Breakfast was subdued the next morning, with the realisation that camp was nearly over. No-one was required to help serve, although Susan and Hannah volunteered to assist the camp elves.

Lavender, Parvati and Padma were already exchanging addresses and talking about catching up in Diagon Alley before September first. Harry, Terry, Neville, Anthony and Ernie were discussing the merits of the Houses at Hogwarts, promising that, no matter what House they ended up in, they would remain friends. Daphne and Tracey were talking quietly, with Astoria shooting longing looks at Ginny, Luna and Rose.

Vince and Greg were talking with Theo, and the trio were basically ignoring Draco, who sat miserably alone at the end of the table. Pansy sat near Daphne and Tracey but kept shooting Draco forlorn looks.

Miss Burbage gave a little farewell speech when breakfast was over, while Mrs Pucey simply nodded along. Then the children were allowed out to gather their bags from their cabins and bring them to where the Knight Bus was expected soon. This also gave them time to find any items they had forgotten to pack.

Once the child had their sleeping area inspected and approved of, they were allowed to go outside and play till the bus arrived. An owl let them know it had been delayed due to an unexpected pick up request in London.

Luna had gone to pick some flowers, so Ginny wandered over to where Harry and Rose stood. "Oh, Harry, your poor head!" she exclaimed. "Does it hurt?"

"Nah," he said, shaking his head, "but I'll have a wicked scar for a bit."

"Well, it seems right that, because of the storm, you have a lightening bolt scar on your head," chuckled Ginny.

"It'll fade in time," assured Harry. Rose nudged him, gesturing silently at Ginny. Harry flushed. "Er, here. It's our address in Godric's Hollow. You know, if you want to write, or come over sometime." He handed her some parchment

Rose beamed hopefully at Ginny, who took it, opening it to read. "Of course I'll write, we're friends, aren't we? Tori, hey, Tori, let me give you my address," cried Ginny, beckoning her over.

Astoria shyly came over to them. "Thank you, it would be nice to get letters just for me sometimes."

"I'll write, Tori," vowed Rose. The two girls would be starting at Hogwarts at the same time, two years from now.

"Me too, and so will Luna," said Ginny. She looked around then at Harry. "Where's Neville?"

"He looked after a toad last night, the one you put in Malfoy's bed. I think he was going down to the lake to let it go," said Harry.

"That's a nice thing to do," smiled Rose.

Neville had indeed taken the toad down to the lake. He'd set it down, thinking it would hop away immediately, but to his surprise, the toad didn't move.

"Go on, then, shoo," urged Neville. The toad didn't move.

"Whachoo got there, boy?"

Neville looked around. A young man, nineteen or twenty, stood close by, having a cigarette. "It's a toad," he replied to the stranger.

"A magical one?" asked the man. Neville shook his head. "Shame. I 'ad a toad at 'ogwarts, I did. Much better than a cat, ya know," the man said.

"Really?" asked Neville. He still had to get his creature to take with him to Hogwarts; he'd been thinking about an owl, but he really liked the toad he'd watched over last night.

"Dead straight," nodded the man. "Easier for Transfiguration, ya know."

"No, I didn't know that...but thanks. Maybe I'll get one next week in Diagon Alley," said Neville. "Thanks, er...?"

"Trevor, me name's Trevor but me friends call me Trev," winked the man.

"Mine call me Nev," said Neville.

"Nev and Trev," grinned the man. "Well, best be off. Nice chatting wiv you, Nev." He chucked his still lit cigarette in the lake.

He turned to leave, only to have the cigarette stub flung back at him, hitting him on the head. "Oy!" he said, turning. His mouth dropped open. "Is that a mermaid? Never seen one of them here before."

Neville tried not to laugh, but Nerissa hadn't liked him throwing rubbish in her lake. "She got lonely up in Scotland so she swam down here," he told Trevor. "Her name is Nerissa."

Trevor looked admiringly at Neville. "You talked to her? Lucky lad. Anyway, I've got to go. Best of luck to you, young Nev."

After his conversation with Trevor, Neville turned to look for the toad, but he had gone. He felt a bit sad he hadn't seen him hop away, but he was glad the toad was back where he belonged.

