A/N: This is the first fic I've actually shared online, I normally just write for myself. I know I'm not that great at it, but I enjoy it regardless, so please be nice and I hope you all enjoy :) Also, all mistakes are my own. I don't have a beta reader, so I apologise for any spelling mistakes or things that might not make sense. Feel free to tell me if you notice any mistakes or anything that doesn't sound quite right.

The early morning October sunshine shone through a small gap in the blinds of the bedroom window, right onto the closed eyes of seventeen year old Emma Swan. She was currently laying on her back sprawled out across her bed, with one of her arms tucked underneath her head, and her long blonde hair was messily sprawled across her pillow.

She scrunched her nose and squinted her eyes shut even more. The sunlight told her that last night was a thing of the past, but for the life of her, she couldn't recall a lot of what had happened. All that she did know in that moment, was that she had a furry mouth from the consumption of far too much alcohol, that her legs ached and that she was sporting a major headache.

She slowly opened her green eyes and blinked a few times, letting her eyes adjust to the brightness, and then rolled over to one side to glance at her alarm clock on her night stand: 7:55am. Ugh! Normally Emma wouldn't mind being woken up this early, if she had school or even work to go to, but today was Sunday, and she had neither.

Emma shivered a little and grabbed hold of her sheets to wrap herself up more, that is when she realized she was naked and not wearing her pajamas. The pajamas which were still hanging over the foot of her bed, where she had left them the morning before. She didn't know why she had taken her underwear off though, and shrugged it off as being too drunk to remember or even care.

She yawned and grabbed hold of her fleece blanket beside her, wrapping it more around her cold naked body, and leaned over to grab her cell phone. After pressing the button, she noticed she had a few text messages. The first message was from her best friend Ruby: Hope you got home okay babes. I hope you had a great night. I know I did ;-) LOVE YOUUUU.

Emma smiled. She knew what the winky face meant when it came to Ruby, and quickly sent her a reply back: Yeah, I got home okay, although I don't remember much. How did I even get home? Lol. Ooooh who'd you fuck? Love you too bitch.

After Emma had replied to Ruby, she pressed onto the message from Neal, which just said: I had a really great night Ems.

Emma didn't think anything bad of the message, but raised a suspicious eyebrow anyway. All she could think to reply was: Me too.

After pressing send, Emma put her phone back on her bedside and yawned. She closed her eyes and tried her hardest to remember what had happened last night...

"Come on Em's, you've seemed so down in the dumps," Ruby sighed and gave Emma's arm a gentle nudge. Ruby Lucas was Emma's best friend, and she had been trying her best to get Emma out of this funk she had been in the past few days. "Please come out with me, just tonight. If this doesn't cheer you up a little, I'll leave you to mope about all you like." the lanky brunette pouted and gave her, her best puppy dog eyes.

Emma looked up from where her face was buried in her pillow from sighing. She tried to hold a back a smirk when she saw the look on Ruby's face. "Don't go giving me that puppy dog look that you know I can't say no to." she said, just as the corners of her mouth started turning upwards slightly.

"Well, I'd say they are more wolf, than puppy dog, but either way, I know you can't resist my charm," Ruby chuckled. "So? Please?" she begged once again.

Emma rolled her eyes and her mouth finally pulled into a small smile. "Who is even going tonight anyway?" she asked as she got herself into a sitting position on her bed.

Ruby had a shit eating grin on her face. She knew all along that she'd be able to get Emma to come out tonight. "Just our usual gang. Belle, Tink, Neal and Killian, oh and not to forget, the beautiful, wonderful, fabulous, amazing, me, of course." Ruby grinned.

Emma shook her head and laughed at her friend "Oh, how could I possibly resist if you're going?" she joked. "I suppose I better make the most of having some money before I lose my job." she added with a sigh. Emma worked at Granny's Diner, and on her last shift, not only had she smashed two plates and mucked up an entire order, but she had completely forgotten to charge a table, making the cash register come up 47 dollars short. She had been worrying about it ever since.

"Ems, I told you it'll all be okay. Granny will probably just take it out of your pay for next month. I mean geez Em, how many times do you think I've messed up in there? I dropped a whole tray of food once, and half of it landed over Cora Mills' lap." Ruby reminisced with a shudder."

