A birthday gift from me to a good friend! You know who you are~ Have a happy birthday and enjoy~!
Disclaimer: I do not own One Piece or Kingdom Hearts. I do not own Guthrie and I kind of own Allen.
(Lala intro)
(Xion and Guthrie come down sliding panels one at a time, followed by Nami next to Xion and Ussop next to Guthrie. Nami shows the Log Pose to Xion, telling her where to go, while Usopp looks pompous while Guthrie shrugs his demeanor. Nami and Ussop are replaced by Zoro and Sanji respectively, and glare daggers at one another as Xion and Guthrie push them away from another. The two are replaced by Chopper and Robin respectively. Chopper dives into Xion's arms as she does a spin hug with him, while Guthrie observes the book Robin is reading with interest. The two are replaced by Allen and Chirithy, with Allen patting Xion's back, grinning at her as she blushes a bit, while Chirithy stands on a barrel, both he and Guthrie causing sparks to shoot at each other from their eyes. The two disappear, and Luffy appears between Xion and Guthrie, grabbing their shoulders and pulling them in as he grins. The two look at one another, and grin, as the background scene shifts to them being on the Going Merry, with the rest of the crew behind them.)
Hello, goodbye to repetition
We cannot be stop
Time to go around to our
Happy days, happy days
(The scene shifts to the sky, with the title of the story appearing)
Hello, goodbye, it cannot be stopped
Because there is desire
(Scene shifts to the Straw Hats on the ship, with Luffy Ussop fishing, Nami looking at the Log Pose, Zoro sleeping on the crow's nest, Xion helping Chopper with medicine while Chirithy watched, Robin reading her book, Allen practicing his dancing, and Sanji cooking with help from Guthrie.)
It's a journey that does not end
Keeps going, going!
(Xion steps back, wiping her forehead, then looking ahead to the endless sea beyond, wondering what lies ahead.)
You, are
Being shaken by your ragged feet
(Panning through a screenshot of Kokoro, Chimney and Gonbe and Yokozuna, to the Galley-La crew, to the members of the Franky Family, with Franky in front of them, to the masked members of CP9.)
Still, still
No one has much of anything!
(Nico Robin turns and walks away to the tower in Eniss Lobby, with Jabra, Kumadori and Fukuro silhouetted above, followed by Spandam, then Xaldin and Saïx. This shifts to the angered faces of Guthrie, Luffy and Xion.)
I feel like I can fly
I can fly anywhere
Whenever I'm with you
(The trio run through the town of Eniss Lobby, striking numerous marines in their way, while the screen circles around the trio, ending with them standing in the middle of their Straw Hat crew (and Sniper King) on top of the building, facing Robin, Franky and CP9.)
No matter where we are
I feel like I am
Shivering everywhere
(The two Keyblade wielders thrust their Keyblades up at the villains, only to be interfered by the two Organization XIII members. They leap towards them, with Luffy and the rest of the Straw Hats following in pursuit. CP9, led by Saïx, Xaldin Leopard Lucci, leap at them, ready to clash.)
Together when I am with you
If you clench strongly
(Through all the battles of the Straw Hats, Second Gear Luffy starts fighting Leopard Lucci, with Xion fighting Saïx as hard as she could.)
No matter what happens
I'm moving forward
(Guthrie fights and parries off Xaldin, calling out to Robin with a free hand raised to her, as she stands there in the pitch black darkness.)
Together when I am with you
If you clench strongly
(Robin looks back at him, then closes her eyes as she recalls the memories of Ohara. A tear falls from her eyes, hitting a ground, which turns the darkness into the open sea and sky. More teardrops fall, forming white birds that represent each Straw Hat as they soar in the sky together.)
No, no
No matter where we are
I feel like I can fly
(The birds fly over the Going Merry, as it sails into the sun, with silhouettes of the Straw Hats smiling and grouped together as they prepared for their adventure.)
Last time:
"LUFFY! GUTHRIE!" The two flinched and became scared as they saw Xion crawling herself up to the top of the train, glaring at them.
"Go, go, go!" Guthrie ordered hastily, and the two launched away, leaving a baffled Xion to watch them leave. Luffy grabbed the iron fence bars, holding himself from dropping him or Guthrie into the sea.
"Get back here, you two! I won't tolerate you guys jumping the gun!"
On the fence bars, while hanging on to his captain, Guthrie managed to cover Luffy's ears. "Don't listen to her, Luffy. Let's clear a path for the others, and make our way to Robin!"
"Right. Hang on!" Luffy told him, reaching the top of the iron picket fence. With both Guthrie re-tightening his grip on Luffy, and Luffy doing the same with the bar, he pushed himself back, stretching himself as far back as he could. "Gomu Gomu no Rocket!" he shouted, launching himself and Guthrie sky-high, and reaching one of the marine flag poles on top of the first main gate.
