A/N: Hey everybody! Welcome to chapter 2! We actually really don't have much to say here other than MaxGentlman 1 and I hope you enjoy the chapter.
Discliamer: We own OC's! DC and Marvel own everything else we just get to enjoy the giant sandbox!
-Inside CADMUS-
In a large, dark room, Desmond stood nervously as several screens came online. Each screen showed a silhouette in brightest white.
"Doctor Desmond, we were told you require an audience with the light?" One of them asked in a heavy German accent.
"Yes, I am very sorry to disturb you at this late…" He began only to be cut off.
"Skip the formalities and get to the point," Another screen said.
"Right, as you may know, there was a fire here at Project CADMUS. The origin is still under investigation, but it seems to have attracted some… unwanted attention. Four sidekicks: Robin, Aqualad, Spider-Girl, and Kid Flash infiltrated the facility," He sighed. This was harder than he had already expected it to be.
"They breached security and released one of the weapons, The Superboy. Of course the clone is under our telepathic control and, as ordered, turned on its would-be liberators. The four are contained and we don't believe the League knows they're here. Uh… what should I do with them?" He asked.
There was a long pause during which Desmond could hear his heartbeat in his ears and then; "Clone them," One voice with a European accent said.
"The substitutes will serve The Light, and only The Light," The voice continued.
"And the originals?" Desmond asked.
"Dispose of them; leave no trace," The voice said as the others nodded and Desmond smiled to himself, leaving the room.
-Washington D.C.; July 5, 00:01 EST-
On a deeper level of CADMUS, the four sidekicks were shackled in pods as a voice rang out in their heads.
'Time runs short! You must awaken! NOW!' It exclaimed in their heads, snapping them all awake.
They all stared down at Superboy, who stared coldly at them in return.
"Hey man, what's your deal!?" Kid Flash demanded.
"Kid, maybe not the best idea to anger the guy that can fry us with a look?" Spider-Girl offered.
-With Desmond-
Desmond was marching to Project Kr, giving out orders to genomorphs as he went; "Get everything ready for the new Project: Sidekick! Now!" He said, stopping at the door, that was still being fixed from Superboy ripping it from his track, only to find that Superboy was nowhere inside the chamber.
"Where's the weapon!?" He yelled in a slight panic.
"He took the sidekicks to the holding chamber," Ronin answered, entering the scene to see Desmond's panic.
"We have Genomorphs to do that, you moron!" He yelled at the head of security.
"I don't see the harm of letting the kid stretch his legs," Ronin said, folding his arms.
"Don't you?" Desmond asked as his G-Gnome and Ronin's G-Gnome's eyes glowed.
"That clone belongs in a cage!" Ronin yelled before storming off.
-With the sidekicks-
"We only sought to help you," Aqualad said.
"Yeah, we free you and then you turn on us. Talk about gratitude!" Kid Flash said indignantly only for Aqualad to calm him down.
"Kid, please," He said, "I don't believe our new friend was in full control of his actions."
"W-what i-if…" Superboy started in a hoarse but cleared his throat before speaking again, this time in a clear tone, "What if I wasn't?"
"Wait, he can talk?" Kid Flash asked.
"Yes, HE can," Superboy said in a harsh tone of voice, glaring at the redhead teen.
"What? It's not like I said 'It'," Kid said in slight confusion.
"The Genomorphs taught you. Telepathically?" Spider-Girl guessed.
"They taught me many things. They taught me how to read and write. I know the names of things," Superboy explained.
"But have you ever seen them? Have they ever let you see the sky? The Sun?" Robin asked, feeling sorry for the super-clone.
"Images are implanted in my mind, but… no. I have never truly seen them with my own eyes," Superboy said.
"Do you even know what you are? Who you are?" Aqualad asked.
"I am the Superboy. A Genomorph. A clone made from the DNA of the Superman. Created to replace him should he perish… Or to destroy him should he fall from the light," Superboy recited as if he had rehearsed it his whole life, which he most likely did.
The four of them looked to one another, somewhat surprised by Superboy's mission before Aqualad turned back to Superboy.
"To be like Superman is a noble and worthy aspiration, but like Superman, you deserve a life of your own. Beyond that Solar Suit. Beyond your pod… Beyond CADMUS," He said.
"I live because of CADMUS! It is my home!" Superboy shouted angrily.
