Disclaimer-I don't own Harry Potter and Receive no profit from this story.

Welcome to my second attempt at Fanfiction. At this time my other fanfic Is on Hiatus until I get inspired to write in it again. Also, if you notice an element from another story that came out before mine please PM me the title and author because I know I am using things from other people's stories just can't remember which ones.


1 Galleon= $10 - £7.84

1 Sickle= $0.58 - £0.45

1 Knut= $0.02 - £0.016

Chapter 1) A Letter of Inspiration

Narrator View

Harry lay there crying his eyes out in the smallest bedroom on Privet Drive, unless you count the cupboard under the stairs that is. Why was he crying you might ask? Well about a week ago today Harry's dogfather, excuse me I meant godfather, was killed in the department of mysteries during a battle and sadly Harry here blames himself. So, you can quite clearly see why our young Harry has been crying for three hours straight. But luckily a rather large owl is about to fly through his window that might possibly change Harry's life. Let's see shall we.

Outsider's Point of View

The wings of a great eagle owl flapped one last time before gliding into the room of one Harry Potter, landing on the post at the corner of his bed. Quite luckily for the owl Harry Potter heard the loud flap of wings and looked up to see it come in, for if he had not the owl would have probably been there waiting for a lot longer.

Harry stood up and walked to the owl, accepting the letter with the large green wax seal from it when it stuck its foot out for him.

"That's weird why has Gringotts sent me mail?" Harry said aloud. Opening the letter, he began reading it under his breath, heart rate increasing with each sentence.

He read: "Dear Mr. Potter, Due to the recent death of Lord Sirius Black and his status with the law we have decided to execute his will as soon as possible. So, in accordance with the will as of this moment you are hereby emancipated in all realms, muggle and magical. Lord Black wanted you to know that he doesn't want you to be sad or blame yourself about his death and to just move on and live your life. Also, you have been bequeathed with certain stock shares from the Black account that Lord Black thought you might like.

100% of The Daily Prophet

(Lord Black requested that we inform you that you can stop them from printing things about you being a liar and can make them instead print the exact opposite.)

51% of Firebolt Co., Nimbus, and Cleansweep Creator Co.

10% of Diagon Alley's Finest Trunks

(Lord Black requested that you go buy a custom trunk from here that will be fully paid for by the Black account. We were also told if we didn't think that the trunk was "extravagant" enough that you were to have to go back and get another one every time until it was.)

20% of Yahoo, and Apple

5% of BBC

We ask that you come into Gringott's Bank at your earliest convenience. This letter is a portkey that can be activated at any time with the password "Sirius Black was Innocent"

Thank You for Your Time,

Ragnok Gringott

Head of English Goblins and Gringott's Bank

When Harry was done reading his heart was practically beating out of his chest. That simple sentence from Sirius meant a lot to him and he took it to heart, he would no longer cry and think about Sirius' death. Instead, he was going to take a nap, take a shower, brush his teeth, then put on his wizard robes and go to Gringotts. He was going to get his life together.

Harry picked up the letter, after a two-hour nap and twenty minutes of getting ready, and with one final look around the small bedroom he said "Sirius Black was innocent". Then he was gone with, much to his surprise, no pull behind the navel.

Harry landed from his portkey trip, or at least he was pretty sure that's what it was because it felt very different from usual, in a very posh room with an important goblin sitting at a desk at the head of the room.

"Ah Mr. Potter you have come a lot quicker than I had expected. That is no problem however, for I have just finished all the paperwork we should need today. Please have a seat." The goblin stated, Harry noticed his name on the plaque was Ragnok like in the letter.

"Of course, sir. Could we make sure that whatever we do today doesn't take too long. I don't want Dumbledore or any of the order coming to check on me just to find out I'm not there, I don't want to get in trouble." Harry said, but was quite surprised when Ragnok laughed.

"Do not worry about that because we are one signature, from you I might add, away from you being a legal adult and a higher status than all of them if I remember my familial lines correctly."

"But sir, how would that be?"

"How about we do a quick blood test and see if I'm right." He snapped his fingers and a piece of dark yellow parchment and a very ornate knife appeared on a small table to the side of Harry "Cut a small line across the tip of your thumb and let three drops go on the paper."

Harry did that and laughed as his cut healed as soon as the three drops hit the paper, "Magic" he thought smiling. He was surprised though when a whole bunch of words started to appear on the paper.