"Neville!" Luna waved to him, still a distance away. He waved back, and the two began walking towards each other.

"Look!" cried Luna. "I think Nerissa found all Draco's clothes and left them for him."

"Hey Draco, here are your clothes," called Neville, his hands cupped over his mouth.

Draco stomped down, sick of everyone ignoring him. Others followed, curious to see what Draco would do next.

Draco picked his clothes up, one by one. "They're ruined, all of them," he complained, " and where's my dressing gown? It's monogrammed, you know," he boasted.

Neville shrugged. "These were just here, I didn't see any dressing gown."

"Is that it?" asked Luna, pointing. She laughed and clapped her hands as Nerissa jumped easily out of the water, wearing a green dressing gown with 'DM' in silver on the breast.

"What's she doing?" demanded Draco, " that's mine."

"I think she likes it," laughed Susan.

"I don't think she's going to give it back," agreed Hannah.

"Hey guys," called Neville, bending down to pick something else up. "Look!"

He held it up for everyone to see. It was the Rubik's cube, and each side was showing one colour.

Anthony quickly went to Neville, who handed it back to it's owner. "You did it, Neville, you found it."

Everyone cheered for Neville, who tried to tell them it was probably Nerissa who had found it. Luna winked at Neville.


They all stopped cheering and turned to see Ms Burbage and Mrs Pucey. "It's time to go, the Knight Bus is here," smiled Ms Burbage.

Excited to be going home, the children raced up to the cabins, and sure enough, the bus was there.

"We'll be home soon," said Rose, catching Harry's arm. "We'll see mum and dad, and I bet Uncle Sirius comes over tonight, too."

"I can't wait to get home and tell Daddy about Nerissa," agreed Luna.

"I bet Mum has been cooking all my favourites," said Ginny, "and we'll have a feast tonight. I do hope Ron and Percy are feeling better."

The others shared their thoughts about going home as they all boarded the bus. They sat together in the friendship groups they had formed, which meant Draco sat alone.

Being a magical bus, they arrived back in London in no time at all. A large group of parents and siblings eagerly awaited their arrival.

As each child alighted from the bus, there were shrieks and cries of joy, and the child was quickly embraced.

"Ginny, love," called her mother, waving and beaming. Ginny waved back, grabbed Luna's hand and went to greet her parents.

"Harry, Rose," bellowed their dad, James.

"Geez dad, I think we would have heard you even if we were still in the Cotswolds," grinned Harry, as Rose flung her arms around their mother's waist.

"Gee Lil, I think they may have missed us," teased James, as Harry hugged his dad.

Rose left her mother and almost pounced on her dad. She hugged him hard, then stepped back, her forefinger meeting her thumb. "Just a little bit, Dad," she assured him, " but we made so many new friends."

Draco stepped off the bus and looked around. There were no parents waiting to greet him, to ask about his adventures, to exclaim how much they missed him while he was away.

"Master Draco?"

Draco turned to see one of the Malfoy's many elves. "Yes?"

"I am Dobby and I is come to take you back to the manor," announced Dobby.

Draco's heart plummeted, for just for that one moment, he had hoped his mother or father had come to collect him. "Oh. Yes, well, thanks. I have to get my bags."

"Dobby shall be getting young master's bags, young master need not worry. Please be waiting here." The house elf disappeared and returned several seconds later, Draco's much lighter bag in his grasp.

Draco looked around. The other children were farewelling their friends, promising to stay in touch, and of course, they would see each other again in just three weeks time, at King's Cross Station. Some, like Tracey and Theo, had already left, without saying goodbye.

But nobody bothered about him. No-one asked to swap addresses, nobody told him they'd meet up on the train station, or save room in a carriage on the Hogwarts Express.


Draco turned expectantly, only to see Loony Lovegood standing there. "What?" he asked abruptly.

Luna didn't seem perturbed by his rude attitude. "I wanted to say goodbye. I won't see you for a whole another year."

"Thank Merlin," said Draco, under his breath.

"I want you to know that Nerissa has promised me she will return your dressing gown when you get to Hogwarts. You just need to go to the Black Lake and call for her. She'll like to see a friendly face," explained Luna.

