AN: Hello all, Ryuu here with some information. First off, sorry for the long wait on a chapter. Both my life and my beta reader life has been very hectic. Hopfully things will soon fall into place once more. Second off... this is the last chapter of Deep Shadow Condition, but dont worry. I have already finished writing 10 chapter for the next part so its on its way! Now I wont keep your time, lets see how this all ends.

All rights goes to Marvel!

Daisy Johnson POV

Tapping my foot, I waited for the door to open at the same time as I kept an eye around myself. Hearing the elevator opening further down the corridor just made me pull my hood down, just to cover up my face even more. As the person walked passed me the door opened and my eyes landed on the woman that was standing in front of me. Her brown hair was a mess and she was holding her night robe together. "What?" She asked, it being clear that I had woken her up and I could not help but to smile a little. "I'm sorry Darc, I didn't mean to wake you up." I told Darcy, keeping my voice low as I spoke. Darcy blinked a little in confusion before she lowers herself down a bit to look under my hood.

Giving Darcy a smile I could see how her eyes grow in surprised and before I knew it I was pulled into the room. "What gives Dee!" Darcy asked the moment the door closed behind me. "You need to be more specific Darc." I told her, lifting my hands up to move my hood down. "I mean what were…" Darcy started to say only to stop when she got a look at me. "Sit down!" Darcy told me, pointing towards the couch before she headed of towards the bathroom. Rolling my eyes, I did as I was ordered and sat down.

Darcy emerge from the bathroom a few seconds later, her hair was pulled into a low pony tail, her glasses were on and she was holding on to a first aid bag. "How did you even end up with that?" She asked, putting down the bag in the progress and opened it. "I run into Ward." I told her before I had a chance to stop myself. "Ward? The traitor? The one that you put in jail because of the HYDRA part?" Darcy asked, and I nodded my head. "The HYDRA agents within S.H.I.E.L.D let him out. He tripped me, and I feel head first to the floor." I explained, and Darcy started to look over my nose.

"I managed to check it out earlier, it's no big deal. It's not broken but it hurts, and I can't really walk right into a drug store at the moment. I'm supposed to keep a low profile." I explained, and Darcy lifted one eyebrow as she looked at me. "And you came here?" She asked, there was a hint of laughter in her voice as she spoke. "Well, I don't have that many friends that I trust with my life." I pointed out and Darcy waved her finger toward me. "So, what you just came here for the drugs then." Darcy joked, and I let out a deep sigh. Darcy winked before she headed for the kitchen, returning a few minutes later with a glass of water that she handed over.

"You are leaving as soon as the drug kicks in, aren't you?" Darcy then asked, and I nod my head. "Well, I would hope that you at least wait until nightfall. Easier to sneak out then, right into the shadows of the night." She told me, and I nodded my head. "Fine, I guess I could stay until nightfall." I agreed with her and leaned back in the couch and Darcy sat down beside me. "So, what is the plan now?" She asked, and I took a deep breath. "I ordered the others that once we were done they should go into hiding, to stay low. I will contact them within a week about where we will meet up. If they want to that is." I explained, and Darcy nods her head.

"I also guess that you told them no contact during this time?" She then asked, now it was my time to nod my head. "However, you know exactly what has happened to everyone." Darcy pointed out and I could not help but to smile a little. "Well, almost everyone." I corrected her, and Darcy rolled her eyes. "Anything to worry about?" She asked, and I looked at her with one eyebrow up. "Do you think I would be sitting here if something was very wrong?" I asked, and Darcy shrugs. "Who knows, so much has happened this past year." She pointed out and I could do nothing but to smile at that.

"Which reminds me, I didn't only come here for the drugs." I told her, and Darcy looked a bit sceptic at that. "Oh yeah?" She asked, and I rolled my eyes. "No, I'm here to hand over this." I told her as I pulled out a piece of paper from my jacket. "The contact info to one of the lawyer Stark has. If you, Jane or anyone else that has been around the Avengers were to be questioned on anything now that all of S.H.I.E.L.D's secrets are out, all you need to do is to contact that lawyer and everything will be taken care off." I explained, and Darcy took the paper. "Handy trick." She pointed out when she read through the contact info. "I was going to meet Jane today but…" She then started to say, only to stop when I lift my hand. "No, go and meet her. It would look suspicious otherwise. I'll just crash here on the couch for the time being." I told her, putting my legs over hers in the progress. "Fine, just don't do anything stupide when I'm gone. You know I love to help out if you do." Darcy told me, I moved my leg a little as she tried to get up.

"Oh Darcy, Darcy, Darcy. You know better than anyone that I can't make a promise like that." I answered in a low voice, just as Darcy left the apartment.


A week later:

"Alright then. Anybody asks for me, tell them they can find me right here." I could hear Fury saying, making me stop behind one of the big trees at the graveyard. Carefully looking around the tree I could see how Fury sends one last look towards his own gravestone before walking off. As I was about to walk forward I could see Natasha walking towards Steve and Sam from the other direction. Deciding to stay put for the moment, I leaned towards the tree trunk to listen. "You should be honoured, that's as close as he gets to saying thank you." I could hear Natasha explain and I could not help but to smile at that.

"Not going with him?" Steve asked, and I could hear he was a bit surprised over that. "No." Natasha answered shortly. "Not staying here?" Steve asked once more, and I could almost see the frustration on his face. It was clear that Natasha was playing him once more. "I blew all my covers, I got to figure out a new one." Natasha finally answered, and I took that as my cue to leave my hiding spot. "That might take a while." I could hear Steve point out and I saw how Natasha nods her head at that. "I'm counting on it." She answered him after that. "It doesn't have to take time." I told her, making the three jump a bit as neither of them had seen or heard me coming. "I have a few covers that was never within a database. Besides, I the perfect place to work from." I continued to tell them, only to have my eyes land on the file that Natasha was holding onto.

"However, it seems like someone might not follow with us." I then added, and I could see confusion on both Steve and Sam's faces, Natasha only smiled at that and she holds up the file to Steve. "That thing you asked for, I called in a few favours from Kiev." She explained as Steve took hold of the file that said file no. 17. "Will you do me a favour?" She then asked, walking between both Sam and Steve so that she come to stand beside me. "Call that nurse." She then added and looked back at Steve. "She's not a nurse." Steve told her, and I could not help but to roll my eyes and cross my arms, knowing full well who Natasha was trying to set Steve up with.

"And you are not a S.H.I.E.L.D agent." Natasha pointed out and Steve rolled his eyes, finally giving up. "What was her name again?" He asked, and Natasha smiles big at that. "Sharon. She's nice." She told him, turning her head towards me I nodded it before the two of us turned around. "Be careful, Steve. You might not want to pull on that thread." Natasha called back to them and I turned my head to the side to give the two boys one last look. "Give me a signal once you give up and I'll give you the location of where we are!" I added with a smile. With that Natasha and I head towards the entrance to the graveyard, a simple grey car was parked right at the gate and with a nod of Natasha's head we entered the car. It was time to meet up with the rest of the family.