Chapter 10: Keep Talking

"What did you just do?" Ozzy asked looking at his friend. "Ozzy! What are you doing here?" Berry asked nervously. "I saw you! You just gave away the animal talking stone!" Ozzy hissed. "I had to! Scotty was going to kill me!" Berry shot back. "You could have told Thomas or Kodi about it or even the whole family about it!" Ozzy hissed again. Berry never thought about that because he wanted to save his skin. "I..I know shouldn't have done that," Berry now feeling ashamed of himself. "I'm Telling Thomas!" Ozzy shouted. "No! You Can't!" Berry pleaded. Ozzy hissed again. "No!" Berry pleaded again. Ozzy then took off down the street getting ready to tell Thomas what Berry did.

"No!" Berry shouted as he tackled Ozzy. The two rolled into the front of the hospital. Ozzy and Berry started fighting over trying to get into the hospital. "Thomas needs to know!" Ozzy said while fighting. "No! he doesn't," Berry shouted while fighting his friend. "Yes, he does!" Ozzy hissed. While fighting outside of the hospital. Scotty finally made it home and ran inside his home. Scotty ran up the stairs to Willam's bedroom. The teen was doing his homework when Scotty ran into his bedroom. Scotty then placed the stone on Willam's desk. "What's this boy?" Willam asked as he picked up the stone. The stone started to glow its green color and shined on Willam. "Whoa, what was that?" Willam asked himself. "Did it work?" Scotty. "Holy shit! You can talk!" Willam shouted felling out of his chair.

Meanwhile, Thomas was getting ready to be released from the hospital. "Are you sure you want to leave the hospital?" Kodi asked looking up at his human. "Yeah, I'm sure I'll be okay," Thomas said with a smile. "Uncle Thomas is a strong person dad," Jack said with a smile. "Thanks, Jack," Thomas said as they started to walk out of the hospital. Once the family walked out of the hospital. "Hey what's going on?" Thomas said as Berry and Ozzy were still fighting. The two then stopped and looked at Thomas and the others. "Thomas, Berry did.." Ozzy tried to say but Berry covers his mouth.

"Keep talking I want to hear this," Thomas said as he crossed his arms. Berry sighed as he uncovered Ozzy's mouth. "Alright, keep talking Ozzy," Thomas said looking, Ozzy. "Berry stole the talking animal stone and gave it to Scotty," Ozzy said. "WHAT!" Kodi and Thomas shouted. "Scotty," Anika whisper time herself. "I.. I'm sorry Scotty was gonna…." Berry started to say. "No! Don't you dare talk about it!" Thomas shouted in anger. "Uncle Berry why would you do this!" Jack said also in anger. "Please let me explain!" Berry pleaded.

"No! You betrayed us," Kodi shouted with a growl. Thomas now very angry walked away and now heading for Williams's house. "Where are you going?" Berry asked. "To get my stone back!". Thomas shouted while walking away. Kodi and his family started to follow Thomas leaving Berry behind. "I'm a sorry buddy, but it needed to be done," Ozzy said putting a paw on Berry's shoulder, "I know it did and I'm sorry," Berry said looking at his friend. "You can stay with me if you want," Ozzy offered. "You mean it?" Berry said now cheering up," You, bet!" Ozzy said with a nod. "Okay, let's go," Berry said with a smile. Ozzy nodded as the two friends walked to Ozzy's place.

"So, you mean I can talk to you and other animals too?" Willam asked looking at Scotty, "Yeah! Isn't cool!" Scotty cheered. Willam then looked at the green stone. "And where did you get this from?" Willam asked looking at his dog. "I... a… Took from Thomas's raccoon," Scotty explained with his ear down. "Thomas? You took it from that loser?" Willam said with a smile. "Yeah," Scotty said proudly. "Good job boy," Willam said while petting Scotty on the head. "Willam!" Thomas shouted from outside. "Speak of the devil," Willam said now looking out his window and seeing Thomas with his dogs. "Give me back my stone!" Thomas shouted now crossing his arms. Willam chuckled before heading downstairs. Scotty followed behind him.

Thomas waited until Willam came out of his house and he was out he walked out to Thomas now face to face with him. "Give it back Willam," Thomas said looking him in the eye. "Hell no! It's mine now," Willam said as he pushed Thomas down into the show. Kodi Instantly Jumped in front of his owner to protect him from Willam. Scotty did the same for Willam, Jack, Eli, and Nova all stood by their father's side and started growling. "Guys stop!" Anika shouted to her brothers. "You want to protect punk?!" Jack shouted to his sister. "Don't talk to you like that!" Scotty barked. "You don't any part of this kid," Kodi said to Scotty looking in the eye. Thomas stood right back up and pushed Willam right back. Willam then punched Thomas in the face and making fall down. Kodi then jumped forward to try and stop Willam but was pushed down by Scotty. "Last warning kid!" Kodi snarled before standing up again. Scotty growled again before he started fighting with Kodi.

