Surprise new story!

So, yeah, we're doing Blade and Sailor Moon.

To make this clear, we're using the original anime, BUT! We'll add in elements of the original manga and Crystal, to make it a more 'Ultimate' Sailor Moon experience.

We need to throw you guys a few curveballs after all, and trust me, there's going to be... well, a LOT in this.

Some more surprising than others.

The night was quiet as not a person was out that night, the people of the city nearby sleeping peacefully. It was for the best, so that none of them bore witness to the battle that was taking place. In the woods nearby, the sound of battle could be heard, the sound of blades clashing filling the air, two figures fighting one another.

The first of them was a monster of some kind, with a mostly black body, sporting yellow arms with spikes shaped somewhat like deer antlers on its shoulders, while its head was shaped similar to that of an actual deer with gold antlers coming out of the top of his skull, while he held two long blades made out of deer antlers in his hands.

The other fighter looked more like a human in armor, with a large blocky belt buckle at their waist that depicted a gold spade over a red background. They wore a navy blue suit over their body, and over said suit was silver armor on the boots, shins, kneecaps, forearms, knuckles and torso, though they did have gold colored cuffs over their wrists. Their torso armor depicted yet again the symbol of the spade suit right in the middle, while their helmet was mostly a navy blue with the front being a silver color with a single horn pointing upwards, while bearing red lens over his eyes that looked like the compound eyes of an insect. In his hand was an interestingly designed sword with a silver edge while the main body of it was navy blue with gold highlights, with a silver spade on the handguard, though said handguard looked rather bulky.

The two fought fiercely, weapons clashing, neither giving quarter, before the blue warrior kicked the deer monster back. The deer monster growled before lightning crackled through its body, which it sent flying towards the warrior who rolled and dodged, evading the deadly onslaught, before immediately using the opening that was created when the creature finished its attacked and landed several savage slashes on its body, sparks flying each time the blade made impact, before ending with a stab into the creature's gut, earning a roar of pain as green blood fel from the stab wound. However, the warrior didn't let up, immediately pulling his sword back, before flipping it into a reverse grip, and using the guard as a knuckle to land a savage punch across the creature's face, knocking it back. The creature rolled to a stop, as it shakily started to get back to its feet, but little did it know...the battle was already decided.

Acting quickly, the warrior's free hand went to the side of his sword's guard, and pulled at a tab, unfolding a hidden compartment of several slots, 9 in total, all looking like some kind of playing cards. One in particular, the 6 of Spades, glowed blue, as if reacting to the creature's presence. However, the warrior paid it no heed just yet, as his and went for the 5 of Spades, a card depicting a Locust, with the word 'Kick' on the side and the name 'Kick Locust' under the picture. Grabbing it, he pulled it out and ran it through the side of the weapon, which turned out to hold a scanner. When he did, the slots folded back into his weapon, while the weapon called out "Kick!" as the card turned into a large hologram-like image of the Locust which soon absorbed into the chest armor. Steam seemed to be released from his armor as he moved into a stance, before planting his sword into the ground, before he tensed and jumped upward, flipping forward in the air, before pulling into a flying kick, his body suddenly propelled forward, his foot impacting the creature square in the chest, causing it to be sent to the ground, before it exploded into a ball of flames. However, when the flames died down, the creature was still fully intact, but laying on the ground, breathing weak, while on its waist, a belt buckle like object which looked like an ouroboros circling the letters 'U' and 'D' split open, separating the two letters as well as the snakes and revealing the symbol of spades on the top and bottom with the number 6 in the middle of the belt.

Seeing that, the warrior immediately unfolded his sword once more, the 6 of Spades glowing blue again, and this time he drew it, before with practiced ease, he flicked his wrist, sending the card spinning towards the creature where it embedded into the creature's chest, before it started to glow, the creature turning into green energy before it was sucked into the card. Once it was fully absorbed, the card began spinning in the air again before flying back to the warrior, who deftly caught it, revealing the picture that once depicted chains now depicted a deer with antlers shaped like lightning bolts.

Once that was done, the warrior slotted the card back into his weapon, before releasing a relieved sigh. "Okay, that's 2 down… and a LOT more to go." he said, before he turned around and walked away, soon coming upon a road where a motorcycle was parked. It was a dirt bike in shape, though it was lightly armored in blue and silver with a red seat and yellow lights on the front, while the small window at the front was shaped like a spade out of blue glass.

The warrior got on it silently, starting it up quickly, and rode off towards the city he had been fighting near.

As he rode out, he never noticed a figure standing on a hill within the trees, wearing a silver belt with a smaller rectangular buckle that featured a red heart in the middle, wearing a black undersuit with gold highlights all over it, silver armor on his boots, shins, kneecaps, forearms and chest while his shoulders were covered in black armor. Though his chest was molded into the vague shape of a heart. His helmet was black in color with a silver mouthplate, while his visor was red and in the shape of a heart, with two blade shaped antenna sticking out of the helmet.

They were leaning against a black bike that featured gold highlights, a red seat, and what looked like a pair of silver mantis sickles sticking out of the head of the bike, while the front lights were a red color.

"It's going to be a long fight… Blade." the figure spoke quietly.

Battle Royal. To anyone in this day and age, they would think 'Battle Royale', a free for all fight between multiple fighters. some it had another meaning. To a select few, the word was the secret to the reason for humanity's existence as the dominant species on the planet. Ten thousand years ago, longer than any civilization, there was once a great battle to determine the rulers of the world. 52 immortal beings known as the Undead fought in what was known as the Battle Royal, the winner would have their progeny become the dominant race of the world. It was a bloody battle, but through it all, a winner was decided. Category 2 of Hearts: the Human Undead. And so it was, that humanity became the dominant race on the planet, and the Undead were all sealed away, never to see the light of day again. However… the unthinkable has happened, and the seal has been broken. Now the Undead roam the land once more, seeking to create a new Battle Royal, and once more decide who's progeny deserves to rule the world.

