Author's Note: Chapter 2 is here! This was inspired by GlitchMerald who suggested this idea, thanks again BTW. ^^

Also sorry if this chapter took too long, I've been having a bit of writer's block on trying to include some funny references and plus I have been pretty busy with some other stuff.

Anyway, hope you enjoy! :D

Playing Night Guards

Michael Afton sat in the office wondering why he decided to even stay at this place. Not for the money, obviously considering the wage was subpar, but because he wanted to keep a close eye on his father and sister ever since he'd heard they were both here. They were both possessing Springtrap and Baby and have more or less become one with the animatronics, which was already confusing enough as it is. Him? He was practically a living corpse that somehow survived his first meetup with his sister.

And even though the animatronics never tried to kill him, they did indeed try to scare him…a lot. As time went on he became indifferent and was no longer fazed by this, since he'd gotten used to the routine and the constant jumpscares.

Speaking of which, Bonnie had suddenly appeared screaming in his face after bringing his monitor down. Michael didn't flinch, nor showed any expression, just stared at the rabbit with half-lidded eyes. This made Bonnie disappointed and a crestfallen look was evident on the bunny's face.

"Aw, really? Nothing? What a letdown." He said backing away from the night guard.

"Well, what did you expect? Screams of fear?" Michael replied, still holding a blank expression.


"When you constantly get jumpscared almost every day during your job, it becomes expected and tedious. Also, it ends up as a complete waste of time, considering in the aftermath you don't actually kill me."

Bonnie sighed. He was right. Not just him, but even everyone else was getting rather bored with this. Jumpscaring the same person over and over again, it just wasn't as fun as it used to be.

"We need new victims." The rabbit animatronic said. "But where can we find some on such short notice?"

This made the night guard ponder for a moment.

"You know, Bonnie…" Michael began. "It's been a while since we've last seen the Adventure animatronics from FNAF World."

At first, Bonnie was confused with what the night guard was going with, but then finally caught on as a smirk appeared on Michael's face as he knew exactly what he was thinking.

Bonnie smiled wickedly as well. "Michael Afton…you're a genius."

"So Bonnie, Michael, why'd you call us all here?" Freddy asked as some of the animatronics nodded, also curious of what the two were planning.

Michael was the first to step up and spoke. "As you all know, it must be rather dull having to play the "hunt the night guard" game with the same person every time, right?"

Everyone in the room nodded again.

"Well, we might have a solution for that," Bonnie added before turning on the broken arcade machine that was the gateway between this universe and the FNAF World universe.

The machine whirred to life and the portal opened, a figure hopped out from it and onto the floor. It was Adventure Fredbear, the cuter version of the original Fredbear.

"Eh? This isn't Fazzy Town!" The yellow bear said in his cartoonish and goofy voice. "I know every inch of FNAF World, and this isn't-"

"Hey, Adventure Fredbear! I see you've finally decided on a name for your town." Bonnie greeted happily.

"YAH!" Adventure Fredbear exclaimed, jumping at least a few feet in the air in surprise before landing on his backside.

The bunny went and helped the bear back up on his feet, scratching the back of his head apologetically. "Oops, sorry."

"Great Scott! Don't do that! You nearly gave me a heart attack! Well…if animatronics had actual hearts that is."

Freddy and the others gazed at the short bear in confusion (the Adventure animatronics were pretty small in comparison to their counterparts).

"Wait, why is he here?" Freddy asked, wanting an explanation.

Adventure Fredbear looked at the other animatronics then back at Bonnie and Michael.

"Yeah, what's the big deal?" The yellow bear questioned as well. "I was in the middle of a staring contest with Adventure Withered Bonnie."

"I'm pretty sure Adventure Withered Bonnie doesn't have any eyelids." Mangle said, dangling from the ceiling like she usually does.

"Oh…crap. And I made a bet with him too."

"What kind of bet?" Toy Bonnie asked, him and the others now genuinely intrigued.

Adventure Fredbear sighed. "That he'd be mayor for a day if he won."

"I don't see how that's so bad. I'd make a great mayor!" Regular Withered Bonnie said.

Everyone in the room sharply sucked in their breath with skepticism prompting the faceless rabbit animatronic to glare at them.

"Anyway," Michael, eager to get everyone back on track, began. "The reason we brought him to our universe is that you guys need new…players for your game."

