Hey y'all! Welcome back to Time Will Heal! This will sadly be the last chapter of the story. It'll be sort of an epilogue, if you will. I hope you guys will like it! Don't worry, I still have "A Rose By Any Other Name" and the rewritten "Meant To Be" to finish, as well as start the rewritten "Underground Elements" and the new stories I have planned.

Disclaimer: I own nothing but the story idea!

Mun-Dee sighed contently, curled up in bed. It had been several months since he, Medic, and the BLU Spy had fled from the battlefield, and he couldn't be happier. He and Medic's relationship had grown and they had even gotten married, becoming close friends to BLU Spy and his fiancé in the process. Mun-Dee wasn't sure what happened to the rest of the BLU team, but he had gotten updates on his own team from Miss Pauling.

He smiled at the thought, remembering what he had been told. According to Pauling, Scout had gone to become a professional baseball player. He wasn't exactly famous and wasn't the best, but he was doing what he loved. Engie now helped construction crews with projects, from skyscrapers to airports and the like. Soldier worked at an army bootcamp, turning out soldiers left and right with his unorthodox methods which made Mun-Dee chuckle. Heavy had decided to take up teaching, while Demo surprisingly worked with a bomb squad for the police. Spy had taken a bit longer to find, but it was found out he had settled down and now ran an art museum. The only one they couldn't find was Pyro, though Mun-Dee had much reason to believe that wherever there was fire you could find the gas-mask wearing pyromaniac.

Mun-Dee was pulled from his thoughts and grunted when he felt something small climb onto the bed and tap him. "Papa! Get up! It's Christmas!" said a small voice, shaking him. Mun-Dee opened one eye and smiled at the sight of the little 4-year-old boy shaking him. His name was Aaron, and he had blonde hair and blue eyes. Mun-Dee remembered the day they adopted him fondly.

"Alright, alright... I'm up..." said the Aussie after the child shook him again, sitting up and stretching. "About time you voke up Mun-Dee..." said a familiar German voice as the owner of said voice walked in with a tray of food. "Aaron's been vanting to open presents for zhe last two hours!" Mun-Dee chuckled and kissed his husband. "Sorry Doc, I slept in..." he said, smiling. "Ve can see zhat..." said Medic, sitting down with the food. "Hurry up and eat... Eric and Zachary vill be here soon..."

"Uncle Eric and Uncle Zachary are coming!? YES! That means they'll bring Luke!" said Aaron, the young boy climbing down and running to the living room. Mun-Dee laughed as he ate, then soon followed with Medic. As he settled into a chair there was a knock at the door and, upon opening it, found an unmasked BLU Spy and his fiancé outside with a 4-year-old brunette boy with green eyes. "Luke!" said Aaron as the other boy ran over. "Alois, Mun-Dee! Good to see you two again!" said the former spy, his light brown hair covered in snowflakes from the falling snow outside.

"Good to see you too! Now get inside before you catch a cold!" said Medic, laughing as he made everyone hot cocoa. Eric and Zachary happily entered and shed their coats, joining the kids and Mun-Dee by the fire. "Can we open presents now!?" asked Luke, obviously eager to do so. "Go ahead you two..." said Mun-Dee, watching as the two kids ripped into the wrapping paper of their presents. Medic walked over and kissed the Aussie, smiling. "Merry Christmas Mun-Dee..." Mun-Dee smiled. "Merry Christmas Doc..."

AND it's done! Just thought I would do a tiny holiday chapter, considering what time of year it is :3. Hope you enjoyed the story!

Until next time, Icy is out!