A/N: This story is about what happened to Jared and Jensen during the French Mistake. Characterization is based on the implied personality of the actors during that episode, and are not in any way, shape, or form my own interoperations of Jared and Jensen's actual personalities. They are sweethearts. These *fictional* versions of them from the canon episode and are, frankly, kind of jerks.

It was quiet on set as Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki prepared for their next scene. Both actors stood inside the interior set of Bobby Singers house, about to perform a dangerous stunt: jumping through a window. Opting to do the scene themselves instead of using stunt doubles, they were feeling pretty proud of themselves.

Action was called, and the men preformed the stunt seamlessly. The fake glass made of a sugar concoction shattered just as it was meant to, and they reached the other side without a scratch on them. It was only as the hit the ground that everything went wrong.

They hit the ground hard. Jensen let out a groan, as pain shot through is right shoulder. "So much for the mat," he said. He shivered, covered in what he assumed was sweat. Or was it blood? Whatever it was it didn't feel right. Did he land wrong? He turned to his side and looked at Jared. Jared was laying on the ground, his arms shaking as he tried to get up.

The ground wasn't the hard concrete of the set. It was muddy grass. What was that doing covering the floor?

"Ugh!" Jared said. He finally pushed himself onto his knees and looked around. "This…isn't …set," Jared said. They were the first words Jared had said to Jensen that weren't scripted in over a week. Jensen wasn't so willing to break the silent treatment pact, though. At least not yet.

Jensen examined the area closer. They were on the ground outside of a house with a broken window. The house looked very familiar but Jensen couldn't quite place it. The shabby siding was nearly falling off and junked cars and their parts surrounded the lawn. Another odd thing was that it was dark now. It should only be around five. Sunset shouldn't be for another hour. What the Hell was going on?

Both men stood up.

"Where-what—am I tripping?" Jared asked as he looked at his hands.

Maybe Jared was, but Jensen certainly didn't feel high, and he didn't remember taking any drugs recently.

They didn't have much more time to reflect. Sebastian Roche, the actor who played Balthazar, a new angel character this season, was standing in front of the broken picture window. He waved at them and then disappeared before their eyes. Before they could react another man appeared in Sebastian's spot. His name was Carl or something like that. He was in the last scene they were filming, playing some henchman angel with no lines.

Carl, if that was his name, jumped down from the picture window and onto the grass. He took slow, purposefully strides toward Jensen and Jared, while the two struggled to their feet.

This was too much. Jensen finally spoke. "Man, what the fuck is going on?" His voice cracked.

Carl grabbed Jared and rummaged through his coat pocket's.

"Whoa dude!" Jared side. He tried slipping away but Carl put a hand around Jared's shoulder and the grip was so strong. Jared couldn't move. Nothing came out of the pockets.

Carl's head cocked to the side as he looked Jared up and down. "You're not…" Carl's eye went wide. "I must report this at once." And then that man disappeared right in front of their eyes like Sebastian did before.

"What the fuck?!" Jared screamed.

"We were doing a stunt…this is a brain injury," Jensen concluded, no longer able to keep his silence. The realization oddly calmed him. It was as logical an explanation as any. The rain was coming down hard, now, and they couldn't keep standing out here in such bad weather, even if it was all imaginary. They walked toward the house and Jensen knocked on the door. No one answered.

Jared opened the door. "They just had the side of the house blow out by this storm. If that didn't get their attention, then they're probably not home."

"Yeah…" Jensen said, his voice trailing as he followed Jared inside the house. Once inside he finally figured out why the house looked so familiar. The dimly lit rooms were an exact replica to the interior set of Bobby Singer's house. Only this was a real house, not a set. He voiced that observation to Jared.

"You sound crazy," Jared said. It was hard to deny the similarities, though.

Jensen touched the peeling wallpaper in the hallway. Someone put a lot of work into making this place look like Bobby Singer's. "It…it's a prank!"


"They pranked us," Jared said. "Knocked us out somehow and made us wake up outside. Set everything up so it looked like that scene we were just filming. That's why Sebastian and that extra were here."

"But they disappeared into thin air."

