Adventures of Dr. Whooves: Dance of Danger

A/N: And here is the first chapter for the Dr. Whooves season 1 finale story.

Read, review, and enjoy!

Disclaimer: I don't own anything from My Little Pony: Magic is Friendship. I just own any and all characters that I just happen create.


It was a lovely day in Ponyville, and in his bedroom of his house, Dr. Hooves was getting ready to head out to the Grand Galloping Gala with his friend Derpy, and he was looking forward to attending the dance.

Well, he was looking forward to attending the dance, but in the back of his mind, he was worried about the incidents that'd been going on with the adventures he'd been going on with Derpy, and that was primarily about the recent adventure where they had to rescue their friends Timon and Pumbaa from the jungle of India that they'd somehow ended up in due to a rift in reality.

He hadn't said anything to Derpy about the discovery he'd made about what had caused the rift, and that discovery was that the rift had been created by Time Lord technology based on the energy readings he picked up in the jungle of Africa, and also in parts of Equestria, too. If what the machine had found was correct, then there had been another Time Lord visiting the land without his knowledge or the knowledge of the Princesses.

'While we're at the Gala,' Dr. Hooves thought, straightening the dark green bowtie that he was wearing with his velvet green coat and vest, 'I'll see if I can talk with Princess Celestia about this discovery, for both she and Princess Luna need to know before it's too late.'

Once he was certain that he was ready, Dr. Hooves headed down the stairs and when there was a knock at the front door, he opened and smiled when he saw Derpy wearing her new dress, and she was flushing since it was nicer then anything she ever worn before. "Well, Miss Derpy," he said with a smile, "you look lovely."

"Thank you, Doc," Derpy said with a smile that made her eyes sparkled. "You look nice, too."

"Why thank you, my friend," Dr. Hooves said with a bow that made her giggle, and then he nodded to something heading their way. "And here comes our ride." And sure enough, a gold chariot pulled by two white Royal Guards pegasus landed a short distance away, and they got to board it. "And away we go, gentlemen."

Both Royal Guards agreed and took off into the air, pulling their passengers with them, and toward Canterlot and the royal palace.

Night was just starting to fall when the chariot arrived at the gate to the palace, where they stepped out as fireworks were launching into the sky, and members of the Wonderbolts flew overhead.

"Wow," said Derpy, watching the famous pegasi fly overhead. "The Wonderbolts! I hope Rainbow Dash gets to spend time with them. I've seen her practicing some new moves that she's hoping to show to them tonight."

"I'm sure Miss Rainbow Dash will get to," Dr. Hooves said confidently as they headed for the open front doors, where they found Spike standing by himself. "Well, hello there, Spike," he said, greeting the baby dragon in his tuxedo. "Looking forward to the Gala?"

"Uh, yeah, yeah I am," said Spike with a nervous smile as he moved to the side so that the two ponies could enter. "I hope you both enjoy the Gala, too."

Dr. Hooves smiled in return, and they entered the palace, unaware that the baby dragon had left to go into the town with a dejected expression.

Dr. Hooves and Derpy joined the line that lead up to the first landing, where Princess Celestia was greeting her guests, and as they got closer, they could see that standing next to her was Twilight Sparkle and Sunrise Blossom, and they both were wearing their gala dresses. Although it looked like they were having a good time, the time keeper couldn't help both note that their smiles seemed fixed, and he suspected that they'd been hoping to talk with the Princess about what they'd learned in their studies.

'I wish them both the best of luck,' Dr. Hooves thought as the line moved forward, and they moved up the steps until they were standing before Princess Celestia, who greeted them both.

"Welcome, Dr. Hooves, Derpy."

"Your Majesty," said Dr. Hooves while Derpy smiled brightly, and he greeted the twins, too. "Good to see you both here, Miss Sparkle and Miss Blossom."



After exchanging more pleasantries, Dr. Hooves and Derpy moved on and entered the main courtyard, where they found Applejack with her cart filled with baked goods that she was hoping to sell to the guests.