Xion gaped at the two's actions, then she gritted her teeth let out a growl. "When I get my hands on them... Alright, I'm gonna make sure they don't do anything more stupid than they are now!"
"Let me join you!" Chirithy demanded, disappearing in a puff of smoke and reappearing on Xion's shoulder. "I got a thing or two to say to Guthrie."
"Wait in line. Now... Summon: Komory Bat!" She summoned her bat Dream Eater. "Link Action: Fly-By Knight!" Fang went to her back and grabbed hold of her, flying her over to where the other two were at, with Chirithy holding onto Xion.
Luffy and Guthrie were nearing the second gate, and saw a group of marine soldiers guarding it. They knew they didn't have time to deal with them, even as two of them slowly came up front, with one of them speaking through a wristwatch transponder snail.
"This is the central island front gate," they heard. "Intruders sighting confirmed. Don't worry, we'll take it from here." He and one of his buddies stepped forward. "Hey there, buddies. That's far enough."
"Don't take one of them lightly!" a voice over the transponder snail warned, as Luffy leapt up and Guthrie readied his Keyblade. "Unless my eyes deceive me, then I'm pretty sure one of them is the pirate 'Straw-Hat' Luffy!"
The warning was too late, as Luffy stamped the two marine soldiers in the face with his stretched sandals. At the same time, Guthrie unleashed a Strike Raid that sent two more scattering.
"The man with the 100 million belli bounty!" the person on the other side answered. "It is him: Straw-Hat Luffy, and a member of his crew! And what's more, 'Starlight Blade' Xion with the 98 million belli bounty has just flown over the gate, and is approaching your position, too!"
"Where's Nico Robin?!" Guthrie demanded, slamming him with his Keyblade, and sent him flying into another soldier behind him.
"Tell me where Robin is, right now!" Luffy roared, unleashing a gatling of punches onto the soldiers.
Xion, Chirithy, and Fang were flying down towards Guthrie and Luffy's position, seeing that the pair were obliterating any Marine standing their ground at the island gate.
"Well, at least they're clearing some space for the others to make it in." Chirithy stated.
"That's no excuse for their straight-forward attempt!" Xion retorted. "Although, considering Robin is ahead, and that Saix guy is there, too... Argh, why am I suddenly supporting what those two are doing?!"
Her Komory bat dove them down at the scene, as Luffy used one of the soldier as a robot by wrapping his arms and legs around his limbs, while Guthrie was unleashing Spark Blast on several of the soldiers. "Summon: Ryu Dragon!" Xion summoned her other flying Dream Eater to the scene. "Get on him! We're flying over!"
Guthrie saw the dragon Dream Eater come at him, and he raced over to it, hopping onto its back before it took off, avoiding slashes from two swords.
Luffy leapt over two soldiers who accidentally slashed their controlled ally down, and knocked the two out. He then stretched and grabbed the two large door-knockers of the island gate, and pulled himself out of the reach of the marine soldiers.
"I'm in a hurry!" he told the soldiers. "But you'll have more people to fight later!" With that, he launched himself up and over the gate, with Xion, Guthrie and the Dream Eaters flying behind him.
"I thought you were gonna stay and go along with the plan the others had?" Guthrie questioned Xion.
"Yeah, the plan that included you guys staying on the Sea Train, too!" she barked at him. Xion then calmed himself, and continued, "Well, we made it this far, and my helper's instincts are kicking in..."
"Ah, so you now can't help but join in on our raid, huh?" Guthrie questioned with a grin.
"I will punish both of you later," Xion warned him with a dark look, frightening the guy.
"I hate to break this little argument, but you do realize Luffy is back on the ground down below, with a swarm of Marines and Government agents surrounding him." Chirithy stated.
The two suddenly looked down and saw he was right. Luffy landed on the other side of the gate and was in the city, alright. However, there was a monsoon of soldiers surrounding him.
"Yeah, we might need to help him out of that scrap..." Guthrie muttered with a sweat-dropped expression.
"Why couldn't he just hold onto Wyvern?!" Xion demanded, ordering her Dream Eaters to dive down to where their captain was at. "Guy has no sense of convenience, and goes straight for the hard way! Let's go!"
"Right!" Guthrie and Chirithy answered, with Fang and Wyvern letting out sounds of agreement.
With Luffy, he silently stood in his place.
"Oi! Straw Hat Luffy! How many friends did you bring with you?" a Marine mocked. "Enies Lobby has tens of thousand soldiers!"
"Well, looks like I'm alone," Luffy answered. He then cracked his knuckles and demanded, "Out of the way!"
The moment he said that, a pair of individuals crash landed on the ground amongst the horde of Marines and Government agents, sending a good portion of the enemy flying about, as well as picking up a bunch of dust in the air, concealing the causes.
"W-What the-?!" an agent gasped.
"An ambush?!" another agent asked.
