
So I haven't tried a 100 fanfic, ever so it's my first time. I've been think about this idea for a while now and for a while longer tried to actually write the first chapters XD. ANyway I hope it isn't too bad. Thank you for reading!

Please be sure to leave a REVIEW and tell me what you think ;) They are the inspiration for the writer's spirit.

Pain was the first sensation she felt as her conscious came back to awareness slowly. It radiated from every nerve to her every muscle of her body and it almost rendered her immobile. She couldn't stand, her body wouldn't allow it and the ringing and spinning of everything made it hard for her to focus on anything in her surroundings. There was and instant ringing in her ears, but seeing as she didn't feel anything wet falling from it she assumed they were somewhat okay still. Her vision doubled, tripled at some points but by some miracle she managed to crawl out of the metal broken, and bent walls that surrounded her. There were sparks of electricity going on and off around her as she moved desperately to what seemed to be the exit as there looked to be a gap in between the walls large enough for her body to fit. or so she hoped anyways.

Crawling through the gap scratched and dug into her skin leaving no doubt scratches of some sort or even cuts that would begin to bleed later on but that scarcely mattered the instant her hand came into contact with the earth solid ground and grass. She pushed herself forwards, forced her body to cooperate and pressed both hands on the ground to help slid her body through the gap between the walls.

Bruises and some blood was no doubt covering from her arms to her legs. The landing had been by no means smooth or painless, neither had the trip for that matter.

She should be dead. By all accounts she wasn't naive or stupid enough to believe that a drop from space to the Earth could be even remotely survivable without proper conditions for the trip. People had died for less and yet there she was still alive and breathing by the mercy of a god or higher being she definitely didn't believe in. Not that she wasn't thankful to have survived but despite her head pounding and feeling twice it's actual size, she knew that she wouldn't be alive for long.

Radiation exposure was a horrible way to go or so she had heard, maybe read somewhere she couldn't quite remember when or where that had been. What she did know is that she shouldn't stay so close to the section of the Ark that had been responsible for bringing her here, and considering those sparks it continued to give off there was little doubts sooner rather than later cause a fire or a minor explosion. Something she really didn't want to stick around for.

However as she managed to somehow stand on her knees and look up at the dawning sky - a sight she had only seen from pictures of the old world - as she took her first breath of real clean air she could help but be mesmerized. On her battered face she could feel the cool breeze of night, the first rays of the sun just barely seeping in for warmth. Her blue eyes, though still unfocused, looked at what was the shadows of large trees ahead, and her ears though still ringing heard somewhat the distinct sound of leaves being touched by the wind. She smelt fresh and wet smells that came from the earth and ground. It was as beautiful as it had been described and the old pictures in books had shown.

"I'm on the ground." She breathed in awed wonder and disbelief before a spark loud and dangerous lit from behind her breaking the spell.

Sparing a single last glance behind her for a small second, short waves of strawberry blonde hair whipping around at the movement just at the same time the pain in her head intensified, hand instantly reached for the side of her head the pain was most prominent, before she forced her body to stand only for her legs to wobble and almost causing her to fall back on the ground. With somewhat balance she remained on her feet and began to move unsteady and ungracefully away from the wreckage as another small explosion went off in the background.

It would have been safer and probably wiser had she glanced to where she was actually walking towards. But the trees, the fresh air, the actual sky above her, and earth, and grass that was all actually real, she couldn't help but have her eeys filter everything in. She would have been more focused too if her head didn't feel like it was swimming in a sea of pain, her body didn't feel like lead, if there were no black spots dancing along her vision, and if she wasn't experiencing for the very first time what it felt like to be on the ground. Her mistake in some ways but the circumstances most likely would have lead her to the same outcome as one of her very unsteady legs slipped on the wet grass causing her entire body to fall down the slope. Pain seemed to intensify, particularly her head as it came into contact with the earth, and the strawberry blonde landed on her back. Her black dotted line of vision was filled with the first sun rays of the new day the dark of night only lingering somewhat on the wide skyas it began to change from a dark blue of night to the multicolored version of the sunrise.




Opening her eyes again, but only half way she was able to see the trace of shadows and unidentifiable shapes. She was able to hear the mumble of voices downed by the panic of others farther, much farther away. The words were odd, and she couldn't identify them at all. There were words that kept repeating but they were as foreign as the rest. She tried to follow the movements of the shadows and shapes, but would be unable to for too long as her eyes would close before they would open again.

Trying to get her vision to focus, or her body to move proved to be an even more impossible task. She had to be in pain, she knew but for some reason the intensity had yet to register. It felt like she was floating. Then for what felt like was a second, her eyes did focus. Just giving her enough time to meet glaring brown eyes that were oddly beautiful and brown hair that faded into blonde. From behind there were more and fore some reason, she couldn't shake away the knowledge.