"Huh? Game? What game?" The short bear beside him asked, confused.

Just as Adventure Fredbear turned to others again, he felt a chill go down his spine as he saw the sinister smiles of the animatronics forming on each of their faces.

"Uh oh."

After that, Adventure Fredbear had gone back to his dimension to get the others who were currently listening to Adventure Withered Bonnie give a speech at a podium, him wearing a tall top hat and a sash with large letters that said "MAYOR".

"And as your temporary mayor for the day, my first decree will be that instead of Fazzy Town, our village will now be known as…Bonnieville!" The faceless rabbit said, speaking into the mic in front of him.

The yellow bear facepalmed. "Seriously?! We just finally settled on a name!"

Adventure Fredbear stepped onto the platform to confront the bunny and after a long while of arguing, he managed to get everyone to go through the portal into the other universe to play this "game" the animatronics had prepared for them.

All the Adventure animatronics, as well as their scarier counterparts, sat in the rows of seats provided for them in front of a stage. Freddy and Adventure Fredbear were onstage, ready to give the instructions to everyone.

"Alright, so here are the rules." Freddy began, straightening his bowtie. "The Adventure animatronics will all work together to survive against us, either by staying in the office or wandering around the building while trying to avoid us. Everyone will be divided into multiple groups since there's a lot of you guys, so feel free to choose your partners. The game will end if either all the Adventures are caught, or if the clock strikes 6 AM. Those who are caught will be put in the timeout pen we normally use for children that misbehave, which often happens."

Adventure Fredbear then stepped up. "Now don't go and think you guys can do whatever you want, 'cause we got some restrictions to make sure you all play fair. Rule #1: Always follow the rules. Rule #2: Don't hide in one place for too long, the office is the only exception. And Rule #3: You can't go outside of the pizzeria. If any of you break these rules, you're disqualified. Michael will keep an eye on you all from the Control Room with all the extra monitors and junk."

"Wait, there's a control room I didn't know about?" Michael, who was standing beside the stage, asked.

"Uh, yeah," Freddy said. "I'll show you later. And, to spice things up, the Adventures are allowed to defend themselves by using their powers. Whoever wins gets to decide the losing party's fate."

"Alright, that should be it. You guys all get ready and into your positions." Adventure Fredbear said, hopping off the stage. As everyone left the room, he then turned to face Freddy who got off the stage as well and held out his hand to him. "May the best animatronic win."

Freddy shook the short yellow bear's hand and nodded. "Of course. But fair warning, the others can get aggressively competitive when it comes to winning 'The Hunt'. Heck, they'll actually tear each other apart over just any other game. Board games, video games, card games, even games like Charades or Pictionary. Pro-tip: Don't antagonize them too much. They'll chew you up and spit you out, literally I'm not joking."

Adventure Fredbear audibly gulped in nervousness. "Noted."

After the duo had gone back to regroup with the others, Golden Freddy then used his powers to reverse time from 2:30 back to 12:00 AM to properly begin the game. The Puppet had already shown Michael the Control Room and how it works, to which he had so many questions on how he was never told about this room. Everyone had devised a strategy and were ready to tackle the night.

The Hunt had begun.

Adventure Freddy, Adventure Bonnie, Adventure Chica, and Adventure Foxy were headed through one of the many hallways, looking around for any of their bigger counterparts.

"Hey, Bonnie?" Adventure Chica asked.

"Yeah?" Adventure Bonnie said, turning his head to the chicken.

"Do you hear music?"

Everyone went silent to listen, faint tunes were heard.

"That's new." Adventure Freddy shrugged. The faint music grew louder, and the Adventure animatronics started to realize something was coming as they also recognized the melody as Crumbling Dreams, Ballora's theme.

The 6-foot tall animatronic spun through the hall, clearly the source of the music. The Adventure animatronics froze.

She spun by, not noticing them.

"Phew." Adventure Freddy whispered. "Alright, I think we're in the clear. Let's go."

As they continued on, the four failed to notice the Minireenas, perched above them and ready to pounce. They were crawling along the ceiling and turned their heads around 180 degrees at them.

Adventure Foxy began to take notice of the skittering sounds above them and looked up only shout in alarm.

"Yar lads, watch out!" He exclaimed.