Just then, from one smoke, flames bursted out, forcing some Marines away as to not get burned. The flames were followed by a certain weapon tossed out and striking down several soldiers. From the other smoke, something, someone, jumped out of it, cloaked in lightning, and dove back down, unleashing an electrifying shockwave that knocked down some soldiers.
"Hey! What's going on?!" a Marine far from the rumble asked.
"Gomu Gomu no Gatling!" Luffy shouted, unleashing a barrage of punches at the poor soul, as well as many others near him.
As the tossed weapon went back to the cloud of dust, Guthrie jumped out of it and caught his weapon. "Once more! Strike Raid!" He tossed his Keyblade at the enemies once more, knocking more soldiers down in the process.
Wyvern followed suit and slashed a number of other soldiers, knocking them out easily. A few near him freaked out at the sight of a dragon on the pirates' side.
As for Xion, she cloaked herself and Fang in flames and performed a spinning attack, taking down more Marines around her.
"I-It's Starlight Blade Xion!" a Marine screamed.
"Who is that guy with them?!" an agent questioned.
"Why the hell is there a dragon on their side?!" another Marine asked.
"Oh! You guys caught up!" Luffy said to Xion and Guthrie.
As Fang glided Xion to more soldiers, they passed Luffy. As they passed him, Xion struck the guy in the head with her Keyblade, to many's shock.
"What was that for, Xion?!" the rubber man asked.
"That's for not sticking to the plan, you dumb idiot!" she answered. "That's only a start! Once we get to Robin, I'll dish out the rest then! For now, there's these guys to worry about!" Without another word, Xion took down a Marine stupid enough to try to sneak attack her and continued on to the rest.
"She really does not know how to lighten up, does she?" Guthrie couldn't help but question aloud.
"I heard that, you idiot counselor!" Xion shouted as she looked back at him.
"She heard me?!"
Meanwhile, back on Rocketman, the rest of Luffy's crew sat in the cart, awaiting for their time to shine. As they waited, Nami was tampering with her new Perfect Clima Tact.
"Hey, Sogeking," she called to Usopp. Upon getting no response, she jabbed him with one of her weapon's parts. "Hey!"
"Ouch! That hurt!" he said to her.
"It's about how I make this cold air function, you see," Nami said, ignoring his cries.
"Let me see. Wait- don't ask me!" Usopp said, looking away from her and continuing his little charade.
"I wonder if everyone's okay," Chopper said.
"It's Luffy, Xion, and Guthrie. I'm sure they'll be okay," Allen said, fiddling with his gloves, as he took a good look at the features Usopp implanted with the dials the group brought back from Sky Island and salvaged from the ship before then. Despite his answer, the guy couldn't help but shake his leg, worried about the three who left them behind.
"Just calm down. All those guys are fine," Sanji said, though he was also shaking his leg.
"Guys! The time has come!" Kokoro called through the speakers. "It's getting late! How about we go? Those guys should have opened the two doors by now!"
"Let's charge in! Let's charge in!" Chimney chanted, with Gonbe meowing at the end of those sentences.
"Samurai man! I'll leave the barrier to you!" Kokoro then called to Zoro, who was sitting on top of Rocketman with Yokozuna.
"I'll take care of it," he assured.
Back to the island, during their little brawl, Xion, Guthrie and Chirithy somehow lost Luffy and got themselves surrounded by more Marines and Government agents. Fang's Link Action had ended a bit ago, and thus was flying right by Xion's side, while Wyvern fused with Xion in the Link Style: Fire Raid, Guthrie and Xion were back-to-back with one another, with Chirithy in between them.
"Great! Luffy just HAD to go on ahead like that, and leave us behind!" Xion spat, using Firaga to blast back several soldiers. Fang knocked some more back with a supersonic attack.
"Hey, at least he's making progress to reach Robin," Guthrie defended, using Aeroga to blow away several marines. "It's us who needs to pick up the pace!"
"You know, I can't help but feel you're the one at fault for us being in this mess in the first place!" Xion pointed out.
Guthrie glanced at her at such claim. "My fault?! How is this my fault?!"
"Because if you hadn't let Luffy go on ahead, as well as joined in on his escapade, we would still have the others to back us up against these guys!"
"You're so obsessed with Robin, you really end up impatient when she is in danger," Chirithy added.
The male Keyblade wielder turned to them in anger. "Says the Spirit who's obsessed with Xion being my number one priority, and the girl who can't keep her anger in check for even a second when things don't go her way!"
"I don't get angry ALL the time!" Xion spat, knocking back some more Government agents and returning his glare. "Besides, you're one to talk. You almost went up and left the crew like Ussop did after a few mistakes!"
"Which I am regretting, but at least I don't completely rub my issues into people's faces like you do! 'Oh, look at me! I have no heart. I have no memories. I have to take care of this helpless crew. I have more issues than anyone else.' You're a bigger wreck than even Luffy!" Guthrie claimed, raising his voice in a high pitch as he voiced out Xion's problems. At least, the way he saw it.
