Ok so sorry for the delay. Endgame anxiety followed by desperation to finish The First Mistake, which I totally completed so go check it out! Anyway. I finally wrote a new chapter. I forgot how fun the characters were in this story. It's so fluffy! 3 Which is what I needed post endgame so enjoy!
Bucky was literally vibrating wit excitement. Today was the day he had been waiting for since 1933. Today was the day that James Buchanan Barnes was getting a dog! Bucky was grinning like an idiot as he walked down the pavement, Steve's hand grasped firmly in his. They were in civilian clothing, baseball hats and all, and Steve was looking damn fine in a black pair of skinny jeans that did wonders for his ass. Bucky could barely contain his excitement, he whipped out his phone to make his announcement to the world.
Bucky Barnes SergeantBarnes
Me and SteveGRogers are on the way to welcome a new addition to our little family! #supersoldiersinlove
Captain America SteveGRogers
SergeantBarnes You're cleaning up after it.
Bucky Barnes SergeantBarnes
SteveGRogers :O rude! They will be our child and we will love them! #whydoiloveyou
Stucky Daily Stuckyismylife
OMG OMG OMG OMG! SergeantBarnes and SteveGRogers are adopting. They are going to be parents! #adoptme #ivolunteerastribute #thisissocute
Bucky chuckled. He had wonder if anyone would jump to that conclusion. He had been purposely vague about their destination. Still it was slightly concerning that people would think they would be adopting a child when Steve was so clearly reluctant. Steve huffed next to him as he read the tweet. Bucky rolled his eyes and swung his arm around his boyfriend's shoulder, planting a sloppy kiss on his cheek.
"Hey at least we could adopt now." Bucky laughed as he nuzzled Steve's neck.
"Yeah but do they really think I'd say that about a kid?" Steve pouted. Bucky thought he looked utterly adorable. He couldn't resist snapping a photograph for his collection. He had an entire photo album dedicated to the many faces of Steve Rogers.
Bucky Barnes SergeantBarnes
My boyfriend has better puppy eyes than yours. This is just a fact. SteveGRogers #supersoldiersinlove #sothatswhyiloveyou
Captain America SteveGRogers
SergeantBarnes Nah. You love me because i'm the only that puts up with your ugly mug #honestly #since1935 #godhelpme
"Stevie!" Bucky whined and stuffed his phone back into the pocket of his leather jacket.
"Yes?" Steve grinned at him, his stupidly blue eyes twinkling with his mirth.
"Fuck you." Bucky pretended to glare at his idiot.
"Maybe later." Steve shot back with a wink and ran off towards the dog shelter. Bucky groaned and ran after him.
The dog shelter was noisy and Steve's heart was breaking. The main reason he hadn't wanted a dog was because he didn't think they would have enough time to give the animal the love and attention it deserved. Bucky had been pestering him for months about getting a dog. Steve was sure that they'd been dog sitting Lucky more frequently as part of a ploy on Bucky's part. Clint's mutt was very friendly and incredibly cute. Steve could admit he had a hard time letting the dog go at the end of the day. So maybe, Bucky's trick had worked. Steve had fallen for it hook, line and sinker. The problem wasn't that Steve didn't want a dog. The problem was he wanted all of them. They all looked so sad and desperate for a home but, being Avengers, they would struggle to look after one let alone a pack.
Maybe once they retired they could think about it?
In the meantime, they would make do with just one, and maybe a cat. He thought Bucky might secretly be more of a cat person if he was given the opportunity to get to know them more.
"Stevie…" Bucky whispered in awe of the animals in the cages that surrounded them.
"Yeah" Steve sighed. "I know."
"How are we gonna choose?" Bucky whimpered and he stared at a a small dirty brown spaniel. Steve looked around. There were so many dogs waiting for homes. They had to help somehow, even if they couldn't look after them all. He scowled as he formulated a plan.
