AN(2019): Ok I haven't updated in like 5 months wow. So basically what has happened is that my school work has caught up to me, it's finally my senior year meaning that the school is dumping exams and essays on my workload. Even as I write this I still on springbreak I have essays due and a summative video project.
Update 2020: So I kinda stopped this fanfic because I thought my writing was quite cringey and tbh it hasn't improved much imo, the biggest problem being transitioning and timing. There is a shitton of typos past chapters I would need to fix. However I re-read it recently and the reviews still kind of updated so it encouraged me to give it another shot, although it won't be the same and since I graduated highschool I have work and soon college coming up so I may or may not have a set schedule like last time. When I first started this story I had free time and passion, you guys gave this story a good push and it almost reached 100 reviews as well but unfortunately things happened that made me loose artistic passion in general so I became very lazy.
To this day I'm amazed how you guys still give this story views, follows, or reviews, after it would be presumed long dead thank you for this dedication though I really appreciate it.
For anyone confused the future Ami side story has the telling of the SM 90s storyline while the main plot is a mixture of the 90s and manga.
I would also like to say if you want to see this story grow please review and help this story gain traction as well although I am fine with my all niche as is that you guys for those who still support.
So sorry in advice and thank you for those who still wanted to read the story.
The androids left ruin in their wake: buildings turned to ash and rubble, people killed within one blow. The literal killing machines where as the demi saiyan left them: cold-hearted and blood thirsty.
Gohan without warning threw a ki blasts at his oppressors.
I managed to hit 18 on impact but as usual they were near indestructible.
"It seems like you never die" the male android smirked "Yet here you are; pathetic as ever."
Gohan not even entertaining a reply tried to attack 17 as soon as 18 stood back up. 17 expectantly dodged all of Gohan's punches smirking at his futile efforts.
18 went over to in a flash to elbow strike him, the demi saiyan only barely moved.
Gohan knew fighting against the androids was near impossible but as long as Ami was away from harm, they couldn't know and never will.
"Damn it Gohan!" the 15 year old was unfathomably frustrated. He felt nearly the same pressure as his mentor dying, why couldn't he take the easy way out? Why could he make Ami wish it away?
Now he was certain Gohan would die a second time and he dreads the older semi saiyan not being revived this time. The young child looked towards Ami and remembered what Gohan said about Ami so far.
"Then keep her safe, if they find out about her powers and harm her i'll never forgive myself. Ami even existing is everything right now and you know it!"
Trunks perked up "Then I knew it! This wasn't a farce she can wish them back! She can wish everything back!"
Gohan shook his head in disapproval "She went unconscious for a week bringing me back to life in almost perfect condition, cost her by mixing her strange witchcraft with ki."
"Don't give that look Trunks, she is under my care so don't even think about making grandiose wishes she can't even hope to keep up with."
Trunks gritted his teeth slightly, he was right Ami was important right now, so important that it's worth dying for. He hated that he was speaking as suicidal as his teacher, he wanted to help fight the androids with him to prevent a repeat of his death.
But he knew he had to take care of their only hope first. He couldn't go back to his mother, she'd kill him if he'd tried to leave, he'll just have to drop off Ami in that old shelter his mother made a long time ago for emergencies.
He'll fight the androids and yell at Gohan later.
Hastily the lavender haired boy scooped the senshi in his arms much to her shock.
"W-where are we going?" Ami said in a quiet voice, still shocked about Gohan taking off to fight the androids; the dangerous beings that apparently caused a dystopian future setting with their bare hands. The ones that were said to kill the man in blow.
"To safety" Trunks murmured, Ami looked again to see another dome building. Except it's more small and personal.
The two finally landed.
She felt somewhat inclined to give a reminder that she could fly herself and didn't need aid for flying. But she halted herself, considering Gohan could die any minute and she wasn't in the best mood because of it.
"Let's go inside I need supplies…" his voice sounded like someone was sucking his soul from his body, Ami had reluctantly walked in. The small building on the inside was the size of two apartments, something she wasn't expecting coming in.
Ami's ears perked up at the sound, it was the front door. She turned around to see that the door was locked.
She ran up to the door and frantically toggled the handle.
Ami pursed her lips: Trunks had locked the door on purpose, most likely to aid Gohan.
Tears streamed down her cheeks, and her quivering mouth threatened a sob. They didn't only not trust her, they truly believed she was their only hope.
It hurts, but it hurt more knowing that she has the pressure of importance on her shoulders. That has always been Usagi's role, now she founds out she's the princess of Mercury and these acquaintances last ditch effort.
It's like the tables have turned in the worst way possible.
Gohan was still on the losing end with the androids. Scratches tattered all over his body and the blood from his cuts were threatening to trickle down, the dreaded duo kept kicking and punching the determined hero. It was clear the killing machines are winning this battle: with Gohan's responses to their attacks getting slower and slower, eventually 18 managed to deck a punch to his left cheek sending his flying to the remaining debris of a once bustling city.