"Yeah, but she's your grandmother Rubes. She's bound to go easy on you," Emma sighed and put her head into her hands. "She'll probably fire me," she mumbled through her fingers. "And I really need this job."

"It's exactly because I'm her granddaughter that she doesn't go easy on me. She wouldn't pay me for a week because of the mess and embarrassment I had caused her with Cora Mills. She won't fire you though. I can assure you that. Do you really think she'd fire my best friend? Now please?" Ruby begged yet again. "We've gotta put those fake ID's to use at sometime, right? We're gonna make sure you have a great time tonight Em." She slapped Emma on the thigh, "Come on. Go get in the shower, because you smell." Ruby joked and playfully wafted her hand in front of her face at an imaginary smell.

Emma gasped, acting hurt "Bitch." she smirked as she climbed off her bed.

"Yes, but you love me though." Ruby flashed her a toothy grin, as she watched Emma head out of her room and down the stairs. She carried on getting herself ready, as her things were already at Emma's.

Forty-five minutes later, Emma waltzed back into her bedroom, with a towel wrapped around her body. Her make-up was done and her long blonde hair had been dried and was now hung down her back in lose curls. She felt much better and was now looking forward to going out tonight. She stopped dead in her tracks and wolf whistled at Ruby "Wow Rubes, you look-"

"Hot, I know," Ruby finished Emma's sentence for her, and beamed as gave a twirl. She was wearing a pair of black leather pants, with a red blouse and pair of black heels, finishing off her look with a black Fedora. "Does my ass look good in these pants?"

"Yeah, you know it does." Emma chuckled and slapped her friend on her ass as she walked past and over to her dresser to grab some underwear for herself, and then headed over to her closet. She pulled out a pair of black skinny jeans and a long white blouse, and changed into them. "What do you think?" She asked as straightened out her blouse and turned back towards Ruby, who was sat at Emma's desk drinking from an almost empty bottle of whiskey. "Where did you get that?" she smirked.

"From Granny's liquor cabinet," Ruby shrugged, like it was nothing. "And you look hot. I'd fuck you," she shrugged again and winked at her best friend, and took another sip from the bottle of amber liquid "Here, get a drink in you." she handed the bottle to Emma.

Emma took hold of the bottle and downed the remains of the whiskey, just as there was a knock on her bedroom door.

"Girls?" Mary Margaret said as she poked her head around the door.

"Yeah Mom?" Emma quickly hid the now empty bottle behind her back. Her mother would kill her if she saw her with it. "What do you want?"

"Don't you both look beautiful," Mary Margaret smiled. "I just wanted to see if you girls wanted anything to eat before you headed out?"

"Uh, we both ate already though, but thanks," Emma spoke quickly, trying her best not to look like she was hiding something. "Bye Mom." she said hoping her mother would leave, but instead she walked further into Emma's room.

"So where are you girls off to tonight?" Mary Margaret asked nicely as she sat herself down on the edge of Emma's bed.

Emma's eyes widened a little and she turned to Ruby, still keeping the empty whiskey bottle hidden behind her back.

"Oh, it's just a small party at Killian's place. He is throwing a surprise party for his brother Liam." Ruby lied, but she was good at it. Emma would have been stuttering and thinking of what to come up with.

"Yeah, that's right," Emma added as she picked up her black leather jacket and hid the empty bottle underneath it "We had better be going now. We uh.. we said we'd help set up." She smiled at her mother and grabbed Ruby's hand to head out of the door.

"Wait, aren't you forgetting something?" Mary Margaret said raising an eyebrow to Emma.

Shit. We've been caught! Emma widened her eyes before turning around to face her mother, who was now standing right behind her "What?"

"Aren't you going to say goodbye?"

Phew! "Oh, sorry," Emma forced a smile, not wanting to get too close to her mother, in fear that she'd smell the whiskey on her breath. "Bye Mom."

"Bye Mrs Nolan." Ruby smiled sweetly, as Emma tugged her down the stairs and towards the door to the apartment.

"Have a lovely time girls. Be careful," Mary Margaret called out as she walked down the metal staircase herself "And sweetheart, you know your curfew time."

