This night is cold in the kingdom

I can feel you fade away

from the kitchen to the bathroom sink and

your steps keep me awake

dont cut me down throw me out leave me here to waste I once was a man with dignity and grace, now im slipping through the cracks of your cold embrace so please


chapter 8

The very next morning that photo was on the new and on the front page of every popular magazine in sight

Kara didnt know what to think..

she of course knew lena hadnt initiated the kiss but from the looks of the picture she hadnt stopped that woman from getting that close to her either

after she left her date with Lena she went home and went to bed waking up the next morning with no idea how shed gotten there

there were millions of texts and calls on her phone from alex and only 2 from lena


the chime alerted Kara that shed recieved another text from lena so she opened her phone

Lee: we need to talk kara

her stomach immediatly plummeted

could this be lena wanting to break up with her because that woman

or maybe it was just her wanting to explain


another chime

Lee: please meet me at LCorp in half an hour..

Could you find a way to let me down slowly

a little sympathy I hope you can show me

If you wanna go then ill be so lonely

If youre leaving baby let me down slowly

Lena Pov

Hate me, hate me tell me how you hate me

tell me how im trash and you could easily replace me

When lena woke up and saw the tabloids she knew she had to explain what happened but she also needed to know why Kara left right in the middle of their date

she desperately wished that shed never met michelle that woman has already fucked her up once

'Kara is going to see that picture and hate me forever' she thought

mentally beating herself up she wanted so badly to drink

but she knew she should talk to kara and itd probably be best to do that sober

Date me, break me, easily replace me

Hopefully you see it clear, hopefully it's HD

Bet you wonder why the last few months

I've been spacey