'The Dismissal' of Cornelius Fudge by Markuop
Rating T
Pairings: H/Hr. Drs. Granger
People to be sent the dock: Dumbledore, Fudge, Molly, Ron, Ginny and the cast of thousands.
Premise: Vodle has crossed the line and broke treaties on the books for over 300 years. The Mundane will not take this sitting down. The Ministry puts their heads in the sand. The motto of Hogwarts is never tickle a sleeping dragon. That Dragon has been tickled, and the magical community will face the results of their actions, and the Dark Lord will get one with a bullet with his name on it.
(Music: Mozart Requiem in D-minor.)
Prologue: Why would they do such a thing?
When people think they have a good thing, how quickly can it go away? This is the case of the magical community. But for one to understand, the must learn the history, as if one does not learn the history, events will repeat themselves. And having an instructor that does not teach it, adds fuel to the fire. Cuthbert Binns had taught only the Goblin rebellions for a very long time and no more modern history.
The relationship between the Magical and the Mundane world has been a secreted one. The First treaty that existed between the two realms was in 1145. The treaty of Lancaster established the limited autonomy of the magical community to conduct its own affairs with crown supervision. Not much is know about the treaty as it was kept silent and was not disclosed until after 1154 when King Stephen died of Dysentery, and the royal journals released to his heir Henry II. Since the Community had done nothing to him, he just let it drop at that time.
In the year 1215 The mundane King John was forced by many of his Barons to sign a document called the Manga Carta establishing the first control of limiting the powers of the King by the people of the land. On the Fields of Runnymead near Windsor on 15 June 1215 at sword-point he signed the document. However the magical community refused to sign the document, not because they wanted the King power limited, but they were scared. The Roman Catholic Church had declared that any Witch or Wizard that did not support the line of the King would be burnt at the stake. This caused the community to go into hiding in fear of repercussions. They attempted to stay off the radar for 400 years.
However in 1633 Charles I got wind of the community and arranged a deal with them. He would allow their community to remain silent. Because he was the head of the Church of England, he could let them mind their own affairs. However, he put conditions in place to show that he had the lawful and regal authority to rule and gave them the power to have their own legislative chamber and own taxation. The Treaty of Kent of 1634 placed these items into law with one unique caveat. If the Crown found that the Magical world were interfering with or committed treason or sedition on the Crown, the Crown had the right to recall the powers and expose the magical world. The Treaty of Galloway of 1691 extended the treaty to include the entirety of the British Isles including Ireland. One of the new provisions included the right of the monarch to appoint a Viceroy of their choosing, with full regal power. This was setup as a check against the community going off and causing harm to the mundane community. It could be said the William and Mary had a feeling and this was a type of insurance for future Monarchs.
For over 250 years the treaty was maintained. However, in WWII the first close brush with breach occurred with the Dark Wizard Gareth Grindelwald. Due to the joint interest of both continuities, a joint operation was conducted, and the target captured. However, this was allowed by George VI as a needed reason for limited exposure. The next breach was not.
In the 1960's and 70's, increasing attacks in the Mundane world attributed to the IRA were actually caused by members of the magical community. As more people died, through back channels determined that the magical community were using the IRA as a scapegoat. Secretly after the election in 1979 that swept Margret Thatcher into power. The IRA and the Government quietly arranged a cease fire and agreed to stop this breach. This was a start of means of communication that would lead in the future to the Good Friday Agreement, many years in the future. The SAS was mobilized and started to fight back. For 18 months the body count rose as members of both the IRA and the SAS, until the night of 31 October 1981 when the attacks suddenly stopped. The Ministry of Magic informed the PM that the target had been dealt with and told the mundane government to go away. The Ministry refused to meet either the Queen or PM Thatcher. To explain what happened. However shortly thereafter the matter of the Falklands became more important. Now years later, the parties involved in the protection of the Mundane world are starting to investigate what happened.
NB: Part of the chapter has sections from another story I wrote, but it is needed for the background.