Though it was too late, the tiny ballerinas had then fallen on top of them causing everything to go black.

With the Adventure Toy animatronics, they too were wandering the halls warily. They nervously trekked into one of the party rooms which was seemingly empty, or so they thought. The small animatronics stopped dead in their tracks as they felt heavy breathing down their necks, afraid to turn and face the beasts behind them.


The group jumped at least a few feet in the air at the sudden noise. "AAAAAHHH!"

When the Adventure Toys turned around they saw Nightmare, along with some of the other Nightmare animatronics, chuckling.

"Wow, we didn't even need to roar at them." Nightmare Chica said, mildly amused. "That was way too easy."

"It's not over yet, we still need to capture these- Hey! Where did they go?!" Nightmare Fredbear looked around, panicked.

The other Nightmares also looked around for them only to get hit by Adventure Balloon Boy and Adventure JJ's balloon attacks, knocking them back.

"Crap! I forgot they were allowed to attack us." Nightmare Freddy said, trying to block some of the explosive balloons heading toward him by turning over a nearby table.

The other Nightmares did the same and used the tables as shields, though that didn't stop all of the Adventures' attacks. Adventure Mangle threw a bunch of poppers at the Nightmares' position, they didn't seem to notice at first until they heard rapid beeping sounds prompting them to look at the ground.

"Oh…fiddlesticks." Nightmare Foxy said before being blown back with the rest of the group.

Adventure Mangle and Adventure Toy Chica then charged the fallen Nightmares and used some extra attacks up their sleeves. Mangle pulled out a paddle ball and was beating the heck out of Nightmare Freddy with it.

"YOU WON'T GET TIRED OF MY VOICE WILL YOU?" The cuter version of Toy Chica said before quickly repeating herself and teleporting everywhere around the Nightmares causing them to grab their heads in an attempt to muffle the chicken's annoying voice.

"AAAGH! Shut up, shut up, SHUT UP!" Nightmare Fredbear roared, shaking his head.

Nightmare Bonnie was motionless on the ground and his left eye twitched. "Can't…take this…anymore."

"We need to retreat! Nightmares, roll out!" Nightmare commanded.

The Adventure Toys cheered as the Nightmares ran off, but it was cut short when Nightmarionne grabbed them all in his tendril-like fingers and drop-kicked them across the room and into the wall. They all slowly slid down it and fell onto the ground unconscious.


"That takes care of that." The Nightmare version of the puppet said, dusting off his hands. He then smiled sinisterly and chuckled to himself. "Now then, who's next?"

It was 3 AM and most of the Adventure animatronics have been caught and put into the timeout pen, though it wasn't big enough for all of them so they had to forcefully squeeze each one in. Michael sat in the secret control room, that no one bothered to tell him about, and was currently watching Mr. Hippo tell another long story to the Adventure endoskeletons to distract them, letting Orville and Nedd Bear take them out from behind. The guard then switched the cameras to see Chica, Toy Chica, and Rockstar Chica having a food fight with the Adventure Nightmares in…the kitchen?!

Michael sat up, utterly surprised. "They finally fixed the kitchen camera?!"

"About time, huh?" Golden Freddy teleported into the room, but it didn't startle Michael since he partially expected it.

"I honestly thought it wasn't even possible." The night guard said, not turning to the ghostly bear.

The gold bear sat beside him in another seat. "Don't mind if I sit and watch too? I'm kinda taking a break after spooking some of the Adventures."

"Sure." Michael then pulled out some popcorn and shared it with Golden as they watched the scene in front of them, smiling when they saw Toy Chica getting nailed in the head with her own baking.

"You're gonna pay for that!" She yelled, before speaking normally. "No seriously, you better have actual money 'cause this stuff ain't cheap."

Despite that, everyone ignored her and continued tossing the food at each other. Eventually, the three Chicas ran out of ammo and were now hiding behind the counter from the onslaught.

"Great! Now what? Those guys will decimate us if we try to charge them." Chica said, clutching her rolling pin.

Her Rockstar counterpart chanced a glance at their foes before immediately pulling her head back as one of their pizza wheel attacks nearly grazed her.

"It's risky but…I volunteer to head out there on that battlefield, for us!" Rockstar Chica said.
Both the other chickens turned their heads to her in shock.

