Hello everyone and Happy New Year. 2018 has taught me so much and I'm ready to rock 2019. I hope you had fun celebrating the NYE. I won't write anything and let you read this long overdue chapter. Enjoy!
Disclamer: I do not own Naruto..
"Are you sure Sakura?"
"Yes Kaka-sensei. Nothing apart from one antidote was taken. I spent the last 3 hours here. I checked everything twice. Only one antidote was taken." Sakura bit the inside of her mouth, trying to figure out what was going on.
"Maybe you forgot something Sakura-san. There are a lot of substances here. Forgetting one or even a few is natural." One of the Anbu spoke up.
"I spend a lot of time in here. Most of these I made. There is no way I could possibly forget. It's like saying that Kakashi-sensei doesn't know Icha Icha Paradise by heart. It sounds ridiculous. But to be sure, Shizune will come here when she's done with the surgery and check again. She keeps track of this section, and everything I made I gave a report to her. This part is hers and the laboratory is mine. Otherwise, there would be too much files and this isn't something you could just put somewhere where it basically asks of you to take a look at it. Even putting it in this room is dangerous."
"Because we don't know that the thief knew what he was taking, right?"
"Well, maybe. From what I gathered he didn't look for long for it. Some deadly poisons were moved or touched. I would say he knew exactly what he was taking. An antidote for a virus that if not treated right, could be deadly. That antidote is also a base for making other antidotes as well. My guess is that he didn't know the components of it. That's the reason why it was taken, I think.
Also, he knew what poison to give Hakumi-chan in order to make me act immediately. Is she awake yet?" Sakura asked the Anbu men that stood in front of her.
"It was said that she should be waking up soon. No specific time was given."
Sakura put her chin between her pointer finger and thumb, staring at the floor. No one disturbed her thinking process, deciding to stay silent. It was her field of expertise. The problem was she couldn't figure out what was going on.
"Looks like you could use another set of brains here."
Looking up, the pink haired shinobi saw Shikaku Nara and Tsunade standing at the door. He looked as calm as ever, contrary to the Hokage, whose look could possibly kill you. Anger was seeping through every pore on her body.
"Leave" Tsunade barked, not taking eyes off Sakura. Under the gaze, Sakura was tempted to swallow uncomfortably. But the knowledge that her shishou would punch her to the other galaxy if she did that made her hold her ground and appear calm and collected.
"Not you Kakashi"
The elite jounin stopped in his tracks ant turned to them. Since Abnu shinobi were long gone, Tsunade preformed some hand seals, throwing soundproof barrier over them. After that, she went to the white table that was directly in the middle of the room, leaned on it and turned her attention back to Sakura once again. She appeared much calmer, so her voice wasn't as deadly as it was moments before.
"Is there any news?"
"Not much shishou. Only the antidote was taken. I assume that the thief knew exactly what he was looking for and that he has extremely big knowledge about this stuff. We keep the poison that he used only as a tool for experiments after all because the ingredients are so rear. Only a few people know it exists and even lesser number knows how it looks. And to think we go trough all the trouble of not labeling things here to avoid this..." Sakura sighed, her face showing visible defeat. She also couldn't help but have that sinking feeling because Shikamaru didn't show up. Were it not the Anbu thing, he would probably be the first to get here.
"It's okay Sakura. Who knows what could have been if you didn't catch at the very act. Maybe we would have found out when it was already too late. Do you have any idea why the antidote was taken?" Skikaku spoke calmly.
"It was luck I caught them here. As for the reason, I have no idea. Maybe they wanted to find a way around the antidote, to find out what it components were. After all, this is often used as a base component for more complex antidotes for many many things: a big number of viruses as well as a to reduce the effect of some drugs. There are million possibilities and I can't seem to narrow it down."
"I doubt it was just luck. Did the medic wake up yet?"
"No, she should soon though."
"And you don't think she did this willingly?"
"There is no way she would do something like that. No possible way."