Captain America SteveGRogers
Citizens of New York! Captain America needs your help. There are hundreds of pawsome citizens in shelters all around that city that need your help! Please consider giving one of them a home! #adoptdontbuy #avengersassemble #everyoneisanavengertoday
Clint Barton cawcawmotherfxcker
SteveGRogers aye aye Captain! #Iwantanotherdog
Natasha Romanoff BallerinaWidow
cawcawmotherfxcker No.
Clint Barton cawcawmotherfxcker
BallerinaWidow awwwww… :( #please #captainsorders
Steve chuckled at Nat and Clint's exchange. Like Steve, Clint would probably have an entire farm's worth of dogs. Luckily Nat was the rational one in their relationship. Lucky wouldn't be getting a sibling for sometime. His phone chimed as he got a notification from Sam. He laughed as he read the tweet, which earned him a puzzled look from Bucky.
Sam Wilson ProjectFalcon1
SteveGRogers You gonna have time for a dog as first time parents?
Captain America SteveGRogers
ProjectFalcon1 Our first child is a fur baby obviously #duh
Bucky Barnes SergeantBarnes
ProjectFalcon1 stop distracting my man. We have a dog to find! #happybucky
Steve looked up from his phone to find Bucky smiling at him with an exasperated look on his face and a hand on his hip. Steve shrugged his shoulders and kissed his boyfriend's cheek. Bucky was right after all. They did have a dog to find.
Tony glared at the holographic screen in front of him. He idly span the hologram with a flick of his wrist. The new Avengers compound was still a mess and he just couldn't find the inspiration he needed to finish up the designs. Sure the basic structure was there, and theoretically the team could move in at any point but Tony wanted to make it special. The Avengers Tower was still undergoing repairs after Killian's attack and the team were renting apartments around Manhattan in the meantime. He ran his hands through his hair and sighed, resting his chin on the table.
Tony Stark therealironman
SteveGRogers SergeantBarnes Can we borrow a puppy for my lab? #coulddowithpuppycuddles
Captain America SteveGRogers
therealironman You won't want to give it back. Just look at them! Also why the lab? No experiments on puppies Stark! #adoptadog
Steve had attached a selfie of him and Bucky cuddling a rather large fluff ball between them. Bucky was obviously laughing and Steve was barely containing his glee. The black and tanned fur ball was trying to lick Steve's cheek.
Tony Stark therealironman
SteveGRogers No experiments. I promise. Maybe I'll get a cat instead. They are less needy. #urgh #dogpeoplearetheworst
Bucky Barnes SergeantBarnes
therealironman if you want a cuddle that bad I can always volunteer. Stevie says I'm the best cuddler! #comeonstark #beapal #hugafriend
Tony laughed at the super soldier's antics. It was a well known fact amongst the team that Bucky turned into a cuddle monster when he was tired. If Steve was on a mission during Avengers' movie nights he would latch on to the nearest person and cuddle up to them. It was surprisingly comforting to know that he had a family that was so comfortable to be so openly affectionate.
Tony Stark therealironman
SergeantBarnes You know what? Deal. #comeandgetmebarnes
Captain America SteveGRogers
PepperPotts looks like we're being dumped. You wanna get a dog with me? #heartbroken #howwillisurvive
Tony rolled his eyes at Steve's response. It was so melodramatic. Why was he always so dramatic?
Pepper Potts PepperPotts
SteveGRogers Make it a cat and I'll consider it. therealironman Honey don't work too late. Your new boyfriend won't like to be kept waiting. #iloveyoutony
Tony smiled at Pepper's tweet. He had been so lucky with her, she understood him in a way no one else did and she put up with all his crap. She was perfect for him.
"Tony? You in here?" Nat called from the corridor.
