For the Life of a Girl Part Three

by Martial Arts Master

Care Bears, Care Bear Cousins, and all related character copyrighted by American Greetings, DiC, and Nelvana. I made up Mrs. Oio and her daughter Valerie, however. Now, on with the story!


When Mrs. Oio arrived home with the Care Bears and Care Bear Cousins, she called out, "Honey, I'm home! I have friends here to entertain you!"

There was no answer, but Mrs. Oio wasn't the least bit surprised by this fact.

After all, Valerie was very weak. Perhaps she was asleep.

"Wait here," Mrs. Oio instructed the Care Bears and Care Bear Cousins, as she went upstairs.

Upon opening the door to Valerie's room, Mrs. Oio was horrified to discover that Valerie was missing.

Mrs. Oio, fearing the worst, immediately screamed bloody murder.

The Care Bears and Care Bear Cousins rushed upstairs, fearing that No Heart had returned to take revenge on Mrs. Oio.

They were equally horrified when Mrs. Oio explained the real situation.

"A girl so weak that she couldn't get out of bed couldn't have left on her own," Champ Bear reasoned.

"So No Heart must have kidnapped her!" Lotsa Heart Elephant declared.

"Lotsa Heart, you're jumping to conclusions," Bright Heart Racoon told Lotsa Heart, reasonable as usual. "Let's go back to Care-a-Lot and use our equipment to track Valerie down."

Everyone else nodded.

"Oh, please hurry!" Mrs. Oio shouted to them as they left to get their Cloudmobiles...


What the Care Bears and Care Bear Cousins saw when they got there, however, was a complete disaster.

Care-a-Lot was in ruins. Broken wood was everywhere, and there were burn marks in certain places.

The Caring Meter was totally wrecked.

The Cloudkeeper could be seen trying to clean up, but he'd only fixed about 13% of Care-a-Lot.

"Who...could've done this?" Funshine Bear asked, stunned.

Noble Heart Horse, True Heart Bear, Grams Bear, Hugs Bear, and Tugs Bear walked up to our heroes.

"No Heart and some girl that was with him," Grams Bear sighed sadly. "We tried to stop them, but they were armed...we were nearly killed..."

At this, Grams Bear broke down into sobs, along with Hugs and Tugs.

"But who was this girl?" Good Luck Bear asked.

"Her name..." True Heart Bear began solemnly... "she said...was Valerie."

Everyone else gasped.

"That's the name of Mrs. Oio's daughter!" Proud Heart Cat gasped.

"No Heart must have put her under a spell or something, to suck out her caring!" Tenderheart Bear declared. "Cloudkeeper, do you think you can fix Care-a-Lot while we go take care of No Heart?"

The kindly old man smiled and said, "Yes, but it'll take a few days. Lucky for me No Heart completely didn't know of my existence." (Author's Note: This explains why No Heart, when listing the only people who would guard Care-a-Lot in chapter one, didn't mention the Cloudkeeper.)

"Good," Brave Heart Lion said, nodding. "Now come on! We need to head to No Heart's lair and rescue Valerie!"


Eventually, our heroes made it inside No Heart's lair, trembling with fear.

This was understandable, as No Heart was a powerful enemy.

However, they wouldn't give up.

They had to save Valerie...for Mrs. Oio's sake.

They looked around.

The place was dark, as usual, and very foreboding.

Our heroes soon found No Heart and Valerie in the center room of the castle.

They were laughing to themselves.

"We destroyed Care-a-Lot, and there isn't a thing they can do about it!" No Heart said, tears in his eyes from laughing so heard.

Tenderheart Bear led our heroes into the room, shouting, "Not so fast, No Heart!"

No Heart and Valerie spun around in surprise.

"What? But I thought the destruction of your home would leave you too despondent to fight the forces of uncaring!" No Heart shouted.

"You can't get rid of us that easily!" Loyal Heart Dog declared.

"And how do you plan to free Valerie from my spell?" No Heart inquired.

"5...4...3...2...1..." the Care Bears and Care Bear Cousins chanted. "Care Bear...Stare!"

The Care Bears and Care Bear Cousins all hit Valerie with multicolored beams from their tummies.

Valerie stumbled back, and then her eyes stopped glowing red.

She was back to more ways than one, as Grumpy Bear soon pointed out.

"She's standing on her own!" Grumpy Bear pointed out. "In fact, come to think of it, she was standing on her own when she was still evil..."

"That was my doing!" No Heart shouted in anguish. "I had to remove the AIDS from her, which was part of who she was, in order to remove her caring! Now you've put caring back into her, but she's normal!"

Valerie grinned, and then swiped the necklace from around No Heart, which was the source of his magic powers.

"Give that back!" No Heart pleaded.

"Get the police!" Valerie instructed our heroes. "I'll take it from here..."


No Heart was soon put into jail, and Mrs. Oio was profusely thanking him at his cell for taking the AIDS out of her.

"But I never intended to do any good!" No Heart protested. "I meant to rid the world of caring, not to cure some sick little girl of an uncurable disease!"

"It doesn't matter," Mrs. Oio said, hugging No Heart.

"Get off!" No Heart screamed, throwing Mrs. Oio away.

"I'll be back every day to fix you some heart-shaped cookies as my thanks," Mrs. Oio replied, winking, and then leaving the jail.

No Heart hated hearts.

So the jailer next heard him scream, "Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!"


The End


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