"Sakura-" Kakashi started slowly "- I know she is your friend and that she helped you a lot of times. But there is even less possibility that someone in Anbu is a mole, but it appears to be the case."
"Kakashi-sensei.. I understand what you are saying, but from the bottom of my heart I believe that she didn't do it." Sakura's tone left no room for discussion.
Shikaku turned towards their Hokage, who was silently watching the exchange. "What do you think Hokage-sama?"
After a few silent moments, Tsunade got off the table and headed towards the door.
"I believe that Sakura is right, which opens another set of troubling questions: How did he know which medic apart from us had an access to this room. Or rather, how he even knew someone apart from us had an access. How did he get that information. How long did he follow Hakumi to know she was doing an afternoon shift , so if her chakra was sensed in some places where it usually isn't sensed, it won't be strange. That, luckily, didn't work. Good job Sakura.
How did he make her do all of this. She didn't have any signs of struggle on her body. And the worst, was it someone outside of the village who got in and if so, how many more are there and what are they after?" The moment Tsunade finished her sentence, the barrier broke and she stepped out the room and headed towards the elevator.
It's never easy seeing one of your close friends go trough something bad. It's visible from a distance that the events of today are eating Hakumi from the inside out. Looking at her just siting in the bad, looking out the window and being completely silent made Sakura's heart clench. Stretching her arm out, Sakura took Hakumi's and squeezed it tightly.
"It's not your fault" She said calmly once their eyes met.
"It is." Hakumi stated simply, squeezing her hand back.
"There was nothing you could do Hakumi-chan. I couldn't do anything and it was my responsibility to stop him. And no, even if you weren't there, my fighting style is too destructive for a small space like that. Please Haku-chan don't blame yourself. There are some things going on that I can't talk about right now and all I can say is that you were just in a wrong place at the wrong time."
The nurse's eyes saddened at pink haired kunoichi's words " You have it though, don't you. Gomene Sakura-chan, I'm acting selfish now. I'm just sad that even Yamanaka-san couldn't bring my memories forth. Or that the ones he could didn't help at all." Hakumi looked down at her hand, visibly feeling powerless.
"It could have been anyone. You let Inochi-san go over your memories which is really painful and dangerous. That was extremely brave and who knows- maybe some of your memories end up being really useful." Sakura smiled encouragingly, even if she knew that it's probably not true. Just seeing white walls as they walk to the poison and potion room is as good as nothing. "You must be tired, I'll let you rest now. " She bent down and gently hugged her friend. "And remember, it's not your fault"
"I'll try. Thank you Sakura" Hakumi said with appreciation lacing her voice. They broke the hug and Sakura smiled once more before leaving the room and heading towards Hokage tower in hopes of finding out some good news and secretly hoping to see a certain pineapple-haired ninja.
Knocking on the door, she waited for the 'come in' before entering. The only people in the room were Shikaku, Kakashi, Shizune and their fifth Hokage. To say that she wasn't disappointed and that her heart didn't sink a little would be a lie. She hoped that after all the fuss he would check up on her and put the anger aside, even just for a little bit. Obviously not. She didn't let it show on her face though. This was no time for her personal life to get the better of her. Locking eyes with her shishou, she stayed silent and waited for any news to be told. Knowing her Hokage as much as she did, Sakura knew that she was debating something in her head. Room stayed silent for some time.
"Sakura" Hokage finally said, but with audible caution in her voice "your ANBU test will be postponed until the later date"
Maintaining the eye contact, Sakura's eyes bulged in shock. "W-Why?" she chocked out.
"I cannot let you join Anbu under these circumstances. Hospital and medical related things are obviously stuff they are after and until we know what exactly they are planing, letting you join is basically offering them jackpot." Tension in the room was growing with every second. Everyone knew that when those two put something to mind they don't give up and unfortunately, they were on the opposite sides at the moment.