"I do NOT rub that kind of crap into people's faces!" Xion argued back, all the more angry at the guy, especially at his ridiculous imitation of her. "Where did you even come up with stuff like that, you hot-aired, pessimistic moron?!"
"What did you call me, you lecturing, violent vice-captain?!"
The marines and agents were all standing there, wondering why the two pirates were suddenly in a heated argument with one another in the middle of this place. Even Fang ceased its attacks and stared at the Keyblade wielders' heated arguments. They were pretty intense, and some soldiers were too scared to even approach the pair while they were in the middle of this. However, one big and brave soul, wielding a large, two-handed blade, roared, "You're wide open!"
The two Keyblade wielders glared fiercely at him as they roared, "SHUT UP! WE'RE TALKING HERE!" They used their Finish Command: Rising Rock and Shotlock: Flame Salvo to not only send the big guy soaring, but caused massive damage that sent all of the enemies in front of them soaring in pain.
"You just have to start a fight with your crew in the middle of a battlefield like this, don't you?!" Guthrie shouted, using his Spark Blast move to knock down about fifty more of the enemies.
"Not like you had any reason to stop it, oh great counselor!" Xion mocked, using Ars Arcanum to unleash a flurry of slashes that got almost as much enemies in the attack as Guthrie.
"Oh, believe me. It's nearly impossible to change a stubborn-headed woman like you. Believe me, I have been trying!" Guthrie argued, using Savage Knives to slash and pin several marines into the wall.
"Then how about you try harder at your job?! You don't see me complaining much about my job as vice captain!" Xion retorted, throwing multiple flaming Keyblades at Government agents.
"God, you are such a pain!" Guthrie barked, using Sonic Blade to take out dozens more of his guys.
"Right back at ya!" Xion roared, using Collision Magnet to send a Marine into dozens of her guys, sending them all flying like bowling pins.
Elsewhere, Luffy could see the damage done from the two from behind a building, along with the screams from the poor soldiers that were in the line of fire.
"Whoa, those guys are having fun!" he stated, not knowing the argument they were having. "Guess I'd better step it up, too. Gomu Gomu no Storm!" Luffy jumped and unleashed a powerful barrage of punches that sent a hundred marines flying.
Back to the brawl, in the dust cloud, Chirithy continued to catch up with them with Fang in tow, avoiding the fallen marines as he was just astonished at the amount of damage the two Keyblade wielders were causing.
"I knew emotions could amplify their power, but this is just ridiculous!" he exclaimed.
Returning to Rocketman, the Straw Hat crew waited in the cart for their arrival to Enies Lobby. If things go according to plan, the Franky Family and Galley-La Shipwrights should have both doors open by now. However...
"Guys, seems like there's a modification in the plans. Samurai man is telling you to hold on to something in the car," Kokoro warned them.
"He said that!" Chimney confirmed.
"Hold on to something?" Nami repeated in a questioned tone.
"How come?" Allen asked.
"Why?" Chopper also asked.
Sanji did them a favor and poked his head out the window. "Oi, shitty swordsman! Did something happen?"
"The Main Gate was closed," Zoro answered.
Sanji widened his eyes in shock. "What was that?!"
He wasn't the only one who heard the answer. "This is bad! We'll get crushed!" Usopp panicked.
"What do we do?! What do we do?!" Chopper asked, also freaking out.
"Dodge it, Kokoro-san!" Nami cried out.
"Zoro! You have an idea, right? Right?!" Allen questioned.
"Of course I do. There is a way," Zoro answered.
"As expected from Zoro!" the scared trio exclaimed.
"You three recover fast," Allen stated to them.
What was heard next from Zoro's mouth was the unexpected, though. "Break down that fence, frog!"
While his comrades on the train questioned his order, Yokozuna was more than happy to oblige. As Rocketman closed in on the fence, Yokozuna clapped his hands twice and bent his knees. Once the sea train got close enough, the instant it was close enough, Yokozuna thrusted both his arms out and struck the iron bars. Thanks to the speed Rocketman was going, enough force was added to the thrust to push the fence down.
"Don't tell me! We'll run over the fence this way!" Kokoro exclaimed.
Not long after she said that, Rocketman, using the bars as makeshift train tracks, climbed up the fence and flew... over the gate.
Feeling themselves airborne, Allen, Usopp, and Chopper hung on to something, while Nami and Sanji were flying about in the cart.
"We're gonna die!" Usopp cried out.
"What?! We're gonna die?!" Chopper asked.
"We're not going to die! Probably!" Allen answered.
"Nami-san~! Hurry up and come to my chest~!" Sanji called to the crying navigator.
"Don't you think I have enough problems at the moment, idiot?!" Nami shouted. She looked out the window and called out to a certain swordsman, "Zoro! You really do have a plan, right?!"
"Of course!" Zoro answered. Nami and the rest of the crew, who were also looking out the window at the guy, sighed in relief. "... We fall." Until that.