"Your home is a test tube. We can show you the sun," Spider-Girl said in response, a little force behind her voice.
"Actually, pretty sure that it's the middle of the night," Kid Flash pointed out, "But we can show you the moon."
"We can show you, introduce you, to Superman," Aqualad offered. Superboy seemed to take interest in this offer. However, before he could answer, the door to the holding chamber opened and in walked Desmond and Ronin, followed closely by a female scientist.
"No, they can't," Desmond said, "They'll be otherwise… occupied. Activate the cloning process," He told the other scientist.
"No thanks, Batcave is crowded enough as it is," Robin quipped.
"And get the damn weapon back in its pod!" Desmond shouted at Ronin, who walked towards Superboy and put a hand on his shoulder.
"Hey! How come he gets to call Supey an it?" Kid Flash asked as Superboy looked up at them.
"Help us," Spider-Girl said pleading. Superboy looked down in thought before Desmond walked up beside him.
"Oh don't start thinking now," He said angrily as his Ge-Gnome hopped off his shoulder and onto Superboy's. Its horns began to glow bright red, causing Superboy to develop a thousand yard stare before he turned around and walked out of the chamber.
Desmond nodded to the female scientist, who hit several keys on the console in front of her. Suddenly, long electric needles sprang out of the pods and stabbed into each of them. They screamed as blood was drawn from them and collected into tanks beneath them.
"Where's Dubblex?" Desmond asked as the demonic-looking Genomorph stepped out of the shadows.
"Lurking as usual? Get the Genomorphs to download their memories then delete the source material," Desmond said, heading out. As the teen heroes struggled to remain conscious, Aqualad spoke in a near whisper that was picked up by Superboy's super-hearing.
"Superboy, you live. That gives you the right to choose for your own path! A weapon or a person, the choice is yours. But ask yourself: What would Superman do?" Aqualad asked.
Superboy froze, staring at the ground and then turned around, tossing the Ge-Gnome off him, before running back to the holding chamber and ripped the door off its track.
"I told you to get back to your pod!" Desmond said as he, Ronin, and Dubblex tried to stop Superboy, only for him to shove them all aside, knocking them out temporarily.
"Don't give me orders," He growled before staring at them.
"So you here to help us or fry us?" Kid Flash asked nervously.
Superboy glared at him for a moment and then smirked.
"I don't appear to have heat vision, so I guess helping is my only real option," He said.
Robin suddenly managed to pick the lock around his wrists and landed on the ground, rubbing them.
"'Bout time, Batman would have killed me if he knew it took that long," He muttered.
"Really? That's what you're worried about? The entire League is going to have all our heads after tonight!" Kid Flash said as Robin released them.
"You get Aqualad and Spider-Girl I can handle Kid Mouth," Robin said.
"Don't you give me orders either!" Superboy growled lowly as they released the other three.
"Thank you," Aqualad said, smiling. Superboy just nodded in response as they all ran out the door.
"You… you'll never get out of here! I'll have you back in pods before morning!" Desmond cried out.
"Man that guy is not whelmed, not whelmed at all," Robin said taking out four shuriken and throwing them into the tanks they had been trapped inside.
"What is it with you and this 'whelemed' thing?" Kid Flash asked as the shuriken exploded, leaving Desmond to get shakily to his feet, staring at the fire as his genomorph leaped onto his shoulder.
"Activate every Genomorph in CADMUS." He told it and its eyes began to glow red, as did several pods along the walls on many levels.
The team was now sprinting down a hallway a level up from where they had been. As they rounded a corner Aqualad shouted.
"We are still forty-one levels beneath the surface, but if we can get to the elevator…" He was then cut off as several Genomorph creatures blocked their path.
Turning around they saw several more burst from pods along the walls; "Well, that gave off a very Alien vibe… never a good sign," Kid Flash said.
Spider-Girl saw a door down a separate hallway and got an idea, "Through there!" She said swinging off as the boys followed her, not really having many other options. They slid into the room and slammed the doors shut behind them, the banging of Genomorphs coming from the other side.
However, before they closed the door, Robin noticed something. These doors were thicker than the ones that had held Superboy, and the metal had scratch marks on it as if something, like a wild animal, had been clawing at it in rage.
Before he could speak out however, the last door closed and Kid Flash spoke, "Great now we're trapped again, except worse this time!"
"No, look there's a few doors out of here, maybe one of them will take us out somewhere near…" Robin started but was cut of by Spider-Girl.