"What?! No! You can't go out there, you'll get yourself killed!" Chica exclaimed.

"I know, but I'm willin' to do whatever it takes." Rockstar Chica then hugged them both before getting ready to charge out into the food-covered hell. "Remember me, my fellow sisters!"

"Here, you'll need this." Toy Chica said, handing her a frying pan to protect herself with. "Also you're more like the weird aunt of the family."

"Whatever! I'm goin' in!" Rockstar Chica shouted as she rushed into battle, pan in hand.

She swung as each shot was taken, deflecting it back at the enemy. Dodging the wheels of pizzas that headed her direction was a bit of a challenge, but she managed…until she was finally hit.

"ACK!" The Rockstar version of Chica felt pain in her shoulder and reached for it, feeling the glop of food running down.

Dramatic music began playing as more shots were taken, most of them making contact and slowing her down. Mini versions of the Freddles started swarming her, engulfing her legs. Rockstar Chica kept going until she was finally brought to her knees, being almost completely covered in food. Time began to slow.

"NOOOOOOO!" Chica and Toy Chica exclaimed in slow motion.

Adventure Nightmare cackled. "We got her now!"

Just before Rockstar Chica collapsed to the ground, she aimed for one of them and threw her frying pan. It managed to hit Adventure Nightmare Freddy, the shot blowing him back. With all the Adventure Nightmares distracted, the two Chicas took the opportunity and completely wrecked them.

"Oof, that's gonna leave a mark." Golden Freddy said, cringing as the duo began mutilating the Adventure Nightmare gang.

Michael sighed then switched the cameras again. "That's another team down. Who else is left?"

From the Adventure Phantoms getting whacked around by The Scooper (controlled by Ennard who was wearing shades like The Terminator of course) to the Adventure Withereds getting electrocuted by stepping on a wet floor near some faulty wires, everyone was getting beaten and shoved into the pen at an alarming rate.

Except for one…

It was the final stretch, 5 AM, and Adventure Fredbear was the only one standing…or sitting in this case. That's right, he was the only one who decided to stay in the office. Though soon he was definitely going to regret that decision.

So far, it's been pretty quiet and less hectic since almost everyone was busy hunting the other Adventures to pay any mind to visit the office. But now…everyone found out that Fredbear, the last survivor, was a sitting duck in there.

"Alright Fredbear, pull yourself together." The yellow bear said to himself. "You still have a chance. 6 AM's just around the corner, you can do this."

"Hello!" A child-like voice sounded.

Adventure Fredbear turned his head to see the infamous BALLOON BOY staring back at him through the side vent.


"ACK! BEGONE ENRAGEMENT CHILD!" Fredbear yelled before slamming the vent door on BB, not opening it until he heard the clanking of metal become distant.

Screeching sounds were then heard from the front vent and the bear could faintly see familiar-looking wires poking out from it. He then closed the vent door on that side prompting a cry of pain as the door crushed Ennard's fingers.

"Sorry!" Fredbear apologized, feeling the urge to lift the door back up again so the animatronic amalgamation could pull their hands out of the way.

He pushed that urge aside, however, fearing that Ennard would probably spring out at him when they had the chance. He's just going to have to leave them stuck there for now, at least until the game is over.

Just when Fredbear thought everything had calmed down, things only started to get worse in office.

Squealing Freddles, eyes in the darkness, the clashing of cymbals, lights flashing and flickering, music boxes playing, air horns sounding, hallucinations forming, and…laughing. Everyone was laughing. Laughing at him. Laughing, laughing, laughing. Would it ever end?

Fredbear clutched his head to block out all the annoying sounds as he hid behind the desk from Toy Bonnie, Toy Chica, and Withered Bonnie's gaze as they entered the room. Everything was happening all at once, it was too much to handle.

He needed to get out.

Fredbear took a deep breath and sprinted out the door. Shouts of confusion and rage sounded behind him, he dared not to look back knowing that at least 50, maybe even more, were on his tail. Some animatronics he passed nearly grazed him, and most of which were behaving like actual animals, hunting him down and growling at him. He thought he saw a glimpse of some of them, notably Foxy, getting down on all fours, having mad looks in their eyes.

"Holy crap! This is getting out of hand!" Fredbear said, quickening his pace.