Tony was in the lab of the compound, the only fully functioning room aside from the apartment he'd designed for him and Pepper to stay in when they wanted to. His room was surprisingly simple, he left all the fancy tech at the door. The most advanced item was probably the coffee machine. They had a giant sofa and a roaring fireplace, the whole place was designed to look like a wooden cabin. That had been Pepper's idea. She was much better at interior design that he was. Maybe one day, when he was too old for all this Avengers nonsense and a younger generation of heroes were starting to rise they could get their cabin for real.
"I'm in the lab." Tony replied to his friend. Nat sidled in and sat next to him on the workbench. She looked exhausted. Tony guessed she must have just come back from a mission. Even after the collapse of Shield at lot of Natasha's missions for Fury were highly classified and no one really knew what she did, only that it took a lot out of her. If Tony had to guess it would be some kind of Hydra assassination, burn the Hydra's neck so the heads would never regrow. Clint sometimes accompanied her but apparently today was not one of those times.
"Hey." Nat smiled weakly and rested her head against his shoulder.
"Hey. What do you need Nat?" He asked as he put his arm round her. It was incredibly rare that the Black Widow showed her weaknesses. Tony wasn't exactly sure why she had come to him rather than Clint or even the super soldiers or the falcon. It gave him a warm fuzzy feeling that she trusted him this much. He hadn't really realised they were friends.
"A friend." She said softly. Tony would not cry. He was Iron Man. Iron Man didn't cry because Black Widow said they were friends, and yet he could feel his heart swell and his vision became a little blurry. He squeezed Natasha's shoulder and continued to spin the hologram of the compound.
Tony Stark therealironman
Sometimes a friend is all you need, and the best family is the one you choose for yourself. #feelingblessed #thanksnat
Bucky was in heaven. There were dogs everywhere. They were climbing all over his lap and chewing at his shoelaces. He was 90% sure at least one dog had peed on him, which was gross but he almost didn't care. One particular golden brown dog curled up in his arms asleep. The dog was definitely too big to fit in his arms but the dog had made herself as small as possible then promptly fallen asleep. Bucky was in love.
He glanced over and Steve who was laughing hysterically as a red and white spaniel was jumping up and trying to lick his face. It was pretty funny and Bucky loved hearing Steve sound so care free. They always tried to unwind in between missions but it was tough. People got hurt, or killed and there wasn't always a way to help. Steve took that harder than most. He put on a show of bravado for the team, the army Captain who had seen so much death that he could put it behind him. Only Bucky really knew the truth. Sam could guess, he'd lost people in the military too, but Bucky was the one that Steve woke up with his nightmares. It had been part of the reason he'd wanted a pet so badly. He'd seen how relaxed Steve was when Lucky was around.
He smiled soppily at his boyfriend and snapped a photo.
Bucky Barnes SergeantBarnes
SteveGRogers Light of my life. Oh and Captain America too. #puppies #bestdayever
Bucky chuckled to himself as he posted the tweet. Steve would hate it. It was perfect. He smiled down at the dog in his arms. It was so stupid but she reminded him of Steve. The dog didn't seem to realise how big she was, that she wasn't a tiny puppy anymore and most importantly she had completely stolen Bucky's heart.
"Steve." He called his boyfriend softly.
"Yeah Buck?" Steve looked at him in such adoration that Bucky thought his heart might explode.
"I found her." Bucky smooshed his face into the golden fur and sighed happily. She was so warm and cuddly, he barely noticed Steve taking a photo of them until his phone buzzed in his lap.
Captain America SteveGRogers
SergeantBarnes It looks like we've found our perfect daughter. Can't wait to take her home to meet the family! #supersoldiersinlove #furbaby #shesperfect
Bucky grinned. Steve was so soppy. He carefully carried the sleepy dog to the shelter's owner so they could finish up the paperwork and take her home. He was surprised to see a huge queue of people outside the store.
"Thank you Captain, as you can see. Your support has been invaluable. We'll let them in once you've left" The owner shook both their hands. Bucky thought he might have seen a few tears welling up in the man's eyes.
"It's the least we can do." Steve patted the man's shoulder.