"Vince!?" She gasped, facing away from them all.
"What? No, who's…" Kid Flash began and then he froze staring at a large tank filled with green liquid.
As their eyes adjusted to the low light of the room, they saw what looked like a silhouette of a person inside the liquid. Once they fully adjusted, they were shocked to see a young man with many wires strapped to his body as well as a breathing apparatus hooked up to his mouth and nose so that he wouldn't drown in the liquid.
The young man had slightly tanned skin, a firm athletic build, and long black hair that was grown just past his shoulders. His face had a slight five o clock shadow. He was close to naked, save for some trunks-like pants that saved his modesty. His eyes were closed as if he were asleep or in stasis inside the pod of liquid.
"Vince!" Spider-Girl yelled sounding simultaneously, relieved, sad, and angry as she sprinted up to the pod and pressed her hand against the cool surface.
"What have they done to you?" She muttered staring at the boy in question before she spun to Robin.
"Robin, hack right now! I want everything they have on him! On this! Everything! We need to get him free!" She said, starting to search the pod for some kind of release.
Robin did as he was ordered as he plugged into the nearby terminal and began going through the files.
"Project: Weapon X-24. It says it's some kind of Super Soldier program picking up where the original Weapon X program left off. It says a bunch of stuff with files on Wolverine, Sabertooth, even Deadpool is on here," He said as he skimmed the computer files.
"Skip to how Vincent is involved!" Spider-Girl said.
"Right, right. Sorry. It says here that he was taken in a couple months ago and put through most of the same tests that Wolverine went through. Except his claws aren't Adamantium, they're… No way," Robin said in silent shock.
"What? What are they made of?" Kid Flash asked.
"They're made of… Adamantine," He said, shocking most of the group, save for Superboy, who didn't feel he was really related to this whole situation.
"So what you saying is..." Aqualad started and Robin finished for him.
"They got a hold of the legendary Olympian metal, and worked it onto his skeleton, yeah. Says here he's Wolverine's son."
"Wow, just when you think there are some things that people can't get a hold of, or can't do. They really did it. They took Wolverine, and somehow made him more dangerous," Kid Flash said.
"There it is!" Spider-Girl said triumphantly gripping a switch and turning it, "Robin, download all of that. I know a few people who are going to want that information," She said, sounding to all of them angrier than they had ever heard her.
The tank began to drain the liquid, spilling onto the floor. However, the moment of exposition was interrupted when the banging on the door grew louder.
"They must've brought in the big guns," Kid Flash said in slight worry.
"Then we need to get moving, leave and come back for him later," Superboy said.
"We ARE NOT going to leave him here!" Spider-Girl said as the liquid finally completely drained out of the pod and Vince's eyes snapped open as he let out a roar of both rage and fear his eyes darted around.
They all stared in shock as three twelve-inch long, slightly curved, gold claws slid out from between the knuckles of his hands, and one slid out of each foot as he slammed them against the pod, breaking free in a shower of glass shards.
He looked rabid, feral, and ready to attack any one of them if they came near.
"Great, stuck between Genomorphs and an angry Mini-Wolverine! Not how I thought this day would go," Kid Flash said.
Spider-Girl slowly stepped up to him, "Vince, listen to me Vincent. It's Maria. I know that you're hurt and afraid, but I know you're in there. I need you to come back to me or we're all going to be stuck with the people that did this," She said.
Vince growled, his eyes still full of anger and fear. Suddenly, the door was smashed open by G-Trolls. The second the door was opened, Vincent snarled in rage and roared before charging at the Genomorphs, retracting his claws before he began to strike at the massive genetic monsters, knocking them off their feet with his surprising strength. Before the group knew it, a path was cleared as Vincent fought the massive beasts. Suddenly, to their surprise, he yelled something in perfect English.
"GO! RUN!" He shouted back to them just before getting slammed into one of the walls.
"He can talk!?" Kid Flash asked.
"I said go!" Vince shouted, throwing several Genomorphs away and clearing the path to the elevator.
The impact of the G-Trolls shook the hall around them; "We're trying to escape, not get buried here!" Aqualad said, only to be met with a glare that could have made Batman flinch as Vinces golden claws slid out.
"You all can escape, I have some business to deal with here," He growled making to push past them all only for Spider-Girl to grab him around the wrist with a vice like grip.
