Chapter 15 Wrath of the Queen

Astrid saw that Nightclaw was taken, but she didn't see who it was. Things had just gotten worse ever since he was chosen. She quickly turned to the fight of the Night fury and Monstrous nightmare. The Vikings managed to stop the night fury from hurting anyone. Stoick rushed to her. "Astrid! Where is Hiccup?!" he asked. She didn't know what to say. But she felt that she couldn't lie to the chief. "He was taken" she answered. Gobber came beside Stoick. "Taken?" Gobber asked. "By a dragon, it must have taken him to their island" she said. Stoick turned around and was about to walk away. He then suddenly turned to her. "Their island? How can we find it?" he asked. "You can't find it. Only a dragon can find the nest" said Astrid. Then, Astrid suddenly remembered that Nightclaw told her about the nest.

"There is something else on their island. It's their Queen. She is ten times bigger than the other dragons. It's because of her, dragon raids this village. If they don't bring back enough food, they'll get eaten themselves"

She saw Stoick walk away with Gobber. "Bring the Night fury here!" shouted Stoick. If they attack the island, they're going to get killed. She saw that they took Nightstrike aboard the skip and like fifteen skips sailed off to dragon island. "Oh, Nightclaw. Where are you when I need you?" she asked.

In the arena

Astrid had just watched the whole village going to destroy the nest, unaware of what that was on the island. She stood in front of the other teens in the arena. She thought about what Nightclaw had said to her.

"You only tell them the truth if necessary"

"What are we doing here Astrid? I don't want to be here the whole day!" said Snotlout. "Can you at least tell us what's going on?" asked Ruffnut. "Yeah, what she said" said Tuffnut. "It's time I tell you guys the truth about Hiccup" said Astrid.

Another place

Nightclaw couldn't see clearly where he was going. It was fog everywhere. He turned to the changewing that was carrying him. "Hey, you! Let me go!" he shouted. But the changewing didn't listen. "Where are we going?" asked Nightclaw. This time, the changewing reacted. "To the Queen's nest, Chosen One!" he growled. Nightclaw look forward and saw an island. It had a volcano in it and dragons were flying towards it. "The nest" said Nightclaw in shock. Poison flew inside one of the holes. Nightclaw saw it immediately became darker. Dragons flew all over the place and dropped food in the big hole. Poison landed on the lowest spot in the nest. Exactly what his father had told him. "So, if this is the nest, where is the Queen?" he asked. Then, suddenly the Queen came out of her hole and looked at Nightclaw. "Right here!" said the Queen. Nightclaw only stared at her. She was bigger than he ever imagined.

"I have been expecting you" said the Queen. Nightclaw immediately got headache when she talked. "You…you are the voice in my head!" said Nightclaw. "Yes…I'm surprised that the Ancestors chose you as the Chosen One. You even were mean to your own brother!" said the Queen. Nightclaw froze when she said that. 'How did she know that?' "How do you know what happened between me and my brother?" asked Nightclaw. "He told me about it" answered the Queen. Nightclaw looked at her, shocked. "He was in my nest and told me about what happened. He even listened to me and lead the attack on the village" said the Queen. "It was fun to watch when he almost killed you. He didn't even recognize you!" laughed the Queen. "And how do you know that!?" asked Nightclaw. The Queen looked angerly at him. "I controlled him! Like I do to all the other dragons here!" roared the Queen. "Until…he betrayed me…and flew away from here!" Nightclaw wasn't surprised. He had seen his brother on Berk. "I then discovered you. And like all the other dragons here, I know the Prophecy…and I hate it! No one can defeat me, I am immortal!" shouted the Queen. She then looked at Nightclaw. "Listen, Chosen One…or should I say…Nightclaw" Nightclaw shivered when she said his name. "I have watched you since your birth, and I know how much you hate the Prophecy. And I know how you treated your brother" said the Queen. "Get to the point!" shouted Nightclaw. "Listen carefully, because I'm not going to ask this twice. You and I have a lot in common, including that we both hate the Prophecy. So now I'm going to ask you if you want to join me!" shouted the Queen. 'Is she out of her mind? If course I don't want to- 'But then he heard what she said next. "Because if you do-

I'll use my powerful magic to change you back into a dragon" she finished.

On Berk

"So, you are saying that he is actually a dragon, and he somehow got turned into a Viking?" asked Fishlegs. She nodded. "Yeah, and I guess he was taken by one of the dragons of the nest" said Astrid. "And what do you want us to do?" asked Snotlout. "The chief had taken Nightclaw's brother Nightstrike to the nest, without knowing the big threat there" said Astrid. "You guys and I are going to go there and rescue Nightclaw" the other teens startled when they heard what she was saying. "Us? Going to an island full of dragons that wants to kill us?" asked Snotlout. "Yes. We are not good friends if are just ignoring this whole thing. Nightclaw spoke of a Prophecy of a Chosen One that is going to stop the war between Vikings and dragons, he is that Chosen One" said Astrid. "I didn't know that dragons and Prophecy's and legends" said Fishlegs. "There are much we don't know about dragons, maybe we also get to know them better if we don't fight each other" said Astrid. The teens were silent before answering. "And how are we going to get there? The chief took all our skips" asked Snotlout. Astrid then looked at the dragon cages. "I have an idea" she said.

Dragon's den

"So…what's your answer Nightclaw?" asked the Queen. Nightclaw stood silent. He didn't know what to say. Of course, he wanted to be a dragon and reunite with his brother…but he refused to join the Queen. He closed his eyes and thought.

