~A Once and Again Series~

The Way We Are

Okay, sad stuff! This is the last chapter! I'll probably write another series sometime, but not right away. Thanks everyone so much for reading
and reviewing!!!

Chapter 30//Leaving it to Change




(starts off at Eli's graduation... continuation of last chapter)

"Wanna dance?"

Jessie's eyebrows shot up and she shook her head 'no'. She looked around the crowded restaurant. Mostly it was Eli's friends, his band mates, Grace's friends, and people who were just good friends of the family. "Katie, there's too many people," Jessie warned.

Katie smiled, "I didn't mean a slow dance! Just, like normal dancing... the kind you do with your friends."

Jessie looked around, even though there was music sourcing through the restaurant, no one was really dancing. Only when a slow song came on, did couples start to form and sway to the music. "No one else is dancing."

"Then we'll be the only ones having fun," Katie urged her with an irresistible smile. Jessie found herself nodding, and following Katie to the small space that was converted to be the dance floor. At first Jessie moved shyly and awkwardly, aware of eyes watching her. But then the song changed, a faster paced rhythm came on. Jessie started to enjoy herself.

Katie was laughing, singing along to the music, and dancing her heart out. Jessie watched her while she did her own dancing, amazed by Katie's pure loveliness.

Karen looked over at the two of them. They looked so beautiful together. Jessie's light hair balancing Katie's dark. Karen grinned. Jessie had brought Katie over to her a little while ago and they had had a great conversation. Karen had saw that Katie was still the bubbly sweet girl who had been Jessie's best friend... only now she was also Jessie's girlfriend.

"Oh, Rick, look," Lily breathed, tugging on her husband's shoulder. "They're perfect together."

Rick looked over at his dancing daughter. Lily watched him out of the corner of her eye, wondering how he'd take it. Rick watched Jessie acting so happy and so free. Jessie had never let herself go like this... she had always been one to worry, one to fear. But now...

[[Rick - Katie's affecting her... for the good. *long pause, thoughtful* My little baby is growing up into a beautiful, happy girl.]]

Rick turned his attention back to Lily, and smiled. Lily smiled back, relieved.

Grace looked over, seeing the two of them dancing and smiled. She tugged on Eli's hand and they joined them. Soon the tiny space was filled with dancing teenagers, and Katie and Jessie were in the middle of it all, smiling happily.

* * *

A while later, Grace was holding Ethan while he slowly drifted to sleep. She looked up, noticing the restaurant was almost bare now. Katie and Jessie had left in Katie's car a few minutes ago, and now the only people left were her family, and Eli. Grace strained her neck, looking for Eli, wanting to share a smile with him. It had been quite a night, and quite a party. She couldn't believe her father had done all this for Eli... she still couldn't believe her father approved of the two of them. It felt good. Everything was perfect.

Grace turned her head, looking the other way, but she still didn't see Eli any where. That was odd.

"Hey pumpkin," Jake said, coming up to them.

"Oh, you want him?" Grace asked, ready to transfer Ethan into her father's arms.

"No," Jake smiled, "I was calling you 'pumpkin'."

Grace smiled, oddly touched. "Dad, I'm 16. I'm not a 'pumpkin' anymore."

Jake leaned forward, kissing her forehead, "You'll always be my pumpkin, even when you're 64."

Grace rolled her eyes, but didn't say anything. She looked down at Ethan, "I think he's asleep."

Jake nodded. "Your little brother is going to miss you when you leave."

Grace looked up, "Hmm?"

"When you go on the tour," Jake said, "He's not going to have his favorite babysitter around anymore."

Grace smiled, looking into her dad's eyes. Something told her it was her father who was going to miss her. "Dad..." Grace said, her voice filled with emotion, "I'll miss you, too. But this tour means a lot to me and Eli."

"I know," Jake said, putting an hand on Grace's shoulder. "I know."

* * *

Eli sat in his and Grace's car. He needed space to think. Tonight was just so perfect, and it hurt him... It hurt him to know he'd be leaving Grace behind soon. He had seen that pamphlet for the actor's workshop, and he knew this was something Grace would want to do... and he knew this was something Grace had to do.

But it still hurt him. He had gotten his hopes up about this tour, and he never even asked Grace if she had other plans. Eli couldn't let her cancel on the workshop thing to go on tour with him. He had to make sure she was following her dreams and not his.

A light tap on the car window made Eli jump, and then Grace was sliding into the passenger's seat. "I was wondering where you went off to," Grace said, her tone happy and tinkling.

"I just had to think," Eli muttered. He slipped the car key into the ignition and turned it. "Are you ready to go?"

Grace nodded, and buckled her seatbelt. Her smile transformed into a frown. Something was bugging Eli.

* * *

"I'm going to miss you so much."

"I'm going to miss you too. But it won't be that long before I come back."

"I know," Jessie said with a sigh. Her hand was tightly grabbing onto Katie's as they sat in Katie's car, parked near Jessie's mom house. "I just found you and now..."

