Will's POV

I stood outside the castle of Redmont for the first time in three years. The pain of the last six months was still as if it had been yesterday. Saphira was dead and Brom had sent me back to back to Redmont for my own safety. Brom had brought me as far as the northern boarder before leaving. While I was hurting I could tell that he was as well. The Varden had lost its only rider and he was having to send me away.

He left me with the Zarroc one of his sword. I tried to insist on him taking it but he wouldn't hear of it. The blade was well hidden amongst my saddle bags as I handed off the reins to a stable boy. I walked up to the castle gates and the guards blocked my path. I wasn't surprised that they did it had been three years since my disappearance. I leaned back relaxing my stance slightly as I said," Tell the Baron that his ward Will has returned. I can wait." In truth I really hope he hurried I was dead on my feet after all the traveling I had done. It had been almost as bad as when I was on the run from the Ra'zac.

About five minutes later the Baron and the Battle Master came out. The Baron looked me over and said not believing what he was seeing," Will you alive." I had left the castle when I was 13 to search for my family. I had found it in Carvahall. The journey had been dangerous but I had eventually made it. I knew that most of the castle would have assumed that I had died after attempting such a journey. The Battle Master Rodney if I remembered correctly took in my appearance and said," Sir, if I may. We may want to take this inside. The boy looks dead on his feet and could use a good bath and a healthy meal."

I gave the younger man a grateful smile before the Baron waved me inside. He showed me first to the baths and had a maid bring me some fresh clothes. The clothes that I had been in were pretty much rags. Even after the battle at the Varden I had been hunted and many battles had been fought till I hit the boarders.

Once I was clean I put on the new clothes immediately belting my knives. Even if I was back in Redmont didn't mean I could let go of all the training I had received. I followed one of the maids to the Baron's office. It had not changed much since I had left. It was still painted in dark colors and had two long couches and his desk.

Rodney took notice of the knives and asked," Those look well made where did you get them Will?" I said pulling one out of my belt and handing it to him hilt first," A friend I travelled with gave them to me. He said they will never stain, dull, or break. I trust his judgement of blades."

Rodney inspected the blade with a look of curiosity. When he handed it back there was an unfamiliar gleam in his eye. Baron cleared his throat to get our attention. Once our heads turned to look at him he said," Will in three days time there is the apprenticeship. Will you be interested in joining your year mates?"

I said politely," Yes sir. Battle Master I was hoping to join battle school."

The Rodney's gaze turned to me and carefully looked me over. I had grown a lot in the last few years and was mostly muscle from my time as a rider. That brought a painful clench in my chest knowing I would never see Saphira again. For now all I could do was put one foot in front of the other and keep moving forward.

He shook his head and said," You can't be a knight Will. Your still too small." The Baron stopped us before an argument could break out. He gave me a stern look and said," Will you will return to the ward house. I'm sure word of your return has already spread. We will see you in three days."

I said sighing slightly," Yes sir. Sir what of my horse? Will I be allowed to keep him?" The Baron asked confused," Where in the world did you get a horse? You know what I don't want to know yes you can keep it. But if your master says no you will have to get rid of it."

I shrugged before leaving the Baron and Rodney. I retrieved my bags making sure to keep my sword well hidden and made my way to the ward house.