"I'm not going to wear that thing after a creature has worn it," exclaimed Draco, his eyes wide. "Are you ludicrous!"

Dobby seemed embarassed by his master's words, but again, it didn't bother Luna. She shrugged. "Then Nerissa will keep it, thank you. Oh, here." She thrust a small piece of fabric into his hands.

"What's this?" he asked.

"Friendship bands. I made one for everybody," explained Luna.

"Luna, come on, it's time to go," called Ginny. She looked curiously at her and Draco.

Unexpectedly, Luna hugged Draco. "I had the best time at camp. Goodbye." She let him go, skipping off to the waiting Weasleys. Ginny ran to meet her, and they waved goodbye to everyone before getting into Mr Weasley's Ford Anglia and driving away.

"That was most kind. Is that a friend of the young master?" asked Dobby.

Draco looked down at the fabric still clutched in his hand. A friendship band – from the loony one? He crumpled it in his fist but then again...he unrolled his fingers, staring down at it.

It was his first gift from someone that wasn't related to him. He stared at it in wonder and nodded silently in reply to Dobby's question.

He shoved it in the pocket of his borrowed clothes. "I suppose we should be off. Mother and Father are probably wondering where I am," he said.

"Master Lucius is away on business. Mistress Narcissa did mention you dining with her this evening. Here, young master, take Dobby's hand, we shall be at the manor in no time."

Draco swallowed. "Thank you, Dobby." He tentatively put his hand on Dobby's arm, never having touched an elf before, and before he knew it, he was in his mother's study.

"Draco darling, I – what on earth are you wearing?" His mother practically recoiled from his open arms, taking a step away from him.

Draco flushed. "I had to borrow some clothes from a larger boy."

Narcissa wrinkled her nose in disapproval. "And one, unfortunately, who has no taste and obviously buys from the common shops."

Draco shrugged. It was probably true.

"Well...?" prompted Narcissa. "Was camp successful? Did you make strong connections? You know your father will ask, Draco," she chided.

Draco shoved his hands in his pockets, fingering the friendship band. "Actually, Mother, I made friends, not connections," he lied.

"Oh." Narcissa seemed taken aback. "How...nice." She looked at her son; there seemed something different about him.

"I think I'll just go to my room, get changed," said a subdued Draco, and without waiting for her to respond, he turned and left.

Narcissa and Dobby watched him go. "Elf," she said.

"Yes, Mistress?" asked Dobby.

"Burn those clothes," she instructed. "My son and I will eat in the formal dining room this evening. Make sure my son is properly attired."

Dobby bowed. "Yes, Mistress."

Up in his bedroom, Draco looked at the friendship band once again. Regretfully, he put it in his bedside drawer, knowing his mother would be aghast if she ever saw it.

He sat and pondered the last few days. He'd gone to camp, sure of his position and thinking he belonged at the top of status ladder. But it hadn't gone like that, and he definitely hadn't liked being excluded.

He realised, then and there, he had decisions to make about his life, or his whole time at Hogwarts was going to be just like camp.

September First 1991

Harry felt a thrill as he passed through the barrier to Platform 9 ¾. It was finally here, he was going to Hogwarts! His dad put his hand on Harry's shoulder and, together, they steered his trolley towards the big red train, his mother and sister walking behind.

"Harry!" All the Potter's turned to see Neville waving to them, and they made their way over to him, standing with his grandmother.

"How's Trevor?" asked Rose, peering in the cage at Neville's side.

"Brilliant," said Neville, happily. He had been invited to go along with the Potters to Diagon Alley and had brought his toad, which he had named Trevor. Harry chose an owl that he had named Hedwig, it was a going-to-Hogwarts gift from his godfather, Sirius.

The train whistle blew, it was the five minute warning. All the excited children took this time to say a final farewell to their families.

"Hurry along, come on now. Fred, George, help your brother."

Harry, Rose and Neville turned at the sound of the familiar names. Sure enough, a large family of redheads were bustling, practically running, to get to the train.

"Ronald, if you've forgotten anything, send an owl. Percy dear, you will watch over your little brother, won't you?" Molly Weasley was saying.

"Of course, Mother, but I do have my Prefect duties to attend to," reminded the eldest boy, Percy.