"Yes Mom, midnight, I know," Emma called back as she opened the door and both Ruby and her spilled out of it "Love you. Bye." she said as the door closed behind her and Emma finally sighed with relief to be out of there. "Do you think she knew about the alcohol, and about the non-existent party?" Emma panicked, as they headed down the stairs and out of the apartment building. She threw the empty bottle into the nearby dumpster.

"Em, if she knew do you think she'd of still let you go?" Ruby asked. "You need another drink in you girl. You need to chill out and relax and have a good evening." she smiled and linked her arm with Emma's.

"Yeah, you're right," Emma took a deep breath and smiled "A night of fun."

They'd all gotten into The Rabbit Hole perfectly fine, no one even questioning their fake ID's. Three whiskey and coke's and a handful of shots later, Emma found herself having a great time. She had forgotten all about the trouble with Granny's Diner and was perfectly chilled out and having a great time with her friends. She was on the dance floor with Ruby, dancing to the song Down and Dirty by Little Mix. They were laughing and pretending to sexy dance up and down each others legs.

A gawping Neal was stood to one side, with his cell phone in his hand and taking a Snap of Emma and Ruby playfully sexy dancing, and then sent it on to some people with the caption: Emma and Ruby. Aren't they hot? :P

"Hey stop creeping and taking pictures of us." Ruby joked when she spotted Neal with his phone aimed at them.

"I'm not, well I was. I'm not now." Neal said and shoved his phone back in his pocket.

Emma laughed "Let him take pictures, he will probably use that to get himself off later." she joked.

"You know it." Neal chuckled at his friends jokes, just as a slow song started to play.

"I'm gonna go grab another drink, coming?" Ruby said slightly breathless from all the dancing.

Emma went to follow Ruby, but was stopped by Neal grabbing her by the elbow "Wait, have a dance with me Ems."

"If you think I'm sexy dancing with you, you better think again," Emma sassed. "But I guess one dance with you won't hurt, will it?" she smiled, and wrapped her arms around Neal's neck.

"Thanks," Neal said, and gently wrapped his arms around Emma's waist, and started swaying side to side with her. "You.. You look really beautiful tonight Emma."

Emma, not hearing the meaningfulness in Neal's voice, come back with "So, are you saying I don't every other day then?" and then laughed.

"No, no, I didn't mean it like that." Neal stuttered, thinking he'd offended Emma.

Emma only managed to laugh at the look on Neal's face. "Neal, I'm messing with you." she smiled and gave him a friendly kiss on the cheek, as a way of apology for laughing at him when he was just trying to be nice, and she went back to swaying with him.

Neal took the kiss on the cheek as something more, and when the song was almost over, he looked into Emma's eyes, and leaned in to kiss her properly. Emma could feel Neal's hands inching towards her ass, and she noticed what he was going to do. Before he could, she pulled away "I'm gonna go get a drink now." she said quickly and forcefully smiled at Neal and walked off of the dance floor, and towards the bar. She quickly turned her head and watched Neal, who looked like a wounded puppy, walk back over to the table that Ruby and Belle were sat at.

"Another drink Swan?" Killian asked as her put his arm around Emma's shoulder and had his other arm around Tink's shoulder.

"Yeah, I'd love a beer please, but first I really need to go pee," Emma laughed and slipped out from Killian's arm. "I'll meet you guys back at the table." she said as she headed off in the direction of the bathroom. She didn't actually need to go, she just needed a moment to think. Once in the bathroom stall, she closed the door and leaned up against it, taking a deep breath. Was Neal really about to kiss me? She didn't like him in that way. She thought he knew that. Maybe it was just the drink? Yeah, it must be that.

Emma sighed and flushed the toilet regardless and unlocked the door. She had just taken her cell phone out of her pocket to look at the time when she bumped right into someone. "Oh, shit, sorry." she said still looking down at her phone. It was almost 10pm.

"That's quite alrig- Miss Swan?" came the surprised reply.

Emma recognized the slightly husky voice right away, and looked up and into those chocolate brown eyes that she always loved looking into at school. Shit! "Miss Mills?"

A/N: Next chapter will be Regina's POV of this night out.