Bucky Barnes SergeantBarnes
SteveGRogers Now we just need to find a name for our perfect little princess #Imsoproudofheralready #supersoldierdads
Captain America SteveGRogers
SergeantBarnes Becca? #supersoldierdads
Bucky Barnes SergeantBarnes
SteveGRogers NO! We're not naming her after my sister! She'll turn out to be a rascal if we do that. Sarah? #supersoldierdads
Captain America SteveGRogers
SergeantBarnes Can't name her after Ma. It's weird and Sarah is not a dog's name Buck. #supersoldierdads
Sam Wilson ProjectFalcon1
SteveGRogers SergeantBarnes Come on guys. You are literally in the same room! What even is the point? #whyamifriendswiththeseidiots
Bucky and Steve looked at each other with big grins on their faces. The shelter owner was in the backroom finishing up the last checks on their new dog. So they'd taken a chance to bicker over social media. The fans loved it and it had almost become an archive of their memories together. Bucky reached up and kissed the blond on his ridiculously kissable lips. Bucky had to wonder how they had ever managed to hide their feelings from the world. It seemed almost impossible to comprehend that now.
He took a selfie of their kiss, their new dog still visible in his arms.
Bucky Barnes SergeantBarnes
ProjectFalcon1 You're just jealous of how beautiful this family is. #hatersgonnahate #supersoldierdads
Sam Wilson ProjectFalcon1
SteveGRogers and the dog are beautiful sure. SergeantBarnes not so much. #whywouldibejealous #lookatyouruglymug
Captain America SteveGRogers
ProjectFalcon1 awww you're making me blush. #thanksangelface
Bucky Barnes SergeantBarnes
SteveGRogers :O DEFEND ME! #sorude #captainamericamyass
Captain America SteveGRogers
SergeantBarnes Sorry Doll. I'm off duty #youknowiloveyou #tiltheendoftheline
Sam Wilson ProjectFalcon1
SteveGRogers SergeantBarnes Ahhhhhhhhh #justgetmarriedalready #youguysaretheworst
Bucky stared at Sam's tweet. His cheeks immediately felt hot and he was sure that his face looked redder than a tomato. They had never discussed marriage. Before they had crashed into the ice, it had never been an option and after they had woken up they just hadn't had the time. At first they had still hidden their relationship, old habits die hard after all, no one had even told them it was better now. They had figured that one out for themselves after crashing through a wedding between two girls during a mission. After that they'd ended up researching the entire history of gay rights that they'd missed.
Sam was just joking though. It was a joke. It didn't mean anything. They weren't getting married. They lived together sure, they were getting a dog together too, but marriage? Who said anything about marriage?
Bucky glanced up at Steve who was staring dumbly at his phone. He looked exactly how Bucky felt, in shock and beetroot red. The worst thing is that stupid little hashtag had suddenly made him realise how much he wanted it.
Sam was sat in Rhodey's office with his jetpack on his lap. They had been looking over some of the Avengers training plans and trying to ascertain weak points in their armour, looking through the most common team-ups and working out how to work more efficiently. They had noticed that the team's non-flyers all seemed to pair up which left them particularly vulnerable. Not to mention that two of the team's most recognisable couples were the ones that frequently paired up. Sam had grown to love both the super soldiers and the spies but he had to admit it was foolish they were always on missions together. They might have been stronger together but they were also each other's most exploitable weak point. There wasn't much Nat and Clint wouldn't do for each other and Steve became downright reckless when there was any sign of Barnes being in danger.
The notifications on Sam's phone had gone suspiciously quiet after his last tweet. Sam was starting to wonder whether he'd crossed some line with his joke. He refreshed his twitter feed a couple of times to check that they really hadn't responded or posted any new photos of their dog, but there was nothing.
