A/N: Hello all, see I wasn't gone long. Now this is going to be slightly different to my usual stuff. It's going to be a series of one shots just a few windows into 47, Morgan and Seren's lives after Exile. So if you haven't read any of my previous Hitman stories I strongly suggest you do so now. Don't worry I'll wait for you. Are you back? Good. So as these are one shots there will be no over arching storyline, but they will be in chronological order (hopefully). The only exception being the opening here. This opening is set when Seren is around 15, and I was trying something new with the dialogue only format.

Also, this is rated Mature as there will be some more graphic intimate moments shall we say at points. If you're not into these I will mark those chapters with an 'M' next ot their title so you are forewarned. Not all the stories will be like this, just some. You have been warned. So I'll leave you to do waht you always do, read, review and what was it again? Oh yes, enjoy! :)


"Dad, this is stupid. Why am I learning this?"

"Because its important you know how to predict someone's behaviour and this will help."

"I don't get why learning chess is going to help me with people."

"Chess is a complex game which pits two opposing minds against each other. To win you have to predict how I'll play, therefore you must know me as a person."

"But Ma already taught me how to play."

"No. Your mother taught you the rules. I am teaching you how to win."

"I don't see how learning how to win at chess is going to help me generally."

"If you learn to win chess by reading your opponents, you will learn how to predict people's behaviour in the real world. Don't move there."

"What? Why?"

"Because my Bishop is there, meaning you'll lose your Queen. Move that Castle instead. Good."

"Dad, I thought you didn't want me doing what you do for a living?"

"Of course not. But why does this lesson only apply to what I do? Why doesn't it apply to you passing your exams or getting a job? Or learning if someone is being dishonest with you or not? Not everything I teach comes back to killing Seren. You should know that by now."

"I'm not a kid anymore, I know. I just thought chess was about fighting."

"It is. But not all fights contain physical violence. Good, now move your Queen there."

"Still don't see how I'm learning to read you."

"Don't mumble. You need to look for the details, the finer points. Look at how I move, how I react to you, how I dress, even how I enter the room before we start. It's all in the details Seren. Not just what's happening on the board. Do you understand?"

"Yes Dad."

"Good. Now can you see what I am planning?"

"There. You're using your Queen as bait."

"Excellent. See, you're reading my behaviour."

"Yeah, but I know you."

"Do you?"


"That was a good move, but you're still not paying attention."

"Hrumph. Do you beat Ma like this? With cheap tricks and deception."

"I have yet to win a game against your mother."


"Really. She is by far the best player I have encountered. She changes her style every time, making it impossible for me to read her. Even after all this time."

"She's that good?"

"She was an excellent handler Seren, remember that. She saw details where no one else could see them. She knew what I wanted before I knew. It's one of the reason I love her."


"You're distracted. Concentrate."

"You don't say that to her you know."


"That you love her. I've never heard you say it."

"She knows."


"It's all in the details cariad."