Inheritance Test

Harry James Potter (Emancipated by Will) Incomplete Soul-Bond to Ginerva Molly Weasley

(Goblin Friend-For Great Respect Shown-, Friend of the Dragons of Romania-Reason Unknown-, Friend of the Unicorns of the Black Forest-For Removing a Threat against their Species-)

Born- July 31, 1980

Parents- James Potter (Deceased) and Lilly Evans-Potter (Deceased)


Lord of Ancient and Most Noble House Potter (By Name)-When Accepted

Lord of Most Ancient and Most Noble House Peverell (By Direct Descent)-When Accepted

Lord of Most Ancient and Supremely Noble House Gryffindor (By Descent)-When Accepted

Lord of Most Ancient and Supremely Noble House Slytherin (By Conquest)-When Accepted

Lord of the Noble House Gaunt (By Conquest)-When Accepted

Lord of the Supreme House Emrys (By Magic)-When Accepted (Accept Last)

Heir to Lordships or Vaults

The Ancient and Most Noble House Black-If unaccepted by Remus Lupin

The Noble House of Lestrange-If Heir isn't Produced in the next year house absorbs into House Black

Ministry Vault, Sub-Vaults, and Properties-If control claimed through the Emrys Lordship

Hogwarts Vault and Castle-If control claimed through the Gryffindor and Slytherin Lordships

House Values


Vault Number(s)- 687, 532, 8

Vault Contents (0.5% Interest)- ~13,000,000,000 Galleons, ~400 Sickles, 23 Knuts, Miscellaneous Jewlery and Weapons

Properties- Potter Castle on the Coast of the Isle of Mull and Medium-Sized Home in Hogsmeade


Vault Number(s)- 6

Vault Contents (1% Interest)- ~10,000 Galleons and Various Inventions and Documents



Vault Number(s)- 2

Vault Contents (0.3% Interest)- ~700,000,000,000 Galleons, ~10,300 Sickles, ~17,000 Knuts, Various Weapons

Properties- Cottage in Godric's Hollow, Lion Manor (Destroyed)


Vault Number(s)-3

Vault Contents (0.3% Interest)- ~500,000,000,000 Galleons, ~50,000 Knuts, and Various Magical Artifacts



Vault Number(s)- 465

Vault Contents-Vault Empty



Vault Number(s)-1

Vault Contents- Contents Unknown

Properties- None Known

Total Approximate Monetary Value- ~12,013,000,010,000 Galleons, ~10,700 Sickles, and ~67,023 Knuts

Harry stared at the paper in shock for what felt like hours, until finally Ragnok shook him out of his stupor after a few moments by asking Harry to see the paper, which he quickly did. Ragnok read over the document twice to make sure he had read it correctly.

"Well Harry, this is certainly a shock I had a feeling about all of these except for the Emrys vault, that one has been sealed for a thousand years, and a soul bond to boot. Well looks like we have lots of lordships for you to take and we must contact your future lady and her parents. So how about you sign the finalization of your emancipation and I'll get somebody to send a letter to the Weasleys. Also, don't be nervous nothing bad will happen during any of this."

Harry just nodded his head and started to sign the blank spots on the stack of parchment Ragnok had pushed towards him. By the time he was done Ragnok had written the letter to the Weasleys and given it to a goblin who had come in to pick it up. When he had signed the last paper they all flashed gold and disappeared. "They were just filed at the Ministry. Now we can get started with the lordship rings." Ragnok said pulling out a small simple wooden black box.

He opened it towards Harry revealing six rings. With a sudden flash of thought Harry was knew which house each ring was for and what he had to do to accept them. Reaching out he first grabbed a silver ring and put it on his right ring finger saying "I accept the Potter lordship and all of its duties."

He repeated the same process for one bronze ring for Gaunt, one gold ring for Peverell, two platinum rings for Gryffindor and Slytherin, and finally one Bluish platinum for Emrys. It all went smoothly except when he put on the Potter ring a large cloud of black smoke came out of his scar screaming before dissipating and when he put on the Gaunt ring the same thing came out of the ring repeating what the cloud from his scar did. With each ring he wore he was also given all the family histories, family magics, and control of all his properties wards.

"I suddenly feel a lot more knowledgeable, is that normal Lord Ragnok?" Harry asked

"You may still call me Ragnok milord. I am glad that the ring passed on all the knowledge quicker than most, but to answer your question yes that is exactly what is supposed to happen if the rings accept you."

"Only if you call me Harry and that's great news. Also, is it possible to visit my vaults before the Weasleys get here?" Harry retorted

"Of course, the Weasleys Portkey won't activate for another six hours, I think that would be plenty of time."

"Yes of course, well I better get started I have lots of vaults to visit." Harry responded

"Yes, time is money isn't it." Ragnok stated laughing

Thanks for reading this chapter! Currently my release schedule will be every Saturday between 12 and 1 pm Central Standard Time.

Thanks, Huffing101Badger.