Sam Wilson ProjectFalcon1
SteveGRogers SergeantBarnes So what's the fur ball's name? She's cute. #Ivotesammy
"The problem with Steve is he doesn't respond well to other people telling him what to do." Rhodey said as they moved the Avengers' picture cards around the table. "
"So we keep him with soldiers. People used to following orders." Sam suggested. "I can work with them when I'm not with Romanoff and Barton. He works well with Thor too."
"Yeah that could work. I can stick with Tony then. Make sure he doesn't go off on his own again." Rhodey nodded and swiped Sam's picture card to rest in between the spies and the soldiers. "How's the dog hunting?" Rhodey chuckled as he noticed Sam flipping his phone in his hands. Sam rolled his eyes and showed the Colonel his twitter feed. "Cute."
"Yeah. Maybe one day they'll make it out the honeymoon stage." Sam laughed as his phone flashed up with a notification.
Captain America SteveGRogers
ProjectFalcon1 Meet Teddy Barnes! If you're lucky we'll let you dog sit sometime. #isn'tshethecutest #iloveher
Sam let out a sigh of relief. They hadn't picked up on the marriage joke. He was in the clear.
James Rhodes WarMachineRox
SteveGRogers Barnes? You didn't want to double barrel.
Bucky Barnes SergeantBarnes
WarMachineRox Yes Barnes! She's my baby. Steve is just her Dad's boyfriend. #duh
Captain America SteveGRogers
WarMachineRox and Teddy Rogers doesn't sound as good.
Tony Stark therealironman
SteveGRogers Sure sure. We all know the real reason is because you're completely whipped. #itsgross
Sam laughed. Tony was not wrong but then Bucky was just as bad. He was fearless and deadly in the field. The accuracy of his shots were rivalled only by Barton and he could tear through a small army without getting barely a scratch. Yet around Steve he was, ironically, a teddy bear. Sam wasn't entirely sure how the two soldiers always managed to seem so optimistic all the time when they had been through so much trauma. He wondered how much was a mask in front of other people.
Sam Wilson ProjectFalcon1
therealironman and you're not Mr Potts?
Tony Stark therealironman
ProjectFalcon1 Ok. Point.
"Maybe we should call it a day? Wanna go grab pizza?" Rhodey asked as he looked up from his phone. The cards on the table had been forgotten.
"Sure thing Colonel." Sam grinned. It was always a good time to get pizza. He thanked the lord for bringing this crazy group of people together. It really was the best family a guy could ask for.
Clint Barton cawcawmotherfxcker
SergeantBarnes LET ME DOGSIT! I OWE YOU FOR LOOKING AFTER LUCKY! #teddybarnes #shesthebestdoggo
Clint huffed and he rolled over onto his back. He was stuck in the middle of a Wakandan forest running some mission for Fury. Natasha hadn't been answering her phone but Tony had let him know she was back from her mission. He was worried about his girlfriend, it took a lot to shake her so whatever had happened must have been terrible. He was frustrated that he couldn't be there to help her but apparently she was staying with Tony and Pepper until he got back. That must have been what Tony had meant about friends.
On top of all that, Rogers and Barnes had decided to get a dog when he was out of the country! It just wasn't fair. He loved dogs. He was the original dog lover of the Avengers. Lucky was basically the Avengers' mascot. He wanted to meet Teddy so badly. She was utterly adorable and the two soldiers seemed smitten. She had been with them just under a week and the Avengers had been posting photos with her all over twitter. Buzzfeed had even ran an article about the top 20 Teddy Barnes moments so far.
Bucky Barnes SergeantBarnes
cawcawmotherfxcker Nope! #inyourdreamsbarton
Clint Barton cawcawmotherfxcker
SergeantBarnes I hate you. I love Teddy but I hate you. #theworstavenger
Bucky Barnes SergeantBarnes
cawcawmotherfxcker Also Lucky loves her so we're keeping Lucky too.