People. There are people on the ground. There is life. It's survivable.



A dull and heavy feeling took over her body as she began to become aware of her surroundings slowly. The pain in her head had become less prominent but was still very much present as was the blurriness in her gaze. She could feel the harsh cold of the hard ground she was laying. It felt taxing to move her hands, nevermind lift herself up. However this gave time for her eyes to focus on the unguarded dark cell with only a few sunrays filtering through what had to be a barred window she could not see.

Feeling eyes on her, the strawberry blonde turned her head to her left wincing as her head protested against the movement. She somehow managed to blink away the discomfort and will herself to meet the doe brown eyes that stared back at her intently from the other side of the cell. The eyes belonged to a golden skinned girl about seventeen or eighteen with braided raven locks away from her face which held a delicate maybe even innocent structure. She was crouched shyly but her gaze held a curious glint on the young woman on the ground. There was something else though, perhaps the defiant and confident way she held her head that contradicted any sign of shyness or presumed fear the girl was trying to portray.

Who was she? The strawberry blonde wondered to herself sharing the girls open curiosity before her entire body froze at a chilling realization hit her full force. She was in a cell, locked away with a stranger and she had no memory. The young woman couldn't recall anything about herself or even so much as to how she had gotten herself into this situation.

Panic settled deep within her stomach as her breathing began ragged and she made another attempt to move. Her intent and horror must have shown on her expression because before she could even sit up pushing back the bile that threatened to rise as well as the pain, the girl from the other side of the cell was by her side pushing her back down. The strawberry blonde fought, weakly and pathetic, but refusing to be pushed back down to the cell's ground.

"Lay down. You are injured." The girl spoke in a foreign language managing without effort to push the strawberry blonde back down.

"Where am I? Who are you?" The young woman spoke her voice weak and rasped, blue eyes looking around widely as if the cell had the answers and not the girl. Who am I? Got stuck in the strawberry blonde's throat unable to voice it. She couldn't believe that she had no recollection of anything regarding herself. It was down right terrorizing without even adding to the fact that she was someone's prisoner.

Making another attempt to sit up, this time successfully doing so as the girl was to busy staring at her throw a narrowed expression, the young woman winced and took a deep breath to calm her still frantic breathing. She looked around the cell once more noticing once more the lack of guards or the presence of any other prisoners, which was somewhat odd but the suspicious was quickly wiped away from her mind. There were bigger things to worry about, like her lack of memory.

"Are you like the mountain men?" The girl spoke again in the same strange language causing the strawberry blonde to draw her attention back on the girl, this time taking in her clothes. The shirt was dirty and turned even if the girl herself was somewhat clean with sleeves that barely even covered her shoulders, pants were in better shape but not by a lot, and she wore brown boots a little ways past her ankles. "They say you fell from the sky." Again the young woman ignored the girl looking now at what she herself was wearing. It was both a distraction from her situation, keeping herself calm, and a way to learn anything about herself. Maybe her hands would then stop trembling.

State wise her clothes were in somewhat better shape than the girls. Her jeans were a dark blue with black worn out sneakers, shirt was a pastel blue color with long sleeves.

"Ignoring a person while they speak to you is considered rude by my people you know," The girl snarked, this time in English to which the strawberry blonde paused from inspecting herself and blinked back at the girl both in surprise and offense.

"Considering you've been speaking gibberish until just now, I feel myself excused, thank you." It felt normal to snide and even more so when she offered the girl a sarcastic grin. "I also seemed to recall asking two questions which you have yet to answer, dear."

Brown eyes hardened as they glared at the older young woman. "I'm not your dear." The girl spat and the strawberry blonde rolled her eyes giving the raven haired girl a droll stare.

"That was what most consider a jibe, dear."

The girl narrowed her eyes almost dangerously but remained silent as she back away, and relaxed. "My name is Kostia." She said though reluctant before her eyes liften and met the sky blue of the strawberry blonde expectantly causing the young woman to freeze as she stared back.

Silence was the only answer she could give the girl, Kostia. It was all she knew and that made the fear return just as it had come before. Her hands began to tremble again, and was forced to take another deep breath so that her breathing would settle.

"Are you-"

"I don't know." The strawberry blonde confessed in what was a whisper of a voice just loud enough for Kostia to hear. Blue eyes went about the room in a desperate search for a magical clue but found none. She could feel the confusion radiating from the raven haired girl though and that prompted her to speak once more. "I don't know who I am. I-I can't remember."