(Intro: Round Zero ~ Blade Brave)


As the music starts, the light dims to reveal that it was from spotlights as the scene reveals Blade and Chalice standing side by side, before the scene shifts to also show the Inner Senshi standing together on what appear to be platform stages.

Tatta hitorikiri kimi no sonzai ga

The scene changes to show several figures dressed in a variety of formal suits standing on various platforms as the lights shine on them, before the scene changes to show Kensuke dressed in a shirt tie and vest, playing with a Game Gear with an amused look on his face as a banner with a Spade symbol hangs behind him, followed by a shot of Kelch dressed in a buttoned up shirt and vest, reading a book with the Heart symbol on it before snapping it shut and looking at the screen and adjusting his glasses.

Itsuka sekai no subete kaeru darou

The scene changes to show a shot of Usagi dressed in a navy blue business woman suit with the vest unbuttoned as she pops a mochi cake into her mouth with a happy smile, while Luna has an amused yet tired smile from where she's hanging off the girl's shoulder. Following that is a shot of Ami in a light blue business dress as she's seemingly typing on something albeit with a smile on her face. The scene shifts to show Rei in a red suit as she's holding a charm before throwing it, followed by a shot of Makoto in a shirt and green vest as she does a roundhouse kick, landing perfectly on her feet.

Koko ni aru mo no wa kibou? Zetsubou?

The scene changes again to show Minako in an orange business woman suit as she winks and blows a kiss at the screen with Artemis giving her an amused look from her shoulder, before the scene shifts to Mamoru who is wearing a suit and tie with a top hat as he swings a cane through the air, before taking off his hat. The scene changes again to show a young man with tanned skin dressed in a full shirt and suit, popping his collar a little as he holds the fedora on his head over his eyes, followed by a shot of a young man in a suit as well wearing a bowler hat with short auburn hair peeking out of it as he dribbles a soccer ball with his legs before pulling the hat over his face.

Round Zero hajimatteru

The scene changes to show Kensuke and Kelch holding up their Ace cards, while the Inner Senshi are holding their transformation devices.

Shiranai to iu tsumi to shirisugiru wana

The scene changes to show a shot of Queen Beryll with the Shitennou, while a mass of darkness rises from behind them, which soon engulfs the screen. The scene then changes to show a rain of Rouze Cards which glow green as the Undead are unleashed from them.

Ugokenaku naru mae ni ugokidasou

The heroes stand before the many enemies, faces determined, before they initiate their respective transformations, as the screen is covered in light.

Kaze ni mekurareta card Uranau you ni warau

The light subsides to reveal Blade, Chalice, and the Inner Senshi along with Tuxedo Kamen, before they are soon surrounded by the many enemies, Blade and Chalice striking down several Undead, before they draw blanks and seal the Undead into them.

Mayowanai hazu mo nai soredemo ashita wo sagase

The scene changes again to show the Senshi fighting against many Youma, they and Tuxedo Kamen watching each other's backs as they hold off the onslaught of enemies.

Mekurumeku unmei Koware sou na jidai ni

The scene changes again, now showing the Riders and Senshi fighting together, breaking through enemy lines, before they were soon faced with Queen Beryl with Metalia behind her.

Kirifuda wa kimi no naka...togisumasareta yuuki ni shite

As one, the group prepared their best moves, before a flurry of finishers were launched forward, to which Beryl countered with her own magic, the two forces clashing with great force.


The final scene changes to show the group once more on stage and in their transformed state, standing tall together.

It was a rather peaceful morning in the Minato Ward of Tokyo, as people were waking up and getting ready for the day. However for some...that was easier said than done. Case in point, the sound from one apartment where in the bedroom there wasn't one, but THREE alarms going off at the same time, each in different parts of the room, forcing the owner of said apartment to have to get up to turn off the alarms.

And even with the three ringing alarms, it took several minutes before their sleep addled brain took notice of the disturbance and brought them out of their utterly random dream of ninjas and demons.

Groaning as he got out of bed, he yawned tiredly, before getting up revealing himself to be a young man that looked to be in his later teens, with light brown hair that was just a bit long, though he was a definite oddity in Japan what with having blue eyes. He was tired, but even then he began stumbling to the bathroom. It was time to start the day...whether he liked it or not.

Several minutes later had him stepping out of his bathroom, completely dressed in a blue t-shirt and a white button up shirt over it, with a pair of jeans and simple sneakers… and having given his hair a quick cut in the shower from the looks of it. "It looks fine, glad I did it myself in the end. Can't visit mom to do it for me and the salons in the area are all WAY too packed with people." he said as he looked at himself in a small mirror hanging off the wall in front of the bathroom door.

What? The one in the bathroom got too fogged up from all the steam for him to use it properly, even if he tried to clean it off. Grabbing a quick bite of breakfast, he was soon on his way to start his day. He had classes in the morning, then he'd work part time in the local arcade in the evening.

He passed by his neighbour in the apartment complex on his way out "Hi Mamoru, bye Mamoru."

The black haired boy barely had time to blink as the slightly older boy passed by him fast enough to leave a breeze, making his green jacket flap a bit from the leftover wind. He looked at the other boy go...before shrugging and continuing on. This was...honestly a fairly common occurrence at this point.

Back with the man who was power walking, he covered a good deal of distance by then, before something out of the norm for him happened. A girl no doubt in Junior High, and if he recognized the uniform right...was probably from Juban Municipal, came running no doubt in a hurry as she was running late...only to trip on...okay, he really didn't see WHAT she could have tripped on, but the end result was the same. "Are you okay?!" he gasped as he helped her up.

"I'm fine. Just a bruise." the girl said with a groan as she accepted his hand and pulled herself up with his help, her long, blonde (strange to see in Japan) hair styled in twin tails dragging up with her and even when she stood they nearly touched the ground. Though now that he got a good look at the hair, it was actually styled to have two small buns on top from which the twin tails fell from, meaning her hair DID touch the ground if it was undone. And when she opened her eyes, he was surprised to see her sporting blue eyes just like himself, making him blink in confusion 'Is she… no, I would have recognized her.'

" something wrong?" the girl asked, and he realized he'd been staring.

", sorry," he quickly said, while also letting go of her hand.