There wasn't a good way to explain that away. "Side effects from whatever they used to knock us out?"

"Maybe." Jared didn't sound convinced.

Jensen walked into the library while Jared went to the kitchen. A puddle had formed next to the broken bay window and rain slashed at Jensen's feet. He walked around the library, examining it. The first thing that stuck out was some weird looking knickknack that had some odd-looking runes on them. Jensen ran his fingers over it then picked up the book next to it, flipping it open. It was filled with passages on diverse types of creatures, very similar to the made-up lore pages from set. Those books, though, were just a stack of empty pages with a few pages made as props for the scenes. The prop departed would fill in some made up creature lore and stick it in the middle of an empty book. But this book had every page filled. From cover to cover it had passages about every type of creature you could think of. Jensen leaned against the desk in the back of the room and read through a passage about Wendigos. He ignored the rain pattering against his shoes and the flickering lights above.

After a few minutes he joined Jared in the kitchen, where the taller actor was looking through the cupboards and fridge. It wasn't a fully stocked kitchen, but it had a few of the necessities. For example, there was a whole shelf of beers in the fridge. Jared picked up a Coors and opened it, taking a sip. His face twisted. "Skunked," he said, and poured the rest of the beer down the sink just as he heard the front door opening. Jared shot a look over at Jensen, who also looked up in horror.

As Jared ran out to greet the new person Jensen hid behind the kitchen table. He peered up as Jared spoke.

"Don't shoot! Don't shoot!" Jared said, sticking his hands out in front of him to show that he was unarmed.

Jim Beaver, or at least a man who looked identical to him, had entered the house carrying a box filled with bottles. Upon recognition Jared exclaimed, "Jimmy!" and pulled him into a bear hug. Jensen stood up from behind the desk, still apprehensive but no longer hiding.

The man pulled away from Jared and asked, "Jimmy?" He shot a look at Jensen. "What the Hell has gotten into him? He get into my African Dream Root or something?"

Jensen nervously chuckled but didn't say a word. He had no idea what to say but the man didn't look happy and Jensen didn't want to make it worse. He still didn't understand what was going on and frankly he was a little bit scared.

"I'm not on drugs," Jared said. Jim walked into the library and both actors followed. "At least I don't think I'm on drugs." Jared wasn't given extra time to contemplate his state of mind.

"What the Hell happened in here?" Jim asked. He stormed across the room and examined the shattered window, his face twisted in a snarl the whole time.

"We don't really know," Jensen admitted. His hands were shoved in his pockets and he refused to make eye contact.

"I think I am on drugs," Jared concluded. He examined his hand again. "I'm just not sure what kind."

"Dean, get your brother a damn water and put him to bed," Jim snapped.

"Dean?" Jensen repeated.

"That is your name, isn't it?"

"No—yeah," Jensen said. Jensen started working on a theory that could explain this all. If Jim wanted to pretend to be Bobby Singer then Jensen might as well play along. At least for now. At least until he figured out what the Hell was going on. "Come on Sam," he said stressing the character name. "Let's listen to Bobby and get you that water."

Jared's brow wrinkled. "Why are you…whatever. Water sounds good," Jared said. He wiped some sweat from his forehead. "I'll have a Voss."

Jim raised an eyebrow.

Jensen laughed and patted Jared's shoulder. "An Aquafina is fine. Really, anything you got."

"There's a tap in the kitchen, Princess," Jim said.

Jared and Jensen's faces twisted in scowls. "Do you have a filter?" Jensen asked.

"A filter? What do I look like, Al Gore?" Bobby asked. "Now, you gonna explain what happened to my window or what?"

Jensen peered into the living room. "Oh, yeah. Jar—Sam and I kind of jumped through it."

"Why?" Bobby asked.

Jensen shrugged. "Seemed like fun."

Jim's eyebrow wrinkled. "Damn it, you got into the Dream Root too, didn't you?" Jim took another sip of his beer. "Guess you're too high to help me patch up the window. Typical. Make me do all the hard work."

Jensen's eye lit up. "No, no, no, we can help."