"No! We all need to get out of here! Vince, we've been looking for you for a long time now… please, I just got you back, I don't want to lose you again," She said in an almost pleading tone.
Vince stared at her, his glare softening then vanishing completely as he let out a sigh, nodding before sheathing his claws.
"Good, now let's go," She said as they all made a break for it.
Aqualad wrenched the doors open as Robin shot a grapple up and Spider-Girl used a web line to help Kid Flash up. Vince unsheathed his claws and used them to climb the walls of the elevator shaft.
Superboy grabbed Aqualad and just before the G-Trolls could grab them, they leaped into the air, intending to fly upward, only for them to begin falling.
"I'm falling?" Superboy said, confused as Spider-Girl caught them both with a web before they fell too far.
"Superman can fly. Why can't I fly?" He muttered.
"Don't know, but it looks like you can still leap tall buildings in a single bound, which is still cool," Kid Flash said.
"Much fun as this is, I think we have to exit here!" Vince said, pointing up towards the elevator coming straight down at them.
They hit the door, knocking them into the hall as they all tumbled in, just barely avoiding the oncoming elevator. As they stood back up, more Genomorphs gathered around them. They all darted into a hallway to the right of them.
'Turn left brother,' Said a voice inside Superboy's head, he froze for a split second and then shouted ahead.
"Left! Go left!" He said and they all followed.
'Turn right,' The voice said.
"Right!" He called out and they turned only to hit a dead end.
"Oh, great directions Supey! Are you trying to get us repodded!?" Kid Flash demanded.
"No, sorry, I just thought…" He said uncertainty.
"Don't apologize! This is perfect!" Robin said pointing to a large air vent towards the top of the wall. They all nodded as Spider-Girl went up and pulled the vent off the wall and helped the others inside as well.
-CADMUS Staff-
Desmond was leading the way as he stared at the tablet in his hands. "Someone, Robin I'd wager, hacked the system, disengaging all internal security cameras! However, he neglected the motion sensors," He said triumphantly.
"The Genomorphs are closing in, we have them cornered!" He said as they entered a men's bathroom only for more Genomorphs to fall out of the vents and onto them all.
"He hacked the motion sensors," Desmond growled.
"I hacked the motion sensors!" Robin said, smirking proudly.
"Nice work!" Kid Flash said.
"Still a lot of floors between us and out," Spider-Girl said, pointing to a sign that identified them as standing on Sub-Level Fifteen.
"Yeah, but I finally have room to move! Follow my lead!" Kid Flash said proudly, lowering his goggles and taking off up the stairs. They all followed as he sped up a little to shove the Genomorphs in their way aside.
"More coming up behind us!" Robin said staring at his gauntlets holo-screen. Superboy and Vince stopped. Vince sliced the railings off as Superboy stomped on the staircase, sending all the Genomorphs crashing down the stairwell.
"Nice work," Vince said and Superboy nodded as they both set out.
Desmond, Dubbilex, and Ronin were riding upwards. "We'll cut them off at Sub-Level One!" Ronin said.
"We'd better, or the board will have our heads… my head," He said, pausing for a moment before pressing the stop button on the elevator. The doors slid open and he stepped out.
"I need to get something from Project: Blockbuster! Just in case! I'll meet you at Sub-Level 1!" He said as the doors closed again.
-Sub-Level 1-
Kid Flash had just exited the stairwell and rounded the corner. He could see the end when the alarms went off and the hallway was bathed in red before large metal doors slid closed, blocking him off.
"Ah crud," He muttered as he tried to slow down, only to hit the doors at a non-lethal speed and bounce back a little.
"We're cut off from the street," Aqualad muttered.
"No, really? My head hadn't noticed," Kid Flash said in a tone that dripped with sarcasm.
"I can't hack this fast enough," Robin muttered as Superboy tried punching the door to very little effect.
Vince walked up popped his claws and began to slice into the door like a hot knife through butter.
"Wow, what are those things?" Superboy asked.
"Adamantine, the god metal, or one of them. What? Did you think you were the only thing they were prepping if Superman needed to be taken down?" Vince asked.
Before any of them could respond to that, several Genomorphs came flooding into the hall.
"Can't cut a hole big enough in time!" Vince muttered.
"Through here!" Robin said kicking a door off its hinges as they all flooded through the doorway only to be met by Ronin staring them down, backed up be several Genomorphs and G-Trolls. More came up behind them.
