Disclaimer: I don't own anything, and most obviously not Grimm or its characters. Some story concepts may have been borrowed and adapted unintentionally or intentionally from other fictions, books, tv shows, movies, religions, geography, history, theology, etc. This is what happened when I ran out of Nadalind stories to read.


Author's Note:
It's REALLY difficult to write now that I'm back in school. But I promise to at least finish this first story. Eventually!
This chapter just happened to be longer, it wasn't intentional.


Having MORE NADALIND stories to read ALSO helps! A LOT!

- - This is a single chapter posting - -

Thank you everyone for all your kind reviews! It really makes this whole endeavor much more worthwhile!
Also, my Canon sources include the series available on Amazon Prime Video, the Wikia, and Google. I'm ignoring all other Grimm mediums for simplicity's sake. Keep in mind, I DID change some details, and heavily manipulated the MANY plot holes in the series.
I need to edit / write the rest
Warning! There may be fewer edits as I rush!
The last updates will be sporadic and probably further apart!

General Notes:
Hexenbiest and Zauberbiest are used as both singular and plural nouns. (I don't speak German)
Italics – thoughts or memories
Bold – quotes from TV series
"separated dialogue" – telephone conversations

Chapter 19
May 4
th – Around 1:40 AM

Juliette watched with Adalind, as Elizabeth instructed Diana.

Diana was levitating her cookie, to cool it.

Earlier, the cookies had been put into a sort-of time stasis spell. The spell was attached to their trays, so they began cooling in real time once removed. But they felt as if they JUST came from the oven instead of having been removed over 20 minutes ago. Adalind insisted they tasted better that way.

Thus, the cookies were too hot to eat.

Elizabeth held a ruler next to the plate and instructed Diana to lift the cookie to specific heights. Once that was accomplished several times, without fail, the cookie was then lifted AND rotated.

"This is good practice." The young mother commented as they watched.

"It looks silly…" And, yet, Juliette absorbed each instruction seriously.

Adalind gave the new Hexenbiest an assessing glace. It was obvious how much Juliette wanted to learn.

"Sillier than getting burned by a cookie?" Adalind asked facetiously. She floated one of the hot cookies over and spun it in the air before them. She kept careful control of the crumbs as she spun hers much faster than her daughter.

She offered it to Juliette, who hesitantly accepted. It DID smell really good. Show off.

"I didn't mean THAT." Juliette said before taking a bite. It WAS really good. Crispy and chewy. The perfect combination of vanilla, butter and brown sugar. No wonder Hank and Wu made such a fuss. Cooled to the perfect temperature, the chocolate was warm and gooey, and probably now on the sides of Juliette's face. That's why normal people don't make cookies this big…

But she didn't mind, not really.

With the exceptions, of Kelly, Elizabeth, Renard and Henrietta, everyone was sporting large chocolatey smile lines.

Also, Juliette was sure her face didn't look nearly as bad as Trubel's. The youngest Grimm had a cookie in each hand and managed to get chocolate all over her chin too. She looked worse than Diana.

Juliette's brows furrowed at the sight. I thought we talked about that…

Adalind next offered Juliette a mug of English Breakfast tea with milk and sugar. The combination was perfect and soothing.

Ugh! Please don't treat me like your kid! I'm already going to have SERIOUS issues about where my magic came from!

Juliette only accepted the offerings because, Adalind had cooled cookies for EVERY non-Hexenbiest. Adalind and Rosalee also made tea for everyone. It would have been overtly rude, not to accept.

It was annoying, how nice Adalind was being.

Juliette still really wanted to hate her.

Especially, as she watched Nick eating cookies with Trubel and Diana.

Father and daughter laughed at the young woman's messy eating habits. Even now, Nick was warming to his daughter as he allowed her to shove a giant cookie into his mouth with her magic. She nearly missed, smearing chocolate all over his scruffy cheeks. He made funny faces around his cookie to make both her and Trubel giggle.

Juliette felt another pang of loss even as the warmth of the room affected her. It was getting harder to stay bitter.

Because this really was a party, a 2AM party with cookies and tea. Everyone was celebrating a joyous family reunion, and the triumph over their greatest fears.

The warm comfort, the relief, and the joy were all contagious. Especially to a new Hexenbiest like Juliette.

And, unfortunately, Juliette needed to stay on good terms with this particular other Hexenbiest. Adalind knew things even Henrietta didn't. And Juliette wanted to learn. Now that Juliette embraced her new powers, she wanted to excel. She was an academic too, goddamnit! Ugh! Prodigy Saint Adalind.