The two were silent for a few seconds, not really sure what to say, until… "Ah! Wait, I'm gonna be late!" the girl said "Thanks for the help, see you again… maybe." she said awkwardly, before running off again towards her school.

He blinked as he watched her run...before looking at his watch and gasping. "And I'd better hurry too!" with that he was running to university as well.

He was really glad that his classes were only in the morning, because the lord knows he much prefered what he did in the afternoon, looking up at the sign that read Game Center Crown.

"Oh, Kensuke, you're here." He heard someone say as he entered the arcade, making him look to the counter to see a young man with dirty blonde hair, though he wasn't surprised with the color because he knew the boy used hair dye.

"Yo, Motoki." Kensuke said with a small wave as he walked into the employee room, coming out a few minutes later with a simple apron on over his outfit, a rather silly uniform in his opinion, but he had to wear it anyway.

"So, this is my second day working here, am I finally going to meet this mystery rowdy customer who made it so you had to hire me?" Kensuke asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Probably," Motoki chuckled. It wasn't a lie either, since he had no way of knowing if or when some of their more lively customers would be coming or not.

"That's not very comforting," Kensuke mused as he went to work checking on the game cabinets that were out, as well as some of the ones that were going to be installed soon, like that Sailor V cabinet that they were keeping under a tarp for now and would only be playable in a few days. "Sailor V, huh…" he mused. An actual superhero in the city. The world was definitely changing.

His ears perked up when he heard the doors to the arcade open, though he couldn't see them as he was behind a few cabinets at the moment, and the a somewhat familiar voice started speaking.

"I'm really glad that exam is over though, I honestly felt like was taking an eternity!" said a teenage girl's voice with probably some amount of exaggeration.

Peeking his head out from behind the cabinet he was working on...he blinked when he saw that it was in fact the same girl he'd met earlier in the day.

"Hey there Motoki! Got anything new in yet?" the blonde asked, while her auburn haired friend with a bow in her hair followed along.

"Not just yet, but we're going to install a new cabinet in a few days, it's a secret until then." the dirty blonde said with a chuckle.

"Okay!" the girl smiled brightly before she began looking around, trying to decide what she wanted to play. Smiling a little, Kensuke chuckled at the sight before continuing to do his job...until the girl ended up stumbling by where he was working. At first she didn't think much about it, figuring it wasn't odd that they'd get another worker for the Arcade...until he finished up and got out from where he was working on one of the cabinets. She idly glanced at him, started moving...before stopping and turning back when her brain made the connection. "Eh?"

Kensuke chuckled "I was wondering when you'd notice me."

Usagi laughed sheepishly "Uh, yeah, I guess I didn't expect to see you again so soon."

"Well, since we seem to be bumping into each other a bit, why don't we pick up from this morning," he chuckled as he got up, dusting off his hands a little. "The name's Kensuke. Kensuke Inazuma."

"Usagi Tsukino." the blonde, Usagi, introduced herself as well as she shook his hand when he offered it.

Kensuke rose an eyebrow "Your parents took advantage of the family name when they had you didn't they?"

Usagi let out a dry laugh at that "Yeah, I've been teased about that one a lot." She'd honestly gotten used to the 'Rabbit on the Moon' joke by now and it was just old.

Kensuke couldn't help but chuckle at that "Well, I'm sure it built character."

"Easy for you to say," she said, puffing up her cheeks a little.

"Usagi, have you decided...huh?" came a new voice, this one belonging to her friend, who now that he could see her, had teal eyes. "Oh, are you new here?" she asked when she noticed Kensuke.

"Yep. Just started this week. I maintain the cabinets," Kensuke said, before turning to Usagi. "Your friend?" he asked.

"Ah, right, Naru, meet Kensuke Inazuma, the guy I told you about earlier. Kensuke, this is Naru Osaka, my best friend." Usagi decided to handle the introductions.

"Oh? So this is the guy you met earlier today," Naru mused, before she gained a slightly mischievous look on her face. "Wow, meeting someone who helps you out in the morning, then running into them again on the same day. Maybe your meeting is fate," she teased.

Kensuke merely rose an eyebrow at the girl, while Usagi's reaction was more… active.

"W-w-w-what are you talking about Naru? F-fate? No way! No way! I mean, I know it happens, but no way it could happen to me!" Usagi said, red faced, and gesturing all throughout it.

The result was to be expected as both of them laughed a bit at her reaction. "Relax, Usagi. That was just a joke," Naru laughed.

"You're so mean, Naru," Usagi pouted, earning more laughs from the two of them.

"Okay okay, I think we've embarrassed rabbit girl quite enough," Kensuke said between chuckles, earning another pout at the joke. "Oh don't be that way," Kensuke said with a chuckle, before giving Usagi a roll of 100 Yen coins. "Here, for the good laugh. Have some fun girls," he said before walking off to continue his job.

Usagi blinked as she looked at the roll of coins in her hand, before looking back at Kensuke and grinning a bit "Thanks a lot!" she said, before turning to Naru, who was giving her a knowing look "What?"

"Oh, nothing." Naru said with a giggle, before she and Usagi chose some games to play.

As the two girls had their fun, Kensuke glanced towards where they were, a small frown on his face...before he sighed, shrugged a little and continued with his job. He was absolutely positive Usagi wasn't what he was thinking, nor was she related to it in some way, but at the same time...he felt something was different about her. But seeing as he had no idea made thinking about it a moot point. For now.

The next few days passed in a comfortable rhythm, as Kensuke would wake up, go about his day as normal, college in the morning and his part time job in the evening. Along the way he'd run into Usagi once or twice, as it seemed his path to college coincided with her path to school, as well as how she'd occasionally come to the arcade. Overall, nothing strange really, yet he had this strange feelings things weren't going to be peaceful for very long somehow.

As it so happened, he had the day off from work, so now he was walking around town after classes. Along the way, he happened to pass a jewelry shop called 'Osa-P'...and noticed the big sale sign. "Huh...convenient timing," he mused, as he had JUST been thinking about what he could get for a gift to send home. It was almost his parents' anniversary after all.