"I'm feeling a bit hungry, Doc," Derpy remarked when she caught the delicious smells of the apple-based food. "Can we buy something from, Applejack?"

"Of course we can, my friend," Dr. Hooves agreed as they reached the cart and Applejack beamed at them.

"Hey there, Doc, Derpy," said Applejack with a bright smile. "What can I get ya both?" And she gestured to the baked goodies. "Caramel apple? Apple pie? Apple fritter? Apple fries?"

Dr. Hooves and Derpy looked over the baked goods, and they both chose to have a pair of apple fritters. After paying Applejack, who thanked them kindly, they moved onward while enjoying the apple fritters since they knew that some of the best apples came from Sweet Apple Acres.

Dr. Hooves and Derpy entered the main hall, where they caught a glimpse of Rarity following after a certain Prince that the time keeper informed the pegasus that the Prince was the nephew of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, Prince Blueblood.

"I've heard Rarity talk about him," Derpy remarked. "I think she fancies him."

Dr. Hooves chuckled. "Many a mare fancies Prince Blueblood," he agreed. "However, I highly doubt that she'll like him as much once she gets to know him."

"Why's that?" the pegasus inquired.

The time keeper chuckled. "Let's just say that Prince Blueblood has a rather high opinion of himself, and he tends to think of himself instead of thinking of others first."

"Ah, he's a snob, isn't he?" Derpy guessed and her friend nodded. "Well, this should be an interesting evening for Rarity then."

"Indeed it will be."

As Dr. Hooves and Derpy made their way through the hall, they passed the VIP section, where they waved to Rainbow Dash as she was let in with two members of the Wonderbolts, and it looked to them that the blue pegasus was going to have the time of her life at least. They were passing the tables that the food were on, and they were immediately greeted by Susan.

"Grandfather!" Susan exclaimed, hugging the time keeper. "I'm so glad to see you."

"And I'm glad to see you, too, Susan," Dr. Hooves responded, beaming at his granddaughter and introduced her to Derpy. "Susan, this is my friend, Derpy. Derpy, this is my granddaughter, Susan."

"Hi," said Derpy with a big smile. "Doc has told me a lot about you, Susan."

Susan chuckled. "I'm sure he has," she agreed, happy that her grandfather had been making friends again. "Well, I hope you all have a good time at the Gala," she said. "I need to get back to my friend. See you later, grandfather."

"Later, Susan," said Dr. Hooves and watched as Susan hurried away to join another female unicorn, and they were heading to the ballroom, where he could also see Pinkie Pie heading that way, too. "Looks like Pinkie Pie is going to do some dancing."

Derpy giggled. "I'm sure she will."

After they walked through the main hall, they went outside to the garden, where they caught a glimpse of Fluttershy heading down one of the paths, and Dr. Hooves figured that she was hoping to see the animals that resided in the garden.

"I hope Fluttershy can reach out to the animals," he remarked as they went to look at the roses, "they rarely go anywhere near the ponies that attend the Gala."

"And I'm sure that the animals will take to Fluttershy since she has such a wonderful gift when it comes to animals," said Derpy and admired the red roses. "Oh, these are pretty."

"Yes, yes they are, my friend."

Unknown to Dr. Hooves and Derpy, they were being watched by a female unicorn with grayish purple skin, dark grey hooves, her brown mane was done up in an up-do while her brown tail was loose and free, her eyes were a light blue, and she had a gold pocket watch cutie mark. Unlike the other ponies attending the Gala, she wore a pale pink starched collar shirt with a gold cameo brooch, a maroon croak lengthen jacket which puffed up at the shoulders and dark lapels, a high maroon waisted skirt that was cut to ankle length, and on her head she wore a black boater hat at a rakish angle with an arrangement of black and red berries on the rim with a black veil over the top. The hat also had a hole cut in it so that her horn could stick out of it.

'Oh, Doctor,' she thought with a sly smile as she sipped her drink. 'The more you change, the more you stay the same, and soon enough, you and I will meet once again very soon.'

A/N: Uh oh, who is that strange unicorn that is spying on Dr. Hooves and Derpy? R&R everyone!