"You just jumped through a window, Dean! I'd hate to see what you'd do with a hammer."

"That was mostly Sam," Jensen said. "I just jumped after him, to make sure he was okay. You know me, world's most over-protective big brother. Besides, I think we're coming down.

Jim finished his beer. "Fine. There a tarp and nails in the garage. Sam stays here, though. I don't want him wandering around in this weather."

Jensen nodded and went outside. As soon as he took a step off the porch he was pelted with torrential downpour. He looked around the yard one more time. It looked a lot like the lot where they filmed the scenes outside of Bobby's house. Is that where they had taken them? But the inside of the house on that property looked nothing like the set they used for Bobby's house. This prank was just too elaborate.

Jensen pulled his jacket over his head as he ran toward the large garage structure on the back of the property. Being out there alone gave Jensen the time to snoop so he could figure out Jim's plan. This clearly wasn't a one-man plan. Who else was involved?

There was much evidence of co-conspirators. So many props laced the garage. Clearly the prop department was involved. Jensen picked up a machete that was lying on a work bench. He touched the blade, slicing a thin layer of his skin and winced. Metal. It was the real thing, not rubber, not a set prop. They were serious about this prank.

Jensen picked up a tarp and a toolbox filled with a hammer and some nails and jogged through the rain back to Bobby's house. He dropped them in the library then hugged himself, shivering.

"When did it start raining like that?" he asked Jim.

Jim picked the tarp off the floor, along with the hammer and a couple nails. "It's been raining all night, idjit. Haven't you noticed?"

It hadn't been raining when Jensen left his trailer for the set, but if he really had been drugged and moved to a new location then who knew how long ago that was. Certainly enough time had passed for the sun to set.

"Right," Jensen said. He looked over at Jared who shrugged cluelessly. No help there.

"Will one of you two hold this tarp up for me for me?" Bobby asked with a nail sticking out between his teeth. Jared, the gigantic doofus that he was, crossed the room and held the tarp in place as Bobby nailed it down. Now a high-pitched whizzing sound could be heard as wind blew against the tarp.

"Well that will have to hold for the night," Bobby said. Frowning, he looked over at his boys and he packed up his tools. What was that look? Concern? Before he went upstairs Bobby said to boys, "You two still don't look okay. Get some rest."

Once Bobby was gone Jensen walked over to Jared, his clothes dripping off more water with every step he took, and said, "Dude! I know what's going on!"

"So now we're talking?" Jared asked.

"You weren't exactly on speak terms with me either." It had been over a week since a certain incident destroyed Jensen and Jared's legendary friendship. They had both agreed to never speak of it again, or even speak to each other. Desperate times broke that pact, at least the later part of it.

"Does any of this look familiar to you?" Jensen asked.

"What are you talking about?"

"This house." Jensen gestured at the walls and the books. "It's the same as Bobby Singer's house. And Jim right now is pretending to be Bobby Singer."

Jared's expression was blank. He shrugged. Clearly this needed to be spelled out for him.

"This is an elaborate prank, moron!" Jensen gestured with his hands into the air. "They're getting us back for all the pranks we've pulled."

Jared hugged his arms. His voice was very quiet when he spoke. "Or it's their sick way of getting us to talk again."

"Maybe," Jensen agreed. This was a messed way to go about that, though. He and Jensen may be having issues, but it was no one's right to intervene. They just couldn't understand what had happened. Jensen tried not to think about it. A muddy memory of what happened that night flash in his mind. He nearly shivered as he tried and failed to forget.

"But how did they get us here from set?"

"I don't know, they must've drugged us."

"That seems…excessive, doesn't it?"

Jensen shrugged. "Would we do any less?" They would. What kind of sick fucks drugged their coworkers and moved them to a new location? He didn't want to admit how messed up this way. It was easier to grasp if it was just a prank. After all, Jensen and Jared were known for their excessive pranks. It was an easier pill to swallow to believe this was just pay back.

"Shouldn't there be, like, some sort of big reveal or something?" Jared asked.

"I guess so. Maybe Jim's setting that up right now."

