Anna rests her head in one hand and drums the other on the large oak desk. She scans the room for something, anything to do. She looks at the books along the far wall but nothing caught her eye. This was becoming more frequent than she cared to admit, her sat in the office after work, waiting for him to finish too. Anna tries to focus on the gap in the door but all she can see is people rushing around the busy shop. Tentatively she walks towards the door, Tommy had told her she had to stay out of the way if she was going to wait for him here but she couldn't help it, she had been here for over an hour and if she didn't move she would surely die. Anna pokes her head out of the door, she sighs as she doesn't recognise a single person in the room expect John and there was no way she was going to spark up a conversation with him.

Anna shuts the door and goes back to his desk, not that there was anywhere else she could go. It was only a small office and his desk took up most of the space. Picking up one of the picture frames she trails her fingers across the edge of it, he should really dust in here it was filthy. Inside the silver picture frame is a photograph of Tommy and his brothers. Anna presumes it is from before the war, they are all smiling and stood beside a black horse. She smiles as she looks down at the photograph, he looked happy there. She places the photo down and picks up the next one. As she does her breath hitches, inside a matching photo frame is a photograph of herself, from her 21st birthday. Her sister had done her hair and makeup, she had never been any good at it. Her sister had prompted her to send it to her fiance so that he didn't forget what she looked like whilst he was in France. Anna feels the tears prick in her eyes, she had forgotten that she had sent it and had not realised that this was the letter that had reached Thomas instead. She doesn't flinch as she hears the door open and clicks shut behind her. "I didn't know you had this." Anna tries to stop the tears from forming in her eyes but it's too late.

"It kept me going," Tommy whispers, putting his arms around her waist and resting his chin on her shoulder. Anna nods and places the photograph back on the desk in the same position she had found it.

Sniffling, Anna wipes away her tears and lets out a shaky breath. "You ready?" She turns to him and smiles. Tommy wipes a final tear from under her eyes.

"Actually, I have business I have to attend to tonight." He watches her closely as her smile drops for a moment. "How about we get dinner tomorrow night?" Tommy offers but its too late, Anna's face is already full of disappointment.

"Right." She gives him a tight smile. "Can't I come with you? I haven't seen you in so long!" Anna whines, slumping against his chest.

"It's dangerous." Tommy cuts her off, not giving her any room to argue with him. Anna nods and pulls away from him, he doesn't attempt to stop her as she pulls on her coat and stomps out of the room, slamming the door behind her.

Tommy makes his way around to the other side of his desk and slumps into his chair. He sighs, it had been a hard enough day already without her making him feel guilty for working to make this business run smoothly. He hadn't lied to Anna, tonight would be dangerous if she was there. He would be giving his new customers an opportunity to see his weakness and that was not something he ever intended to do. Tommy pours himself a glass of whiskey and leans back in his chair, cigarette in hand he closes his eyes in order to enjoy a minutes silence before had to leave again. It felt as though ever since he got back he had been on the go constantly, between expanding the business and spending time with Anna he hadn't had time to catch up on the life he had missed for the last 5 years, never mind have a minutes piece.

A knock to his door disturbs him before his minutes is over. "Come in." He calls as he blows out his cigarette smoke.

Arthur pushes the door open and nearly breaks the hinges with the force the door hits the wooden wall. "You ready, Tom?" He asks looking at his watch, they had intended to be late but they needed to make sure they got there before the meeting was over. Tommy only nods in response and he takes the final gulp of his drink, shaking his head he stands to attention and follows his brother out of the room.

"Right, men," Tommy shouts out to the room, immediately the bustling room is silent. "Tonight we take the Old Dog." He scans the room looking for his best men. "Scudboat, Isaiah you will go to the Black Bull and let them know who we are." He nods at the two men, they had been doing this for the last week. "John, Arthur and me will go to the Old Dog to set up payment." Tommy nods to the men to end his orders. As he leaves the shop he is followed by his brothers.

The process was simple, select one business that was doing well and one that wasn't, in this case, it was the Old Dog and the Black Bull. They send men to one to set it alight and they would go to the other and arrange for them to set alight, giving payment to the owner first. They would then show the business that was doing well and make them aware what would happen if they didn't agree to the protection fee.

The brother stands outside the pub and has a cigarette as they watch Scudboat and Isaiah enter the Black Bull. As soon as they see the two men leave the pub they know it is time for them to enter. As soon as the brothers open the doors to the Old Dog Tommy knows this would be a tricky one, this was a BSA pub and they weren't ones for accepting scams.

Tommy raises his gun into the air and fires a warning shot, the pub falls silent as they jump to the floor. "Get out!" He shouts, spinning around the room with his gun still raised. No one moves. "Get" Another shot is fired "out" He fires the last warning shot and the room clears within a minutes

"Tommy." Arthur grunts, nodding his head towards a man cowering behind the bar.

"Come out Bobby," Tommy calls as he walks towards the bar. Suddenly the small man behind the bar stands, in his hand, a shotgun, aimed directly at Tommy's chest. Tommy ignores the gun and lights a cigarette. "You gonna use that, eh?" Tommy challenges the old man. The old man looks from Tommy to his two brothers who each hold there own guns that are aimed directly at Bobby's head. "I wouldn't," Tommy warns as he takes a drag of his cigarette. Slowly Bobby nods and lowers the gun.

"What do you want?" Bobby splutters, sweat forming on his wrinkled brow.

"Three whiskeys, Irish," Tommy smirks as he looks at his brothers, who both nod in agreement. They have lowered there guns now but not before confiscating Bobby's own. The old man's hands shake as he picks up the glasses, his nerves apparent.

"Give it here." Arthur hisses as he snatches the bottle of whiskey from the man. He pours the whiskey generously and passes one to his brothers and slides the fourth one to the owner.

"I have a proposition for you, Robert." Tommy watches as the man shakes his head, saying no already. "Do you like your pub, Bobby?" He raises his eyebrows at the older man who nods quickly in response. "Unless you want your pub to end up like the Black Bull I would agree to anything we say." Tommy takes a sip of his whiskey and watches as the confusion crosses his face.

Arthur laughs and takes his whiskey like a shot. "Let's just say, it's a little toasty in there at the moment." The old man only gulps in response, understanding fully what he meant.

"For just 10% of your takings, we will make sure your pub is protected from such a fate." The man instantly nods in response, Tommy gives him a tight smile. "Good Man, the first payment will be due at the end of the month." Tommy holds out his hand and gives Bobby's a tight squeeze, it is wet from sweat and he instantly regrets doing it. Tommy tips his cap and makes his way out of the bar, his brothers follow behind him but not before Arthur has smashed his glass off the floor and advised Bobby that he would be keeping his gun.

As he makes his way home has to admit that tonight had been easier than he had expected, clearly the owner, Bobby was someone that could be easily scared. Tommy would have to position a man or two in there over the upcoming weeks to ensure that he didn't try to betray him or back out of there deal.

Tommy pulls out his pocket watch and checks the time, it was only 10:30pm. He has two options he could go to the pub with his brothers to celebrate or her could go to see Anna. His dilemma is answered for him as John jumps on his back and points the way to the Garrison. "To the pub Tommy boy! We have some celebrating to do!"