Walking was crowded. No other way to say it. The store was almost packed to the brim with customers, all no doubt wanting to take advantage of the big sale.

"Well… perfect chance to look around." he said, before looking down as he noticed… Usagi and Naru crawling out from within the crowd "Uh, what are you girls doing here?"

Usagi blinked as she looked up at him "Oh, hey Kensuke, Naru just brought me over because her mom has a sale going on, and she was actually going to give me a huge discount, this big 500,000 Yen ring got bumped down to 30,000. And I have some hidden savings that I was thinking of splurging on it."

"Aren't those savings for food though?" Naru asked her friend with a raised eyebrow as they got up.

"Naru… we're talking about a diamond here." Usagi said, as if that answered everything.

"Well…" Kensuke looked at what was starting to feel more like a swarm of piranha. "Something tells me the diamond isn't going to be around for long…" he sweatdropped.

"'re probably right," Usagi sighed in disappointment. "So...why are you here?"

"Honestly...same reason as you two. I was hoping to buy a present for my parents since their anniversary is coming up." he said with a shrug.

"Oh, maybe I could help you then, I help mom out sometimes while she's working so I could probably suggest something good." Naru said with a smile.

"I'd appreciate it." Kensuke said with a grateful nod.

"While you two do that, I'm gonna head home." Usagi said before sighing "I just got my english exam back, and it's horrible, I think I'll ask mom to help me study for once."

"Right...probably a good idea," Kensuke sweatdropped as Usagi soon left. However, just as the door was about to close...

"30 percent? That's terrible," came a familiar voice, which he recognized as belonging to Mamoru, and true enough, the man was standing outside the shop...holding a paper that had previously been crumpled up. "You should study harder next time, dumpling head."

Kensuke just looked at his friend dryly while Usagi snatched her test back and ranted at him. "Ok… that felt out of character for him, he's never that much of a jerk… I'm gonna have some words with him about this when I get home." he said with a sigh.

"You know that guy?" Naru asked as she watched Usagi stomp away from the other boy, who was honestly dressed fancy for no reason at this hour of the day.

"Yeah, he's my neighbour in the apartment I live in." Kensuke told her simply.

Usagi sighed as she reached her house.

She looked up at the home a bit nervously "I hope mom's in a good enough mood today." she muttered, knowing there were days when her mother had a short fuse because of one reason or another.

With resignation, she opened the door, and stopped when she saw her mother vacuuming the entry hall. "I'm home," she sighed.

"Welcome home," Ikuko Tsukino said with a smile. "You're home later than usual," she added.

Usagi laughed sheepishly "Yeah… Naru brought me to her family store since there's this huge sale going on so I browsed a bit… almost got a super discount even from her mom."

Ikuko smiled a bit "Well, I guess I can't blame you if you were with your friend. Now then, I met one of your schoolmates while grocery shopping earlier, he said you got your english exams back."

Usagi got a dry look at that, already knowing who blabbed "Umino… I'm going to deck him one day." she muttered while fishing out her exam from her bag with a sigh "Before I give it to you mom… I'm officially admitting I probably can't do this myself."

Ikuko frowned at that, accepting the exam from her daughter… and sighed when she saw the score, before pulling said girl into a hug "Alright." she said simply, kissing the top of Usagi's head "Why don't you head up to your room and try to start studying? I'll bring you dinner and come help you out soon enough."

"Right," Usagi nodded slowly with a sigh before going to the stairs, though before she got far, the door was opened again, as her little brother, Shingo, soon came in as well.

"I'm home… and my friend is officially an idiot." the boy said with a sigh as he took off his shoes.

"Why is that?" Ikuko asked, knowing he had stopped by his friend's house before coming home.

"The thing he wanted to show me? It ended up being… really stupid… and perverted." Shingo said with a blush.

"Ok, what kind of pervert is he?" Usagi chimed in dryly.

Shingo facepalmed "He stole his sister's panties."

Both Ikuko and Usagi had dry looks at that, turning to each other with the same thought going through their heads 'What a little pervert.'

"I'm going to call his mother." Ikuko said with a sigh after a moment, walking to go pick up the phone.

"He's probably going to be mad at you." Usagi told her brother simply.

"Honestly? I don't care, he brought this on himself. I mean, I get that his sister is pretty, but that's pretty low." Shingo sighed as he walked up the stairs with her.

"Yeah, I'd probably deck you if you tried that." Usagi said.

"I'd deck myself." Shingo shot back dryly, making Usagi snort in amusement "Anyway, how was your day?"

"Almost late, but mom used the frying pan and ladle to wake me up just in time, so the teacher just told me to try to get there earlier rather than right on the bell." Usagi said, some relief evident in her voice.

"Well, at least that's a decent start." Shingo commented.

"Yeah… but then it went downhill when I got my english exam back." she said with a depressed sigh.

"Oh boy… how bad?" her little brother asked with a wince.

"30 Percent," Usagi sighed. "I've decided it's time to ask for help. I know when to stop doing something that's not working…"

Shingo sighed at that, before patting his older sister on the back "Hope you pull through sis."

"That makes two of us," Usagi sighed, but gave him a grateful smile at the support before going to her room. Once she was in there, she took out her homework and laid it out. She was feeling a bit tired, but with how things were, it would be better to finish up her homework first. With that in mind, she got to work...but soon found herself getting distracted...again. "Gah!" she eventually shouted in frustration, pushing her book aside, before resting her head on her arms which she'd folded over the table. "ADHD sucks…" she groaned. She'd never claim she was the most studious person in her school, but she'd usually been able to get at least decent grades. But ever since she started Junior started as simply difficulties paying attention...then she was failing tests despite studying...and sometimes she even found herself eating even when she shouldn't be or even crying at almost the smallest things that upset her.