"You know…" Adalind began.

God! No, here it comes!

"I really am sorry for everything I've done to you."

And there it is…

"I think part of me, even then, was jealous of you for being with Nick. I was hardly myself when I cursed you, but I still did it and I'm sorry. I won't apologize for doing what I thought I had to, to get my daughter back. I'm sorry it hurt you, but I'd do it again."

Juliette sighed. Damn! Honest too… "I understand that… They shouldn't have taken your baby from you. As for the enchantment?" Another sigh. "Nick started everything when he claimed you. You had no way of knowing he was capable of it. As far as becoming a Hexenbiest. I like what I am now. I didn't like how it happened, but Henrietta pointed out that I never would have made the choice myself. Maybe everything happened the way it did for a reason…

"I even, sort of, get why you cursed me. Nick and I, we should have ended things between us, a long time ago. You're not to blame for our relationship ending. That's between me and him. That isn't to say that I like you, or that I'm not angry. But I do accept your apology and, I guess… I'm sorry for trying to kill you too."


Juliette just nodded.

There was a short awkward silence between them, before Adalind returned to the previous topic.

"I'm pretty sure Henrietta's going to make you do something similar. But it's much more fun with a cookie. You get to eat it afterwards."

"Positive reinforcement?" Juliette was still skeptical.

"No, just making a necessary task less boring. But really, this is important. When there's less magic available it requires a lot more concentration to use effectively. Diana would never have gotten the opportunity to learn this way without the suppressant. It'll be easier for her to manage the larger amounts of power effectively, when the rest of her powers return."

"I guess I'll be taking lessons alongside her then." Lucky me…

"Of course, not –WELL…" She amended. "… not for long. We strengthened Diana's suppressant with the blood of family, twice! It should last years. And, even then, we saved extra. Yours we diluted…with WATER." Adalind clarified.

Juliette's eyes narrowed. "How long will THAT last?"

Adalind shrugged. "A year at most."

"How am I supposed to learn everything in a year? I can't even flip a coin now!"

"Oh, I doubt that! It's just a lot harder. I bet you can nearly Woge…" Juliette watched with trepidation as the witch's expression changed and her sentence drifted off.

Adalind had an idea.

Suddenly, she grabbed Juliette's arm. And, with a lot more force than expected, dragged Juliette into the living-room. She left her next to Sean.

Next, Adalind took the Zauberbiest's hand and placed it around her own bicep.

"Adalind? What the—"

"Stop Sean! You're hurting me!" Adalind cried out.

Juliette's jaw dropped.

Oh god! She's insane again!

She heard an animalistic growl.

Juliette looked in the direction of the noise and saw some-kind-of horrible, grey, eye-less Demon rushing at them. It was terrifying. Dark radiating blackness where it's eye sockets should be. It felt like it would tear her soul to shreds. Frozen in fear, she felt herself forced to Woge.

"Aha!" The crazy witch shouted triumphantly.

Adalind quickly gestured for the rushing demon to halt, and it appeared to bounce off an invisible wall. Only then, did Juliette notice the creature's chocolate covered face.

When it hit the ground, it transformed back into Nick.

Juliette felt herself retract like an overstretched rubber band.

"What the hell just happened?!" A chocolatey Nick demanded in confusion.

"I'd like to know the same thing honestly." Sean ranted. "Adalind just grabbed my hand and started screaming!"

"Oh." Adalind, seemingly, just noticed everyone's discomfort. "I needed Nick to Woge to check my theory on Juliette…" She appeared to shrink beneath everyone's flabbergasted stares. "I'm all done now…"

Nick lifted himself from the ground and dusted himself off with a sigh. He led Adalind back toward their daughter and AWAY from Sean and Juliette.

Renard pinched the bridge of his nose in exasperation but sighed. Perhaps this was revenge for the 'birds and the bees'.

Juliette avoided Adalind until Henrietta finally decided to leave.

May 4th – Around 2:10 AM

When they returned to the other room, Nick had to face Trubel and his mother, regarding his new Woge. More so, his mother than Trubel. The younger Grimm actually thought it was pretty cool.

Kelly crossed her arms and frowned.

"You didn't think to mention this?"

"There was a lot to mention!" Nick nearly whined.

"I like Daddy's scary face." Diana defended.

Nick smiled briefly at his daughter. Sadly, Diana was no match for his mom, not with this.