"Tsunade-sama, I have always respected your orders and decisions, but this one doesn't make sense." Sakura spoke slowly, with respect lacing her voice but fire in her eyes "Word spreads fast and if we have a mole, there is a high probability it's already known that I will be joining Anbu if I pass the test. Us backing out now will raise suspicion and there is high possibility they will become more careful. This slip-up today is the only lead we have apart from the report on the attack from Shikamaru's team, which I didn't get to read yet by the way" She sent Tsunade the stink eye "We may not know their actions, but that's precisely the reason why we should have all hands on deck. I have a few ideas actually on how to get closer to everyone on Anbu without raising any suspicion."
Tsunade eyed Sakura for any signs of uncertainty " I know you are smart Sakura, and a quick thinker, but I'm offering you on a golden plate if I let you join now. As much as it pains me to say it, village at the moment is not safe as it should be and you won't be protected at all times. Now, I know you are strong, but there will always be someone stronger than you in life and ,at the moment, we are not aware of their strength and number. And before you say anything, let me remind you of your status in Konoha and outside of it. You are a medical prodigy Sakura. Medical ninja of the highest calibre, with knowledge rivaling if not surpassing mine. Someone like you cannot be lost. The only reason I thought of letting you even join Anbu is because I didn't want to turn your strength into weakness and something that slows you down, like I didn't do with Naruto and Kyuubi by locking him in the village. But do not mistake my willingness to let you fly with stupidity and imprudence. Your hands save lives Sakura and with this new technique, that only you can preform, any life could be saved as long as the person has the slightest heartbeat, no matter how deep in the grave they are. You can heal hundreds and even thousands on the battle field at the same time. There is a reason medics are rare and so respected. You excel in knowledge when it comes to poisons as well. Now tell me, do you think that someone with those type of abilities should be endangered?" Cocking her head to the side, Tsunade raised an eyebrow waiting for pink haired ninja's reply.
Sakura stayed silent for a while, contemplating her Hokage's words. There was a big truth to them. Not that she thought that her life was more valuable than someone else's but she did hold a life of many people on the deathbeds in her hands. Knowing her shishou's medical abilities, she would put a lot of mind into allowing her to risk her life. But than again, her life was not more valuable. "Shishou, I do understand your words. But, you were participating in the war even despite of having such extensive medical knowledge. We are talking about our village here. There are so many innocent people. This is our home. I became ninja to protect it and to protect people in it. If I back down in front of the enemy and don't do anything now- I'm going against everything I believe in and have worked for. Please Tsunade-sama, don't make me live with the consequences of not joining and not doing everything in my power to protect those I care about."
Eyeing Sakura again, Tsunade signed. She has become so stubborn. But a fine shinobi and she couldn't be more proud. "Fine Sakura, have it your way than. You are dismissed until tomorrow. Shikaku will go through your ideas together with you until Shikamaru comes back from his mission. Shizune- send a message to Shikamaru telling him to wrap up his mission as soon as possible." She pinched the bridge of her nose" I should have declined his request for a mission."
At this Sakura stopped for a second. Shikamaru requested a mission? Why would he do that. Is he really that angry at her. She didn't know how to feel about it. It made her feel a bit at ease because maybe if he was in the village he would have came. But than again, him requesting a mission is not something commonly seen and is a reason for concern.
"Sakura.." Tsunade's questioning voice pulled her out of her thoughts. Raising her eyebrow, she continued "You are dismissed."
"Hai, Tsunade-sama" Quickly turning around, Sakura left the room but with no intention of going home.
"Hokage-sama, you need to stop testing the girl so much. It's obvious she is determined to join Anbu black ops, there is no need to put her in an awkward situations as much." Shikaku chuckled. Lacing her fingers together and resting her elbows on the table, Tsunade smirked as she looked at the closed door. She did make a hellafine shinobi.
On the other hand, this did not sit right with Kakashi. Not one bit.
Hope you enjoyed! I'll talk to you soon, Kisses