"I know, and your brother knows"

"She is also called the Red Death"

"If they don't bring back enough food, they'll get eaten themselves"

It was better to be a Viking forever than join her and her evil plans. Nightclaw turned to the Queen. "No! I refuse to join you!" This was not the answer the Queen hoped for. "Maybe I hated the Prophecy before…but I now fully respect the Prophecy. My brother was right all the time, I still believe that the Chosen One will stop this war. I can still make a big difference" said Nightclaw. "Have you made your choice!?" asked the Queen. Nightclaw crossed his arms and turned away from her. "Yes, I do not regret it" said Nightclaw. The Queen got furious. "If that's so, then you will suffer the same fate!" she then started to take control over all the dragons of the nest. Nightclaw saw dragons with their eyes saw slits coming towards him. "I will end you here and now!" said the Queen. Then, suddenly Nightclaw heard rumbling in the walls, like they were falling apart. "Who dares disturbing me?" asked the Queen. The rumbling created a big hole in the wall. Many dragons flew out of the nest. "No! get back here!" shouted the Queen and took control over the dragons. She turned to Poison. "Poison go out and see who is attacking us" said the Queen. The changewing went out to see who was attacking his Queen. Shock filled his eyes when he saw a whole crowd of Vikings standing outside. They had weapons in their hands and threw rocks at the stone wall. Poison immediately flew back to the Queen to warn her about the trouble.

"My Queen!" shouted Poison. The Queen turned to him. "What is it Poison!?" she growled. "Vikings! Vikings everywhere!" shouted Poison. The Queen was furious. She turned to Nightclaw. "You did this!" she shouted. Nightclaw didn't say anything in response. He started to run away from her. Nightclaw ran out of the hole and then came face to face with Stoick. "Hiccup! Are you alright?" he asked. "Chief! Listen, you have to get out of here before-"Nightclaw was cut off by Stoick. "We have just found the nest, why should we- "he was cut off by a rumbling sound. They both turned around and saw a giant beast storming out of the stone wall. The Queen took full control over the dragons. "I'll kill these Vikings!" roared the Queen. She fired up her fire breath and breathed fire on all the burning skips. Nightclaw saw Vikings that almost got burned aboard. Then, he heard a familiar roar. "Nightstrike" said Nightclaw and ran towards the roaring sounds. But the only thing he saw was fire. Then, he heard Astrid's voice. "Need a little help?" she asked. She was riding on Stormfly. "You know that you're riding on a dragon, right?" asked Nightclaw. She laughed. "I know, Fishlegs, Snotlout and the twins are also here, riding on dragons. I came to help you" she said. Nightclaw jumped on Stormfly. "Help me find Nightstrike!" said Nightclaw. Stormfly looked between the burning skips. "There, I see him" roared Stormfly. Nightclaw then saw his brother in one of the skips.

"There! Set me down" said Nightclaw. Stormfly flew over the skip, and Nightclaw jumped down to Nightstrike. He saw that Nightstrike was stuck in some traps that the Vikings made, including a muzzle. "It's you again" said Nightstrike. Nightclaw turned around to Astrid, who was still riding on Stormfly. "Are you sure about this?" she asked. "Yes! Now go help the others!" shouted Nightclaw. He watched her fly away. Nightclaw turned to his brother. "Don't worry brother! I'll get you out of there" said Nightclaw. Nightstrike didn't understand much of what the Viking boy said, but there was one word he understood. Brother. "Why did you call me brother?" asked Nightstrike. Nightclaw took off the muzzle on his brother.

Snotlout, Fishlegs, Astrid and the twins attacked the Queen. Fishlegs rode on Meatlug, Tuffnut and Ruffnut rode on Barf and Belch and Snotlout rode on Flameclaw. "Look at us! We are on a dragon! All of us!" shouted Tuffnut. The Queen saw that it was Vikings riding on dragons. The Prophecy was becoming more and more fulfilled. "Stupid Vikings!" roared the Queen. Snotlout and Fishlegs banged their shields that they did with the Gronckle in their first dragon training lesson. The Queen felt more and more dizzy. "Stop it!" she shouted. "Yeah, it's working!" shouted Fishlegs. But Meatlug then started to feel dizzy. "I'm not feeling very good" said Meatlug. "You're not the only one!" said Flameclaw. Flameclaw then crashed into the Queen, making Snotlout fall on the top of the Queen's head. "I'm losing control over the Gronckle! Snotlout, do something!" shouted Fishlegs and threw is hammer to Snotlout. Meatlug then dived and crashed into the ground. "I'm okay!" shouted Fishlegs. Then, Meatlug's tail landed on top of him. "…Less okay" he finished.

Snotlout banged his hammer into the Queen's eyes. "What's the matter buddy? Is it something in your eye?" said Snotlout.

The Queen then spotted Nightclaw trying to free his brother in the burning skip. "Time to get rid of them, once and for all!" said the Queen. The then used her tail and smashed the skips to pieces and made them fall under water.

Nightstrike could feel that he was drowning, and he couldn't release himself from these Viking traps. Nightclaw then came swimming after him, still trying to free his brother. "What are you doing? Get to safety" said Nightstrike. But then, Nightclaw felt he was losing air, and he couldn't get to shore. But then, someone grabbed him and took Nightclaw to shore. "No, don't leave me!" said Nightclaw. But then he saw who it was. The man with the red beard. The one who pushed him aside in the dragon raid.

Longest chapter for now. One of my favourite chapters too. I have some good and bad news for you all. The bad news is, that this story is soon coming to an end. The good news is, that I'm planning to make a sequel to this story :)

Chapter 16 out soon.