Okay so for anyone not aware, BRR109 has quit the fan fic site. As I stated in a copy/paste message on other stories I reposted (that she deleted smh) IDK if temporary or permanently. She got pretty overwhelmed with some IRL stuff and basically went meltdown mode. I'm not sure what her ultimate plan was with this story. She already had a handful of future chapters written for TWS and Civil War and even a post Civil War / pre-Infinity War chapter. Not sure if I should TRY to pick up where she left off. Personally, I hate gender bends. They're unoriginal. Any thoughts? Yes? No?

Anyway, here's the last chronological chapter she had mostly written. I kind of threw some stuff together for the last few paragraphs. It's vague in detail. Not doing that Russian to English thing she was doing. My brain blows up trying to read that shit.

11 – Not the Only Winter Soldier

She could hear their painful screams echo down the hallway from the confines of her containment cell. Bucky sat on the sad excuse for a cot and listened. Judging by the varying octaves of voices, she easily identified them belonging to five different people, one of which was a female. Over time, the facility became quiet. Hauntingly quiet. Were they going to get metal arms, like hers? Aside from the super soldier serum, what other modifications were they to receive?

Hours passed. Silence still lingered in the air until it was broken by distant voices from somewhere out of sight down the hallway. One of the voices Bucky immediately recognized as a scientist that oversaw her routine checkups before and after missions. He spoke of the procedure being a success.

The next voice she heard was of Karpov's. "К счастью, они не будут требовать же принадлежности и памяти салфетки как первый солдат." (Luckily they will not require the same conditioning and memory wipes as the first Soldier.) He went silent for a moment, shuffling through papers Bucky could only presume were medical reports. "Она должна позволить нам получить их в поле раньше, чем позже. Они уже имеют навыки, необходимые с учетом их стола элитной военной подготовки." (It should allow us to get them into the field sooner rather than later. They already have the skills needed given their elite military training backgrounds.)

Memory wipes. They didn't require memory wipes. Why was this? She was required to undergo wipes before each mission to keep her focused on the present task. Why didn't the other Winter Soldiers have to go through the same thing? How were they expected to stay focused on their missions?

The scientist spoke, next. "Пусть отдых на данный момент. Их тела только что прошли через напряженный изменения. Завтра они могут начать их упражнения." (Let them rest for now. Their bodies have just gone through a stressful change. Tomorrow they can begin their exercises.)

"Я хочу солдат там, тоже," (I want the Soldier there, too,) Karpov stated. "Я хочу, чтобы увидеть, насколько эффективны против нее мои новые солдаты." (I want to see how effective my new soldiers are against her.)

"Очень хорошо. Сколько времени я должен её готов?" (Very well. What time should I have her ready?)

"Рано." (Early.)

The conversing stopped in exchange for the rustling of clothing and hushed foot steps coming her way. Bucky acted as trained and stood up in the neutral position the moment she saw the dark haired, bearded scientist come into view. He folded his hands before him around a clipboard and studied the black body suited Soldier behind his thick framed glasses.

After looking at a couple of the male soldiers, the original appeared much smaller in frame. He wondered if she stood a chance against them. Maybe against the blond female soldier. They were about equal in build. If anything, the titanium prosthetic gave the first Soldier a bit of an advantage over the others. He sighed. In the little bit since working with on the Soldier's science team, he had bandaged and patched up a fair number of cuts, scrapes, gunshot wounds and burns. Would broken bones be added to that list?

He spoke. "Получите некоторые отдыха. Вам будет нужно оно на завтра. Полковник Карпов запросил помощь в подготовке новых солдат." (Get some rest. You will need it for tomorrow. Colonel Karpov has requested your assistance in training the new soldiers.)

Bucky made no sound as she returned to her cot, stretching out on her back across the lumpy pad as ordered. It was not her place to question orders but follow them. While she didn't always trust her handlers, she trusted her importance and the absolute necessity for her well-being. Though, given the latest five-member addition, how important would she continue to be?

The scientist walked away and the overhead light to the holding cell corridor turned off.

Come the morning, the corridor's light flicked back on. When it did, Bucky's eyes fluttered open. "Звонок, солдат!" (Wake up, Soldier!) It was the bearded scientist escorted by an armed guard. Under one arm was her tactical jacket and black pants and carried in his other hand was her boots.