The androids found it amusing at Gohan's constant defeat they had to laugh. The demi saiyan's vision started to blur and he felt the stinging pain on his left cheek which started to swell slightly. Things felt hopeless for a mere second until the sound of air pressure came into his ears, causing his eyes to widen.
He recognised the Ki signature; it was none other than Trunks himself in his super saiyan form. In a quick panic Gohan forced himself to get up once more, managing to lift up his upper body.
"Trunks get out of here! This is my fight!" He shouted, making sure not to mention Ami as he knows they would find and destroy the poor girl. At the same time he was worried sick about her, where did Trunks even place her?
"No, you can't even get up properly! I'm handling this!" Trunks protested, much to Gohan's frustration.
"Oh, so now we have another punching bag; looks like the brat is requesting to be tribute!" 18 said amused.
"I guess we have no choice but to entertain, eh? You're lucky we are so generous!" 17 smirked.
Trunks started the attack by dashing at the 2.
Ami in a nervous wreck, started pacing around the room. Trunks locked her in this safehouse so she wouldn't interfere with whatever that explosion was.
Ami thought back to the comments Bulma and Gohan made.
"So you have mild amnesia...well that's not a problem! I loved to know how you survived that massacre, surely there must be a bunker of sorts. Which means more humans are alive!"
Ami blanched "M-massacre ...?" As in a lot of people were killed, massacre?
Gohan took notice to the blue-haired girl's discomfort. "Bulma, take it slow, she probably only knows of life before the androids attacked."
These creatures were surely dangerous if many were killed, the bluenette was still in slight denial of the dystopian setting especially since she didn't see for herself aside from the explosion. She realised that her previous ventures as a sailor scout was a cake walk compared to this, and she even died once during their battle with Queen barrel whose seems like a speck compared to someone like Gohan or the young Trunks.
Ami gulped as it was one of the few times she was completely lost and her mind went blank, her fear of the situation took over her ability to think rationally which is natural but in this case she hated it.
She also hated that she was being treated as a princess in a castle; it hurt that those 2 mysterious boys were sacrificing themselves for her wishing ability that is completely flawed.
When in doubt get in the zone
A random thought just popped into her head but it felt that thought wasn't originally hers. She remembered Gohan teaching her about Ki flow which had some usage of meditation, which usually brought out her mother from a past life. Perhaps that's who she needed; someone to give her insight. Ami took a deep breath and sit down on the floor crossing her legs.
She did a visualization technique imagining Ki flow. Feeling the wrath she allowed herself to concentrate and go even deeper. The deep darkness formed again and the atmosphere changed to a cooler setting.
Ami got up as she could tell she was within her mental space.
The mysterious women who resembled her arose again.
"I see your friends are in grave danger" she said grimly.
"Yes…" she couldn't think of a more intellectual response at the moment.
"I- I am sorry dear I have no clear solution for you. Not even I cannot explain why your in this predicament, other than the fact that you somehow transferred to a new universe -"
The shock hit Ami like a truck, the worse part was that she didn't know what was more shocking the fact that all hope was lost or that fact that she is essentially in a new universe completely unrelated to her's.
"But, there is one thing I can do for you. As I am not here for no reason after all."
The hopeless girl snapped here head up at the proposal. "Please! Anything at this point!"
"Your super form is not your final form, there is one higher that. Getting to the point I have come to upgrade you to that power."
Ami just stared as the woman generated a blue light. "What power is this?"
"The power is called 'eternal' and it is much more powerful than your super form. All you need to say is 'mercury eternal power make-up!' "
The queen took her crystal staff pen and watched it transform into a blue brooch.
"It has been manifested, this all I can do I am sorry couldn't be of further help"
The princess pursed her lips "it's enough, I'm going to see them. They cannot do it alone."
The star queen had a blank look "You will surely die, I am almost sure of it, and If you die this universe will have a more damning fate than it already does."
"I know!" Ami said with protest "but their lives are important as well! As messed up as this universe has gotten, they still have family to come back to."
"Very well" was all the queen responded before fading out and pushing Ami back to reality.
Ami snapped her eyes open and seized her pockets for her transformation pen, she was met with a blue brooch instead. Her past life mother had succeeded in upgrading her power, the question remained how would she succeed in taking on 2 destructive android beings?
The answer can relatively simple, in her past forms she had a computer scanner and glasses that could help her give readings on energy and enemies. She could use this to help them strategize a plan.
It's worth a shot she thought as she got up to the door and felt the surface. She couldn't sense Ki yet as they had yet to teach her but the surface was just hard metal that would be hard to destroy if say an explosion was directly impacted on it.
