
When she saw who was at her door, she paled. Director Nick Fury of SHIELD was calling. The man always brought trouble. The kind that got people dead. Usually her.

"No." Slamming the door in his face. Or rather she tried. The eyepatched wonder spy stopped the door with his foot. Sy almost winced in sympathy. She was an expert door slammer. Then she remembered what had happened the last time she let that man into her home. Then she wished she could slam the door on his foot again.

"Syrinx, the world is at stake." Fury said, pushing his way inside. He found himself with a mortal knife at his throat. Ever since she became involved with SHIELD, she was prepared for mortal threats. It was disgusting. Didn't she have enough problems without mortals trying to kill her too?

"You should know better than to come by here anymore." She snarled at him.

"And I wouldn't have come if it wasn't important. This is end of the world big. This threat is different than anything SHIELD is equipped for. I need someone like you." She snorted. Sure. A seventeen year old demigod daughter of Calliope, the Muse of Eloquence and Epic Poetry. Real useful when the world is ending.

"Look, just because I'm the point of contact between Olympus and you doesn't mean I'm going to let you drag me into some mortal mess you don't know how to deal with. The deal is I tell you about godly messes if they affect you. Nothing more. I'm a demigod, I don't do terrorists."

'Especially after the last time I worked with SHIELD.' She added silently.

"That's exactly why we need you. The threat is someone called Loki. Long time ago, we used to call him the god of mischief." Her heart stopped. Loki. A god. Or something that was close enough. This is exactly what she was in place to deal with. Sy groaned. She took the manila case file he handed her. Classified was stamped in bright red ink on the top corner of the file, like a cliche spy movie thriller. Inside the file she begins to skim through the details of Fury's team, and the one member she is being sent to recruit to join. Sy freezes when she reaches the name. She glares at the one eyed spymaster.

"This is the last favor I do for you Fury."


I don't own the Avengers or the Percy Jackson universe. I only own my OC. Comments are appreciated. :)