They ran toward the stairs in the hallway. The set used for Bobby's house had no real upstairs. There were fake stairs in the hallway that were barely ever used, and on the few occasions they filmed Bobby's second floor it was on another set piece. Neither actor knew what to expect when the ascended those stairs.

At the top was a long hallway, similar to the second-floor set piece. None of those doors on that set piece were functional. Jensen opened the first door on his left. Inside was Jim in a state of undress. Jim turned around and pulled a blanket over his body. "Can I help you?" he asked sarcastically. "Want to take a picture or something?"

"Sorry," Jensen mumbled and put a hand over his eyes. "I, uh, was just looking for, well wherever Jar—Sam and I stay."

"Across the hall, idjit."

Jensen turned around and slammed the door shut. His cheeks were bright red. "So never wanted to see that."

"Was Jim getting naked?"

"I guess…I guess we're staying here for the night."

"I didn't even know there were rooms up here," Jared said.

"Well of course there are, this is a real house."

"But the house we use for Bobby's exterior looks nothing like this. This looks like the set. But the set is, well a set. This is a house."

"Tell me when you're done working out that ouroboros." Jensen opened the door across the hall. It was a dirty room with two twin beds and another pile of books. He picked one up off the desk in the corner of the room. More monster lore. "Where the Hell did they get these books?"

"Prop guys?"

"Our props never looked this good." They were working on a CW show budget, after all.

Jared walked into the center of the room. A spiderweb was forming on the ceiling.

"They don't actually expect us to stay here for the night?" Jared asked. A spider came leaping out of the web and landed on Jared's head. He did his best impression of the Dean's scream from Yellow Fever and ran out of the room.

"Jared!" Jensen called after him.

"No! No! No!" He stormed down the stairs. "I don't care what their plan is or how you plan to get back at them or anything. I'm out. I'm calling Gen and…" Jared reached for his cell phone but instead of pulling an iPhone out of his pocket all he had was a shitty flip phone. "DID THEY TAKE MY PHONE?!" Jared screamed. "I'M GOING TO KILL THEM!"

"Calm down," Jensen said. "You're going to wake up Jim. And he stocked his place with actual shotguns so they're a chance he's actually snapped."

"But my phone! But my Twitter!"

"What are you Misha now?"

"I'm not stay here Jensen. They've taken this too far."

"So call Gen."

"They took my phone."

"They're a landline." Jensen walked him into the library and pointed at the collection of phones that were labeled for the different departments their characters often claimed to be from.

"Landline? You think I've memorized her number? Does anyone even still do that?"

Jensen rolled his eyes and went over to one of the phones. He started dialing his own wife, Danneel's, number when he realized he didn't know hers either. "Dammit," he slammed the phone back into the cradle. "I guess we're staying the night."

"Taxi," Jared said and fired up the computer on Bobby's desk. "Hmm, what could be his password?"

"Try Mr. Bo Derek 1 2 3, all lowercase, no spaces, no period," Jensen said.

Jared typed it in. "It worked. How'd you know?"

"It was in the script for today's episode. Didn't you read the script?"

"Honestly I just read my own parts." Jared shrugged before typing in the world taxi in google. His eyebrows wrinkled as he scrolled through the search results.

"What's up?"

"The GPS on this computer is screwed up." Jared slapped the laptop.

"Yeah that's helpful." Jensen rolled Jared and his chair aside and looked at the results.

Sioux Falls Taxi Service, AAA Taxi, Surf Taxi. All of the companies were located in Sioux Falls, South Dakota.

"No…you don't think…this is suck fucked up."

"What?" Jared asked.

"They shipped us off to South freaking Dakota. We're not even in Canada anymore…or anywhere near the west coast. Damn, how long were we out for?"

Jared's face went white. When he spoke his voice cracked. "This officially stopped being a prank the moment they had us cross he boarder. I think Jim's gone full pyscho."

"Okay, yeah, but this is still Jim, right? He wouldn't hurt us. Besides we saw Sebastian and that extra guy. That means the whole crew is behind this. Hell, it was probably Eric's idea. We could take off running now to God knows where or we can just ride this out until they decide to jump out and yell surprise."