Minimal Ki can bust this open without a doubt, it seems Trunks missed the fact I could do this-
She also was not tought about making specialized attacks but a regular Ki blast should be enough. The bluenette used her index finger and focused on her Ki from there and blasted the door, allowing it to make a huge dent.
The door had been so busted up it was unable to stay closed and it swinged open on impact. It was still a tough door as it stayed on the hinges but the objective was to open it and she succeeded.
They must still be where the explosion was, I can't sense Ki well but I must make due.
"Mercury eternal power make up!" blue light flashed and she was showed her new form.
It was vastly different than the super form she initially had, up until now her attire was largely the same but the eternal form had huge changes that couldn't be ignored. It resembled Usagi's eternal form in many ways she couldn't describe.
Ami blasted off with the energy she had left to the location.
It took Ami nearly an hour but she had found them. The demi saiyans fighting what seemed to be 2 twins of the opposite sex.
These are the androids society dreads? But they look so human I would've never guessed they were robots, technology in this universe has come so far. Sad it was collapsed by evil androids turning on it's human creators.
Gohan and Trunks were clearly losing and it wasn't pretty, it was especially scary to watch. These androids were no joke, they seemed very powerful too.
She descended behind a rock.
I'll be safe here for now, I don't believe androids can sense Ki.
Trunks got sent flying to the nearest rock after a minute of skirmish with 17. Even with Gohan jumping in it was no use.
18 yawned as a way of taunting him again "as impressive as it was seeing you rise from your grave," she smirked. "I think it's time for you to rest in peace, isn't that right 17?"
"Yes this is getting quite boring, I think the purple one needs to go as well. Weaklings serve us with purpose anymore, they should all die-" he said in a nonchalant tone but it was dipped in malicious and toxic intent.
The 2 struggled to get up from their latest Battle wounds.
"We'll finish them, not before killing the weakest one of them all" the raven haired man fasted a menacing smile.
"Ah that puny human girl they have correct?" 18 said in response.
Gohan felt his heart drop to the deepest part of his soul that it hurt.
"You wouldn't dare!" He heard Trunks cry
"What would we pass up on so much fun?" 18 cackled as she demolished a rock showing the mercurian behind it. It did not take even 10 seconds for them to seize the girl, 17 then proceeded to ring the life out of the girl by the neck causing her to scream. The saiyans wounded could not do anything.
Her Ki signature was gone.
No… Gohan was doing everything he could to prevent his mind from freezing.
"AMI!" he heard Trunks scream from the top of his lungs.
She was everything….He felt the warmth in his chest cool down and was starting to feel cool, icy even. The androids continued to laugh and cackle at her death.
She was everything, and they KILLED HER Gohan cry could be Heard a crossed galaxies, it even surprised Trunks despite him being just as shocked.
He felt his mentor's Ki increase to scales he couldn't even fathom and the initial warmth and energy felt cold his usually yellow aura color was replaced by a icy blue one and accompanied by a cold fog making it hard to see him on the battlefield. It even shocked the androids who was expecting anger from the demi saiyans but not to this extent.
When the cold fog dispersed it was a sight to behold, it was like the Gohan he knew was gone. His form was similar to his super saiyan form but his hair color was ice blue color he had never seen before and his eyes had a blue glow to them.
Ami cracked her eyes open and could feel a splitting headache come on. She looked at her transluscent hands. She barely remembered what had happened, at least the androids gave her a quick death? Not that had made anything better.
"I am surprised at your thickheadedness, this is something only princess Serenity or princess Venus could do. I told you that death was almost guaranteed"
Ami just closed her eyes in silence
"But this is exactly what he needs look my child" she said as she was pointing back to the battle field.
Ami snapped her eyes open and saw Gohan in this strange form.
She watch as he made quick work of the androids something of which seemed impossible before. She gasped as she saw him blast them with a ki wave only for them to turn into ice and shatter.
"W-what is that power!?" she said in awe looking at the scene.
"He triggered this form after he assumed you died by the hands on the androids. It seems it's a new form brought on by mixing Ki, hus super saiyan form, and a power similar to the sailor senshi in a new way. It has increased his power thus obliterating those pesky robots."
Ami looked at her mother intrigued "So there is more to this than meets the eye? And are you implying I'm not dead?"
"I said you would die, I never said you couldn't respawn or reincarnate you should know that as you were given second life before."
The woman's message gave her flashbacks to when she died from queen Beryl's attack. However she thought it would be a one time thing.
"Wouldn't I loose memories though?" Ami gave a argument.
"No, it was necessary before but now it hasn't have to be. However you will be in a coma for sometime as a result."
Ami sighed "But how will they know?"
The Queen smiled "Do not worry, your body will heal, and then they will pick up on the KI signature."
An: There is still a segment left on this subplot before it ends but as I said from above it ties into the main story for a reason.
Any supporters can feel free to submit questions, art, suggests, and more on my tumblr I'll be starting it up again sooner or later.