"Bruce, what the fuck-"


"Would it kill you to call-"

"Are you okay-"

As soon as they entered the Batcave, they were ambushed. They had finished the battle with Steppenwolf and gone back to the cave to begin hashing out the details of the Justice League. Upon being startled, everyone fell into a defensive stance...except Batman. Who was staring at the four males with an unreadable expression.

"You're back," the Gotham Bat deadpanned.

"No shit-"

"Why didn't you-"

"Of course-"

"You formed a new team?"

All the overlapping voices quieted at the question. It was spoken by the man in the black with a blue bird on his chest. He was looking at Bruce, face open and imploring somehow, despite the domino mask. The tallest man of the four, in the red helmet and leather jacket, huffed. His arms were crossed as if to appear nonchalant, but his hands were in fists. The shortest of the four, dressed like a traffic light, was glaring at the Justice League, Superman specifically. He would glance at Batman occasionally, face devoid of emotion (quite like a certain bat vigilante). The last of the males, a young man in red and black, was standing there with his hip cocked and a cup of coffee in hand. It would've been slightly funny that the mug had a bat symbol on it if not for the circumstances.

"Yes, this is the Justice League," Batman introduced, followed by a half-assed wave of his hand towards them. If the League happened to group together, uncomfortable with the looks being shot at them, no one would ever say. The man with the red helmet snorted, whether at the name or their reaction was unknown. They could've sworn a smirk briefly appeared on the youngest's face, but it was gone before they good know for sure.

"Bruce, who are they?" Diana asked gently, relaxing slightly from her defensive stance. It was clear now that the Bat was familiar with these individuals, though he seemed tense in a way that indicated a fight could still occur.

"We are his-"

"You didn't tell them-"

"It is none of your-"

"You don't get to question-"

"These are my...sons." And that was how the League was informed of the Batfamily.