Hero of Ferelden (Ren Surana) & Dorian Pavus

1. Cautionary Tale

"So, the Hero of Ferelden. You were quite the conversation starter in the Magisterium ten years ago."

"All good things, I hope."

"Mostly, if I recall. Tevinter will take any opportunity to proclaim how their customs are superior to their southern cousins."

"Our Chantry does the same. But, how does my defeating the blight factor in to Tevinter pride?"

"Are you kidding? Elven Circle Mage rises from obscurity to save a magic fearing nation from itself. And then demands autonomy for his fellows!"

"But the boon never came, unsurprisingly."

"Exactly! It's precisely the sort of anecdote Tevinter would make up about the south to encourage the lower class to keep faith in the Magisters."

"Well... good to know I was inspiring slaves to continue being slaves."

2A. Recruiting the Mages (Conscription)

"And the southern Mages are pressed back into servitude. How delightful."

"Trust me, we're used to it. Although, that doesn't make it sting any less."

"Isn't it tiring? Having to settle for maybe later. It's a wonder they didn't rebel sooner."

"Most southern mages spend their lives being afraid of themselves, of what they can do. The closest thing we have to Tevinter pride are the Libertarians. And they're insufferable."

"Ah yes, your fraternities. Did you ever join one?"

"Not formally. I was a Circle Mage for the better part of an afternoon before becoming a Warden. But I've always considered myself an Aequitarian."

"Ever the moderate."

"Moderates are hardest to pin down."

2B. Recruiting the Mages (Allies)

"How's it feel to be a free man, er- Elf, I suppose?"

"Feeling homesick, Dorian?"

"Don't avoid the question. I can't be the only one giddy over current events."

"Grey Wardens aren't beholden to the Chantry's rule over mages... but it does bring a smile to my face."

"Good. Because you do realize the real work starts now, right?"

"Yes. Having freedom is one thing. Being worthy of keeping it is another. There'll be no room for mistakes from here on out."

2C. Recruiting the Templars (Conscription)

"Is this what Tevinter feels like?"

"I beg your pardon?"

"Having Templars in name only while mages go about their business, I mean."

"Something like that. Tevinter Templars aren't quite as effective as yours are, however."

"Fair enough. I would've been glad to see more more mages in the Inquisition though."

"You always have me!"

"I'll take you over Madame De Fer."

2D. Recruiting the Templars (Allies)

"You're not nearly as sour as Solas over the Inquisition's newest allies."

"I've lived with Templars most of my life, lest you forget. They're not all egotistical children hiding in their armor."

"Oh, I don't know about that. Have you seen how long it takes Cullen to do his hair?"

"No longer than it takes you to groom that thing above your lip, Dorian."

"Envy is unbecoming of you, good sir."

"Let's just hope a demon doesn't catch me for it."

3. More Time

"Dorian, I've been meaning to ask you about something."

"Ask away."

"Alexius' time magic produced unstable spots throughout Redcliffe that sped and slowed time.

"An unintended side effect, yes."

"Did he ever consider using time magic on Felix to perhaps regress the taint in his blood?"

"I... I don't know. I don't think he considered it. Time magic is unpredictable, he could just as well reverted Felix back to being a babe in his arms. Or distorted Felix into not existing at all."

"Not a viable alternative to dying slowly. I'll keep that in mind."

"Right... well, do let me know if you need further input."

"I'd rather have time, if you've some to spare."

4. Calling Out

"I'm curious, what does the Calling sound like? I'm not sure I've heard anything like it."

"This isn't a true calling; it's a blaring signal knawing at the back of my mind, telling me to jump off a cliff because acid rain is about to pour."

"... I was expecting something less graphic, more serpent in your ear."

"It's essentially a Warden's expiration date; their blood compelling them to delve into the deep roads. Most die killing as many darkspawn as they can."


"In theory, the taint could sustain us as it does the darkspawn. But eternity as a ghoul isn't appealing. So I've heard."

5. Death Cure

"Let me get this straight. You've spent the last ten years searching for a cure? To being a Grey Warden?"

"You don't have to say it like I've done nothing else. It's been a... hobby... of sorts."

"I suppose even heroes fear the prospect of premature death."

"Tell that to the Wardens at Weisshaupt. You would think I spit in their food."

"Take it from me: playing to the crowd is overrated. Forge your own path, the steps will come."

"How's that working out for you?"

"I could do without stepping in mabari shit, for one."

"Ha! Welcome to Ferelden."

6. Magister to Magister

"You've been around, haven't you, Ren?"

"Another euphemism?"

"It is but that's besides the point. As a warden, have you ever seen anything like Corypheus?"

"Actually, yes."

"You're kidding. Was it a darkspawn?"

"Hard to say, it also had amnesia. Which sounds a lot like when Corypheus first woke."

"Another darkspawn magister... I shudder to think. At least we only have one to deal with."

"Right... only one."

"Minus the other five actually, now that I think about it..."

"And here I was, trying not to think about it."

7. All Wounds

"Dorian, that business between you and your father... if you ever need to talk-"

"I appreciate the concern, Ren. But I'm alright. Nothing a quiet evening with aged Tevinter wine can't nurse."

"The offer stands."

8. Foolishness

"Ren, that thing you did at the Winter Palace..."

"Oh, you mean the dancing?"

"I don't think I've ever seen a southerner do it without making a fool of themselves."

"Ah, but what's an evening of dancing without embracing a little bit of foolishness?"

"I'd call that magical flourish at the end anything but foolish."

"Dorian, if you'd like lessons, you just have to ask."

"Don't tempt me or you'll find yourself a student who far out surpasses his teacher."

"I've always enjoyed a challenge."

9. Temple of Mythal

"Ren, as an Elf, are you at all shaken by the events at the Temple of Mythal?"

"Ignoring that I wasn't raised Dalish. I find it more interesting than groundbreaking."

"Truly? No longing for a lost history you've never known?"

"Maybe... I always assumed Dalish history had some blind spots; most history does. I've learned what lost arts I could of Elvhen magic and lore but this... this changes a few things."

"Only a few?"

"I'm still the same person. And I've found it best to learn from the past and build something new rather than try for a poor imitation."

"Many in Tevinter could use that perspective."

10. Blood Magic

"I've heard Tevinter has different definitions of blood magic, Dorian. Is that true?"

"It is, for the most part. When a mage uses a small amount of their own blood, or willingly given blood as fuel for a spell: not blood magic."

"Cheaper than lyrium, that's for sure."

"Without a doubt. But, demon summoning and blood sacrifices to an old god: blood magic."

"I can see that as a useful distinction."

"You can? How surprising."

"I am a Grey Warden if you recall. What about mind manipulation and brain hemorrhaging?"

"Oh those... we call those party tricks."

"I can't tell if you're kidding or not."

11. Aftermath

"Ready to head home as the glorious victor, Dorian?"

"Me? You're the one who's saved the world twice from blighted monsters now."

"There have been enough parades in my honor. This is the Inquisition's time to bask. Enjoy it."

"I'll do more than that, I assure you... But I do want to say thank you, Ren."

"Gratitude? What's this about?"

"Many were quick to judge my entrance at Haven, grand though it may have been. Not you though."

"I've seen my share of Tevinter slavers preying on alienages, Dorian. But if my time as a warden has taught me anything, it's that assumptions get us nowhere. You were willing to help, that was enough."

"Hence, my thanks. If you ever find yourself in Tevinter, I'll reserve a bottle of house Pavus' finest."

"Here's to future toasts then."