The six teens fell into a circle, all ready to fight when several of the G-Gnomes' eyes and horns glowed and they all fell to the ground. Superboy was on his knees and Vince was struggling to remain upright.
'Perhaps for the sake of all Genomorphs, our brother Superboy should make up his own mind,' Dubblex said telepathically as he entered the hallway.
'It was you!' Superboy thought to him.
'Yes brother, I was the one who set the fire that lured your new friends here. Woke them when they were in danger, insured they would find their friend,' He said mentally.
'And guided me. Why?' Superboy asked.
'Because you are our hope. The Genomorph hero. You will blaze a trail for us all to follow, showing us the way to freedom,' Dubbilex said as Ronin's G-Gnome left his shoulder.
He groaned, holding his head as the other young heroes got shakily to their feet.
'What is your choice, brother?' Dubblex asked.
"I. choose. Freedom." Superboy said emphasizing every word as his friends all stood and the mental fog lifted.
"Feels like fog's lifting," Ronin said.
"Ronin?" Aqualad asked cautiously as they all stared over at him. He stared back before his face seemed to set into a hard glare beneath his mask.
"Go, all of you contact the League. I'll deal with Desmond," He said lowly.
"I think not," Desmond's voice said and they all turned to see him approaching from behind, a glowing blue vial clenched almost desperately in his hand.
"Project Blockbuster will give me all the power I need to restore order to CADMUS!" He said before swallowing it all. They each stared, Ronin joining them as Desmond began to twitch and then suddenly he was expanding.
His muscles became overly large, ripping away his clothes, his eyes glowed red as his skin turned a dark blue and his mouth became filled with sharp teeth. The creature let out a roar, smirking at them.
"Everyone get back!" Ronin said, jumping forward only to be backhanded away by the monster with little effort sending him flying off the wall and to the floor.
Superboy and Vince came at the creature next each throwing several shots. The monster punched them both backward. Both boys however slid to a stop and jumped at it again. It roared in response and tackled them both mid flight sending all three crashing through the ceiling and to the floor above.
"Well then, that's one way to break through the ceiling," Robin said, pulling out a grapple line and grabbing Kid Flash.
"You think lab coat planned that?" Kid Flash asked.
"I don't think he's planning much of anything anymore, he looks like a mini blue Hulk," Spider-Girl said as she and Aqualad jumped through the hole as well. They landed in time to see Superboy break Blockbusters grip as Vince sank his claw into the creatures arm.
It let out a bellow of rage, throwing Superboy into Aqualad as it tried to shake off Vince, who sank his other set of hand claws into its arm as well.
"You have no idea how satisfying this is for me right now," Vince smirked, stabbing it again and again in the arm before it finally managed to fling him off and against a wall. It roared at them all as if in challenge and in response they all stood in combat stances before charging towards the genetically augmented beast.
Kid Flash and Spider-Girl slid between its legs, confusing it, only for it to look up in time to catch Vince, Aqualad, and Superboy's fists in its face. It stumbled back and tripped over the other two.
"Come on, that's kindergarten 101," Spider-Girl said, smirking as Robin leap over them and threw three explosive birdarangs at its face. It caught them and tossed them aside. It looked up only to see Superboy tackle him into a pillar before punching him twice only to receive a few shots himself.
It reared back its fist for another strike only for a water whip and webbing to wrap around it's arm as Aqualad and Spider-Girl came crashing into it. Spider-Girl slammed her knee into its face, landing on the pillar above as Aqualad came down with a mace made of his water.
The beast caught the oncoming blow and threw him aside, creating a small dent in the ground. It threw Superboy through the pillar he was against. Kid Flash came rushing into the battle with Vince.
The creature avoided Kid Flash, grabbing him by the arm and using him to knock Vince to the side. Kid Flash bounced hard off the wall and fell to the floor as Blockbuster tackled Vince through another pillar. They hit the one behind it and the roof shook.
"Of course!" Robin said in realization, an idea coming to him as he pulled up the building schematics.
"KF, Spider-Girl, get over here!" He called out as he began to explain the new plan to them while Aqualad and Superboy pulled Blockbuster off Vince. It knocked them both to the side, grabbing Superboy and slamming him through another pillar.
"Got it?" Robin asked Kid Flash and Spider-Girl, who both nodded before rushing the beast again. Leaping up and hitting it in the face, they had it's attention. They used that to their advantage, leading it away from the other three.