"Dad! Stop!" Anika shouted with some tears in her eyes. Dusty then held her back from trying to get in the middle of her father and Scotty. Jack and Eli both jumped in to help their father from Scotty. "Give it back!" Thomas shouted as he jumped up and tackled Willam. The two boys and dogs started fighting for their lives. "Daddy! Jack, Eli stop!" Anika shouted trying to get away from her mother to stop the fighting. Nova stepped in and helped his mother pull back Ankia. Finally, Willam dropped the stone of the ground and Thomas jumped for it. Willam stood back up and tried to get the stone back. The stone shine it's green glow and Thomas now teleported away from the group. "What! Where did he go?!" Willam shouted.

Thomas teleported into his room landing on he's bedroom. Thomas took a deep breath and laugh because he was safe from William. "Kodi!" Thomas jumped out of his bed. Kodi then stopped frighting with Scotty and looked around for Thomas. "Thomas!" Kodi shouted looking for his owner. "Come on Scotty, we don't have to deal with these losers," Willam said as he made for his house. Scotty looked at Anika worried about what she would think from fight her father. Scotty then joined his owner and went back into the house. Dusty and Nova then let go of Anika. Dusty went over to Kodi and noticed he was bleeding from the fight. "Kodi are you alright? Your bleeding," Dusty said now worried for her mate. "I'm fine Dusty, it's just a scratch," Kodi said as he nuzzled his mate.

"Dad why would you do such a thing to Scotty?!" Anika shouted at her father. "Why are you protecting him! Look what he did to dad!" Jack growl at his sister. "Son it's okay," Kodi said to his son. "No it's not dad, he could have to kill you!" Jack said looking at his dad. "Kodi!" Thomas said running up to his dog. "Uncle Thomas!" Jack, Eli, and Nova shouted you their uncle. "Kodi, your bleeding," Thomas said as he keeled down Thomas Kodi's level and looked at his wound. "I'm going to report this," Thomas said as he s stood up. "Kodi Grabbed his sleeve from his jacket. "No, it's fine! We need to focus on the race and practice, we'll take him down that way," Kodi explained.

"No, we won't!" Anika cried out. "Anika please your fathers hurt," Dusty said to her daughter. "I… I know, but Scotty sweet once you get to know him," Anika explained. "Yeah, real sweet from hurting dad!" Jack shouted at his sister. "Son…" Kodi started to say to his son. "No, dad! She needs to hear this!" Jack said looking at his dad. "Scotty hurt dad! And you want to protect from?! Some boyfriend you have!" Jack shouted with a growl. Ankia begins to cry and then ran away. "Anika!" Kodi called to her. Anika didn't come back. "I think you were a little hard on her," Thomas said Kneeled to Jack, "I just about my dad," Jack said looking at his uncle. "I know you do son, but we need to stick together and take them in the race," Kodi explained before falling to ground in pain.

"Kodi," Dusty said walking to her mate. "I guess I'm not so fine," Kodi said with a chuckle. "Come on I'll pick you up and hey you cleaned you up," Thomas said as he picked up his friend. As the group walked home they noticed red and blue lights at the house. And the office was talking to Alan while Thomas and his friends walked up to the house. "Dad?" Thomas said as he placed Kodi down.

The officer and Alan then looked at Thomas. "Son, did you attack Mr. Wolf?" Alan said placing his hands on his son's shoulders. "What? No, I never did, he's the one who attacked me," Thomas explained. "That enough kid, now put your hands be hide," the officer said getting his handcuffs ready. "No, Dad!" Thomas said looking to his dad. The officer then looked to Kofi and noticed he was bleeding on his side. "Did you beat this dog too? Turn around!" The Officer said making him turn around. "I would never hurt my dog!" Thomas shouted. "Don't make this harder than it already has to be kid," the officer said as he pulled over to the car. "Thomas!" Kodi shouted weakly. "Kodi!" Thomas said trying to look at his dog.

(Castle by Halsey starts to play)

Kodi weakly stood up and tries to make his way over to the cop car as Thomas was shoved inside. Thomas looked out the window before the cop car took off. Kodi weakly fell back down face first in the snow. "Kodi!" Dusty shouted as she ran over to her mate. "Dad!" The boys shouted before running over to their father. Kodi has tears in his eyes running down his muzzle as the car drove away. Kodi's rushes over to him and helped him up while watching the cop car leave the sight. "No…" Kodi said in a low tone...

Kodiwolf321 A/N: I guess things are turning out for the worst for Thomas and His friends, I hope things will turn out better in the next chapter!