Chapter 1

It was late on a Friday night, the skies dark with storm clouds. If someone were to be out in this rain they would be insane. That was exactly what young Jade West was doing. She was going to her boyfriend's home for their usual Friday night movie but the rain was slowing her drive. She could barely see out the window as the rain coated her windshield.

She could have turned around and went back home or never have gone out in the first place. But Jade being Jade refused to stay home with her family. At home was her father who she would rather not share many encounter with, her step-mother who she preferred to call step-monster, and her step-brother who just turned ten.

Jade's strong will is what allowed her to drive through the rain. The wipers on the car were furiously wiping away the rain that quickly coating the window again as she turned the corner where she saw what looked like a person running in front of her car. She slammed on the breaks but not soon enough. The person goes flying back a few feet.

"Fucking idiot." Jade said getting out the car. She goes around to the front of the car towards the person who is lying on the ground. "Are you fucking stupid?" she says to the person as she approaches. "A night like this you shouldn't be-" she stops speaking as she gets a better look at the victim she hit. She knows her. "Vega?"

Laying on the ground in front of her was her classmate, Tori Vega. She was soaking wet, her only clothes being a dress. She didn't look good. She lays there on the cold wet ground not moving. Jade slowly approaches her body. Good she's breathing. At least I didn't kill her. Jade gets down beside her, tugging her jacket around herself tighter as the rain picks up. She reaches out and touches her thigh which causes the girl to wince in pain.

"Tori…" Jade says with some concern in her voice. This was rare for Jade to show concern for anyone, especially Tori.

"Leave me here…" Tori says with a crack in her voice as if she was scared.

"You need to go the hospital. I hit you with my car."

"No!" she cries out. "I don't want to go there."

"Come on Vega. I can't leave you here in the rain." Jade says and a crash of thunder sounds.

"I don't want to go the hospital…"

"Fine. I'll take you home."

"I don't want to go there either."

"I'll take you somewhere else then. Just get in the car please."

Jade helps her get up. She can tell that the girl wasn't in much pain from the car she had just been hit by but by something else since Jade was going fairly slow. Once she had her in the car she continues driving. She didn't know what to do. she turned the heat up to warm the shivering girl beside her.

She was going to ask why she was out in the storm but stopped when she got a glimpse of her arm in the streetlights. There were bruises. They look fresh and not from a car accident. From a person. Those marks were made by a hand. This made Jade swallow hard. Someone hurt her? Why would anyone do that? She so sweet and caring- what am I saying? Jade pulls out of her thoughts as she pulls up to her boyfriend's home, Beck Oliver. She gets out of the car and goes around the passenger side and opens the door.

"Let's go." She offers her hand to the brunette in the car. Tori slowly and hesitantly takes her hand and gets out of the car.

Tori follows Jade through the rain to the front door instead of the RV. Jade knows that Beck goes into the house before their movie night to get some snacks for them to share. She bangs on the door, Tori's hand never leaving hers.

Beck comes to the door. "Hey babe, its about time. You're-" he stops when he sees Tori. He definitely didn't expect to see her here and not holding Jade's hand. He knew Jade never hated her. That she actually was rather fond of her but she would never admit it to anyone. "what is-"

"Get us some dry clothes." Jade demands from him. She feels Tori tense up as she keeps her eyes down. "Come on Vega."

Jade takes Tori up to the bathroom and close the door behind them and starts the shower. "Take a nice warm shower, okay? Get that chill out of your body."

Tori stand there is silence not moving. She looks scared and Jade knows that. Her body language says it all. "Turn around." She says and turns the brunette so her back is facing herself. Jade slowly starts to undo Tori's dress. Her body is completely tense as Jade lowers the zipper. When Tori's skin is shown it reveals more bruises. These aren't like the ones on her arm which look fresh, these are old and have been there for some time. Jade slides the dress off her body. More bruises make themselves known. Jade swallows and grabs the door knob.

"There are clean towels under the sink. I'll be downstairs if you need anything." Jade says and getting a small nod before she slips out of the bathroom.

Beck is waiting for her at the bottom of the stairs with the dry clothes from his RV. "Do you care to explain?"

Jade sighs and takes off her wet top in front of him. "I kind of hit her with my car…"

"You what?!" he exclaims.

"Relax. It wasn't hard. She was running from something. Someone. I think someone hurt her. That's why she was running." Jade says as she finishes changing. "Why would anyone ever want to hurt her?"

"Let's make her feel safe here then until she's ready to go home. Besides I don't want either of you out in this weather again." Beck says and wraps his arms around his girlfriend.

Jade takes the second set of clothes, kisses Beck, and heads back up to the bathroom where she no longer hears the shower running. She knocks gently. "Tori." She slowly opens the door. "I have some dry clothes for you." Jade walks back in and sees Tori on the floor with the towel wrapped tightly around herself. Jade sees this and doesn't hesitate to grab another towel and assists in drying her off.

"You scared the crap out of me tonight. You know that?"

I scared Jade? Is that even possible? She's being nice. And caring. She's actually making me feel safe. I never thought that she would be able to do that to me.

"You're the only one to ever do that to me. I know we aren't the best of friends but I want you to feel safe."

Jade slowly slips on the dry shirt over Tori's head. Tori slowly puts on the rest of the shirt and pulls it down.

"I hope you can get your pants on yourself." Jade gives her a playful smile and turns away. Tori gets up and puts the pants on.

Tori looks over Jade. Her black hair over her shoulders damp from the rain. Tori was still a bit confused as to why Jade was treating her with such kindness.

Once Tori was changed Jade opened the door and started to walk out to which Tori did not follow. Jade turns and holds out her hand again. "Come on. Its movie night." Tori takes Jade's hand and it makes her feel more at ease. She follows the raven haired girl downstairs.

Beck is waiting by the door with some snacks. He smiles at the two girls. "Tori, I'm glad you're staying for movie night. Maybe now we can stop watching horror movies. Those are Jade's favorite."

Jade can feel Tori tense as she holds her hand. Beck notices this and gives Jade a concerned look.

"Come on Vega. We usually hang out in his RV." Jade says and open the door. The heavy rain changed to a light drizzle. Jade takes Tori and goes into the RV as Beck follows. Jade lets go of Tori's hand and plops down on the bed. Beck follows her lead and lays beside her.

Tori stands there watching her two friends on the bed together. It didn't make her feel uncomfortable though she turned her head away. It made her feel left out, that she couldn't be that close to someone. She stares at the floor lost in her thoughts.

Jade gets the movie set up while Beck opens up a bag of chips. When Jade looks over at Tori and sees her standing there still she looks at Beck. Beck moves over on the bed and moves Jade with him making a space for Tori next to Jade. Beck can tell that he makes her a bit nervous by the way she tensed up.

"Tori, come sit with us." Jade says patting the now vacant seat beside her.

Tori comes over and sits beside Jade and slowly leans back.

As they all watch the movie, Tori begins to fall asleep. Once she is asleep Beck turns off the movie. He puts the blanket over her.

"Let her have the bed. We can take the couch." Beck says.

Usually Jade would disprove of them sleeping on the couch but this time is different. She slowly gets off the bed and moves over to the couch were her and Beck spend the rest of the night.

I hope she is going to be alright. Becks thoughts trail him off to sleep.