Bucky peeled herself off of her cot and stood in the neutral stance. Her cell door was unlocked and her clothes and boots placed on the foot of her bed. The scientist left with the cell door still open as Bucky changed out of her body suit. She was hasty in the task, as she needed to be to not waste time. It was stressed that time was important and anything wasted was time away from missions. Failed time was a failed mission. Failure wasn't acceptable.

She left her cell and followed the guard to the training cage. Already seated inside on a bench were the five other soldiers in black body suits. Four were men and the fifth a blond-haired woman. The first man was tall with neatly groomed dark hair atop his squared jawed face. The second was the woman, the third a tall man of African descent, the forth a brown-haired man with a thick beard and the last a shorter bald Asian man.

Bucky was directed to stand at the back of the cage beside Karpov and she did, hands at her side and head down. She could feel the other soldiers stare her up and down, eyes lingering on the metal arm. She could hear one of them speak, though not directly at her.

It sounded as though coming from the bearded man. "Так что это призрак... зимних солдата мы так много слышали о годами." (So this is the ghost...the Winter Soldier we have heard so much about over the years.) Soft chuckles came from the group. "Здесь я ожидал что-то жестокая. Вместо этого я найти маленькая девочка. Как я должен принимать ее всерьез?" (Here I was expecting something fierce. Instead I find a little girl. How am I supposed to take her seriously?) More restrained snickers.

Despite what he said, Bucky remained quiet and neutral. She had not been ordered otherwise by her commander. Karpov motioned for the first man to stand and come forward, which he did. The top of Bucky's head came just below his chin and he stared down at her questionably.

He brought his strong hand under her jaw and snapped her head upwards to look up at him. Still, she didn't speak or move in protest. The man laughed into her face, the heat of his breath prickling her cheeks. "Я постараюсь, чтобы не повредить что хорошенькое личико ваш, милая." (I'll try not to hurt that pretty little face of yours, sweetheart.)

Karpov snorted a laugh, whether in response to the comment or because he knew better than to know the Soldier would be hurt that easily. The man shoved her back a little, but Bucky was quick to regain her balance.

Karpov spoke. "Каждая учебная сессия будет последние пятнадцать минут. Не сдержать. Мне нужно знать в меру ваших возможностей." (Each training session will last fifteen minutes. Do not hold back. I need to know the extent of your capabilities.) He backed up and almost against the glass wall behind him. "Начните." (Begin.)

The bigger man swung a fist at Bucky, but she avoided the blow by simultaneously stepping and leaning back. Another fist came at her, which she dodged again. She kicked outward towards his chest that felt as though built of pure muscle. He hardly budged in his stance and grabbed the woman's foot. He pulled her off her other and tossed her against the cell bar wall. The fighting match continued for the allotted fifteen minutes until time was called. Both Bucky and the first male soldier had their vitals taken before the next match commenced.

Bucky noticed the blond woman had a predictable fight pattern. She either tried to kick the legs out from her or tried to get atop her, straddling her to overcome her to the floor. Both moves were countered just as Bucky's was. While she was sparring with the male soldier, the blond had watched her, studying her moves. Come the third combatant, he had a strong back kick that left Bucky on the ground and at a loss of air. The forth was all muscle and fought ferociously with his entire body, whether it was enveloping her in a chest crushing embrace or damn near tying her in a knot using her arms and legs. The final soldier was lightning quick. He managed a series of brutal punches into her gut, but Bucky put a stop to that by knocking him to the floor with a metal fist against the side of his head.

The training sessions took almost an hour overall with small breaks in between for a health assessment of the Soldier and other five. Bucky was dismissed to return to her cell while the others sparred amongst themselves and practiced their shooting skills.

Faint bruises that had started to form during her sparring matches were starting to fade come early night. She supposed by early morning, they would have completely dissipated and the accompanying pains and stiffness gone as well. As was a perk to being enhanced with a super soldier serum similar to what the new five had been given. Though, whatever serum she had recovered from her target seemed a lot more effective. The new soldiers were faster and seemed stronger than her. This didn't set well with Bucky. She needed to be fast; needed to be strong. To not be so meant she was weak. Weakness was failure. Failure wasn't acceptable. Tomorrow she would do better.

Just as they had analyzed her fight patterns so did she to them. She detected some of their weaknesses and would prey on that to defeat them. She would not be weak. She would not fail.

The next morning came and Bucky was prepped for another morning sparring session with the new five. She proceeded down the hallway with an armed guard to the training cage. Just like the day before, the soldiers were seated on the bench and awaiting orders. Bucky stood beside Karpov as she too, awaited orders.