"Yes, it's very nice. But, it's visible to Kehrseite! And you can't control it?" Kelly huffed. "Part of being a successful Grimm is being able to hide in plain sight."

"That's not all." Elizabeth noted.

"There's more?" Now Nick was confused. He looked to Adalind, but she was just as oblivious.

"No, Adalind wouldn't be able to tell." Elizabeth enlightened the couple, after watching their interaction. "She can ALWAYS sense you now, as her bond-mate. But to other Hexenbiest and Zauberbiest, you track like one of our own. You're recognizable as a being of magic. It's how I knew to give you and Kelly time to talk, the other night. I sensed it, when you walked outside."

"That's not good…" Adalind stated the obvious.

Henrietta shrugged. "You can learn to conceal it." The old witch had just walked over, preparing to take her leave. She and Juliette were getting a ride from Hank. "You can learn to control your Woge too, but not this morning. I think everyone could use a good rest after this long and eventful night. For now, Adalind should be able to conceal you if need be. You two have other concerns right now."

"She's right." Elizabeth added. "We should all be taking our leave. We need to get THIS one back into bed." She lifted her granddaughter from her seat.

"What? You're taking Diana again? Why?!" Adalind was alarmed.

"But I wanna stay with mommy!" The sleepy little girl whined. Everyone could see she was starting to get a bit cranky. Chocolate chip cookies and tea could only sustain her for so long. She would crash soon.

"Because you haven't finished your bonding." Elizabeth addressed Adalind first before directing her son to collect his daughter. "Diana, you remember your mommy and daddy's magic party? Well they need to finish that spell, and they need to be alone to do that. So, for tonight, you, Nana Kelly and I are going to stay at Daddy Sean's house." She turned to her son. "That alright?"

Although caught off guard, the Zauberbiest merely shrugged. He didn't mind spending more time with his daughter, even if he had to host a Grimm. He already had rooms set up for his family as well as a guest room.

Besides, his mother paid for the house in question. Who was he to say no?

Kelly shrugged. Elizabeth always had good reasons when it came to spells and their family. She trusted that much. Besides they'd made a complicated blood pact between them, a while ago, to stop Diana from freezing them all the time. She trusted THAT even more. Neither of them could attempt to separate Diana from either Grimm or Hexenbiest halves of her family.

"I thought Henrietta said we could wait!" Adalind protested. She was starting to get upset, not wanting to part with her daughter.

"Darling," Elizabeth put her arms on Adalind's shoulders and gave a comforting squeeze. "You're about to burst. I would bet that this little one arrives within the next 48 hours at the absolute latest." Adalind didn't see the connection. "Look at it this way, the bond is very similar in essence to both the claiming and the betrothal. Only its MUCH more powerful. When you consummate the spell in six weeks what do think will happen?"


"I don't think you're quite ready for another just yet." Elizabeth concluded.

Nick watched as Adalind slumped in defeat, and he put his arms around her in comfort. Of course, HE was still completely lost, which he promptly noted aloud.

Surprisingly, Trubel enlightened him. "Dude! If you wait, you're gonna knock her up again! Ow—!"

His mother smacked her upside the head.

"I told you she was rude." Elizabeth commented.

"Yeah. I got that." Kelly retorted before turning to Renard. "You got room for two more?"

"Um, couches…" The Zauberbiest replied, wary of playing host to three Grimms, but not seeing any alternative.

"Good enough. Everyone, time to go!" Kelly announced.

"Wait a minute! If we don't do it tonight," No pun intended, Nick thought. "—then it's —uh— DEFINITE? There's nothing we can DO?" Nick wanted to clarify, just in case.

"Oh, Nicky…" Kelly sighed.

"No." Elizabeth replied. Time to take off the gloves. "If you use a physical prophylactic, the spell will remain unfinished, and you WILL eventually be driven to complete the magic properly. This is an ancient rite, and it follows ancient legalities. This is your ONLY opportunity. If Adalind weren't already pregnant, you wouldn't even HAVE a choice. But then, you might not have bonded either."

Nick held Adalind closer. He may not have wanted the bond at first, but now after having it and knowing that connection, he couldn't imagine anything else. He didn't mind the idea of making love to his bond-mate. He just wanted them to have a choice for once.

"Honestly, Nick, you're lucky." Rosalee commented in restrained voice after putting on her coat. He was surprised by her ire. "Seriously, a mixed marriage with a guarantee for healthy children? For Monroe and me, with Vorherrscher, there's a really high risk of birth complications and health problems."

