Again, Jensen and Jared slept well into the afternoon. It was kind of nice not having to be anywhere in the morning and getting to sleep in. Being an actor was hard work! The hours were too long. At least the pay was great.

The two were also getting along a lot better now that they were both on the same page and had accepted their new reality. Whatever happened between the two of them was in the past…or maybe it wasn't, but it didn't matter. Their old lives were over, at least for the time being. Perhaps they would never find their way back into their world and they would have to move on from Gen and Danneel. It would be okay. At least they had each other. That would have to be enough for now.

"Let's getting breakfast," Jared offered once they were both up. There were no fresh clothes to change into. They would have to solve that soon. Maybe Bobby Singer would give them access to Sam and Dean's stuff…if he didn't try to shoot them again, that is.

Jensen and Jared left the motel room and found Carl perched up against the wall next to their door, fast asleep and shivering slightly. They shared a look then walked past him. Why wouldn't he just use the money the prop department filled his wallet with to get a room? Or did they not give extras wallets? Whatever, Carl wasn't their concern.

There was a diner about a half mile down the road which they walked two. Jared had a hearty breakfast with eggs, bacon, and sausage while Jensen had a vegetable egg white omelette. Their waitress gave them a funny look when they ordered and mixed up their meals when she placed them down. Perhaps she knew the real Sam and Dean and Jared and Jensen's eating habits confused the Hell out of her. Whatever. As long as she didn't come back with a shotgun.

After breakfast they returned to the motel, a stack of newspapers filling their arms. It was time to become hunters. Carl was now awake, huddling by the wall in front of the motel.

"Hey guys!" he said, jumping to his feet. "Didn't hear you wake up this morning."

Jared and Jensen kept on walking. Again they slammed the motel room door in his face.

Jared set up at the table by the window and Jensen sat on his motel bed. Each took half the stack of papers and started reading. It would have easier if they had a laptop and internet connection, but no one thought to take Sam or Dean's laptop before running away from Bobby's house.

"I got it!" Jensen said after an hour. By that time Jared had given up and moved on to watching soap operas on the TV. He held up a magazine called Ghost Tours in South Dakota. If only he had started with this magazine he could have saved so much time.

"There's haunted theater, right here in town," Jensen said, reading holding up and article. "It's called the Orpheum Theater and Actors Studio. It's haunted by a ghost that the locals call…Larry." Jensen pointed at the picture of an artist rendering of Larry the ghost. He looked like a civil war vet.

"It's right here in Sioux Falls?" Jared asked. He hit mute on the TV.

Jensen nodded.

"Why hasn't Dean or Sam or Bobby ever hunted it?"

"Wasn't in the script," Jensen said. He leaned toward the screen. "Says here he's only been sighed a few times. He tries to make contact but is always either ignored or scares the person off."

"And you don't think you'd be scared off."

"Um, hello. I hunt ghosts professional."

"On TV," Jared said. "You're an actor."

"And this guy loves actors." The excitement was coming through clearly in Jensen's voice. He wanted to go on this hunt badly. He wanted to embody Dean Winchester in his true form. "Come on, we break in at night and try to contact him."


Jensen shrugged. "He usually contacts people when they're on stage. One guy was contacted while rehearsing alone. Another when sweeping up."

"So we break in and rehearse?" Jared asked. It was a simple plan. Foolproof, even. Who could mess up such an easy hunt?

"You need the practice anyway."

"Shut up."

Jensen got up and picked up the phone and called for a taxi.

"Do Sam and Dean use taxis?" Jared asked as Jensen dialed.

"The theater is on the other side of the city and I'm not going back to Jim's to get shot at when I try to take the Impala."

"Bobby's," Jared corrected.


The taxi arrived a few minutes later. Once again Carl tried to join them, and once again they slammed a door on his face, this time the taxi door. Soon they were at the theater. By now the sun had set and the theater was closed. There was a padlock chaining the front doors closed.

"Um...how do we get in?" Jared asked. It hadn't occurred to them before that they might need to commit a breaking and entering in order to complete this investigation. Unfortunately, neither actors had the super-pick-locking skills of the real Sam and Dean. That didn't stop Jensen from trying, though. He found a paperclip in his pocket and shoved it into the lock.

"Okay, you have no idea how to pick a lock," Jared said after Jensen struggled for two minutes.

"Shut up! I got this. I do this all the time."

"No, Dean does this all the time. On locks that with preset releases. You have no idea what you're doing."

"Shut up." Jensen's voice got high pitched and exacerbated.

There was a hardwood store across the street. While Jensen was busily engaged in his activity Jared walked across the street and made a purchase: wire cutters. He returned, pushed Jensen out of the way cut the chains off. The fell to the ground with a rattle.

"Well that's one solution," Jensen said, crossing his arm and blushing. He wasn't very good at hiding his shame. He must have felt pretty stupid being outsmarted by the guy he always called an idiot.

"Come on!" Jared said. He plowed ahead.

The building was quiet. Eerily so. Every step they took on the squeezy wooden boards creaked and echoed throughout. The building was also chilly, as if the necessary heaters for winter weather in South Dakota were broken.

