Here's the long awaited chapter 4. My mind has been all over the place with the fandoms I'm in and writor's block certainly didn't help either. Anyway, I hope you enjoy, my readers!

Chapter 4


Checking the time on her phone, Kagome sighs as she reluctantly pulls away from Kurama. "Sorry, Kurama, I need to start heading home. I promised my mom that I would be back before it became late."

As she gets to her feet, Kurama stands as well. "I understand. Would you like me to walk you home?"

Kagome gives him a smile. "I would like that."

Returning the smile, Kurama takes his place beside her and they leave the park together. "Kagome, now you know what I truly am, I need you to promise me that when we are around other humans, you need to address me as Shuichi. But when it's just us, you can address me as Kurama."

"Why can't I call you Kurama while other people are around?"

"It's dangerous for humans to know anything about the spirit world. I myself am taking a huge risk by staying here with my mother and you. But I am willing to to take any risk to be with you now."

Understanding that it'll be safe for the both of them as long as she follows his advice, Kagome then holds Kurama's arm, causing the both of them to stop in their tracks. "I understand this way to be safe for the both of us. In all honesty, I don't want you to ever leave."

This had made his face soften and a soft smile to form. "I don't want to leave you and my mother behind either." even though these words are true, his eyes still carry a deep sadness as he thought about this one item that can be found in the spirit world, in a highly secured vault that King Enma keeps well protected.

The rest of the walk was silent until they arrived at the Higurashi shrine. Once at the front door, before going inside, Kagome hugs Kurama who returns the hug. "I hope I get to see you soon."

"Don't worry, you'll see me sooner than you think." Kurama promises. Once he has what he is after, he'll be seeing her until the next full moon.

Kagome is the first to end the hug and starts to head inside. "Good night, Shuichi."

"Sleep well." Kurama bids her and then turns to leave just as Kagome closes the sliding door, a small smile on her face as she held one hand to her racing heart.

After having a soothing dinner with her family, Kagome had gone straight to bed, her mind full of what has happened this week. Since she had lost her cousin earlier, Kagome had been crying in her sleep, but one certain boy with red hair and charming green eyes had been there in her dream, comforting her just like in the real world.

Then she had felt a familiar touch on her shoulder. In her dream, she had turned to find Yusuke standing there. To see her cousin there left Kagome in total surprise, he had a smile on his face, one that she hasn't seen since they were kids. "Yusuke? Why, how are you here?"

The smile remains as he lets out a small laugh. "You're seeing my ghost, Kagome. I'm here to give you a message. There is a chance for me to come back. So I need you, Keiko and mom to make sure my body doesn't become ash before I return."

To hear that he has a chance of coming back, Kagome could feel her heart become warm at the thought. Once he had given her his message, Yusuke turns to leave her dream but then he stops. "Once I'm back, I'll need you to explain to me about that guy you've been seeing."

At those words, Kagome's face goes completely red that Yusuke knows that she's been with someone during this hard time. Before she could explain herself, Yusuke had already walked out of her dream.

For the rest of the night, Kagome had been restless, wide awake now that she saw Yusuke. Now that she can't sleep, Kagome picks up her phone and texts Kurama, "Hey, are you awake?"

After waiting for five minutes, she gets an answer from him. "Yeah. Is something wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong. Could you meet up with me at the park at 4:30 after school?"

Kurama at once texts back, "Of course."

This brought a smile to her face. "Thank you, Kurama. I'll see you tomorrow."

"See you later." With that they turned off their phones and went back to sleep.

The next day, Kagome has been very excited for two things, the news of Yusuke being able to come back and telling Kurama about this possibility. Of course he may not believe her since that's not possible, but she thought she would share the news.

Before the first class started, Keiko had texted her, asking if she's had the same dream about Yusuke the previous night. Kagome was glad that Yusuke did visit Keiko in her dreams to give her the same message, so that saves Kagome the trouble of talking to Keiko about the dream.

So for the rest of the day, Kagome got through her studies, her excitement growing with each passing minute. Once school had let out for the day, Kagome is just gathering up her things and checking the time on her phone when she heard someone approach her. Looking up, Kagome smiles at her three friends. "Hey girls."

"Kagome, today we noticed that you've been excited about something." Ayumi says.

"Yeah and you kept watching the clock." Yuka states.

"What are you so anxious about?" Eri asks.

Kagome knee better than to keep this from her friends. As she places the last of her school supplies in her bag, Kagome says, "I'm meeting up with someone later."

This had perked their curiosity as they get closer to her. "Oh? Who is it? Do we know them?"

She could tell that they are hoping that she's meeting up with Hojo, a very good and popular student at their school.

"Remember when my cousin had an accident a few days ago?" Kagome asks and they nod their heads, remembering the bad news. "Well I met this boy at the hospital who was visiting his sick mother. Ever since we met, he's been supportive during this hardship and is very comfortable to be with."

To hear about this new guy, Eri, Ayumi and Yuka became excited about learning more about him. With them curious about Kurama, Kagome checked to see that she has time to spare before meeting up with him at the park. So she tells her friends about Kurama, but going by his advice, she used her human name and leaving out the fact that he is a demon. At the little detail about what school he is attending, the three girls became even more excited that she is seeing a High School student.

After telling them about Kurama, Kagome then sets her bag on her shoulder and waves to her friends as she leaves the school for the park, promising them that she'll introduce them to Kurama someday.