The first man was motioned forward, and the sparring matched was allowed to start. The man's attacks and deflections of her punches were much, much faster than yesterday. He was more aware of his potential, probably after practicing with the other soldiers after her dismissal the day before. This made him more of a challenge for Bucky, something she did her best to adapt to. But it didn't take him long to overtake her.

Bucky aimed her metal fist at the man's head, but he stopped her. It took a tight grip from both his muscular arms to stop the fist inches from his head. She tried to kick his knee out from under him with no success. The man bent her metal arm at a compromising angle, driving his elbow into the hard surface of her shoulder. She tried to resist him and looked up into his malicious eyes through sweaty strands of loose hair. He just didn't want to fight her, he wanted to defeat her; to hurt her.

He brought his arm down forcefully on her shoulder, compromising the complex series of connections between metal, cybernetics, muscle and bone. Bucky choked out a retrained cry and dropped to a knee beneath the man's physical force. Suddenly, she was jerked back up onto her feet and the air kicked from her lungs. She was sent flying backward where she collided with the training cage's back bullet proof glass wall. Bucky fell to the floor in a daze and panting to regain her breath. Her body felt sore and the connections to her left arm ached. It was a question if her opponent had possibly tried to disable it to some degree.

She propped herself up on her human arm and flexed her left hand.

Karpov was pleased and stood behind the downed woman, arms crossed over his chest. "Хорошая работа," (Good work) he praised, though it sounded more mocking for the fact she was on her knees in defeat.

The male soldier saw a scientist approach him from his left for a health assessment and assumed the neutral stance. Fact was, he hadn't felt this good before in his life. It was exhilarating! When in control of this much power, why subject to being someone's obedient dog? The soldier grabbed the scientist by his arm and back of the neck and snapped his shoulder. He then threw the helpless scientist to the hard concrete floor face first, shattering his nose and cracking his skull. That was just the start.

Bucky assessed the situation and knew the threat level of the super soldiers just increased. She forced herself to her feet, shoulder be damned, and readied herself for what sure to be a very challenging fight.

An armed guard ran at the male soldier and slammed a riot stick onto his back hoping it would incapacitate him. All it did was piss him off. The other four soldiers sprang to their feet, ready to follow suit of the first man's actions.

Karpov jerked his sidearm out of its holster and aimed it at Bucky. He grabbed her right arm to both use her as a shield for his own protection and to enforce his authority over her. "Солдат, Вытащи меня отсюда." (Soldier, get me out of here.)

There was genuine fear in his voice as he watched the five super soldiers take on the guards and scientists so effortlessly. One of the soldiers made a vain attempt to attack Bucky, but she batted away his punch with her metal fist and knocked him to the floor. She stepped over him in her continuing to lead her commander safely through the chaos. Karpov pushed the Soldier aside to escape the madness before her as she slammed the gate closed behind her. A number of obscenities were yelled out at the armed guards standing post outside the training cage, ordering them to tranquilize the out of control soldiers only. Since none were armed with tranquilizer guns, the guards raced to the armory.

All Karpov could do was watch as his hopeful expansion to the Winter Soldier program failed harder than he could imagine. He expected at least one of the soldiers to be rebellious, but not all of them at the same time and so violently. He ran his hands over his face and tugged off his beret. This was a disaster. At least three scientists were dead as were a handful of his guards.

Minutes later, the other guards returned and with tranquilizer guns armed and ready. They took aim at the elite squad, firing dart after dart at them. It took more than one and even three in the bigger men's cases before the five were rendered nonconscious. Karpov wasted no time having them placed in their cryo-units for suspension before they could wake up. They were too dangerous and unpredictable.

The colonel studied the original Soldier while she stared at him in what looked like curiosity and question. Maybe she was wondering what he was going to do to her. To be honest with himself, he wasn't sure. She had done no wrong and in all the active years of her service, had given no reason to be doubted. Instead, Karpov ordered her to her cell while he pondered her fate. The program couldn't just be abandoned. There were too many high ranking individuals both Soviet and HYDRA overseeing and funding the program.

Karpov prepared a thorough report to give to his superiors detailing everything that happened the moment the Soldier, his Asset, returned from her mission with the serum to present.

And poor gender bent Bucky is thrown back in ice. We know the story from here. Yadda yadda. (seriously, why make a badass character into a chick? What was wrong with keeping the character as they were?) Again I'm not sure what to do with this story. I'm leaving that decision to you guys.