"I'll be back in two weeks," Katie said with humor in her eyes, "You'll survive, Nutmeg."

"I hope so, Ginger," Jessie said, saying their silly nicknames for each other. She leaned closer, pressing her forehead against Katie's. "Just promise me you won't fall in love with some hunky Canadian named Trevor."

Katie laughed, "You promise me you won't go falling in love with Tad while I'm gone."

The girls smiled at each other, saying at the same time, "Promise." They tilted their heads, lining up their lips in a goodbye kiss.

* * *

Eli silently lead Grace into his garage apartment. He sat her down on the edge of his bed and then he thought about how to say this...

"What is it?" Grace asked anxiously.

Eli sighed, and then just got out with it, "I saw your brochure about the actor's workshop."

"Oh," Grace said, slightly surprised, but that was all. "...And?"

"I think you should do it," Eli said. He paused, it hurt him to say it, "this summer. I think you should do it instead of the tour."

Grace opened her mouth to speak, but Eli held up a hand, he wasn't finished. "Grace, I want you to come on the tour, I do... but I don't want you to give up your own dreams, just to become a part of mine."

Grace smiled, "But, Eli, you are in my dreams."

Eli looked at her sadly, "But, acting is your calling. I saw you in that play, Grace. You were amazing. You can't give that up for me."

Grace was still smiling. She shook her head, "I don't have to give it up for you."

"Huh?" Eli asked.

Grace laughed, "Eli! If you would have let me speak, I could have told you I am going to do the actor's workshop--"

"Oh," Eli interrupted, crestfallen. He had told her to do exactly that... he had thought she should do the workshop instead of the tour, but it still hurt to be hearing her agreeing with him.

"Eli!" Grace said, catching his attention, "Listen to me... I'm doing the actor's workshop NEXT summer."

Eli felt his heart lift, "Next summer?"

Grace smiled and nodded, "They do it every summer. Usually Mr. Morris picks his choices for the workshop at the end of the school term, judging them by how they acted in the plays that year. But, when I told him I couldn't do it this summer he offered me a slot for next summer, as long as I act in at least one of the plays next year."

Eli smiled, he was so relieved. "So, you're still going on tour with me?"

Grace nodded, "Of course."

Eli reached down, running a hand along her cheek. Grace looked into his eyes lovingly. "I was so scared I would have to do it without you," Eli admitted, "Even though I thought you should do the workshop, a part of me selfishly wanted you with me on tour anyways."

"Well, I can do both," Grace said lightly. But she could see in Eli's eyes just how upset he had been at the idea of their separation for the summer. "And if I couldn't, I would have still picked you, Eli."

Eli smiled, "I wouldn't have let you pick me."

Grace smiled, "You wouldn't have had a say in it. I'm very single- minded when I want to be."

Eli nodded, "That's one of things I love about you." He bent down, meeting Grace in a passionate kiss.

When their lips untangled Grace looked up into his eyes. She touched his lips lightly with her finger, "And your kisses are one of the things I love about you."

"What else do you love about me?" Eli asked, as he and Grace fell over onto the bed. Eli lay on top of her, his hands linked in her fine brown hair.

Grace kissed his lips lightly. "Everything," She answered.

"Me too," Eli murmured into her neck, "Me too."

* * *


Grace stood up from the kitchen table, her eyes widening at Zoe's yell. Eli followed her into the living room. Lily and Zoe had just walked in the front door.

"Isn't she so cute?" Zoe asked, she shifted her arms, and a small black dog peeked over at Eli and Grace. "I named her Pringles."

They all petted the tiny dog. Grace laughed as the dog licked her fingers.

"I thought you didn't like dogs," Zoe said accusingly as Grace cradled the puppy in her arms.

Grace smiled, "So, I changed my mind."

Zoe grinned, "Come here, Pringles." Pringles obeyed; already everyone could see Zoe was the dog's favorite. Zoe picked the dog up and hugged it happily.

* * *

"We have news," Lily said two weeks later.

Zoe rolled her eyes, "I think we all figured that out when you asked us to sit in the living room."

"Yeah," Eli added with a smile, "We don't have these family meetings unless you guys have news."

"So?" Jessie asked.

"Yeah, what is it?" Grace said, "I really should finish packing."

Rick opened his mouth to speak, but Zoe spoke up. "The last time they called us together like this was when they told us they were having a baby," She reminded the rest of them.

Jessie nodded, "Well, it can't be that. Maybe we're getting a bigger house!"

Grace shook her head, "I doubt it. But with the baby coming, soon someone's going to have to share a room again."

The three girls looked at each other warily. No one wanted to have to share a room. Jessie and Zoe hadn't gotten along, and Jessie and Grace probably wouldn't be much better.... and Grace and Zoe would just be a disaster waiting to happen.

Lily turned and looked at Rick with a soft smile.