"You three, come here!" Robin said explaining the plan as Spider-Girl and Kid Flash got the beast to destroy more of the pillars.
"Those three!" Robin said and they all nodded as he set the last pieces of the trap in place, setting explosives and watching as the others destroyed the pillars or got Blockbuster to do it for them.
Robin drew an X on the ground which Aqualad coated in water. Kid FLash led the beast towards it and caused it to slip, falling on its back. Before it could react, Aqualad sent an electric current through the water, causing it to seize up.
"Move!" Robin said as his bombs went off destroying the last of the pillars and causing the whole roof to fall in. As they were running they noticed they wouldn't make it to the door. They all gathered into groups of two as the place crumbled around them.
For a few minutes after the building cave-in, the area was silent. Then there was a shifting of rubble as Superboy tossed the large stone slab away as they all let out groans, panting, but smiling.
"We… did it." Aqualad said between breaths.
"Was there ever… any doubt?" Robin said, letting out a pained, but genuine smile he turned to Kid Flash and they high fived only to both clutch their bruised or broken ribs. It was hard for them to tell just yet.
"Are you okay?" Vince asked, helping Spider-Girl up as his own cuts and bruises healed over near instantly.
"Yeah, a little banged up, but I'm fine." She said before hugging him her face a bit red. "I'm really glad we found you, and managed to get out of this whole day in general," She said.
"I'm glad you found me too, and I did miss the outside," Vince said returning the hug.
Superboy was standing over the beaten Blockbuster as they all walked over to him. "See? The moon," Kid Flash said pointing to the full moon high in the sky. As they looked up at the sky and bathed in the moonlight, they saw silhouettes against the white background of the moon. Suddenly, the shapes came into view before Superman landed in front of them along with other members of the League.
They could see Iron Man, Wonder Woman, Captain Marvel, Big Barda, Martian Manhunter and a great many others as well as all their parents/mentors being set down by a Green Lantern's platform construct.
There was a long and awkward pause, then Superboy stepped up and carefully showed Superman the S shield on his chest. Superman's eyes widened, he didn't appear to know what to say.
"Is that what I think it is?" Batman asked.
"He doesn't like to be called an 'it'," Kid Flash muttered.
"Nor should he," Spider-Girl said.
"I'm Superman's clone!" Superboy said defensively. That dropped a few jaws as Batman turned to the others. "Alright, start talking," He said in his serious, stoic tone.
As the others began to explain what had happened, Vince was searching the faces around him, and then he found who he was looking for. Finally letting go of Spider-Girl he ran over unnoticed and tapped her on the shoulder.
"Hi, Mom," He said hopefully. The woman in question froze and then spun to face him. She towered over him, but in less than a second, Big Barda was actually crying as she hugged Vince close to her.
"My boy, you're alive! What happened? Where have you been!?" She asked, looking him over frantically, completely out of her normal character of the stoic warrior. Now she acted like a worried mother.
Vince paused, he really didn't want to talk about it all, at least not now. So instead, as Wolverine came over to check on him as well, he popped his claws showing them the gleaming golden blades.
Wolverine stopped, short staring at them. Barda actually gasped at seeing them before he sheathed them again, and found himself enveloped in an even tighter hug from them both.
Off to the side, Spider-Girl let out a sigh, and smiled just a little bit. It wasn't how any of them would have liked the reunion, and she still wanted to talk to Vince, but for now, she was happy to see them all reunited. Turning, she joined the others in explaining what had happened.
It took a long time, at least an hour or two, even as they explained the situation and all they had been through. When they finally wrapped the story up, Superman was seeing to Blockbuster with Superboy staring at him.
Captain Marvel noticed and tapped him on the shoulder before pointing over. Superman stood and sighed, but nodded, coming over to him and stopping in front of him.
"We'll figure out something for you, the League will I mean. As for you and I… well, for now I had better go and make sure they get that Blockbuster creature squared away," Superman said carefully before taking off with Green Lantern and Blockbuster.
"Don't worry about him, Superboy, believe me it takes time to come to grips with having unknown clone or a kid let alone both. He'll come around," Wolverine said as Spider-Man nodded, remembering his own clone issues.
"CADMUS will be investigated, all fifty-two levels of it, but let's make one thing clear…" Batman started.
"You should have called!" The Flash said sounding agitated but concerned.