Bucky had attached a photo of the two dogs curled up together on the sofa. Clint scowled at his phone. Stupid soldiers. They should have stayed in the ice. Lucky was currently staying with Sam whilst Clint and Natasha were away. So Sam had obviously taken his disaster pooch round to meet the newest Avenger.
Clint Barton cawcawmotherfxcker
SteveGRogers Oh Captain, My Captain. You're boyfriend is being mean.
Captain America SteveGRogers
cawcawmotherfxcker Sorry not Sorry. #Luckyisoursnow
Clint stared at his phone in shock. The betrayal! Captain America was an asshole. Steve had attached a photo of him, Bucky, Sam, Teddy and Lucky all squished up on the sofa. Teddy had her paws up on Bucky's shoulder and Lucky was sprawled out across the three men's laps. Sam was smooshed in between Steve and Bucky looking very pleased with himself.
Clint Barton cawcawmotherfxcker
SteveGRogers SergeantBarnes ProjectFalcon1 You're uninvited to my birthday party. #thepainisreal
Natasha Romanoff BallerinaWidow
cawcawmotherfxcker Don't worry. We'll take them down together. #theyaredeadmen
Clint's heart leapt for joy! Natasha! She was ok, or at the very least she was healing.
Clint Barton cawcawmotherfxcker
SteveGRogers SergeantBarnes You are going down! BallerinaWidow Less Than Three #spiesunite
Bucky Barnes SergeantBarnes
cawcawmotherfxcker BallerinaWidow Bring it! When the training room is ready at the compound. Spies vs Soldiers #soldiersftw
Natasha Romanoff BallerinaWidow
SergeantBarnes Prepare to lose. cawcawmotherfxcker Less Than Three
Clint laughed and started to type a reply when he saw movement in the trees. Damn it. It was time to work.
Steve was running his hands through Teddy's fur, relishing in the warmth and calming sensation that it brought. Bucky was in the shower and the sound of him singing loudly echoed around their apartment. It had been 6 weeks since Teddy had entered their lives and they'd finally settled into a routine. Steve would get up and walk her in the mornings, sometimes it would be a light jog but usually they just walked. Bucky would have her food ready for when they got back and then they would check in with Fury for missions. Unfortunately, for now at least, it meant that Steve and Bucky had to separate for missions so one of them could stay with Teddy until she got used to being left for a few hours or with one of the other Avengers. One of them would go out in the field whilst the other would stay home to do paper work or intelligence research. Sometimes Steve took her down to Tony's lab if he was the one to stay home. Bucky tended to visit Clint or Sam on his turns.
Today was the first time they had both had a day off in over a month. Steve hadn't realised how much he'd missed spending time with Bucky. Being a dog parent was harder than either of them had realised. He pressed his face against Teddy's fur and snapped a photo of them both. Sam teased them for becoming those people. Their twitter had turned into a stream of dog photos but the fans didn't seem to care. In fact, they had even been encouraged to set up instagram and accounts for Teddy. The world had fallen in love with her just as he and Bucky had.
Captain America SteveGRogers
Morning cuddles with TeddyBearBarnes #shesthebestdoggo
"Steve?" Bucky called from the bathroom.
"Yeah?" Steve replied.
Bucky appeared in the door way and started to speak. Steve couldn't help but appreciate the view and the water droplets rolled down his boyfriend's chest. Bucky was in the middle of towel drying his hair and his skin was flushed red from the hot water. He looked utterly irresistible, he was also looking at Steve like he was expecting an answer to some question that Steve had not heard.
"Eyes up top Rogers. Did you even hear what I said?" Bucky raised his eyebrow. Steve blinked a couple of times and shook his head.
"Umm…" He remembered Bucky speaking but he had been distracted.
Bucky rolled his eyes and crossed the room in two quick strides. He took Steve's face in his hands and pulled him into a deep kiss. Steve's eyes fluttered shut and his hands trailed down Bucky's chest. "I said." Bucky kissed him lightly in between each word. "Fury called."