It was at that point her family had realized something wasn't right, and had taken her to see a doctor. The doctors gave her a check up and soon told what they'd found. She'd been diagnosed with ADHD, explaining her sudden change in behavior and difficulties in school. She'd tried to study by herself, try to focus through her condition...but so far it wasn't working, so with that in mind, it was time to throw in the towel, and accept some help. As if on cue…

"Alright, I'm here." her mother said as she walked in, balancing a tray on one hand as she opened the door, bringing in some food and tea "Shingo's friend was quick to deal with, I just had to tell his mother what he did." she said as she sat down next to her daughter, placing the tray on an empty spot on the table. "Now, how are things going so far?"

Usagi groaned as her head was still on her arms "I can't focus."

"Well, we'll just have to work on that step by step," Ikuko smiled a little before looking at the work so far. It wasn't bad. She'd gotten the basic ideas down, but she had stopped midway. If nothing else, Usagi was already on the right track. With that in mind, she started helping her daughter to maintain focus, and helped her where she could.

The study session however was interrupted when they both heard the sound of the window creaking open, catching their attention. "Huh...did I leave the window unlatched?" Usagi blinked as they both turned to the window...and saw a black cat had gotten into the room. A black cat with a crescent shaped mark on its forehead.

"A cat?" Ikuko blinked, while Usagi pointed at it in surprise.

"Hey! I remember you! You're the cat with the crescent shaped bald spot I met this morning!" she said in surprise, honestly not expecting to see the cat again.

The cat somehow managed to look offended at the words 'bald spot', before jumping onto Usagi's bed, and then down onto the floor, going up to the girl and nudging her.

Usagi… wasn't really sure what to do, as evidenced as she looked to her mom for assistance.

Ikuko looked at her daughter, before looking at the cat with a hum "Well… it seems nice enough." she mused, reaching over and gently picking up the cat, which only blinked at her as she did so. "Ah, correction, SHE seems nice enough." Ikuko said simply, before the cat suddenly got out of her hands, and curled up in Usagi's lap. "And she seems to like you," she added with a small giggle at how cute the cat looked in her daughter's lap.

Usagi smiled a bit and pet the cat softly, and now that she could get a closer look, it seemed the crescent shape was more of a birthmark as it was made of fur rather than it be her skin, though she did giggle as the cat started purring in content, before she looked to her mother "So…?" she trailed off, knowing her question was obvious.

"If you promise you can both take care of her and study at the same time." Ikuko said simply.

"I'll need help with the second one, but I can do the first one easy." Usagi said with a grin.

Ikuko giggled at that "Alright then, let's finish your homework first, then you can think of a name for her."

"Hm…" Usagi mused, before looking at the crescent. "Luna," she said with a smile.

"It's the birthmark isn't it?" Ikuko laughed a bit, as she'd been thinking the same thing too after seeing the crescent shaped mark. It just fit really.

Apparently, Luna herself liked it as well, since she licked Usagi's hand with a happy meow.

"I'll talk with your father to make sure it won't be a problem when he gets back. In the meantime, why don't we get her some milk," Ikuko suggested.

"Okay," Usagi smiled.

A few hours later had Usagi back in her room, dinner over and ready for bed, while she at least finished up her homework. The last thing she wanted was to have issues tomorrow simply because she didn't finish it.

"So glad I'm done with that." she said with a sigh as she sat on her bed, Luna jumping into her lap.

Thankfully, her dad was fine with her having a cat, and seeing as Luna was so well behaved, adopting her was not an issue. Of course, they still needed to bring her to the vet for her shots...but she figured the cat didn't need to know that.

"Guess I might as well go to bed early. Don't want to nearly oversleep again…" she sighed, seeing as everyone else in the house would be getting ready for bed soon right about now. However…

"You might want to hold off on that. I've been waiting till we wouldn't be interrupted," came a new voice, causing her to blink, looking around for whoever said that. "Down here."

At that, she slowly turned her head down, and lo and behold...the voice was coming from Luna.

Usagi looked at Luna, who looked back at her, the cat opening her mouth again "You aren't dreaming." she said, pre-empting the obvious first question "Nor did you go crazy."

Usagi blinked several times "So… are you a mutant then?"

Luna looked at her dryly "A Magic Cat would be a better way of putting it."

"Oh… ok then… magic…" Usagi trailed off, not sure how to respond to that, and instead went and pinched her hand. It hurt. "...okay, so I'm not dreaming…though somehow I wish I were…"

Luna coughed into her paw as if clearing her throat, and sat down, her expression becoming more serious. "Though you've already given me the right name, I'll re-introduce myself. My name is Luna, and I've been looking for you, Usagi," she said, before she remembered something and added, "Oh, but before that, I should thank you for earlier. You really helped me out when you removed the band aid. I can't talk and my sensory abilities are severely weakened when this mark is covered up like that, so thank you very much. But, if nothing else, I managed to find you in the process."

"About that…" Usagi sighed. "Why me? I'm just a regular girl. Why would a magical talking cat be looking for me?"

"Well, it's not that simple. I suppose it'd be easier if I just showed you," Luna sighed, before backflipping in the air, a path of glittering dust following her, before it rolled upon itself and a brooch formed out of thin air, which fell onto the bed. "Here, it's for you," she said.

Usagi picked up the golden item, it had a crescent moon shape on it beneath a large pink jewel, and set at the edge in each cardinal point of it were four smaller gems, in red, yellow, blue and green going clockwise.

"So… besides being really neat… what is this?" Usagi asked after inspecting it.

"Well… short answer, it's a transformation item, it'll turn you into what you call a superhero." Luna said, deciding to give her the short version rather than the long, which would be better given during the day… hopefully when Usagi didn't have school.

"...okay?" Usagi blinked, not exactly sure if she fully understood. "I'm still not sure you have the right girl…"

"Well then, why don't we test that," Luna chuckled. "Put it on and say 'Moon Prism Power, Make up!'. If I HAVE gotten the wrong girl, nothing will happen."

"Ok… should I change into my school uniform then? I think mom will notice if I pinned something to my pajamas." Usagi asked with a raised eyebrow.

Luna looked a bit sheepish "Ah, right, well, I suppose you don't NEED to have it on your clothes for the first usage."