"LIKE HELL WE ARE!" they all shouted, screaming as Rocketman continued on towards the Central Gate.
Meanwhile, at the Central Gate, the shipwrights and dismantlers managed to take out the second giant guarding the door, as the big guy tumbled down to the ground, sending some Marines and agents flying. Once the giant was down, the group stood on top of him in victory, as well as frightening their enemies.
"Y-You guys... Are you guys the Straw Hat pirates?" an agent asked them.
"That's right!" Zambai answered.
"Are we?!" Kiwi and Mozu asked, shocked that he gave that answer, as was Paulie.
"That kind of thing doesn't matter at all," the rope wielding shipwright said. "We must hurry and advance deeper."
"All right! Guys! All we need to do now is advance as far as we can!" Zambai ordered. The Franky Family all shouted cheers in agreement.
Suddenly, Paulie sensed something coming from the side. He turned and was suddenly jabbed in the shoulder by a long, thin blade.
"Paulie!" Lulu cried out in worry.
"Shit!" Paulie tried to punch his attacker, when the guy leapt away from him. As it turned out, the attacker was riding on a wolf and had a pair of blades attached to his arms. "Who the hell are you?"
"We are Enies Lobby's First Class guards, the Law's Watch Dog Unit, otherwise known as the Law's Guard Unit!" his attacker, who also seemed to be the leader of the group, answered. "Under the order of Judge Baskerville, we'll have you all go through the death penalty!" The wolves barked in agreement to his words.
"Shit! They just keep coming one after another, hindering us!" Lulu said.
Paulie's attacker approached the downed giant they were on. "Oimo! What are you doing, allowing such pirates to pass through the gate?! What's wrong with you?!" he demanded, jabbing one of his blades on the giant's face. Unlike with Paulie, the hit didn't draw any blood from the big guy.
It did, however, wake him up, as the giant stood and got the Franky Family and shipwrights off him. "I passed out..."
"Damn it! He's back on his feet- waina!" the twins exclaimed.
"I won't forgive you... I will definitely not forgive you!" Oimo declared.
Unfortunately for him, and fortunately for the shipwrights and dismantlers, a certain sea train crashed onto his back and knocked him back down and out. To see a sea train arrive from the sky was a massive surprise for the Law's Guard Unit, Marines, and Government agents, as it landed roughly on the ground.
"Wh-What the-?! Rocketman just... fell from the sky!" Zambai gasped.
"We opened the gates for nothing!" Kiwi, Mozu, Lulu and Tilestone exclaimed in shock.
"What?! What just happened?!" the Law's Guard Unit leader questioned.
"Are they okay after such a rough landing?!" Zambai asked, worried for the Straw Hats, Kokoro, Chimney and Gonbe.
Seconds into the landing, the only thing coming out of Rocketman were hissing sound and steam.
"They aren't coming out..." Paulie grunted.
Some of the Marines and agents approached the train, wondering what happened to the people inside. Suddenly, the soldiers near the train were all sent flying away from the train, much to the shock of everyone else.
"Oi! What's wrong?!" an agent asked.
Emerging from the smoke were three certain individuals.
"Hey. Should we have greeted them first?" Zoro asked Sanji and Allen.
"Don't look at me. I was just following you two's lead," the Shandian said.
"Don't be absurd. As it we need to," Sanji told them.
"It's Roronoa and the others!" Zambai announced, as the Franky Family cheered for their arrival.
"We've been waiting!" Kiwi and Mozu shouted.
By the train itself, Usopp crawled out from a window. "It went as planned..." he lied to Chopper, who was standing right beside him.
"What?! Really?!" the man-reindeer asked in an impressed tone.
Back to Luffy...
"Gomu Gomu no Storm!" He jumped in the air and sent another barrage of punches down at the enemies below him.
"He went over there!" a soldier shouted.
"Damn it! Don't let him escape!" another ordered, as the Marines and agents in the area all chased after the pirate.
"Hold it!" another soldier shouted at Luffy, who was trying to lose his pursuers.
Unfortunately, Luffy was forced to come to a stop at a cliff, just right above the hole.
"We finally cornered you!" a Marine said, as he and his comrades panted from the running.
Luffy looked down at the hole below, where he could not see the bottom of due to the steam. He glanced back at the Marines and agents, which caused one of them to flinch before calming himself. "Y-You don't have anywhere else to go now!" he claimed.
Luffy looked to another group of the enemies, causing them to flinch and prepare their weapons. The Straw Hat pirate knew he had no time to waste on these guys, especially not when Robin could be taken to the gate at any second now. Just the thought of her sacrificing herself... made him all the more annoyed.
"All of you! GET OUT OF MY WAY!" he shouted.
In response to his shout, one Marine ordered, "Big bazooka unit, step forward!" At his words, a group of Marines with a bazooka on them approached and lined up before Luffy.
The rubberman gritted his teeth at the situation he got himself in. 'I have to hurry up or Robin will... I guess I'll try that thing.'