"Yeah man." Her husband added. "It's one of the main reasons the Wesenrein used to justify their actions."

"What exactly is a… Forr-hair-sheh?" Wu asked around yet another cookie while he pocketed yet another one wrapped in paper towel.

Nick was surprised there were any cookies left. How many did she make?!

"Vorherrscher, or a dominance." Rosalee explained. "One Wesen species would be dominant over the other in the baby's genetics. WE can't hybridize. You get either a Blutbad or a Fuchsbau, not both. But the DNA of both is still there AND it's incompatible. Hence, the complications…"

"But you can." Henrietta disputed. Hank was in the kitchen with Trubel and Wu, arguing over the last few cookies. So, she and Juliette were still waiting.

"Yeah, it's why a lot of Zauberbiest became dark priests back in the day." Renard spoke softly. Diana had already fallen asleep in his arms. "We make great magical officiants. It'll turn out more like a blood claim than a bond like theirs, but it WILL guarantee a healthy hybrid child."

"Really?!" Monroe held his wife. This was more than they ever hoped for.

"Yes." Henrietta explained. "Many of the younger Wesen species that exist today originated in this manner."

"Why'd they call them DARK priests?" Trubel asked around a cookie.

"I believe the Wesenrein coined that particular phrase." Elizabeth answered.

Henrietta smiled at the couple. "I can do the ceremony for you, as soon as I acquire another Misericorde. I'm afraid I only had the one. And they can only be used by a single couple. It's why I planned on gifting the wedding set to Nick and Adalind. If they ever decide to renew their bond, one day, the dagger can be used again."

"Wait. What did you call it?" Nick asked.

"The misericorde?"

"Yeah. That was the dagger you used? I thought it was stiletto, but it didn't have a blade."

"It predates the stiletto design." Henrietta answered. "Shorter than the French Poniard, it is slender and bladeless. And was used by knights in the Middle Ages. It could slip between plates of armor to deliver a clean, merciful killing blow to a fallen enemy. Misericorde means, 'an act of mercy'.

"It was chosen for bonding ceremonies to represent finality, a metaphorical dagger to the heart. The end of love's suffering." She explained.

"Nicky," Kelly interrupted. "we had one in Marie's trailer. Every knighted crusader kept a misericorde, and we inherited ours along with the key." She turned to Monroe and Rosalee. "I hope it's still there. If it is, it's yours."

"Do you think my family had one too?" Josh asked.

Kelly shrugged. "Probably."

"Well… then, what she said. If you find mine instead, it's yours."

"There's no way! We couldn't." Rosalee denied.

"They're like, 800-year-old heirlooms specific to your bloodlines, handed down directly from two of the seven!" Monroe was flabbergasted at the history they were offering up.

Kelly shook her head. "You were there for Nick when I wasn't. He could have died without your help, then there wouldn't be any bloodline." She held up a hand to halt additional objections. "Don't argue with me. I'll help you look for it later today."

Luckily for them, Monroe and Rosalee were still too afraid of Kelly to fight her.

Rosalee turned to Nick once more. "Still, remember what I said. What you guys have now… Don't forget how lucky you are. It might seem like you don't have a choice, but that's only because you've already made it. We'll see you tomorr— er, I mean, later today." Rosalee and Monroe gave the couple hugs, said their goodbyes and left.

"You two can discuss this more when everyone's gone." Elizabeth reminded them before leaving. "But, as I said, you don't have long. I can feel Adalind's magic rising in preparation for childbirth. Your window of opportunity is limited." She gave Adalind one last parting smile. "Don't worry, you'll see Diana tomorrow, I'm sure Kelly and Trubel will make sure of it."

Diana stirred briefly when Renard brought her to say goodnight to her mommy and her Daddy-Nick.

It didn't take long for everyone else to say goodbye and leave. The bonded couple listened as all the cars drove away. They felt as Diana moved further out of reach.,

And then, it was just Adalind and Nick… alone in his house.

May 4th – Around 2:43 AM

The silence was palpable as the couple stood in the entryway, tracking Diana as she left.

Nick released Adalind's hand when they felt Diana arrive at Sean's house, 8 minutes after leaving.

Adalind's eyes dimmed…

… both literally and figuratively.

She looked down at the large belly housing their son and Nick eyes followed her gaze.