"Why didn't you ask us to watch over ickle Ronniekins?" asked one of the twins.

The mother was harassed enough. "Fine, George, please will you and Fred watch over Ronald?"

"I'm Fred! Honestly, woman, call yourself our mother," cried the twin, Fred.

"Oh, where is Ginny? Sorry, Fred," apologised an exasperated Molly, looking around.

The twin grinned. "It's all right, I really am George. Hey Ginners, we'll send you a toilet seat," called George, hurrying to catch up with his twin, Fred, and their best friend, Lee.

Ginny giggled, and Harry's heart did some weird thumping thing. Without a word, he left his family and walked over to Ginny.


Ginny turned. "Harry!" She flung her arms around him, hugging him tight.

"ONE MINUTE" bellowed the conductor.

"Bill told me all about the Sorting, they just put some old hat on your head, and somehow it will know exactly what House you belong in," she whispered.

Harry exhaled in relief. His dad and godfather had teased him about it again last night. "Really?" he asked.

She nodded. "Bill wouldn't lie to me."

"Harry, it's time to get on board," urged his mother, sharing an amused look at her husband.

"You'll be in Gryffindor for sure," Ginny told him.

"So will you, next year," he told her.

"Harry!" shrieked Rose.

Smoke was billowing out of the big train. "Write to me," he pleaded to Ginny. "I have a new owl, Hedwig."

She nodded. "Luna is coming over to the Burrow later, we'll both write you a long letter this afternoon."

They hugged again, and then Harry ran to catch the train. He was bundled into a carriage with Neville, and he quickly leaned out, waving goodbye as the Hogwarts Express slowly pulled away.

Ginny couldn't help it, she ran as far as she could alongside the train. "Goodbye," she called, "goodbye." Harry watched her as long as he could but then the train turned around a bend, and she was gone.

He sat back in his carriage, feeling both sad and excited.

The carriage door opened and a boy stuck his head in. "Hi, do you mind?" he asked, gesturing to the spare seat.

"Sure, come in," welcomed Neville. "Actually, I'm going to check on Trevor, and see if Ernie, Anthony and Terry are close by. Want to come too, Harry?"

Harry shook his head. "No, I'll stay here with...?"

"Ron, Ron Weasley," said the ginger headed boy, gratefully sliding into the seat Neville just left. "And you are?"

"Harry. Harry Potter."

"Oh yeah, Ginny told me about you. Do you still have the scar?" asked Ron.

Harry lifted his fringe to show the scar he still had from his adventure with Ginny.

"Blimey. So she really did stay the night on an island?" asked Ron.

Harry nodded. "She was really brave."

"Camp sounded pretty good. I was bummed that I couldn't go," sighed Ron, looking through his bags for his sandwiches.

"Well, Luna seemed to have a really good time in your place," said Harry. "She and Ginny were really nice to my sister, too." He felt a pang at the thought of not seeing Rose until Christmas.

"So did you make lots of friends at camp?" asked Ron, nervously.

Harry nodded. "I already knew Neville, but yeah."

They both looked up as the door opened yet again, and a girl stuck her head in. "Sorry, have you seen a toad? It's just, this boy Neville has lost his."

Harry grinned. "I'll come help you find him. I'm Harry, by the way."

"I'm Hermione Granger. Thanks for helping, this other boy, Draco, is helping me too."

She stood aside to show Draco waiting out in the hall.

"Malfoy?" asked Harry, surprised.

"Potter," acknowledged Draco, coolly.

As if sensing trouble, Ron stood up behind Harry. "I'm Ron, Harry's friend."

"Ginny's brother?" asked Draco.

"Yeah," nodded Ron.

"Hello! I still need help finding a toad," reminded Hermione, sarcastically, looking between all three boys.

"Keep your hair on," said Ron, shuffling past Harry and Draco and followed her down the hall. She babbled all the way. Harry thought he heard her mention 'Hogwarts-a History' one of their school books.

"So you're helping that girl, er...?" Harry couldn't remember.

"Hermione?" helped Draco.

"Right, Hermione. You're helping her find Neville's toad?" clarified Harry.

Draco nodded and, swallowing his pride, held out his hand. "I know I was an ass at camp. I want to say I'm sorry and, well, hope we can start again at Hogwarts.."

