"I'm- I'm sorry, Kacchan! I- I didn't... I didn't mean to! Please don't hurt me for this, it was an accident!" Izuku pleaded, falling over.

"I told you, stop making excuses." Bakugou said, turning around to face Izuku.

He pulled his jacket off, handing the thing to one of his lackeys.

Izuku flinched as he caught sight of his mistake, a large orange-ish stain on the back of Bakugou's jacket.

"Deku!" the other roared, causing Izuku to scurry backwards on his butt, accidentally bumping into another of Bakugou's lackeys. The lackey scoffed, and used his abnormally long fingers to grab a soda from a nearby student.

He poured it onto Izuku, directly onto his hair.

"Now, now, let him be. It's not nice to do this. Hey, Deku, let's go outside, yeah?" Bakugou asked, and Izuku just nodded.

"Oh, Bakugou, are we really gonna do this now? I wanted to finish my lunch..." teased the boy with long fingers, before he, too, followed Bakugou out.

Izuku and Bakugou left the cafeteria, Izuku making no attempt to wipe the soda off his face and out of his hair.

They went around to the back of the school, finding a little niche where Izuku wouldn't have any chance to escape; not like he'd take it, though.

"Deku, hold still a second, okay? It'll hurt worse if you move." Bakugou said, cornering Izuku. He merely nodded, long since scared mute.

Bakugou set his hand on Izuku's shoulder, squeezing as he activated his quirk to set little explosions directly onto it. Izuku flinched a bit, but otherwise stayed still, not crying out even as the smell of burning flesh began to rise up from his shoulder.

"You're getting better, Midoriya." one of Bakugou's lackeys commented. Izuku only grit his teeth, determined not to cry this time.

It took nearly thirty seconds of the constant explosions onto already burnt skin for Bakugou to get bored. He took his hand off, seeming to admire the handprint now burned into Izuku's shoulder through two layers of clothing.

He tilted his head, peering into Izuku's face with a frightening intensity. "It's okay, you can cry. But I'm not done, so you'll have to bear through the pain and try to keep your body from moving, even with the body-wracking sobbing you normally do. I don't know if you can handle that, Deku."

Bakugou put his hand maybe a couple inches away from Izuku's eyes, and let one explosion out.

It didn't even make contact.

But an explosion at that close of range could blind someone, even if they've not been hurt otherwise.

And Izuku's eyes were open wide.

"Ah! Oww!" Izuku cried, rubbing at his eyes.

Bakugou forced Izuku's hand away, taking a look himself. "You're fine. Get over it, Deku. You're not that much of a weakling, and besides, there's more fun to be had yet."

"No, Kacchan, I-I..."

"No? You've never said no before, Deku. I might just have to beat that out of you."

"Kacchan, I... I can't see!" Izuku yelled.


"I... can't see anything. Everything's just gone!"