Batman shot him a look that made him stop as Batman continued. "End results aside, we are not happy. You hacked Avengers systems, disobeyed direct orders, and endangered lives! You will not be doing this again," Batman said.
After a moment to look at each other, the teen superheroes looked back at the dark knight with serious looks in their eyes.
"Sorry to say this, Batman, but we will," Spider-Girl said.
"Of course we will," Aqualad said.
"Aqualad, stand down!" Aquaman said, the tone a command.
"I am sorry, my king, but no," He said standing beside his friends as even Vince broke away from his parents and joined them.
"We did good work here tonight! The work you trained us all to do. Together, on our own. We not only forged something powerful, but we found friends and allies, new and old. We made something important," Aqualad said as Spider-Girl leaned on Vince.
"Look if this is about your treatment at the hall the four of you..."Spider-Man started.
"The SIX of us, dad, and no it's not," Spider-Girl said.
"Batman, listen, we're ready to use what you all taught us, or why bother teaching us at all?" Robin asked.
"Why let them tell us what to do!?" Superboy demanded stepping up to the front. "It's simple. Get on board or get out of the way," He said seriously as they all stood together, standing proud. Batman's eyes narrowed, but to their surprise, he nodded.
"Meet me here in three days time, all of you," He said taking out small GPS devices and handing them out as he pulled the adults aside to talk.
-Mount Justice, July 8th 08:04 EDT-
The team all stood together in the center of a large atrium in the center of a fortress built inside a mountain. All of them were now dressed in casual clothes and in Vince's case, his hair was cut short and his face was clean shaven.
"This cave was the original secret sanctuary of the League of Avengers. We're calling it into service again. Since you all are determined to stay together and fight the good fight, you'll do it on League Terms," Batman said.
"Red Tornado and Vision have volunteered to live here, Black Canary and Wolverine will be in charge of training. Iron Man or I will deploy you on missions." Batman said.
"Real missions?" Robin asked.
"Yes, but covert, that's why we set you up here as opposed to a few of the more indiscreet bases we considered," Batman said.
"The League will still handle the obvious stuff. After all, there is a reason we have these big targets on our chests," The Flash said, pointing at his lightning bolt.
"However CADMUS proves that the bad guys are getting smarter. So we need a team that can operate on the sly," Iron Man said.
"The eight of you will be that team," Batman said.
"Cool! Wait…." Vince paused, looking around. "Eight?" He asked. Suddenly, the Zeta Tube went off and in walked Martian Manhunter and the star spangled man with a plan himself, Captain America. However, they weren't alone.
With them was a green-skinned girl about their age with red hair, a white shirt, blue cape and skirt, with matching boots.
Next to her was a young man about the same size and build of Superboy and Vincent. He wore a gold-colored helmet, blue armor-like chest piece with a black undershirt, and blue pants with black combat boots. On his right arm was a large triangular shield. It was dark-blue with a gold cross over it and a glowing blue star in the center of that.
"This is Martian Manhunter's niece, Ms. Martian," Batman said.
"And Captain America's partner, Guardian," Iron Man added.
"Nice to meet you all," Guardian said.
"Hi," Ms. Martian said a bit timidly.
"Liking this gig more every minute." Kid Flash muttered to Robin before darting forward. "Welcome aboard! I'm Kid Flash, that's Robin, Aqualad, Spider-Girl… Vince. It's cool if you forget their names." Kid Flash said almost ignoring Guardian who rolled his eyes and shook the others hands.
"I'm honored to be included," She said.
"I'm glad to see there's going to be another girl on the team," Spider-Girl said smiling.
"Hear, hear," Kid Flash and Robin said in unison.
"Ignore them," She added, shaking Ms. Martian's hand.
Superboy and Vince each stood back watching them all until Robin leaned over. "Come on guys, come meet the new team mates," He said and they made their way over.
Ms. Martian's cape suddenly shrank away and her shirt became black while retaining her red X. "I like your shirt," She said to Superboy, who smiled.
"We really have to get you used to others again off the battlefield," Maria said, smiling at Vince who smiled a bit awkwardly back but nodded.
Aqualad smiled, they may not be perfect, but they were a team. "Today is the day." He said simply.
A/N: So, that's then end of chapter 1! We hope you enjoyed it! Leave a review, favorite or follow should you be so inclined and we shall see you all next chapter!