After a few laps of running, dodging, and occasionally attacking back when he had the chance, Fredbear ran into the big boss himself, Freddy Fazbear. The brown bear's eyes were pitch black with white glowing pinpricks, a faint glow emitting from his mouth as he played the Toreador March theme. He slowly approached Fredbear menacingly, backing him into the corner. Everyone else joined Freddy and they all creepily inched toward the small yellow bear.

"End of the line, little bear," Freddy growled.

Adventure Fredbear was internally panicking, it was only a few minutes until 6 AM but that still was enough time for them to finish the job. His eyes darted around frantically as he tried to find some way to stall all of them long enough to make it to the end of the night.

The others can get aggressively competitive when it comes to winning 'The Hunt'. Freddy's words echoed in his mind, that gave the small bear an idea.

"Say, which one of you's gonna catch me first?" Fredbear asked with a sly grin.

Everyone then went from their creepy state to being confused.

"What do you mean?" Freddy questioned.

"Well, I think at least one of you should take the credit and have all the glory of capturing me, the last survivor. I mean, why should Freddy take the kill instead of one of you guys?"

"Yeah…" Bonnie said, narrowing his eyes at the brown bear. "Freddy does always take the credit, doesn't he?"

Fredbear tried to keep a poker face as best as he could to not give away his plan as he watched the others start to glare at Freddy.

"Guys, hold on! I don't always take all the glory." Freddy retorted.

"Oh yeah? Well, what about when the power goes out and you always catch the night guard?" Mangle asked.

"That doesn't count! You guys already know that's my thing! Look, this is ridiculous. It doesn't matter who catches-"

"If anyone should catch him, it should be me!" Foxy interrupted, pointing to himself while puffing his chest.

Toy Chica pushed Freddy aside as she went to face the red fox. "Seriously? You?"

"Yeah me! In case ye hadn't noticed, I'm the fastest out of all of us."

"Yeah, but you're not exactly the smartest either. I'm pretty sure it should be me!"

"Hey! I'm the murderer here, I should do it!" Springtrap said.

"I have sharp teeth that can cut through a person's flesh like paper, I should do it!" Nightmare added.

"I WANNA DO IT! I WANNA DO IT!" Funtime Freddy shouted.

"Guys-" Freddy tried to reason with them, but kept getting cut off.

"My ninja skills are better equipped to deal with this guy! WAZOO!"

"Y'all are too stupid! I'm the right animatronic for the job!"

"That's it! I can't wait any longer, I'm going for it!"

"Back off, spaghetti freak bear! I'm calling dibs on him!"

"And what are you gonna to do, Scrap Baby? Use your GIANT METAL CLAW?!"



With that, everyone broke out into a giant dust cloud like in most cartoons when a fight gets started. Freddy ended up getting roped into it much to his chagrin, and Adventure Fredbear watched as he could see glimpses of animatronics briefly appear during the fray. Nightmare and Nightmarionne were having a slap fight, Scrap Baby was repeatedly bashing Molten Freddy against the wall with him gripped by her claw hand, Helpy was flying through the air with his air horn, Candy Cadet was shooting candy through his blaster arms that he had just formed, Music Man wasn't really doing anything but clashing his cymbals really loudly, Orville was throwing a bunch of smoke bombs (which was probably the real reason there was a giant cloud in the first place), Plushtrap latched himself onto Toy Freddy's leg and began chewing on it causing the chubby bear to stumble around in panic, and everyone else was just wrestling and throwing punches at each other.

"EVERY ANIMATRONIC FOR THEMSELVES!" Rockstar Chica screamed before getting nailed in the head by a bunch of wet floor signs.

Adventure Fredbear pulled up a chair and brought out a bucket of popcorn, watching the chaos in satisfaction.

Back in the Control Room, Michael and Golden Freddy watched and laughed as everyone was at each other's throats (some quite literally).

Michael wiped a tear from his eye, a bit surprised he could still even shed tears and turned to Golden Freddy. "You know, since you're the only animatronic not involved in the brawl, I think now's a good a time as any to step in and catch Adventure Fredbear."

"Aw, but that means I'd have to stop the fight." Gold whined.

"Well, it's either that or let the other side win. Your choice though."

The golden bear hesitated, then made his decision. With that, he vanished from the room.

