Hey guys. I apologise in advance to anyone who's hopes I got up with a new chapter, but I'm afraid said chapter is likely not coming any time soon, if at all.

There are a couple of reasons, some more important than others.

Real life stuff, like university, is certainly a factor, but in all it doesn't matter as much as my main issue.

Said issue is: I have lost all direction with regards to this story. Not to say i had much in the first place, I literally got the idea and just started writing, but I have quickly realised that this writing style has not worked out.

I still want to finish this story, I think I had a good idea and a nice start, but being an introvert I'm just not good at writing the necessary slice of life stuff, and on top of that I currently can't find a way to fit Doomguy into the Naruto universe without drastically increasing the random bandit population to absurd levels.

As said before, I do still want to finish this, and I have made several attempts to write the next chapter, but each feels forced and bland. I hope I can one day come back to this story with more experience and end it properly, but unfortunately I honestly can't say that I will for sure.

If you feel you can write a story from this, or even the base idea, then feel free.

My other stories, both uploaded and on my hard drive, will also be going on hiatus, mostly so i can figure out what the hell i'm going to do with them.

Until next time, Blitz.