They walked down the lobby and through the theater doors. In front of them was a smallish theater, with about 20 rows of seats. At the end was a stage. The actors climbed up onto the stage. Jared paced while Jensen examined the room. It was empty all except for them.

"So what do we do?" Jared asked.

"Let's work on the scene we were supposed to film today."

"But Misha's not here."

"Then I'll say his lines. Come on!"

Jensen stood in the middle of the stage with his back to the audience. That would have been poor staging for an actual stage, but they were practicing their lines for a single camera show. "Balthazar is no hero. But he knows Raphael will never take him back," Jensen said in a deadpan voice. It was a terrible Castiel impression.

Quickly Jensen shuffled to the other side of the stage and stood next to Jared. "And yet somehow you got no problem with it." Jensen was no doing his Dean's voice. It was much better.

Jared watched Jared do the shuffle of two characters with amusement. Jensen was an idiot.

Finally, it came time to do his line.

"That's because we have no other choice," Jared delivered.

Jensen continued his shuffle back and forth. Most of these lines were between Castiel and Dean, so Jared had little else to do but watch.

"If there's a key, then there must also be a lock," Jared finally had the opportunity to say another line. Jared reached inside his jacket, then remembered how he left his key prop on set when he was in the real world. Did the real Sam and Dean have that prop now? Or did that have the real key? Or both?

It was strange thinking about the real Sam and Dean. What were they doing? Were they living out Jensen and Jared's own lives right now? Had Gen and Danneel figured out the men who came home at night weren't their real husbands? Jared had a flash of rage when he thought about Sam, not him, going to bed with his wife. Sam better stay the fuck away from his woman!

Lights from the second-floor balcony distracted Jared from his fear of cuckolding. A figure moved out in front of it, blocking their view.

"The ghost!" Jared yelled.

Jensen shrieked like a little girl. He pushed Jared off the stage and fled through the backstage door.

A uniformed police officer ran down the aisle and was at Jared's side. He held a flashlight in his hand and gun in the other. He hostler the gun. On the balcony, the figure became more apparent. It was another cop.

"You okay?" the first officer asked. He helped Jared to his feet.

"Yeah…I should've expected that."

The officer shined the flashlight in his eyes. Jared instinctively covered his eyes with his arm, shielding them from the impending retina damage. "What were you two doing here?" the cop asked.

"Um...rehearsing. Duh."

"And the bolt cutters outside are because..."

"Um...we forgot our keys?"

"Uh-huh, the officer said. The second cop finally joined them. He pulled out a pair of handcuffs.

"Look, I can explain."

The officer waited. When Jared couldn't think of anything he asked himself what Sam would do. Unfortunately, he was a poor study when it came to Sam's characterization. He pushed the first officer into the second then ran after Jensen through the back door.

Jared didn't see Jensen again until he got to the motel. Through the window he could see Jensen chilling on a bed, drinking from a wine cooler. Again, Carl was outside the door. His eyes were red and his face was wet.

"Ja—jared?" Carl asked.

Jared sighed. "What do you want?"

"I'm scared. I don't know where I am or where to go. I have no money. No way to contact my family. Please help me."

Jared considered it for a moment. Carl was in the same situation as them after all right? Maybe he should bring Carl along. That way next time they need a human shield it can be Carl instead of Jared.

"Come on in," Jared said, and opened the door for him.

"Hey, the ghost didn't kill you!" Jensen said. He raised the wine cooler in the air like he was celebrating.

Carl took a seat at the table. "Ghost? What ghost?"

They both ignored Carl.

"No, I handled it like the big manly-man that I am," Jared said.

"Good for you. If I've learned anything from this trip it's that I never want to hunt like Sam and Dean. I'm happy just to play them on TV. But hey, it's nice that you found a fallback career from when I got into movies and the show ends."

"Jensen," Jared said.


"I fucking hate you."

Jensen didn't have a chance to respond. In a moment the two actors were suddenly flung through the air by some mysterious force. They flew backward and through the motel room's picture window.

Jensen and Jared laid on their back stomachs outside the motel set. There was scream all around them as they struggled to their feet. "What-what's going on?" Jared asked. They looked around. The stunt coordinator and one of the EPs laid bleeding out on the floor. Paramedics were giving them first aid. Security came running by. Someone pointed at inside the motel set.

Jensen and Jared peaked through the smashed out window of that set. Lying on the ground was Carl. So he made it back. Based on the way the security guards surrounded him he wasn't doing much better here than he was in the Supernatural World.

Jared laughed.

"Dude, people are dead. What do you find funny?"

"Because of course Sam and Dean would fuck up our lives. Oh, this is the worst show in the world...I quit."

Jensen couldn't argue with that. He'd be handing in his resignation too.

Back in the Supernatural world, Carlos Sanz peered through the broken window as Jared and Jensen, no, Sam and Dean spoke to a black woman and Castiel. By the way they spoke it was clear the Winchester brothers were back to inhabiting their own bodies. But why was Carlos still stuck here? Why didn't he get to go home too? The woman disappeared into nowhere, then so did Cas and the brother. No one seemed to notice Carlos was left behind.

A/N: Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoyed. Please leave a review. :D