"Just give up, Straw Hat!" the Marine told him, raising his hand to signal the bazooka unit. "Fire!" At his call, the Marines fired their weapons at Luffy.
Luffy brought his arms up to guard himself, but none of the blasts hit him. They did, however, hit the ground around him. As a result, the cliff gave way, and he started falling into the waterfall.
"Did we do it?" a Marine asked.
"He fell into the waterfall," an agent pointed out, as he and many others approached the cliff and looked down.
"Hey look! He's still clinging onto the edge!" an agent informed. And true to his words, Luffy managed to hang on to the edge of the cliff, and thus saved himself from falling.
"Straw Hat! If you surrender peacefully, we can pull you up," a Marine smugly offered.
"Like hell!" he answered.
"How stubborn! Just fall in the waterfall already!" an agent shouted, stomping down on his hand. Well, he attempted to, when Luffy moved his hand away. "Why you!" The agent tried to step on his hand again, only for Luffy to do move his hand again. "Hey! Give me a foot here!"
At those words, many agents and Marines gathered along the edge and tried to make the pirate fall to his death, only for Luffy to somehow avoid all their steps. Not only that, unknown to them, their stomping was making the ground slowly cave in, until eventually, it gave out on them, and a bigger portion of the cliff broke off... with the Marines and agents on them.
"What luck!" Luffy cheered, using the Marines and agents as footings and climbed back up to the surface. The moment he landed however, the other Marines and agents far from the cliff fired their guns at him. "Boy, what a crazy place I wandered off to. But since I was able to take care of a lot of them at once, I guess it's okay."
Just then, something came and struck down all the shooting Marines. This got the attention of the other soldiers, as they looked and saw an odd weapon flying about before returning to its owner's hand.
"There you are, Luffy!" Guthrie said.
"Oh, Guthrie! You finally caught up!" Luffy greeted.
"There's too many of these guys; can you blame me?" he said.
"It's one of Straw Hat's friends!" an agent called.
"Man, these stupid guys keep getting in our way! And I haven't found Robin in any of these buildings!" Luffy exclaimed, as he and Guthrie went back-to-back and stared down at the dozens of soldiers around them.
"Luffy, you do realize that they have more than likely taken her to that huge building off in the distance, right?" Guthrie questioned him, pointing at the white tower off in the distance.
"Huh? You think so?"
His captain's question made the counselor sigh. "You forgot that we were heading that way, didn't you? Well, whatever. I'll tolerate your stupidity for now, as long as we make our way over there. But we need to make it there fast!"
Just then, four burly Marines rushed at the pair with a spear, a cutlass, a flail, and bronze knuckles together, ready to take them out.
"You're done!" the flail-user shouted, and the pirates readied for combat.
Suddenly, their feet all caught onto something, and they fell as one, the impact of their heads hitting the ground hard knocking them out.
"... Wow. That was lame," Guthrie and Luffy both stated at the same time, while the other Marines and agents looked at their downed comrades in shock.
Next everyone knew, thorny vines appeared out of the ground and knocked out the rest of the Marines and agents in the area.
"Huh? What's going on?" Luffy asked.
"I don't know," Guthrie answered.
Out of nowhere, there was a puff of pink smoke, and the two were startled to see a Dream Eater appear before them. It was a plant-like species, one that looked rather cheery, with blooming petals on its head and antennae popped on top.
"A plant monster?" Luffy questioned, looking at the creature.
"No, look," Guthrie pointed out its Dream Eater emblem, seeing the brand it was. "It's a Spirit, like Xion's, But... I don't remember her having something like this." Looking at the Dream Eater and back to the knocked out soldiers around them, as well as what tripped the four burly Marines earlier, which was a row of arching vines, going in and out of the ground, it didn't take Guthrie long to piece together what happened. "Did you help us out?" he asked the flower Dream Eater.
It spun around, chirping in response to him, as if to say 'yes'.
"Thanks, flower monster!" Luffy thanked the creature.
The Spirit then waved at them as if to follow it and disappeared, reappearing to a building nearby. It waved them over again.
"Looks like it wants us to follow it!" Guthrie assumed. "Let follow that Spirit!"
"Right!" Luffy answered, and the pair followed the Dream Eater as it went into the building, wondering where the little thing was leading them.
With Xion, she had ended up racing through the dust cloud, unleashing a roundhouse kick at an oncoming swordsman. Her Fire Raid form had ended a bit ago, with Wyvern resting in its card.
"Okay, where the hell are Luffy and Guthrie?" she demanded, looking around the area. "I take my eyes off them for one second, and they end up leaving me behind to do something reckless and brainless! AGAIN!"
"I may badmouth my partner's recent choices, but I know he's smart," Chirithy stated, racing up from behind with Fang. "He's smart enough to know at least where that woman is most likely gonna be at." The pair looked ahead, seeing the big building at the far end of the place. "If anything, we need to make our way over there."