It was awkward. This would be the first time they would come together, honestly, as themselves. Neither of them knew if it was even physically possible. But Nick supposed it must be, if three mothers were telling them to do it.

And once again, it wouldn't really be their choice.

"… Don't forget how lucky you are. It might seem like you don't have a choice, but that's only because you've already made it…"

Nick sighed. He couldn't think of it that way. Rosalee was right. They already chose to be together. THIS was just a progression of that choice.

Adalind, however, heard his sigh and came to an erroneous, anxiety-laden conclusion.

She looked up at him.

"You don't want to do this."

Nick was too surprised to respond quickly enough.

"I totally get it. We bonded out of necessity, not love. I thought—But it doesn't matter what I thought. I really am sorry for all of this—" Eventually Nick pulled his head out of his ass enough to halt her ramble.

He gently grasped her shoulders to stop her.

The physical connection strengthened their bond. She gasped and blushed prettily.

The air between them instantly charged.

He smiled. "Adalind," he chuckled. "I WANT to have sex with you."


"Yes, oh… I just wish that, for once, it could be our choice. You know, not the requirement for whatever magic. 'Have sex right now or else you'll get baby number three before you know what to do with the first two!' I just wanted this to be different."

"Some people have multiple births you know…" Ever the lawyer, Adalind had to counter.

Nick chuckled again.

He found her nerdiness unbelievably endearing, and maybe, a bit of a turn on.

Now that he was open to the idea, Nick found himself rather keen to extend that first real kiss from the shop the other day. Just remembering her response to him, suddenly, made this all seem VERY easy. Hell, it even made sense!

"Yes," he agreed. "But those babies are all the same age with the same basic requirements. WE would have: an infant, a toddler, and a magical two-year-old going on six. This house only has two bedrooms. We already have to move, as it is."

Nick didn't even realize he was steadily closing the distance between them.

She bit her lip. This time he was aware enough to sense the initial spike in her anxiety. The bond between them almost felt like cheating, it made communication so easy. He loved every moment of it.

"Adalind, I wouldn't mind having more children with you…"

The witch looked up at him in shock. He can't read my mind, can he?

He tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. She closed her eyes against the sensation, as his rough fingertips grazed her temple.

"I just think we should wait. Let's enjoy these two first." He nearly whispered. The cadence of his voice, mellow and soothing… and electric.

Now that she paid attention, she could feel Nick much more clearly. She just needed to ignore her own insecurities and allow herself to feel the truth.

Adalind grinned ruefully. "And learn how to be parents."

"Exactly." The anxiety between them had dissipated. He smiled as she tilted her cheek into his caress. Her skin was so smooth and soft, like warm rose petals.

He loved touching her.

He backed her slowly against the front door.

Although things were happening between them extremely fast, Nick couldn't be happier.

Every moment, since the bonding, reassured him of his choice. Nick always felt her presence connected to his. He never felt alone, and NEVER felt rejected. There was no guesswork. He could feel that Adalind reveled in their bond just as much as he did. It didn't feel contrived or forced.

Well, maybe the honesty and the openness WERE forced. But those only made their relationship easy. Because, honestly, they wanted to be together. And now they couldn't hide it. That's why it worked.

They were meant to be together. He could feel it in every breath, in every heartbeat. And now they were.

His stomach pressed against her belly, warm and full. He felt his son kick him. He chuckled inwardly, not bothered in the slightest. Sorry, Kelly. It's my turn with your mommy now…

He felt her niggling fear rear up again. Now what?

"What's the matter now?" He asked in good humor.

The humor wasn't shared. Nick felt her stomach sink. His brows creased in concern.

"Well… um."

At that moment, he wished he COULD read her mind too. She was waffling.

"Adalind, what's wrong?"

Gently she pushed him back.

"I—uh… Can I use your computer?"

Nick blinked.

Her bubble of anxiety popped, leaving behind… embarrassment?

Nick was confused, and she could feel it. Her face warmed.

"Yeah, of course." He responded. This wasn't rejection. He just didn't know what it WAS.

After another quick trip to the bathroom, Nick set Adalind up on his desktop.

She opened Safari.

"I'll, uh, just go—" Nick wanted to give her privacy, she was embarrassed after all. But she stopped him from leaving. He grabbed a chair and set up beside her. She opened a search engine.

His confusion ratcheted up a notch. Nick didn't even need the bond to sense her embarrassment anymore. Adalind's face flamed, like a beacon.

… so did Nick's, once he read what she typed

[third trimester sex, how to] [ search]
