Chapter 56: Ending

They walked arm in arm through the gardens of the Royal Palace, the birds were chirping and all in all the atmosphere was lovely. After defeating the Djinn there had been much and more that had needed to be done. The clean up, the removal, and disposal of the dead. Thor had spent a lot of time meeting with the leaders of different nations, there had been funerals to attend, and a Hulk to contain. It was only now, some three months after all of that, that things were finally beginning to settle back into some form of normalcy.

Thor looked much younger but also older and wiser, than he had done in some time. She smiled as she looked at him, and when he stopped and looked at her, he smiled also. "It seems we have been doing a lot of that lately." He said.

"With good reason. It is not every day you defeat an evil enemy and send them hurtling back toward the abyss, knowing they can never return." Sif replied.

Thor laughed and she delighted in hearing the sound. "That is very true. Though to hear it from the Americans you'd think we'd done something terrible."

Sif snorted. "The Americans simply do not understand or rather do not want to understand that things have changed, and that they are no longer the powerful ones in this world."

Thor nodded. "I suppose that is true. I have had Loki watching them for some time, to ensure that nothing strange happens. I think that they will not try anything, but I am not sure. Truth be told I think it would perhaps be better to ensure that they do not try something completely foolish. Tony assures me that he has the President deeply under his control."

Sif heard some doubt within him. "Do you trust him?" She asked.

"I think I believe him. Trusting him is another matter altogether." Thor replied.

Sif hummed in agreement, then deciding to change the topic she asked. "What is happening between Loki and Amora?"

"What do you mean?" Thor asked.

"They have been getting closer to one another for some time. Do you not think that perhaps there is something there between them?" Sif replied.

Thor considered that for a moment and then replied. "I suppose you are right, my lady. I do not know. Truth be told, Loki and myself have not really spoken about that or anything else in some time."

Sif nodded, and was pleasantly surprised when Thor asked. "And what of you, my lady? How are you doing?"

Sif was silent for a moment and then she said. "I am well enough, better for being with you, my lord. And you?"

"Much better for being in your company." Thor said. He then took a deep breath and said. "I know that there is much and more that we must do. I might not always be able to give you the attention and affection you need. And I know there are those who would claim that this is inappropriate, but Sif, I have loved you for a long time. Almost as long as I can remember. And I would be greatly honoured if you would become my lady wife."

Sif was not sure if she had heard him properly, she hesitated and then she saw it in his eyes that he was genuine. She smiled and felt tears prick in her eyes when she replied. "Yes, of course, my love."

Thor smiled, and bent down to kiss her.