"Well..okay then," Usagi nodded, lifting up the brooch. "Moon Prism Power, Make Up!" she called out. When she did, the brooch started to shine brightly, before her body started to be covered in sparkles as ribbons started to spread from the brooch, and when the light died down shortly after, she was dressed in a completely different outfit from before.

It looked very much like a school uniform, although it was a bit more stylized, with two big red bows attached to it, one on her chest and one on her lower back, wearing long red boots that went up to her knees and gloves that covered her forearms. The skirt of the outfit was a navy blue color, and she wore a red choker around her neck with a crescent moon on it, which she also had hanging off her new earrings… and printed on her boots. Finally, she was wearing a tiara around her forehead with a red gem in it, and two more red gems were attached to her twin hair buns, while she had feather shaped hairclips attached in her hair..

"Woah! This is… different." Usagi said after a moment of looking herself over, even looking in the mirror, before she blushed as she noticed the skirt "A bit short though."

"Ah, well, that can be adjusted, it's pretty much a magic outfit after all, just tug it down a bit." Luna said, and Usagi did so, the skirt actually gaining a bit more length, making her sigh in relief.

" I'm definitely the girl you're looking for...can't deny that anymore…" she admitted. "What now?" at this point, the cat was literally the only one with anything resembling answers to her mountain of questions.

"Well, now-" Luna cut herself off as one of her ears perked up, and Usagi would have questioned her, until one of the crystals on her buns started blinking and she heard a familiar voice.

"Somebody… help us!" Naru could be heard pleading for help.

"That… that was Naru!" Usagi said in panic.

"In that case, I'll explain more later, your friend needs help." Luna said seriously as she nudged the window back open and jumped onto the next roof and turned to look at Usagi "Follow me, Sailor Moon!"

Usagi blinked at how she was being addressed "Sailor Moon huh?" she said, before smirking slightly "I like it." she said, before taking a deep breath and jumping after Luna, finding it now came to her with ease, as the two moved quickly, the moon rising high into the sky.

Kensuke groaned from his spot on the ground, his body weak as heck. He'd taken his time browsing through the store's selection...and really whatever wasn't snapped up by the sale piranhas that were swarming the store. However, that was when he suddenly felt faint while he had been holding on to a pair of earrings he had a feeling his parents would like (they had an odd little thing about occasionally wearing jewelry that came in two pieces, one piece for each of them).

Naru had tried to ask her mother what was going on, as by then several of the customers had fallen to the ground, but when she did...well...that was when Kensuke's instincts flared up when he saw the woman's face. It still LOOKED like her, but it wasn't. That was why when she suddenly lunged for the scared girl, he'd pushed her out of the way, managing to grab hold of whatever this was's arm. "You...what are you? Are you one of the Royals?" he had growled.

"I don't know what you're talking about, but you're in the way," the creature growled, before roughly throwing him aside, causing him to hit a pillar and crumple to the ground.

Naru let out a terrified scream, before she suddenly felt the creature's hands around her neck, choking her. "Mom...why…?" she gasped.

"Stupid girl, I'm not your mother!" the creature laughed cruelly. "She's currently locked up in the basement!" at that, the creature posing as her mother began to change, revealing its true form, her skin beginning to shrivel up, while her hair turned a dark shade of brown and her eyes turned black. When it was over, what stood before her was a hideous creature that looked almost like a moving corpse of a woman, dressed in a dark colored dress, with a scar on its forehead. "And after I've killed you, I'll be sure to send her after you," the creature laughed as she started tightening her grip on the girl's throat.

"Get away from Naru!" came a new voice, drawing the creature's which she turned her head 180 degrees to see who it was, as the voice was coming from the door.

"Okay, that's just disturbing," Kensuke couldn't help but say as he'd shakily gotten to his legs and looked to the source of the voice too. What he saw...made him stop short. "...really?"

Standing at the wide open doors to the shop was… Usagi, but dressed in a really different outfit, though for some reason her face seemed blurry for a second before it became normal.

"Who are you supposed to be?" the creature growled, still holding Naru in her grip.

Usagi blinked for a moment, before she got a little grin on her face "I'm the pretty sailor soldier of love and justice, Sailor Moon!" she said, before striking a pose and pointing at the creature "In the name of the moon, I will punish you!"

"Sailor Moon?" both Kensuke and the creature questioned, before the monster let go of Naru, the girl falling to the floor unconscious.

"Never heard of such a thing!" the monster said, turning to properly face her. "Awaken! My slaves that gave their energy to my great ruler!" she called out, and the various women who had fallen unconscious save for Naru suddenly got up, their eyes glowing with a very obvious controlled look.

"Okay, this feels a little too much like those horror movies," Sailor Moon gulped as the women approached, and she was soon forced to dodge as a rather...big boned...woman attempted to body slam her, followed by pretty much the entire crowd trying to get a piece of her to which she dodged frantically. One particular close call was when she had to scramble to her feet and jump away when one of them came at her with a broken bottle, causing her to slam into a pillar in the process. "This is crazy!" she shouted frantically. Even with this getup in the end she was still just a normal junior high student. The worst she was supposed to be worrying about was her next test or finding a boyfriend, NOT fighting a horror movie monster!

"Sailor Moon, you have to fight and defeat that Youma!" Luna whisper shouted to her from the pillar she was hiding behind.

"But I don't know how to fight! I just wanted to help Naru!" She hissed back at the cat in a panicked tone.

At that point, one of the women came at her with a pipe that came from...somewhere. Sailor Moon shouted in alarm, closing her eyes on reflex, before a loud clang was heard rather than the feeling of metal impacting her skull. When she opened her eyes…

"What are you doing?! Don't sit around when someone is coming at you with a metal pipe!" Kensuke shouted. Okay, maybe he was being a little harsh, but considering the situation, he felt it was warranted. It was good luck he found a piece of display that had broken and didn't have any glass or anything on it to use as a makeshift weapon, which was currently blocking the pipe that had intended to cave in the girl's head.

Usagi looked at him in surprise "Kensuke…" she whispered in a bit of awe as she blushed lightly, honestly finding him cool right now.