"After the tour I'll have enough money to move into my own apartment if I want," Eli said thoughtfully. "That would be cool."

"I call dibs on the garage!" Zoe said quickly.

"No way!" Grace said with annoyance, "You are the youngest. I get the apartment, and then Jessie, if she wants it."

Jessie shook her head, "I like the attic."

Zoe frowned, "That's not fair! I want to at least get to live in the attic or the garage. You guys can't have both!"

"I'm not giving up the attic," Jessie said at the same time Grace said, "Yes we can... we're older!"

Zoe fumed. "That's so not fair! I hate being the youngest!" Pringles, in her lap, was sleeping through the whole fight.

"I'll be gone in two years!" Grace reminded her, "Then I'll move in with Eli when I go to college." She looked at Eli and they shared a smile.

Lily's eyes widened at that, "Hey, hey, no one's moving anywhere, yet."

Jessie rolled her eyes, "Well, then what did you want to talk to us about?"

Rick took his wife's hand, "We just thought you should know..."

Lily picked it up and continued, "We had another doctor's visit. And they did an ultrasound, and they heard two heartbeats."

For a moment the room was silent, and then they all started talking at once.

"You mean two babies?" Zoe squealed.

"Twins?" Grace asked, a bit unsure of what to think of it.

"Wow!" Jessie said, amazed.

"Twins," Eli said quietly.

Lily and Rick smiled at each other. "Yup, twins," Lily said happily. The room was silent again, thinking of what this meant... they'd have two new additions to the family... two voices crying at night, two babies needed to be changed and feed...

Zoe wrinkled her nose, "So, where are they going to sleep?"

Rick smiled, "In our room while they're young... and then we'll figure something out."

Lily nodded. They'd figure something out, together, as a family.

* * *

"I can't believe she cried," Grace said as she lay back in Eli's arms. They were on their way, on the road. Anti-Inflammatory wasn't big enough to have a nice tour bus, but since they were traveling with Delivery, anyways, the two bands were sharing a rather nice tour bus.

Now Grace was sitting with Eli on the couch of the bus, leaning back against him, recalling the tears in her mother's eyes as they had said goodbye.

"If I'm not mistaken, you were a little teary-eyed, too," Eli said, kissing her cheek.

Grace nodded. Eli's cell phone went off. Eli searched his pockets until he had pulled it out, "Hello?"

"It's for you," Eli said with a smile, handing the phone off to Grace.

"Hello?" Grace asked uncertainly into the phone.

"Gracie," Her mother's voice came back, loud and clear.

Grace smiled, "Mom!"

"Miss me?" Lily asked.

"It hasn't even been a day yet," Grace said with a little laugh, "But, yeah, I miss you."

"I miss you too, honey," Lily said, "No don't forget to call me or your father... every night."

Grace rolled her eyes at Eli, but with a smile, "I will Mom. I love you."

"I love you too," Lily said. "Uh, Zoe wants to talk to you."


"Hi Grace!" Zoe said excitedly, "I trained Pringles to sit today! You missed it!"

Grace smiled, "That's great, Zoe. You'll have to teach Pringles how to do a lot of things by the time I come back."

"I will!" Zoe said, surely. "Oh, Mom says I should let you go. We love you!"

"I love you guys too," Grace said softly. "Bye."

Grace ended the phone call, handing it back to Eli.

"Are you okay?" Eli asked, seeing the sad look in Grace's eyes.

Grace nodded, "I will be."

Eli kissed her lightly and then pulled her back against him. They sat in silence, watching the trees passing by in the opposite window. The radio played in the background as Eli held her.

"I'm leaving today

Living it, leaving it to change..."

Grace sighed contentedly in Eli's arms. This was actually happening. She was actually going on tour with her boyfriend, the guy of her dreams... her true love.

"...Slowly drifting into a peaceful breeze

Tongue tied, twisted are all my memories

Celebrating a fantasy come true

Packing all my bags finally on the move...

I'm leaving today

I'm living it, leaving it to change..."

Amy walked past them on her way to the front to talk with the other guys. She smiled at them, and Grace wondered why she had ever been afraid that Amy would steal Eli away. Grace knew now that no one would ever be able to take Eli away from her... he just loved her too much. He was her soul mate.

"...As I'm driving I'm captured by the view

So much beauty, the road becomes my muse

The heat is rising and my hand flies through the wind

Cool, calm, collective is a child that lies within..."

"Grace?" Eli asked.

"Hmm?" Grace asked, lost in the song and her own thoughts.

"Did you ever think two years ago, that we'd be here right now... that we'd be a couple?"

Grace turned her head, so she could look back at him, "Never."

"But, now, I couldn't picture myself with anyone else," Eli said, turning his head to kiss her.

"Me either," Grace agreed between kisses.

"...I'm leaving today

I'm living it, I'm leaving it to change..."

"We're going to be okay," Eli said reassuringly.

Grace nodded, with a smile, "Everything's going to be okay."

* * * * * * * * *

The End.