"No." Steve groaned. Teddy yapped happily and licked Bucky's cheek.
Bucky chucked and ruffled the fur on top of her head. "Morning baby girl." He kissed her head and then wrapped his towel around his waist. "He wants one of us to suit up."
"Bucky" Steve whined. He was being childish, absolutely but he missed spending time with his family. Even Avengers needed a break. Teddy yapped again and bounced up at Bucky, stretching her front legs out on his chest. Bucky picked her up at sat down on the sofa next to Steve.
"I know. I said he could fuck off. I called Matt and asked him to go help instead." Bucky said with a grin and Steve felt his heart soar. He couldn't ask for a better boyfriend. "Aren't I the best?"
"Nah. Teddy's the best. Aren't you girl? Are you the best bubba?" Steve nuzzled her fur as he wrapped his arm round Bucky's waist. Bucky gasped and muttered something under his breath. Steve just laughed into Teddy's golden brown fur until he felt his phone buzz.
Bucky Barnes SergeantBarnes
TeddyBearBarnes has stolen my boyfriend. I've been replaced by a dog! Any advice?
Tony Stark therealironman
SergeantBarnes Get a cat.
Sam Wilson ProjectFalcon1
SergeantBarnes or a budgie
Steve rolled his eyes. His family were all idiots. He loved them all but how they ever managed to save the world, he would never know.
Natasha Romanoff BallerinaWidow
SergeantBarnes They're all wrong. Rogers is an ass man. Put on the bike leather.
Bucky Barnes SergeantBarnes
BallerinaWidow Does only a towel count?
Tony Stark therealironman
SergeantBarnes Pics or it didn't happen. #doitforthefans
Bucky laughed next to him and went to take a photo. Teddy was covering most of his chest but even that wouldn't hide the complete lack of clothing. Steve panicked and made a lunge for Bucky's phone. Teddy yelped as she fell onto the rug and Bucky let out a surprised squeak as he fell backwards onto the sofa cushions. Steve straddled the brunets lap and grabbed his phone, he threw it gently onto the rug next to Teddy who was now busy chasing her tail. Steve kissed Bucky deeply, taking advantage of his situation before typing out a quick reply to Tony.
Captain America SteveGRogers
therealironman Sorry Stark. Those pictures are off limits. SergeantBarnes a towel absolute counts. #sorrybuck #iloveyou
Captain America SteveGRogers
Also Fury_Nicholas World ending emergencies only. We're going offline for a couple of days. Even Avengers need a day off Director. #dontcallus #wewontanswer
He just wanted to spend a couple of days watching shitty TV with the love of his life and his dog. The world could wait. He kissed Bucky's hair and snuggled down against his chest. Bucky sighed happily and turned on the TV. It was some replay to a sitcom they hadn't seen yet but it didn't matter. Neither of them would pay much attention anyway. They were just enjoying the peace and quiet for the first time in weeks.
And then Teddy started to bark and scratch at the door.
Both men groaned.
"Guess it's time for her walk. Get some clothes on Buck. We'll go to the park." Steve sighed. So much for watching TV.
"Roger that Captain." Bucky half saluted as he squirmed out of underneath Steve. He sauntered into their bedroom, the towel dropping as he walked away. Steve managed to sneak a picture on his phone but, for the first time in a while. He didn't post it. That one was for Steve's eyes only.
I imagine Teddy to look a lot like Dodger (Chris Evans' Dodger and not my dog Dodger for anyone that has seen pictures of my dog, Side note I got my Dodger first so I totally didn't copy Chris it's just a coincidence)
I wasn't entirely happy with this chapter. There is like... no plot? but they have a dog now and that was basically all I wanted. I'll probably write another fluffy filler chapter because AoU because I can't deal with feelings rn.
Anyhoo! Reviews are appreciated and I'm on Tumblr avengersbarnes so you can follow me there for more marvel Stucky content!
- Yaz