Unfortunately the moment was ruined when the woman holding the pipe began repeatedly bashing on his makeshift weapon, and with the others trying to dogpile, he did his best to fend them off without causing lasting damage...but it wasn't long before his makeshift weapon snapped under the pressure. "Dammit, this is bad!" he growled as he moved back. "If this keeps up…" he growled under his breath before reaching into his pocket, and started to pull something out, just as the Youma extended her arm to finish them off. Or he would have if something hadn't caught the Youma's attention, something suddenly flying through the air, and embedded into her arm, causing her to shout in pain as she was forced to retract the limb...which felt numb suddenly. "Who's there?!" she shouted as she turned to see the source of the object which turned out to be a red rose.

Standing in an open window was a man wearing a tuxedo, with a cape hanging off his shoulders, a top hat, and a white mask covering his eyes "My name is Tuxedo Kamen, not that it should matter to you, Youma." he said, before turning his head to Sailor Moon and Kensuke "Sailor Moon, you have to fight, do you really want to simply hide behind your friend while doing nothing?"

THAT got to her. She realized that Tuxedo Kamen was right. If she didn't do something, all she'd be doing was hide behind Kensuke. However, at the same time if the Youma kept controlling all these innocents, no way they would… that's when an idea hit her. If the Youma was controlling them, then odds are she needed focus to maintain the control, so if she were to lose focus… "Kensuke, sorry!" she said, putting her hands together in apology, much to his confusion...before he was promptly used as a springboard, allowing Sailor Moon to leap across the room...and slammed her heeled foot into the Youma's face, earning a screech of pain from the Youma who was clutching her face both from the impact...and the fact that those were high heel boots.

Like puppets with their strings cut, the women all crumpled to the ground, the Youma's control now gone. "Alright, all that's left is the boss," Kensuke said...albeit rubbing his back a little. Good plan or not that hurt.

"At least that worked." Luna said as she came out from the pillar, making Kensuke blink owlishly at the talking cat "Sailor Moon! Use your tiara to finish her off!"

Sailor Moon nodded, albeit a tiny bit confused "Alright!" she said, before grasping the tiara on her forehead and pulling it off, being surprised when it started glowing and took on a more boomerang shape "Ok, that's cool." she said, smiling a bit, before humming and snapping her fingers "I got the perfect name." she said, before pulling her arm back to throw it "Moon Tiara… Action!" she shouted as she flung the tiara towards the Youma, who finally recovered from the kick, but right at the last second, as it could only scream in pain as it was caught by the attack, which released a powerful light as it connected, and when it returned to Sailor Moon's head (which rattled the blonde girl a bit) the Youma disintegrated into dust.

"Well...that's that I guess," Kensuke sighed, glad that the monster was gone. Had the monster been stronger or had they been in a tighter spot, he'd have had to use 'it'. With that in mind… "So… What's with the outfit anyway Usagi?"

The blonde girl turned back to her friend, laughing sheepishly at that, before her attention was drawn up to the window, where Tuxedo Kamen still stood, smiling and giving a nod of approval "That was well done for your first battle Sailor Moon, I hope to see you become even stronger." he said, before turning and leaping away.

"Wow… he's so cool." Sailor Moon said in awe, blushing yet again.

Kensuke chuckled at that, not surprised at her acting that way.

"I'm surprised." Luna said, drawing the attention of the two "No normal human should be able to recognise her when she's changed into Sailor Moon, the transformation grants her a minor glamour to hide her face, so why can you?" she said, giving Kensuke a suspicious look.

Kensuke glanced away nervously "Ah, well, about that…" he trailed off, before his eyes snapped wide as he felt a burning sensation on his chest, pulling out a necklace from his shirt which had a pendant shaped like a spade… and it was glowing "We have a problem."

"What is that supposed to mean?" Luna asked suspiciously. She soon got her answer, when the door to the shop promptly shattered when a new figure entered, dragging a blade against the ground which created a grating noise.

It was humanoid in shape, but with a reptilian appearance with dark blue scales all over its body, wearing silver armor that made it look like a typical street punk, a long sword attached to its right arm that was dragging on the floor, a shorter one attached to its left arm, and yet a third blade attached to the tip of its tale.

The monster growled, and Sailor Moon flinched as its eyes scanned over the store… before they landed on Kensuke, and it growled "Ace…"

"So you can tell the difference after all, Category 2. Lizard Undead." Kensuke said seriously as he finally pulled out what he was going for earlier, grabbing a large buckle with a slot in the front big enough for a card to slide in.

"Kensuke… what is that?" Sailor Moon asked in worry, especially since he called it Undead, the only thing coming to her mind being that this thing was some sort of zombie.

"Not something you should have learned about...but no choice now. Please try to keep your distance at least. Things are about to get messy," he said, before pulling out...a playing card?

"Huh?" Luna and Sailor Moon said almost blankly as they looked at the card...though it wasn't like any playing card they'd ever seen. It had the 'Ace' and 'Spade' symbol on the top left, but the main body depicted a beetle with a red spade on it, and the words 'Change Beetle' written under it, right before Kensuke slotted it into the slot of the buckle, causing a line of cards to be ejected from the other end of the belt, which he let go of as it soon wrapped around his waist, the cards turning into a red belt as an almost pulsing sound filled the room.

Kensuke glared at the Undead before him before calling out, "Henshin!" and pulling the handle on the side of the belt. "Turn Up!" the belt called up as the front section flipped, revealing a spade symbol, followed by an energy field ejecting, hitting the Undead head on as it was thrown back from the energy, before the screen of sorts suddenly remained in the air.

Kensuke bent down slightly, before running towards the screen, jumping right before he passed through it as it seemed to wrap around him while glowing, following him as he kicked the Undead out of the shop when it got back it's bearings from the field colliding with it, and when he landed on his feet, he was changed, much more radically than Usagi though, as he was covered head to toe in armor, with a sword hanging at his hip.

"Wait… I think I saw something like that in the news." Sailor Moon muttered with narrowed eyes, before they snapped back open "Ah! That armor! I saw it on TV the other night! Someone took a picture of it on a bike riding into the city!"