Back with Adventure Fredbear, he chuckled as he saw The Marionette with Foxy's arm behind his back as his face was pressed against the floor's cold surface.

"SAY UNCLE! SAY IT!" The puppet animatronic yelled.



As much as Golden Freddy really wanted to see that, he knew that he still had a job to do. Besides, it was unlikely that Mari had the power to turn other animatronics into toasters or any other lowly appliances…right? The ghostly bear shuddered at the thought. On the off chance she could potentially turn him into said appliance, he'll try to stay on her good side.

Oblivious to Golden Freddy being behind him, Adventure Fredbear laughed so hard that he threw his bucket of popcorn over his head when he saw Funtime Freddy and Molten Freddy having a screaming contest before the white and purple bear got sucker punched by Scrap Baby while Circus Baby picked up his molten counterpart and threw him at Mr. Can-Do. This provoked rage from the rest of the Trash Gang and they all charged them with bass boost sound effects playing. The bucket ended up landing on Golden's head and he was blinded by burning hot kernels, shouting in surprise.

Adventure Fredbear turned around upon hearing the noise and flinched when the empty suit came to view. Golden Freddy managed to get the bucket off and tossed it aside in annoyance. When he took it off, Fredbear could see his empty eye sockets were filled with popcorn.

"Hahahaha!" The small bear laughed.

Eventually, everyone else stopped fighting to see what was going on, then started to laugh as well.

"Oh my god! Gold, what happened! Hahahaha!"

"We should call you Popcorn Eyes from now on."

"Pft! Popcorn Eyes! Haha!"

The golden bear growled and shook his head vigorously to get the kernels out of his eyes. Once his mask was completely empty, his eyes glowed darkly.

"I've had just about enough of this!" He said, really aggravated.

Just as Golden Freddy began to lunge forward towards Adventure Fredbear, everyone also pounced once they quickly realized what was going on. Everything was in slow motion, every single animatronic was in midair about to tackle living heck out of Adventure Fredbear before…

6 AM

Everyone became completely frozen in midair as the chimes finally rang out, prompting only their eyes to be able to move and look at the nearby clock on the wall. Sure enough, the Adventures had won. Music of sweet victory then played after everyone had fallen from their previous positions flat onto the floor, Fredbear began to dance along to it and pretty much rubbed his victory in their faces much to their annoyance. The other Adventures got out of the extremely tight pen upon hearing the night being over and ran over to Fredbear to congratulate and dance with him. After the music faded, a chorus of children cheers was heard to add the cherry on top.

"Looks like we won, which means only one thing…" Adventure Fredbear said, chuckling and rubbing his hands together like a cartoon villain.

All of the animatronics gulped in unison, afraid of what the small yellow bear was planning for them.

Morning time came and the pizzeria opened, crowds of children and parents flood through the front doors to order pizza and take their seats at the tables to watch the shows. However, the shows were much different this time… In the animatronics place were none other than the cuter versions themselves, the Adventures.

"Heya kids!" Adventure Freddy said, who had a much cuter high-pitched version of normal Freddy's voice. "Today's gonna be a bit different this time, but in a good way! Introducing…the Adventure gang!"

At first, there was confusion from the audience, but when the small animatronics began to play an upbeat song all the children cheered in excitement. The parents were even into it as well, really liking the direction the company went with by making the animatronics smaller and cuter. The manager of the establishment, however, was extremely confused but let it go when he saw such a positive response from everyone. Pretty much all of the animatronics in the restaurant were replaced by the Adventures, which wasn't such a bad thing. Sure, the haunted house became a bit lackluster because of that, but all in all, everything turned out alright.

After closing time, the normal animatronics came out of the arcade area looking completely traumatized. The manager saw them and went over to them with a big smile.

"There you guys are! I was wondering where you all went. Whoever's idea it was to let the Adventure animatronics take your place for the day is an absolute genius! I can't believe we didn't think of that sooner!"

"Really?" Everyone said in unison.

"Yeah! They were a hit with both the kids and the parents, they were super kid-friendly and probably did your job better than you could."

All the animatronics glared at the manager with deadly eyes which made him do a double take.

"U-Uh, I-I mean- T-They were alright, I guess. But not to the point where they could permanently replace you guys, t-that's not what I meant. You're all irreplaceable! We c-couldn't even if we tried. Hahaha…"

They didn't stop glowering at the man, but it was enough to make them all back off in slight satisfaction.