"Fine," Jared agreed. There wasn't much else they could do.

As the two actors went back upstairs Jensen mused. "You know the amount of planning this must have taken is impressive."

"I'm suing every person involved in this when it's done and over," Jared said.

The men went into the guest room and each fell asleep on one of the beds.

The next morning Jensen and Jared woke up to sunlight streaming in through dirty windows. The sun was high in the sky. They had slept late into the afternoon. Jared woke with a stir. "What—Jensen?" He jumped out of his bed and looked around the room.

Jensen stirred awake and looked up at Jared. Oh no! Not again. "What—" The events of last night flashed in his mind. No, he wasn't waking up next to Jared because of another bad drunken decision. "Oh yeah. Jim's prank."

"That wasn't a dream?" Jared asked

"Did it feel like a dream?"

"I guess I was just hoping."

The two actors went downstairs, wearing the same clothes as yesterday, and reached the bottom floor just as Jim was entering with a bag of take out. They quickly glanced into the library to see that the tarp had already been torn off the window. Storm must've been real bad last night to do that.

"Well I'm glad you two princesses finally caught up on your beauty rest." Jim stormed past them and into the kitchen. The actors follow. Jim sat at the kitchen table and opened his own take outbox. Jared and Jensen took that as a cue to open theirs. Jensen's was a double bacon cheeseburger, fries and a slice of cherry pie. Jared's was a salad. After exchanging looks they switched the bags. This was not a move that went unnoticed by Jim.

Midbite into his turkey club Jim froze and watched the actors. They sat across from him at the table digging into their meals, Jensen with the salad and Jared with the cheeseburger.

"Is there a problem," Jensen asked after swallowing his first bite. He was eating very neatly.

Jim dropped the sandwiched and reached across the table to pick up contain filled with water. He flung the water at them. Other than the two actors jumping out of their seat and yelling at Jim there was no reaction. No steam or anything that would imply a demon.

"What are you?" Jim asked. He picked up a knife.

"Whoa Jim!" Jensen said, trying to calm him down. Jim jutted the knife forward, slicing Jensen's forearm. The unharmed Jared was the one who shrieked and ran toward the door. Bobby picked a bottle off the table and flung it at Jared's head. It was a precise hit, and Jared hit the ground, unconscious. Jensen winced.

Jim thrusted the knife again toward Jensen, but stopped just short of his neck. "You gonna be a problem?"

Jensen shook his head, ever so slightly, nearly frozen in fear.

"Get over there with him," Jim said. Jensen raised his hands and walked over to Jared's unconscious body. Jim opened his kitchen cabinet and pulled out a sawed-off shotgun. He aimed it at the two actors.

Jared stirred. Jensen helped him stand and Jared looked over at Jim, pointed a shotgun at them.

"Jim, what the fuck?!" Jared screamed. This prank had gone too far.

Jim fired off the shotgun. A shell went whizzing by Jared's head.

"Fuck no!" Jensen screamed and pushed Jared at Bobby. The large man went stumbling toward Bobby and they were both knocked to the ground. As he ran out the front door Jensen shirked in a pitch so high it may only have been heard by dogs. He didn't stop running until he reached the edge of town.

A/N:The title "the French Mistake" is one of the most clever titles Supernatural has ever had. The phrase "French mistake" is a term for a straight man who engages in a homosexual act and then later regrets it. This means the title implied that the reason Jensen and Jared are fighting and not speaking with each in the episode is because they slept together and now regret. I, of course, implied the same thing in my story.

The French Mistake also works on a second level, because it's the name of the musical at the end Blazing Saddles. In this part of the movie Blazing Saddles starts to break the fourth wall and acknowledges that fact that the entire movie is, well, a movie. Kind of like how the episode acknoledges that Supernatural is actually a TV show. Pretty cool, huh?

Anyway, please leave a comment if you liked my story or want to give me some concrit. Go easy on me, though. This is the first fanfic I've published in 4 and a half years (though I never stopped writing) and I'm really just trying to get back into publishing my stories. The final two chapters are already written and just being edited, so you'll have more to look forward to soon. Thank for reading!