He didn't look back at the world where he had held dominion for an Eon.

He didn't care a whit even when the galaxy exploded behind him.

He told himself – no, convince himself that he had no reason to feel pity or the sadness for the millions upon millions of races that died from the destruction of their own making.

There had been a war. He had seen it brewing, he had seen it fought for years,

Yet he was past caring.

Harry simply disappeared, erasing his presence from that place.

He traveled, sensing the infinite power rushing through him as millions upon millions of races were obliterated in one single day, and all because of those being's thirst for power, for their desire to colonize and conquer every last planet.

This was always how the world ends.

He had seen this time and time again. So many times that he had grown tired of it.

So, he travelled like he always did when a world was destroyed or died.


He and Death sighted upon a newly-formed world. In the early years of its creation.

Harry guessed that it was going to filled with humanoid beings this time, and not the insect-like creatures he had inhabited previously.

Yet once he stepped foot unto the world, his whole being changed.

"Ah…I see. This is how the magic works in this world. This is how I'm supposed to be." He said to Death, as he turned into a woman.


In this world, she is a Goddess, and Death her companion, as always.

They inhabited in another dimension above the world, living amongst the stars, ever-watching.

Death had become a shadow of his former self, as Harry grew in strength, Death diminished and slowly faded. His time was almost done.

Harry had mastered all that is to know everything about Death, losing her humanity bit by bit, growing cold and unforgiving. Apathetic, though she did still show mercy to those who were suffering.


"What shall be your name this time, Master?" Death asked her one day, to which she replied: "Greyd Ader."

It was the name for 'Master of Death,' in her previous world that she inhabited.

"We will not interfere with the beings of this world unless it is necessary." She told Death.

"Then, what shall we do for the time being, Master?"

"Sleep. We will sleep as long as we want."

Harry slept, hibernating in the cold until she felt a stirring. A sense that everything wasn't quite right anymore. She awoke and rose up from the pool, where a red-leafed tree stood looking its own reflection.

She sensed the familiar magic and saw a beautiful man as she emerged from the black pool.

He was naked. Like her.

Harry is surprise to see a man, with long silver hair and eyes so bright it was blinding, same as her.

"Are you real or – ," she began, but was interrupted.

"Real or..." The man parroted, cocking his head to the side.

And so Harry called him "Realor" from then on.

They don't have any languages. So they communicate through songs.

The man was her other half to be exact. However, she was the greatest of the two as he was but a babe in comparison to her millennium of lives.


Realor wanted her. He had passion while she was apathetic.

He had baser instincts of an ordinary man but a power of a god.

He wanted to claim her.

Harry did not want none of that.

Thus, they fought.

She fought using ice, and he, fire.

They created frozen fire in the earth - obsidian or dragonglass.

They continued to fight, nearly breaking the world, trying to overcome one another.

His was the place where volcanoes were, where the lavas flowed, the fiery heart of the world, while hers were frozen lands, and the icy shores of the North.

They fought with ice and fire. Cold and heat. Dark and Light. Day and night. Summer and winter.

She froze the Fourteen volcanoes in the Lands of Summer until they stopped spewing lava.

He melted her frozen domain until water flooded her lands; smoke rising, evaporating, until there was nothing more but dark earth afterward.

It was the rise and fall of lands.

They fought for more than a millennium until they come into an accord.

Soon they became friends, and then lovers.

She told him of her old world, of the worlds she held dominion over and watched it destroyed, by the race of men or an asteroid. She told him how she had come to despise men, of their hunger for power and their curious nature.

The Age of Dragons and Great Beasts

They made dragons, and other creatures in the Beginning of Timee.

They created other things too, but her favorite were the dragons made of ice and fire.

Sometimes Realor and her went down unto the world and ride upon the dragons back in their human forms.

However, when they began to lose control over the dragons, Harry sent Death to subdue them, casting the dragons to the Shadowlands to tame them.

Dawn Age

Through songs, Realor and her decided to create something together.

The two of them created the Children of the Forest together. They were their first children. The children sang songs for them of the rocks and trees and the river, and of eternal spring.

Harry fashioned them after the House elves in her old world. Small and gentle. They tended the forest. And Realor added more to their character.

The children worship them with their songs.

Then, they created the giants (her idea once more from her own world) - gentle creatures to tend to the beasts.

It was a millennium of eternal spring.

However, Harry could feel her other half planning something and she was never wrong

So she sent Death, who was now just a shadow, to watch the world and Realor.

The First Men

Everything was fine until the day Realor betrayed her.

Realor created men of different races.

Treacherous men.

"All they know is destruction. It's human nature to destroy everything that is beautiful." Harry warned him, but her partner wouldn't listen.

"No, they are not." Realor denied. "Just wait and see. I will prove to you that you are wrong."

She began to hate her lover, and turned cold towards him.

"I am never wrong, Realor." She said before she left him to his own creation.


"Whilst you guard the dragons in the Shadowlands, you are there to spy on Realor and his humans." She ordered Death. "He is fire, and he burns bright, and he cast shadows... Hide in his darkness, shadow him, and report to me what he often does with his time.''

And so Death followed what he was ordered.

Harry knew nothing good would come of creating humans as she knew from previous lives that men were a race who had the power to destroy worlds

Realor did not heed her warning

He was a curious child and wanted to see what come of his creation. To her anger

She left him and simply watched as the humans evolved and reproduced.

That was when the Children of the Forest met the First Men.

Then, the fighting began.

It continued for a hundred years until she heard the children praying for her, praying for help to end the terror of men and their fire.

At first, Harry confronted Realor about his destructive creation.

"Ask them to leave." She demanded Realor one day. "Your First Men are not allowed to set foot in these parts of land. The children and the giants are here to stay."

However, once more, Realor ignored her.

So Harry answered the Children of the Forest by giving them the first White Walker, creatures made of ice, and who could raise the dead.

However, what she didn't expect was the consequence of producing such creation.





Author's Note: Thank you for reading! Your reviews fuels my passion for writing so please don't hesitate to tell me what you think! If you want to see the aesthetics, story trailer and photoshopped edits that I made for the story please check out my twitter, facebook pinterest, youtube or tumblr account. But you can always contact me on twitter, facebook or tumblr so please don't be a stranger and let us be friends!