A/N: ThisIsMegz gave me a prompt, and it turned into this. It's not quite what she asked for, but I couldn't bring myself to change it. I make no apology for the feels. Post-Deathly Hallows story featuring Harry and Teddy. Turning into a three-shot for Lauraf68. Rated T. Everything belongs to JKR.
Once Auror training had slowed down, Harry had made it a point to try and spend time with Teddy as frequently as possible. He'd had Teddy over at his flat for weekends at least once a month, and was over for tea with Andromeda and Teddy as often as Andromeda would let him. They hosted each other for dinner and Molly helped by making sure the three of them were invited to every Weasley gathering she held. It had taken some time, but over the last three years, Harry and Andromeda had settled into a sort of co-parenting relationship. It was still awkward at times certainly; they were still developing a friendship between the two of them on top of learning how to share the responsibility of Teddy, but Harry felt like they were becoming something akin to a family, especially now that Ginny was just as involved, and it felt good. It felt good to give Teddy a better childhood than he had.
"Follow me!" Teddy yelled as they ran around the playground near Harry's building. Harry had Teddy this weekend and he'd learned from several past weekends that the toddler did better at night if Harry wore him out as much as possible during the day.
Harry scrambled up the playground behind Teddy and followed the laughing little boy down the slide, feet hitting the wood chips before his head had made it out of the covered arch at the top.
"You're so big!" Teddy laughed at Harry as Harry managed to work his way out of the predicament.
"I'm just your average giant, mate." He winked at Teddy who laughed.
"No, you're not a giant. Giants are tall like buildings. You're just big."
"How about I take a turn as the leader kiddo?" Harry readjusted Teddy's hat.
Harry knelt down next to Teddy, "How about you follow me to the bakery and we get a snack?"
"A chocolate snack?" Teddy jumped up and down with his hands clasped in front of him.
Harry laughed and put a hand on Ted's shoulder, "Sure buddy, a chocolate snack."
"Have you ever met a giant?" Teddy asked as they started towards the little corner bakery.
"Yes," Harry chuckled remembering his fifth year. "You're right, they are tall like buildings."
"I want to meet a giant just like you!" Teddy smiled up Harry and Harry's heart melted a little.
"That would be pretty cool," Harry grabbed Teddy's hand as they crossed the street. Ted didn't let go once they made it to the other side.
"I want to be an Auror just like you too," Teddy looked up at Harry and Harry was caught off guard. Teddy had shifted his eye color to mirror Harry's, and Harry was certain that if he removed the hat on Ted's head he'd see his own hair color.
"I want you to do what makes you happy, Teddy." Harry gave Teddy's hand a squeeze.
"Being like you makes me feel happy," Teddy skipped alongside his godfather and Harry felt his chest tighten. If Teddy ever did become an Auror, Harry was going to make damn sure he came home every day.
"Are you going to get a chocolate snack?" Teddy asked.
"I think I'll just get a tea today, mate."
Teddy frowned, "But I want chocolate."
Harry chuckled, "We can get different things, Teddy. It's just fine to want something different than your family or friends."
"So I can still get chocolate?" Teddy seemed hung up that they were getting separate menu items.
"You got it, buddy." Harry laughed, and before Teddy could answer Harry pushed open the door to the bakery and Teddy's focus shifted to the promised chocolate snack.
Teddy pressed his face into the glass case of the bakery and quickly picked out a brownie covered in chocolate frosting and sprinkles and after hurried thanks began devouring it.
"Having fun with Daddy today?" The cashier asked while Harry paid for the brownie and his tea. She laughed as Teddy's response was lost in the mash of brownie he'd stuffed in his mouth. Harry forced a chuckle and quickly moved them out of the bakery.
Teddy looked up at Harry as he swallowed his mouthful of brownie and Harry was pretty sure of what conversation they were about to have - again.
"My daddy and mummy aren't here anymore," Teddy repeated from past conversations.
Harry nodded and put a comforting hand on Teddy's shoulder as they walked back to Harry's flat. "They died in the war."
Teddy was quiet for a moment and Harry could see he was thinking hard about something. Teddy took a deep breath.
"Would you be my daddy?"
Harry stopped dead in his tracks and felt like someone had taken a knife to his chest.
Teddy looked up at him with wide pleading eyes and Harry pushed down the lump in his throat. He knelt down by Teddy and set his tea on the sidewalk, placing both hands on Teddy's shoulders.
"Ted, I am your godfather and I will do my best to be as good of a dad as your dad was."
Teddy turned the answer over in his head, his eye color changing rapidly as he considered his godfather's words. "So, you're as good as my dad?"
Harry swallowed hard, "I'm going to do my very best to be, mate."
Teddy wrapped his arms tightly around Harry's neck and held on with a death grip. Harry pulled the little boy close and picked them up off the pavement, grabbing his tea. He carried his godson back to his flat, cheeks wet by his fifth step.