Xion nodded in agreement, and took a few steps onward, until she stopped and sensed something. It was a familiar feeling, and yet at the same time, not.
"Xion, what's going on?" Chirithy questioned her. "This is not a place to be daydreaming!"
"I know, but..." Xion looked about, wondering where it was coming from.
"You won't get away!"
Suddenly, Xion found herself surrounded by Marines and Government agents, and she hadn't been paying attention to notice them appearing. She grimaced at her unawareness, and decided to ignore the presence she was feeling, for right now, clearing out the enemy was much more important.
High above her, looking down at the scene, was the very presence she was feeling. It was a small Dream Eater, who looked like a plant, similar to the one leading Luffy and Guthrie. Apart from the base and leafy hands, it had throned horns on its head. Unlike the one leading the boys, this one looked malicious, but the feelings it had weren't so.
'Please... Go and save her...' it spoke, looking at Xion taking out the Marines and agents with her Keyblade.
Back to the rest of the crew by Rocketman, Zoro, Sanji, and Allen were staring down the many enemies around them.
"H-Hey! I know who that swordsman is!" an agent called.
"Yeah. He's one of Straw Hat's underlings, Pirate Hunter Zoro!" a Marine identified.
Zoro's title surprised Allen, who was hearing that for the first time. "'Pirate Hunter'? In a pirate crew?"
"Ironic, isn't it?" the swordsman simply said.
Sanji, on the other hand, simply laughed at his own comrade. "They called you an underling."
"Then you're even lower than that, right, Pirate A?" Zoro retorted. Upon seeing how displeased Sanji was at the retort, Zoro continued to tease him. "Then B."
"Huh?! If I had a bounty, it'd be at least twice as yours!" Sanji exclaimed.
"Then, C."
"Listen to what I'm saying, you bastard!"
"Guys, I really think this isn't the time to fight one another," Allen told them, trying to be the peacemaker for the pair.
Just then, an agent turned his head to the train and noticed Usopp and Chopper there. "There's more of them in the train!" he informed.
"They found us!" the pair screamed.
"There have to be more! Blow it up before they come out!" At those words, the Marines with bazookas equipped pointed their weapons at Rocketman.
"Hey, hold it! Nami-san is still in there!" Sanji called, rushing to the soldiers.
Sadly, mostly because he was a pirate telling them to stop, the guys all fired their weapons at Rocketman.
"Those guys!" Allen gasped, worried for Nami, Kokoro, Chimney and Gonbe. He would've worried about Usopp and Chopper as well, but thankfully the pair had already rolled over to safety.
"Those bastards! I'm going to cut them into three pieces!" Sanji threatened.
"Hold on, Pirate B," Zoro called.
The mere insult got Sanji's attention, as he brought his face to the swordsman's. "What?!"
"An attack like that isn't enough to take someone like her out. You're only 'Pirate B' because you don't get something as obvious as that. And because calling you 'A' would be an insult to Allen, whose name starts with 'A'."
"You damn moss head!" Just as Sanji said that, a pan fell from the sky and landed on his head, knocking him out.
"You guys did survive the ordeal from Sky Island. Something like that can't kill her," Allen pointed out, not that it would matter since Sanji got knocked out.
"See? Allen here gets it," Zoro said, again not that it would matter.
With Usopp and Chopper, the former was the first to recover from avoiding the blast. "Man, that scared me." Just as he said that, he noticed his mask was missing and freaked out, covering his face.
"Are you okay, Sogeking?" Chopper asked, slowly recovering himself.
At his question, Usopp quickly rolled to where his mask was, instantly putting it back on. "I-I-I'm okay, Chopper-kun!" he answered.
"Stop firing!" a Marine shouted, to his comrades' confusion.
"What's wrong?" an agent asked.
"Look up there!" The guy pointed at Rocketman's head, where Kokoro, Chimney and Gonbe were, the former two waving at the men.
"Stop it! I'm a senior citizen!" Kokoro called.
"I'm a child and here is a small animal! We're weak!" Chimney said, Gonbe meowing at them.
"The Straw Hat Pirates threatened me and made me operate the train!"
"They did!"
Kokoro then took a gulp of her wine and let out a laugh, as did Chimney.
"Who lets their hostages drink?" Zambai questioned under his breath.
Fortunately, though, the soldiers all bought the lie.
"That was close! We almost killed the hostages, too!" a Marine said in relief.
"Of all people, to think those pirates took a senior, a child, and a pet as hostages... How despicable!" an agent said.
Just then, the group then noticed something forming up above them.
"What's that? That smoke look like clouds," one of them asked.
Forming the cloud above their heads were red and blue balls. And coming from the balls, was the weapon of a certain navigator. "Using cool balls and heat balls, the moisture in the air has turned into clouds," Nami spoke.
One certain fool cheered upon seeing her presence. "Nami-swan~! So you escaped the attack~!" Sanji cheered.
