This is my first My Hero Academia Fic, so as always I'm reading every comment. I'm using a twist I haven't seen yet and it's that Katsuki isn't a bully to Izuku growing up, I'm changing his character to one that is supportive of his aspirations, the effects of this and how it would change their interactions with each other and their class at UA. ill add some other non-canon stuff but for now. Enjoy!

Friends for ever Ch.1 The champion of peace and justice

"With the school year ending I'm supposed to pass out these high school applications but I don't see a reason to bother" the teacher threw the forms in the air "because it's clear you're all applying to hero courses-" Katsuki cut him off "DON'T MIX ME UP WITH THESE EXTRAS" I'M GOING TO UA, IM GONNA BE THE BEST" a classmate interrupted him "You going to bring dek-weight over there with you? It's not like he can get into U.A." Izuku went pale, this is the part when Katsuki flipped out. "Kat-chan don't-"

He stopped talking, his childhood friend got off his desk and walked over to his rude classmate several classmates took out their phones and started videoing this sixth and final rampage this year, Izuku was right behind his fiery friend, trying to figure out how to stop him. Katsuki put his hand down on the kid's desk then the desk exploded.

*Later at the principal's office*

"BECAUSE HE PISSED ME OFF!" he yelled at the principle clearly irritated. the three students were all a little bruised their teacher tried to explain again. " Izuku tried to stop Katsuki from acting rashly after Toshi called Izuku dead-weight then Katsuki blew up Toshi's desk, Toshi kicked Bakugo in the face hence the boot print on his forehead. Like I said it escalated from there."

The Principle looked over the three of them. Rubbing his temples, "Bakugo you seem to be the only one majorly at fault here. So, it's going on your record as your final outburst of the year and I'll be informing your guardian about the incident, Toshi you may leave." The smirking student got up and left the room. the door closed with a click. "It's the last day of school Katsuki couldn't you stomach your pride for two more hours?" Katsuki glared at him. Izuku was about to say something when the Principle told them to leave.

*Later, on the way home*

On their way home, they were walking under a bridge when a muddy ooze started dripping onto the sidewalk in front of them Izuku looked up at the form above them as it came crashing down on the pair, Bakugo let off several blasts trying to break free from the sludge villain. It muttered something as it smacked Deku across the street and tried to force Its self into Katsuki. "You're my hero kid." It said. "HAVE NO FEAR" Izuku looked up in confusion there was no chance that… Then a torrent of wind blasted Katsuki, Izuku and the villain several dozen yards. Midoriya's face smacked into a brick mid-air and he lost consciousness. "I AM HERE" he finished, after seeing that his only witnesses were unconscious the ultimate champion of justice bottled the goo villian and checked on the monster's victims.

Midoriya woke to being patted on the cheek vigorously. "SORRY ABOUT THE HEAD TRAMA THERE CITZEN" Midoriya exploded with joy. "All Might? It's so great to meet you! I need your autograph!" he pulled out his notebook to see it was already signed. "You All Ready Signed It?" All Might, seeing he was probably about to start foaming at the mouth; commented "YOUR FRIEND IS OK TOO." Midoriya's unkempt joy changed to concern "He's ok?" All Might pointed to the limp Katsuki that was drooling on the sidewalk saying "SEE FOR YOURSELF"

Midoriya calmed down now. "All Might I have a question" All Might, feeling the tone shift responded enthusiastically "ANYTHING FOR A FAN BUT MAKE IT QUICK I NEED TO GET OUR FRIEND HERE TO THE AUTHORITES" Izuku nodded nervous now. "Do you think it's possible for me, someone without a quirk to be a hero?" All Might tensed, almost seemed to deflate a little, his smile almost seemed to quiver at this question. "In all honesty" he started. "No, I don't think it's possible, without a strong quirk for anyone to be a real hero." The embers of hope in Izuku's eyes died then, meanwhile the fires of rage lit in a now awake Katsuki's eyes. "THAT'S CRAP!"

All Might smacked the explosion aside, a trash can blew into fragments some ten feet away. "NOW WAIT JUST A MINUTE", All Might began. Katsuki was frozen shocked either from being face to face with his hero or only just realizing he had been saved by then tried to attack said role model. In any case he didn't move.

All Might continued: "I ONLY MENT THAT IT HAS NEVER BEEN DONE BEFORE, COMPLETING A GOOD HERO PROGRAM WOULD BE NEARLY IMPOSSIBLE FOR ANYONE WITHOUT A QUIRK." Katsuki jumped to his feet yelling "We're Going To U.A. And Were Going To Be The Best" he was swinging at All Might now who was holding him back with one hand "THEN I'LL SEE YOU BOTH AT THE ENTRY EXAM," Katsuki froze. "huh?"

All Might explained. "IF YOUR QUIRKLESS FRIEND IS AS DETERMINED AS YOU, THEN I'LL SEE YOU BOTH AT THE ENTRY EXAM, NOW PLEASE EXCUSE ME; I HAVE TO DEAL WITH THIS VILLAIN." All Might immediately left the scene in a bounding leap. Katsuki and Izuku stared at each other. "We just got saved by All Might" they said in unison, they nodded at each other. Katsuki leapt in the air yelling. "HELL YEAH" while Izuku fainted.

Not my longest or best work but I like it, I'm not shipping these two, I'm not good at writing fluff, I'll explain their relationship better next chapter (very soon).