Kensuke turned his head slightly to glance at her "I see, then someone must have seen me after I came back from defeating the Deer Undead. You see this armor is special, since it has a name. Much like how you seem to be calling yourself Sailor Moon in that outfit, my own name changes when in this suit."

"And what would that name be?" Luna asked, thrown for a loop at everything that was going on.

For some reason, they got the impression he smirking under his helmet as he turned back to the Undead "Kamen Rider… Blade!"

The Lizard Undead had quickly recovered, and was now charging forward, only for its blade to be parried when Blade pulled out his sword, blocking the attack. The blade lock lasted for a few moments before Blade broke it and kicked the Undead in the gut, pushing it back. "You two stay back. Help if you want, but be careful! You do NOT want to get hit by its sword!" he said, before charging forward, catching the Undead off guard, and soon pushed it out of the store through the broken door. He couldn't afford to fight it here when there were so many people.

"Now that we're out here, come on!" Blade challenged, a challenge the Lizard Undead was all too happy to meet as the two lunged forward and began a deadly duel of swords. Blade fought in a way that showed someone who'd had extensive training in the art of the blade, keeping the Undead on the defensive with several rapid slashes, while also mixing in a few stabs and maneuvers meant to throw an opponent off balance. However, the Undead was matching it with brute strength and raw animalistic rage as they were forced into a sort of stalemate. However, so far Blade seemed to have the advantage, as while the Undead was taking hits, he knew to block and evade where needed...not that it was helping TOO much since he knew he literally couldn't put down this opponent. Not to mention, he may have trained for this, but he was still human. He'd get tired, while his opponent would be able to go on for much MUCH longer than he could.

"Better not draw this out," Blade muttered. No choice, he had to use the Rouze Cards he already had on hand. But he also had to make them count since he couldn't use them too freely, so with that in mind, he needed to find an opening. However, there was a slight problem as he landed a strong slash, pushing the Undead back, only for it to be back for more. This Undead, being suited for short ranged combat, was more heavily armored than the other Undead he'd sealed. He had an idea how to finish this, but with the Undead constantly coming would be a slightly problematic thing.

"He doesn't look to be having an easy time." Luna said, not really having any way to help him on her mind, especially if what he was saying was right and that thing would likely kill anything that got close.

"Oh, boy, ok, I need an idea." Sailor Moon muttered, looking around for anything that might help her friend with that monster, before remembering she had a long range option attached to her head, "Oh right, duh." she said as she took it off and watched it turn into the boomerang again, and she knew an attack from this might not hurt that monster all that much… but maybe SEVERAL might distract it.

The street was narrow enough, and there were a few street lamps and other things around that would help.

Right, she could do this.

Winding her arm up, she took aim, closing one of her eyes just to make sure she was looking at the right spot, and nodded to herself "Moon Tiara Action… Ricochet!" and the weapon was let loose. At first it seemed like it was shot way off...before it hit a street lamp and rebounded, catching the Undead on the knee, and then rebounded again and hit it again and soon repeated the process a few times, completely distracting the Undead as it tried to swat at the annoying projectile...and leaving itself open to Blade.

"Thank you, Usagi," Blade couldn't help but chuckle as he quickly drew out the cards inside his sword, the 2 of Spades glowing blue as it sensed the Undead it was intended to seal. However, he ignored it for now, going for the 5 and 6 of Spades, before scanning them both in quick succession. "Kick! Thunder!" his weapon called out as both cards soon became holographic images of the card artwork and floated around before him as his face armor glowed red as the energy built up and he planted his sword into the ground, the images absorbing into his right foot. "Lightning...Blast!" he called out as he jumped up, flipped forward, and was soon propelled forward due to the power of his the Kick card, a spade symbol glowing brightly on the bottom of his foot as electricity covered his foot, the attack plowed into the Undead's chest, electricity running through its body, before finally it was blasted backwards, rolling on the ground before exploding into a ball of fire.

Blade backflipped into the air, landing right next to his sword which he pulled out of the ground and unfolded in preparation.

"Yeah, it's dead now!" Sailor Moon cheered as she caught the tiara in the air this time when it came back to her.

"No, it's not." was all Blade said.

"What do you mean? You've clearly defeated it." Luna asked as she came up and looked at the dissipating flames.

"Defeated yes, but remember what I called it?" Blade asked them as Sailor Moon came up and looked over his shoulder.

"You called it… Undead." she said in realisation as the flames died down enough that they could see it was down on the ground, and STILL breathing.

"But that's impossible!" Luna gasped in alarm at the sight of the creature having survived that attack. However, a clicking sound caught their attention as they saw the belt on the creature's waist, an Ouroboros with 'UD' in the center, having now cracked open, splitting the snakes and the two letters, revealing a blue number '2' in the center with a spade symbol on the top and on the bottom. "That belt…" Luna frowned. Something was telling her that was significant.

"You can't kill the Undead. They're immortal," Blade said simply, before drawing the Proper Blank for the Category 2. "You can only...seal them away," he said before tossing the card, which embedded into the Undead's body and soon sucked it in, before flying back to Blade's hand, where he caught the card, now depicting a lizard with a notably sword-like tail. Slash Lizard was now properly sealed.

"So, unkillable monsters that can only be locked away… that's kind of scary." Sailor Moon admitted.

"Yeah… but it needs to be taken care of, or else people could be hurt." Blade said with a nod, before turning to her, and she got the impression he was smiling "Still, thanks for the assist… Sailor Moon." he said in amusement as he held up a fist towards her.

She looked at it for a moment, before grinning and bumping her own fist against it "Right back at you Blade."

And there's the chapter!

So, yeah, first off, Usagi has ADHD.

We thought that would be the best way to explain her strange way of acting, and it actually helps her in a way, since her family and friends are more supportive, despite how much of a stigma japan has against mental illnesses.

Also, the backstory of Kensuke, don't worry, we'll give it in the next chapter.

As for who Kelch is... symbolism guys, come on, it's obvious.

And yeah, everyone is in the intro from the start, including the mystery identities of Garren and Leangle.

Anyway, see you all next time!