"Hey Zoro..." Allen called to the swordsman in an uncertain tone.
"Yeah...?" Zoro asked, just as uncertain.
"Should we... be worried about that cloud?"
"... Maybe... not?"
"Why do I feel unsure about that response?"
Those two weren't the only one having a funny feeling about the cloud.
"Hey. The cloud is getting bigger and bigger," Zambai noticed.
"Grandma, Grandma. The cloud is getting bigger," Chimney also noticed, with Gonbe meowing in agreement.
"That cloud looks a little dangerous," Kokoro stated. "Chimney, Gonbe. Come this way." Without waiting for a response, the senior dragged her grandchild and their pet off the train.
Nami stood and looked up at the cloud she made. "It truly is the 'Perfect Clima Tact,'" she stated. "It develops much bigger clouds, and at a faster pace too. Now to see how powerful its thunderbolt is." With a flick of her wrist, the round end of one of her Perfect Clima Tact parts was covered in electricity.
"That lady's gonna do something! We might wanna get out of here!" Zambai warned his guys.
"Here it comes! Thunderbolt Tempo!" Nami tossed the electric ball at the cloud.
Next everyone knew, a bunch of large lightning bolts rained down on them, and burnt them all to crisp. Of course, it wasn't just enemies; many unfortunate allies got struck as well. Zambai was desperately running away from some bolts that seemed to be chasing him, and Allen managed to avoid some bolts with his dancing skills.
At a distance, Chimney, Gonbe, and Kokoro were enjoying the light show under an umbrella.
"Grandma, Grandma! That's an incredible thunderbolt, isn't it?!" Chimney said in an impressed tone, with Gonbe meowing in agreement.
Kokoro took another swig of her wine and let out a chuckle. "That girl is something else," she stated.
"Grandma, are we really going to be okay under this umbrella?"
"Trust me. You'll be fine as long as you're under here." Just as Kokoro said that, a bolt of lightning struck the umbrella, to the child and animal's shock (pun not intended). Thankfully, as the senior said, it didn't hit them.
Back to the electrifying minefield, Nami shrieked and managed to escape from her own attack with her life. As she regrouped with Usopp and Chopper, she hit the former on the head hard. "That was too powerful! I almost died!" she shouted.
"Gaah! Sogeking! Nami, why did you hit Sogeking?!" Chopper asked, still not realizing who Sogeking really was.
"It's fine. I still like it," Nami simply said.
Allen managed to avoid all the bolts and regrouped with the trio. "Nami! What the heck? That was way too powerful! Are you actually the secret weapon of this crew?!" he asked.
"D-Don't take it out on me," Usopp exclaimed to the navigator. "The problem lies in how you're using it. Besides, Usopp-kun said he doesn't remember adding that feature! At any rate... that thing is crazy powerful! You brought down a bunch of them."
As he said, many of the Marines and agents around them were knocked down and out by that one attack. And not just them... for Zoro and Sanji also got hit by the attack.
Zoro quickly recovered and shouted, "Hey, Nami! What's the big idea?!"
"Apologize, Sogeking!" Nami said to Usopp.
"No, you apologize, idiot!" Usopp retorted.
Sanji also quickly recovered. Unlike Zoro, though... he was still in la la land. "Nami-san~! That reminded me of the shock I had the first time we met~!"
"Did he get his brain fried?" Allen asked.
"Nope. That's 100% healthy Sanji," Chopper confirmed.
Some of the Franky Family who managed to avoid the lightning looked at the pirates with puzzled looks.
"What's with those pirates?" Kiev questioned. "I thought that girl was here just for support, but she can fight."
"Looks like it's over," Kokoro said.
"Pirate lady! You're incredible!" Chimney cheered, Gonbe meowing in agreement.
"Looks like you guys are okay, too, Granny!" Sanji said.
"It's no accident that I lived for several decades, you know!" Kokoro said.
Sheathing his swords, Zoro then asked the million belli question. "By the way, where's the idiot who rushed out by himself with two others?"
"Beats me... This island isn't small, so if we were to find him-" Nami was cut off at the sound of a large boom in a distance.
Every one of the Straw Hats turned to where the sound came from and saw smoke at a distance. "That's definitely where he is!" everyone agreed on.
Another explosion then occurred, causing everyone to look to where that sound came from. There was also smoke where the second explosion had occurred, followed by flames, some lightning, and some wind power.
"And either Xion or Guthrie or both of them are over there..." Allen said.
"Well, if it's those two, we don't have to worry about them," Nami decided, with the guys all nodding in agreement.
"Well then..." Sanji spoke.
"Let's go after our captain," Zoro decided.
With that, the Straw Hats all ran towards the first explosion.
Unknown to them, there was another group that didn't get hit by Nami's attack.
"They're mere pirates... How dare they make quite the ruckus...?" the leader of the Law's Guard Unit said. "They won't get away with this!"