Well, here it is, folks. The final part of the story. I have to say, it has been fun writing this, getting back into the swing of things, and I'm glad that you guys have enjoyed reading it :) This epilogue is admittedly pretty short, compared to the other chapters, but this is more or less set during the last scene of Chapter Four (of the game), when Alison and Tom show up to rescue Henry, so that's the reason.

JOHNHAMMOND1993: That IS a good point...alright, I went and changed a line to make this a bit more optimistic.

AlchemyWriter: Well, pity your joint story didn't work out. I hope you can find your niche, even if it's not in fanfiction, and make something you like, and you're proud of.

Well, on to the final part now!

Thirty years.

Thirty years in that studio—having to fight for her life against monsters that used to be her coworkers and friends, glancing over her shoulder every moment…Alison would never admit it to Tom, but part of her wished that she had gone insane like the others after being transformed. Alison still wasn't sure why only the two of them had been able to hold onto their memories and humanity; maybe it really did have to do with the two of them being turned into perfect copies of Alice and Boris, like Joey had said.

Joey Drew—why had Alison ever trusted that man at all?! She should've just left the studio with Norman the second he started work on his damned machine, and never looked back. It wasn't enough for him to do all these experiments, turn his workers, innocent people, into inky abominations—after doing test after test, rating the success of each new subject; Joey had decided to go through the machine himself.

The damned fool actually wanted to become Bendy. And he did—a twisted, ink-dripping nightmare who had become, if anything, even more sadistic.

And Alison thought he was a monster before…

From what Alison had seen, Susie wasn't much better. Alison would never forget the horrified look on Tom's face when he came back from scouting and told her about the room with all the dead Borises. How the other woman thought torturing and killing toons, ripping out their guts, was going to make her beautiful, Alison didn't know—and she wasn't sure she wanted to. In spite of everything, she almost felt sorry for Susie.


Then she learned what Susie had done to Norman. Alison's heart still ached at the thought, and every now and then, as much as she tried, she couldn't stop herself from shedding a tear or two. The day after they had been transformed, Norman was mindless after he had woken up. Susie had molded him somehow, convinced him to serve her. To prowl the halls as her eyes and ears, looking for anyone that might be a threat to her.

Alison had tried once or twice to get him back, remind him of who he really was. She'd come close once. For a few seconds, Norman almost seemed to remember himself, remember them, had actually started to lift his arms like he wanted to embrace her, hold her close like before. When they were human. When they were together. Before this whole nightmare had started.

But then he lost himself again and tried to attack her—if it weren't for Tom, Alison probably wouldn't have gotten out of that alive. And once they were out of danger, the handyman-turned-cartoon wolf made sure to give Alison an earful about heading out like she had. Tom wasn't always the friendliest guy, but he turned out to be a damn good fighter. Not to mention, he was the only company Alison had now.

And when they found Norman's head, all that was left of him—he had been surprisingly sympathetic, allowed Alison to cry into his shoulder. He even patted her on the back, assured her that he might still come back. That they could bring him back.

After all, toons, searchers...they died all the time, and could still come back. Maybe the Bendy statues could bring Norman back somehow?

Alison wanted to believe Tom-she REFUSED to believe that the man she loved was dead, that there was no way to save him. Without being told, Alison immediately knew that the inky demon once known as Joey Drew was the one responsible for this. Norman hadn't been his target though; he was just an obstacle.

Which meant that Alison and Tom might soon be getting another ally. The pair wasted no time getting to the Bendy Land room, and were just in time to see Susie charging at her target. Alison wouldn't pretend she didn't relish the moment she ran the other woman through with her blade.

She wished she could stab her again and again, bring her as much pain as Susie had brought her. What happened to Norman was partly her fault anyway; she'd brainwashed him into being her mindless slave.

A horrible thought, but Alison couldn't stop herself. That seemed to be what this studio was good at—making monsters. Even if it wasn't readily apparent.

Speaking of which, Alison couldn't help but gape in shock as she looked at Susie's next would-be victim. The clothes indicated that it was Henry, but it was obvious HE'D been put through the machine too. Alison wondered if he'd even noticed he'd been changed, she'd seen a couple instances where Joey knocked out, or even flat-out killed some of his employees before transforming them. Maybe he'd lost his memory somehow? If that were the case, Alison couldn't help but dread the moment they'd inevitably have later, where either she or Tom, probably both, would have to show Henry that he wasn't human anymore. That he, like them, had been turned into a living cartoon—a human-sized Bendy far more perfect and in line with the little devil's likeness than the twisted, grinning mockery Joey had ended up becoming.

Alison remembered how shocked and confused she was the first time she'd looked into a mirror, and saw Alice Angel staring back at her…

She shook her head. They could worry about that later (and hopefully Henry wouldn't go insane from the revelation). For now, they all had to get going.

After all, the ink demon was still out there. And there was strength in numbers.

A/N: Yep, I decided to go with the 'Henry is Perfect Bendy' theory before the fifth chapter comes out and probably proves me wrong (or right). Also, as a reviewer pointed out, you CAN kill the Projectionist in Chapter Three, and he still comes back in Chapter Four, so I wanted to put in a ray of hope for our unfortunate couple.

Well, like I said, this has been fun. I may or may not come back and do some more fanfictions in the future if I get any more ideas, or if I want a break from working on my original stories.

Until then though, leave some reviews, and I'll see you around.