"A-Anyway," He continued. "Keep up the good work! Heh heh… I'm gonna go now."

With that, the manager ran off to get his keys from the office and left the pizzeria without a word.

"So wait, the Adventure animatronics actually did a good job?" Baby asked the others.

"Sure did!" Everyone turned their heads to see Adventure Fredbear along with the other Adventures and Michael Afton. "Did you really expect we'd actually ruin your reputation? We may have decided on your punishment, but we're not mean."

Freddy, out of all of them, was the most surprised. "Wow. Uh, thank you. So did you guys enjoy yourselves?"

"Yeah! Today was actually pretty fun!" Adventure Toy Chica chimed in.

"The kids weren't as bad as you guys made them out to be." Adventure Puppet added.

"We should do this again sometime, whenever you guys want a day off that is." Adventure Freddy said, grinning.

Everybody else smiled back as well, despite everything that's happened, it wasn't so bad now.

"So…" Michael began, curious about the result of the bet. "How were things on your end?"

That's when the smiles faded into looks of pure horror.

The night guard then realized, upon closer inspection, they all looked like they had gotten into a brutal fight and were singed in a few places. "Also, what the hell happened to all of you?"

"It was hell in there, that's what." Nightmare Chica stated bluntly. "Don't ever make us do that again."

Adventure Fredbear then looked confused. "What? I really thought switching places for a day wasn't going to be all that bad. What happened?"

All the animatronics shifted uncomfortably, a flashback began to play.

"I. HATE. THIS. PLACE." Nightmare said, utterly aggravated.

"C'mon Nightmare, it's not that bad," Freddy replied.

"Easy for you to say! I, as a Nightmare animatronic, cannot stand this! The sun's too bright, the grass is too green, the colors are too vibrant, there's quirky music in the background, everything here is just horrible!"

"Only when you put it that way."

The animatronics were currently in FNAF World and had switched places with the Adventures as punishment for losing "The Hunt". So far, almost everyone pretty much hated it.

"It's too cute! I-It's disgusting!" Springtrap also added, shuddering and scratching at his eyes.

"Well, Adventure Fredbear did say that there was a Halloween area somewhere around here, a graveyard, and the two mines. Maybe those places are alright?" Bonnie suggested.

The giant black bear huffed. "Still not good enough."

Freddy straightened his bowtie before speaking again. "Look, let's just-"

"Well, well, well. Didn't expect to see you all here, morons!"

An irritating and all too familiar voice sounded and everyone froze in place, knowing exactly who that voice belonged to.

"No." The brown bear said in disbelief.

Everybody turned around to see none other than Chica's Magic Rainbow looming over them, its stupid smile plastered on its face.

"Haha! Surprised?" It said, tauntingly.


"Did ya miss me?"


"Well, I missed you. I missed beating the crap out of you! And now that you're all here, we're gonna have lots of fun together!"

Before anyone could react, the Rainbow charged its attacks and began shooting rainbow-colored laser beams at them.


Adventure Fredbear and Michael stared at them, wide-eyed. That Rainbow, that damn Rainbow, must've done quite a number on them. There was silence for a moment before they both could come up with only one thing to say.


And that was the last time the animatronics ever visit FNAF World.

"Guys? Hello?" Ennard called out, hoping for a response. "Anyone?"

During, as well as after the entire fiasco, Ennard remained and still remains stuck in the front vent door without anybody realizing it. What a night.

Author's Note: Sorry again if this chapter was overdue, sometimes it's hard for me to find the motivation to continue and I end up getting stuck. I did have some help from one of my friends on this chapter, she sometimes co-writes some of my stories whenever she has the time.

Anyways, I hope I didn't disappoint, but if I did…sorry. I think it might've felt a bit rushed in some places again, but just keep in mind that there are A LOT of characters and I can't always keep track of everyone. So if any characters get left out, either I accidentally forgot about them or they are there, just not directly mentioned.

Also, one last thing, I might do a Halloween themed chapter so that means I might need some help figuring out what costumes the animatronics should wear. I might have a few figured out already, but it's still good to hear other people's suggestions in case they come up with an even better idea.

Until then, stay tuned!