Hello, everyone. Centurion here. Here is another chapter of Arc Theory. I'm sorry I've taken a while to upload new chapters, but I'm going through a little bit of a hard time right now as well as update all my fictions. However, this chapter may be a little shorter than others. It's different somewhat because it's something from Lego.
Inspiration: Lego Ninjago Season 6 Episode 1 Winds of Change
The viewers were still talking about Jaune as the Guyver. Ruby and Velvet were the most obvious, gushing over the bio-armor. Yang and Nora were cheering the Guyver killing the Zoanoids with relative ease. The others weren't really talking so much as thinking about the strangeness that is the Guyver.
"This makes me wonder if we're gonna see something dark again." Ruby said worried.
"What do you mean, Rubes?" Yang asked.
"Well, remember the samurai version we saw a few viewings ago?" Ruby reminded, bringing up the dark, suicidal version of their friend.
Everyone groaned at remembering that version of the blonde knight. That was probably the darkest one they've seen.
"I tried to forget that one." Velvet shuddered.
"At least this one had him in awesome armor." Nora said.
Centurion walked into the room. "Did you like Jaune as the Guyver?" He asked.
"It certainly was interesting." Blake voiced.
"Moreso cool though." Nora added.
"I liked the fight." Yang fist-pumped.
"I want a Guyver!" Ruby exclaimed.
"Well, get ready for this next one as it is a little dark." Centurion slightly grimaced.
"How dark?" Ren asked.
"Again, you'll have to see for yourselves." Centurion said as the screen lit back up.
It was a dark, cloudy evening. RWBY, NPR, and SN were spending the day trying to sell flyers for Sensei Ozpin's tea farm while Jaune was checking out some disturbance at the museum.
"Tea farm?" Ren asked intrigued.
"That's the first time I've ever heard of something like that." Weiss said.
"We're helping Ozpin out so it should be fine." Blake said.
"What we're doing sounds boring while Jaune is checking out a disturbance at a museum." Yang complained.
They used their powers to sell more flyers which was working at first, but then a strange wind seemed to rob them of their powers.
"Wait, what?" Nora asked suddenly.
"Our semblances... gone?" Ruby whispered worriedly.
When they got back, they tried to explain the situation to Ozpin when the wind suddenly picked up again. A lone figure was walking in this wind. Ozpin looked out into the darkness and saw they figure reveal itself to be Jaune, but wearing some kind of pale blue armor along with his usual green garb.
"Whoa..." Coco breathed. "Who knew he looked good in green."
"Yeah." Velvet agreed quietly.
"Wait. Something's not right with fearless leader." Nora pointed out. "He looks serious."
"It's Jaune!" A customer exclaimed.
"I know that wind. That's not Jaune." Ozpin said.
"What does he mean "That's not Jaune?"" Sun asked.
"We're about to find out." Weiss said.
"Step aside." Jaune said in a strangely deeper voice.
"Jaune! What's wrong with you?!" Nora ask/shouted.
"I want a word with your master." Jaune said, ignoring Nora's question.
"Whoa! Fearless Leader's gone through puberty again. What's gotten into him?" Nora asked.
"I can sense a foreign entity has taken control of his body. believe the question is not what, but who's gotten into him." Ren said, answering Nora's question.
"What?!" Pyrrha, Velvet, and Ruby shouted.
"Something's controlling him?!" Weiss screamed angrily.
"Whatever beef you have with Ozpin, you have with us! Give us back our friend!" Yang demanded.
"Go, me!" Yang cheered.
"Jaune" merely cracked his neck and let out a sinister chuckle.
"How are we supposed to fight a friend?" Sun asked.
"Let me show you!" The entity within Jaune roared as the blonde hair turned to jet black, blue eyes turned deep red, skin turned white, strange sigils appeared under his eyes, and a menacing green-black aura manifested around him and he ran towards the group, unleashing a strong wind, knocking them to the ground.
"What the hell?" Coco asked.
"This is creeping me out." Ruby said shaking a little.
The entity laughed darkly. "Great. We don't have powers, but he does?!" Nora exclaimed. They all rushed in to attack him, but the possessed Jaune just dodged and counterattacked all their moves and knocked them back down.
