Author's notes: Hey everyone, I know it's been such a long long time….and I am an annoying story writer who seem to only update once a year hahaha! I seriously apologize for I had been really busy….one year come and go just like that and I am already pursuing my degree in a university and believe it or not I am writing this chapter while sitting on a bus on my way back to my hometown. To imagine I started this story when I was still in the high school…and now I am writing it on my second laptop (yeah I even changed my laptop and I am still writing this story hahaha). Thank you all for the unrelenting support you all gave to me and this story. I hope you readers out there still love this story and me the same and I can tell you that you are the love of my life. Peace.

Chapter 18

Seifer ran and ran trying to catch up with the two figures walking in front of him. No doubt the two figures walking in front of Seifer are Abs and Luke and something tells him that they ain't just talking a stroll in the park. After minutes of trailing, Seifer hid himself behind the walls as both of them stopped on their tracks.

"What the hell are they doing coming to the sewer?" whispered Seifer as he looked on Abs and Luke lurking suspiciously on the entrance of the Deiling City sewer. Making sure no one was around, they pushed open the door and entered hastily oblivious to the fact that Seifer was trailing close behind.

"Hell! This place reeks, mate!" Luke shouted in annoyance as he cringed his nose.

"Be patient, Luke. We're almost there," whispered Abs as they ventured deeper down the dark lane.

"Why is he meeting us anyway? Thought he wanted us dead!" Luke snorted.

"I'm not sure, mate. Somehow, I feel this time it's different," Abs answered.

"How so?"

"I don't know…just intuition I guess," Luke sighed.

"Aw… to hell with you and your intuition. That's it, I'm getting out of here!" Abs shouted and started to walk away.

"Abs! Mate…come on…maybe he's ju…."

"Just happen to be late cause he had a last minute matter to attend to." Luke and Abs froze as they heard the deep voice coming from their back. Slowly, they turned around and came face to face with no other than…

"Boss! You're here!" Abs and Luke stiffened as they both scanned around their boss' face…boy he looked so pissed off.

"Err…so what's up boss?" Abs attempted to ask casually.

"What's up? What's up?! I'll tell you what's up. First I asked you both to kidnap the fucking president's daughter and you two fucking screwed up and ended up in jail. Then I wasted my fucking money releasing that psychopathic so called assassin who went on ignoring all my orders, attempted to kill the president solo style and threatened me back. Last but not least, I have to hold several fucking meetings with all the fucking members to come out with a new plan to take over Galbadia because everyone is a fucking stupid retard!!! So that's WHAT'S UP!!!" Abs and Luke cringed as Luxter shouted and acted like a madman in front of them.

"Now, the purpose of this meeting is…" Luxter did not get a chance to finish his sentence.

"Wait a minute…b-o-s-s. I thought we're through. Luke and I are ain't gonna work for you anymore," Abs retorted.

"Eh? We aren't? Ouch!" Luke cringed in pain as Abs elbowed him, yet again.

"For bloody sake, you tried to kill us! You sent that psycho into the jail and tried to fucking kill us!" Abs shouted in anger.

"Now, now boys. That's just merely a test from me to you. A simple test of loyalty, nothing more, nothing less," Luxter replied simply.

"Yeah, well, that's one heck of a test. You nearly gotten us killed!" Abs answered.

"Well, there's a little confusion in the orders and besides, you and your Luke buddy here is safe. No one gotten hurt and you two have proven your loyalty to me. So let's just put bygones be bygones and concentrate ourselves on the big future ahead shall we?" Luxter grinned evilly.

"….So watcha think Abs," Luke asked quietly. After a moment of silence, Abs answered.

"Alright we will do it. We will follow exactly what you say. But no more loyalty test whatsoever."

"You have a deal," Luxter answered. As he continued telling his plans to Abs and Luke, he did not realize he had just committed a big mistake. He did not realize all the while they were talking, Inspector Seifer Almasy was listening intentively while hiding behind a wall.

"So, Luxter is going to strike again huh?" Seifer smirked. Anxious to spread this news back to the Galbadia police force Seifer turned around and tried to move away silently. However, he was in such a hurry, he did not see a little sewerage pipe under his feet. Before he knew it, he had tripped over the pipe and feel down, hitting his head the watery floor and making a big splash in the process.

"What the fuck is that?!" Luxter shouted. "Abs, Luke go check it out!"

"Yes boss!" Abs and Luke ran to the source of the sound. Minutes later, they came back with a really wet and semi conscious Seifer.

"Well, well. What do we have here," Luxter snickered. "A drenched Inspector…oh and look a bloody forehead. Poor boy, must have gotten a big hit on your head. Hahahaha!!!"

"S…hut…the……u.p Luxter," Seifer whispered…his sights were blurry and he had troubles standing up after that fall. Abs and Luke were holding him up as Luxter laughed and spat at his face.

"You're asking me to shut up? No, no, no. It is YOU who should shut the fuck up," Luxter hissed as he took out his pistol from his jacket.

"Er, do we have to do this boss," Luke asked quietly.

"Of course, killing him will put the whole police team in a big handicapped position," Luxter laughed evilly. "Say goodnight, Inspector Almasy."

Seifer watched helplessly as Luxter's forefinger pressed on the pistol's trigger. The last thing that flashed through his mind was his dream wedding with his fiancée Quistis.

Back at the Galbadia city square, the crowd was moving along happily. Everything seemed normal but somehow, Quistis Trepe felt a sudden pang on her heart. Ironically, at that moment she felt the pang, she thought she heard a gunshot too.

Author's note: La la la cliffhanger…I love cliffy…hahaha. (Dodges banana skins and rotten eggs). Yes, I am back and with a new chapter too haha. Please rest assure, this story will be completed. So, please review, and once again, thank you for all your support and thank you for reading this chapter!