Hello fan-fiction readers! This is my first attempt on a Voltron fan-fiction. I hope you all enjoy! This is based right after season 7 and the main ship in this is Klance.

Okay that's all from me for now. I hope you enjoy and be sure to leave a review!

Disclaimer - I do not own Voltron and all rights go to Dreamworks Animation.

Lance and Pidge were the first to be discharged from the hospital, followed by Allura a few days afterwards. Keith and Hunk, however, with injuries to their head as well as the rest of their bodies were still stuck in their private hospital rooms. Both were visited by the team and their many friends they had made throughout their journey as Paladins of Voltron. Keith with Krolia, Kolivan and Acxa - Lance, admittedly was not too happy about that - and Hunk with his parents, Shay and Sal, amongst a few others.

The Paladins had won their final battle. They were home. They could see their family for the first time in years, after disappearing into space in the Blue Lion.

Lance sighed. That was so long ago. He was an 18-year-old now with no plan in life. He was the only member of the team who had no idea what he wanted to do with the rest of his life. He could stay at the Garrison for a little while. He could go visit Cuba and not see the rest of the team for a few weeks. Lance scoffed. No. He couldn't do that. He'd miss everyone too much. Especially Keith, Lance thought.

Lance rolled over to his side and buried his head into his pillow. He should probably go visit Keith. The last time Lance saw him, Keith had told him, in his own words, to "PISS OFF" because he had made a stupid joke about Keith being a moody 21-year-old. Keith clearly didn't appreciate that. It's not that Lance didn't feel bad - he did of course - he just didn't know how to fix it.

Lance had no idea what to do. Keith was very difficult to talk to at times. Especially about feelings. Lance did, admittedly have feelings for the older boy. He never would've thought he'd fall for Keith of all people. Lance knew he was bisexual, he just hadn't had a crush for the same sex before - until now.

Sighing, Lance dragged himself out of bed and downstairs. He found Veronica in the kitchen, adjacent to the front door.

"Where are you off to?" His sister asked.

Lance paused and looked at her over his shoulder. "I was just going to see Keith," he mumbled.

"Oh." Veronica glanced down, then back to her brother. "I don't think that's a good idea."

"What?" Lance turned to her fully. "Why?"

"Because," she started, "Keith's still resting. He hasn't healed fully yet, and without those healing pods from the Castle of Lions you were telling us about, it's going to take a while."

Lance narrowed her eyes at her. He knew his sister well enough to know this wasn't the full truth but he let it slip anyway. "Whatever. I need to apologise to him." He turned and headed for the door.

"Wait." Lance paused with his hand on the door knob. "Aren't you taking Red?" Veronica gestured to the Lion sat outside in the back.

"I guess I should. I haven't taken him out in a while." Lance closed his eyes and took a deep breath. After a few moments he heard the familiar purr of his Lion, indicating it was powered up and ready for its Paladin. Lance headed towards the backyard but stopped and looked at his sister. "You coming?"

Veronica shot up so fast, Lance was surprised she didn't give herself whiplash. "Are you serious?! I'd love to!"

Lance smiled. "Then let's get going."

"This... is...amazing!"

Lance laughed. "I know right! Let's speed things up a little." Lance pushed forward both levers and Red's rocket boosters were activated. Veronica screamed in delight and laughed as the Lion sped up drastically. "Woo hoo!" Lance cheered. "Razzle dazzle!"

"So..." Veronica said as her laughter died down. "I know we haven't had the chance to speak because I've been super busy at the Garrison. How have you been?"

Lance slowed Red down to give them a chance to talk. The Lion purred, picking up on Lance's mood. Thanks boy. Red purred back in response.

How has he been? Lance hadn't really thought about that. Since Voltron's battle, everything had been completely fine. Earth was safe, the Lions were no longer in danger and the Paladins were finally home. Lance should feel amazing. He has everything he dreamt of. Yet, he didn't. Lance didn't know what he felt. All he knew was that he felt... empty and he didn't know why. Lance hadn't told anyone, he didn't want anyone to worry, which is why he couldn't bring himself to tell Veronica.

"I've been good," Lance lied. "How about you? How does it feel to have her amazingly awesome brother back?" Lance smirked which helped to hide his lie. Luckily, Veronica didn't notice.

She punched his shoulder, laughing. "If anything it's been less quiet."

"Hey!" Lance barked, but he laughed as well.

Suddenly, Red's purring caught his attention. The Lion landed gracefully next to the Garrison base. Lance turned back to look at his sister. "Guess I'll see you later then?"

She smiled. "See you at home Lance."

Keith groaned. His head was still throbbing and it had been a couple of weeks since the final battle he and the rest of the Paladins fought in. Sinking into the pillows behind him, Keith pulled the blanket up to cover half his face. Krolia and Kolivan had already visited that day and had left to give him some peace and to give him a chance to rest. He was completely fine, apart for his head of course. But he didn't need to be at the hospital. Much to his dismay, however, the doctors had said otherwise.

Closing his eyes, Keith took a deep breath and sighed. He yawned. Maybe he was more tired than he thought.

There was a knock at his door.

Rest would have to wait.

The Red Lion activated the particle barrier around itself as it sat on its hind legs. Lance smiled. He would never get used to how amazing these ships were. It hadn't taken him long to get to the hospital, thanks to Red's speed. Looking up in the direction of Keith's room, Lance's eyes narrowed.

Suddenly there was a hand on his shoulder. Lance jumped as Pidge said, "Hey Lance!"

"AHH!" Lance exclaimed, jumping a few steps back. "Don't do that Pidge!"

She chuckled sheepishly, pushing her glasses further up her nose. "Sorry." Pidge glanced at the hospital then at the Red Lion, then at Lance. "What are you doing here? Coming to visit Hunk?"

Lance froze. Shoot. He should've thought about coming for Hunk too. "I was actually coming to visit Keith but sure, I'll drop by Hunk's room afterwards."

Pidge shrugged and walked into the hospital, Lance not far behind her. They reached the stairs and climbed a few flights up. Pidge stopped by a door. "This is Hunk's level. I'm pretty sure Allura and Coran are there too."

Lance nodded with a grin on his face. "I won't be long with Keith, I'm sure he'll tell me to 'piss off' again anyway.

Pidge grinned, waved goodbye and disappeared through the door. Lance ran up the last few flights of stairs and headed into the hall. Keith's room was right at the end of the hall, the most secluded. Lance walked slowly, shoulders hunched, hands in fists in the pockets of his jacket. He had to apologise, otherwise Keith would just ignore him.

It had been days. Days of doubt, uncertainty and sorrow.

Lance reached Keith's private room.

Here we go.

Lance paused as he heard his name come from a very familiar face.



Thanks for reading guys! Chapter 2 will be up whenever it's finished.