"We may not have our powers, but we still have our training!" Sun exclaimed as he ran towards his opponent, only for said opponent to release a gust of wind to SLAM the monkey faunus into the wall.
"Ooohh." Sun winced.
"That was a hard hit." Neptune said.
"So, not only does he have powers, but he can control the wind too?!" Nora exclaimed.
"Apparently." Coco said.
"Why isn't Jaune fighting this entity back?!" Velvet screamed.
"Take the truck! Get them out of here!" Ozpin shouted as the customers and Glynda ran to the vehicle. Back with the battle, Ruby brought out her new shurikens for quick damage.
"Shrikens? Cute. Try this on for size." 'Jaune' used the wind to break the windmill, throwing it the ground, once again knocking the group down and blowing open the door where Velvet was.
"Okay. We're getting our asses kicked here." Yang admitted.
"This entity is definitely strong." Blake said.
"What else will he do?" Weiss pondered.
'Jaune' walked into the tea shop. "Get out!" Velvet demanded.
"Go stock some shelves before you get hurt." 'Jaune' retorted. Grabbing her weapon, she took a battle stance. "I'll take you on!"
"Velvet, no! It's me he wants." Ozpin said.
"Not you, just your father's staff." 'Jaune' specified.
"Why does he want Ozpin's staff?" Ruby asked.
"I have a feeling we'll find out." Ren responded.
"I see you've found the Allied Armor, but I haven't seen you summon any of your friends." Ozpin said.
"Your pathetic students haven't given me a reason to." 'Jaune' taunted gesturing to the group outside.
"Oh, bad move, buddy!" Yang cracked her knuckles.
"Hey! Nobody calls me pathetic!" Yang shouted, sending a shot at 'Jaune', but he used the wind to send it right back at her. Seconds later, he began fighting Ozpin. After a brief scuffle, the staff fell to the floor, rolling a bit, revealing three symbols. When Ozpin saw, he was astonished. "There's a secret message engraved on the staff."
"Whoa." Nora said.
"What do those symbols mean?" Ren thought.
"At last. It's..." 'Jaune' didn't get to finish as Velvet kicked him into a shelf.
"Let's go!" Ozpin said and the two ran out. The group got to the Destiny's Bounty in time and took off, everyone but Yang. She was holding the possessed Jaune back while her friends got away.
"Yang! What're you doing?!" Ruby screamed at her sister.
"What's it look like, Rubes?" Yang retorted, pointing at the screen.
"The staff's getting away! Let go of me!" 'Jaune' demanded.
"Not until you give back Jaune!" Yang demanded back. The entity growled until for a few brief moments... "Yang..." The voice of the real Jaune said.
"Jaune?" Yang asked hopefully.
"Help me." Jaune begged before the entity took back control. Suddenly, Yang was snatched up by the Destiny's Bounty's anchor. 'Jaune' used the wind to try and pull the ship back down, but they used the ship's boosters to escape. "NNNOOOOO!" 'Jaune' shouted to the sky.
"I like the ship." Weiss said. "Nice design."
"So, Jaune is in there after all." Pyrrha said sadly. "He's fighting it."
Once they were away, it was tie to get some questions answered. "Spill the beans, Ozpin. What the hell just happened back there, and what happened to our friend?" Ruby asked.
"Yeah, Ozpin. What was that?" Blake added.
Ozpin sighed in defeat. "You all were not my first star pupils. There was one before you." He admitted, making the group all gasp. "Morro. The Master of Wind."
"Morro?" Blake asked.
"What kind of name is that?" Yang added.
"Where is this Morro from?" Weiss asked.
The screen then cut to black.
"So, how did you like that one?" Centurion asked.
"Why did Jaune have to get possessed." Velvet said tearing up.
"It's weird to hear Ozpin had another student before us." Ren said.
"How will vomit boy get out of that one?" Yang questioned.
"That was interesting." Blake said.
Hello, everyone. Arc Theory is back in action. I've seen Lego Ninjago (Excluding the movie) and season 6 is one of my favorite seasons, with Loyd being possessed by Morro. I think it was one of the most unique seasons of Lego Ninjago. Now, yes, a couple things are changed here, but that's because I wanted them to change.
Now, next chapter is going to continue a chapter I already wrote and got a lot of requests to continue. As usual, please let me know what you think in the comments.