Harry looked at the outstretched hand, and into Draco's icy blue eyes. For once they didn't show contempt, but were almost pleading. "I'm all for giving someone a chance." He took Draco's hand and shook it.

"Found it!" cried Ron, coming back down the hall. He looked down at Harry and Draco's hands. "Come on, the Trolley witch will be around soon."

So Draco, Harry, Ron and Neville ended up sharing a cabin the rest of the way to Hogwarts, and when they arrived, Draco was Sorted into Slytherin, Neville into Hufflepuff, Hermione to Ravenclaw and Harry and Ron into Gryffindor.

Summer 2008

"Are we there, yet?" chanted James, 7 and Albus, 5 ½, as they had done the last twenty minutes of the car drive.

"I told you no, five minutes ago," sighed Ginny.

"Mum, that was five minutes ago. Are we there yet?" asked James. Albus giggled.

Harry and Ginny shared a fond look. "Actually, James, yes, we are," announced Harry, pulling the car into a driveway. A cabin perched a few feet away, their home for the next week.

Albus and James eagerly looked out the window. "Cool!" enthused James, seeing the blue lake.

"Coo," echoed Lily Luna, 2. She waved her arms as her brother's hopped out of the car. Ginny opened her door and snapped open the restraints on her car seat. She picked her up, perching her daughter on her hip.

"Well, here we are, at the Cotswolds," said Harry, walking around the car to his son's side.

"Can we go 'splore, Dad?" asked Albus.

"Not yet, Al. We're all going to help carry things up to the Granger's cabin, then you, me and James will go for a walk, find the best walks for us, mummy and Lily." he looked over at Ginny, who winked. They had worked it out between them already. Lily would be happy to potter around their new home.

James and Albus seemed satisfied with that arrangement so, whooping, they ran to the back of the car and grabbed their own bags, wheeling them up to the cabin. Harry was with them; he had the key that Hermione had given him to her family's cabin.

"Me help," offered Lily, and Ginny gave her a loaf of bread to carry to the cabin. Ginny then grabbed Lily's bag and a couple of bags of food. Hers and Harry's bags could wait till later.

It was pretty rustic, the Granger family had done repairs over the years, but not upgraded. Looking around was like a step back in time. Ginny took a deep breath of fresh air.

Familiar arms slipped around her waist, and she leaned back against her husband's body. "All right?" he asked softly. Inside, the kids were exploring the cabin.

She nodded. "I can't believe we're finally back here … and with our kids."

"I know. We've talked about this place for so long, telling the kids how we first met. They kept asking us to bring them here, and finally, here we all are." Harry couldn't wait to show his kids all over the popular camping area.

Ginny turned and slipped her arms around her husband's waist. "We're going to have such a great week, especially when Hermione and Ron, and Draco and Astoria, and their kids, join us midweek. Just a pity Luna, Rolf and the twins couldn't make it."

"Yeah, but I'm glad we've got some time just for our family," agreed Harry. He couldn't wait to take his boys hiking and swimming and rowing. There was a lot more to see around the Cotswolds these days, too.

"Mum, Dad, can we go down to the water?" asked James.

"Go on, I'll put the food away and come down and join you," nodded Ginny to Harry. "All right boys, but Lily goes too. Watch out for your sister," she ordered.

Lily toddled out, grabbing Harry's hand and the four Potters walked down to the lake's edge.

"Dad, when can we go swimming?" asked Albus.

"We'll go back soon and help your mum unpack, and then we can go," said Harry.

"Me too?" asked Lily.

"You too, Lily," agreed Harry.

"Dad, look, there's a jetty," pointed James. "Can we go on it."

"Sure," said Harry, and the boys ran ahead, racing to the edge. They waved to some people out on the lake in canoes, fishing or paddling.

While Harry talked to the boys, Lily Luna leaned over the edge of the jetty; safe, with her hand grasped in her daddy's. At first she was mesmerised by her own reflection, shimmering in the water. Harry smiled to hear her giggle.

She continued looking at herself until there was a ripple in the water. She giggled again, as she waved with her free hand.

In the water, Nerissa waved back to her new friend.
