Hey there everyone! I'm the BlueprintMan! This is my very first Loud House fanfiction. And I'd like to give major, major thanks to Takaluca for helping me out with this story. I owe it all to you my friend. So anyway, what kind of story is this you may ask? Well, read and find out!

It was a hot summer day. The trees were green, the birds were singing, and the sun was shining. This makes it the perfect day for any family to enjoy some time at the pool. Well, almost every family. The Loud family consisted of a married couple, Lynn Sr. and Rita Loud, and their ten daughters named from eldest to youngest: Lori, Leni, Luna, Luan, Lynn Jr., Lucy, Lana and her twin sister Lola, Lisa and Lily. A family comprised of only daughters, and not a single son. They had somehow managed to get banned from all the public pools in their city.

That didn't stop them from having a refreshing day, as their father knew a secret and peaceful place where they could have fun without any interference. Sure, they had to drive a long hour and a half in the hot van. It was so hot; they were dressed with nothing but their swimsuits with Rita and the girls wearing slim, one-piece bikinis of their favorite color, while Lynn Sr. was wearing swim trunks of his favorite color. But it was totally worth it.

This secret place was a lake near the forest that gives name to the city. After following a path and crossing loads of plants, they finally reached the place. It appears to be like a small paradise. A huge amount of cold water without anyone to annoy them and most importantly, no one was there to banish them from it. Everyone ran and jumped in the screen clear water, as their sweat was being washed out of their bodies, and instead a cool feeling went through their whole bodies.

The girls and Rita all thanked Lynn Sr. for finding this secret spot. He said how it was a place he and his friends had found when they were younger, and he had actually forgotten about it for a long time. That is until one day he found a handmade map which pointed towards the location, and everyone was glad to see that dirty and old piece of paper.

The louds were having loads of fun in that place. Lily was with her mother in the border of the lake. Lisa took samples of the water, dirt and leaves for "further examination." Lana and Lola were playing together, the former pretending to be a sea monster, while the latter played the role of a mermaid. Lucy was simply floating on the water, pretending to be a dead body. And the five oldest were playing volleyball: Leni, Luna and Luan against Lori and Lynn.

Lynn didn't notice Leni wasn't paying attention and she softly hit the ball, making it hit her head. Leni didn't seem to notice, as she was looking at something.

"Hey guys, look!" Leni said excitedly, pointing at the sky and clapping her hands. "A shooting star! Quick, make a wish," Leni said as she closed her eyes and crossed her fingers.

Everyone looked to up to the sky to see what she was talking about.

"I believe that would be incorrect, second eldest sibling." Lisa explained. "Shooting stars can't be seen by day. For that to happen, it would have to be much closer to us."

"And it would have to be growing as well?" Lana asked.

"Things don't simply grow, Lana. For that to happen, such thing would need to approach us at a very high acceleration." Lisa said. "For the slightest change in size to be perceptible…"

Suddenly, she saw all of her siblings swimming out of the river. She didn't understand, until she turned around and saw a ball of fire quickly growing. She got the message and began swimming towards her family. The thing was approaching the ground as all of them hugged themselves, with Lynn Sr. looking back at the meteor heading towards them. Thankfully, it landed far from the family, and the only thing they heard was a huge noise and they felt a drastic wind go through them, but it barely lasted a few seconds.

"Is everyone okay?" Lynn Sr. asked.

All of the family nodded. They were all pretty shocked about what happened. That is except for Lisa, who was jumping in excitement.

"I finally have the chance to study material that approached our planet that has been travelling from outer space!" Lisa said excitedly.

Some of the siblings looked at her with confusion.

"I think she means that she wants to see the meteor," Lori said.

All of them seemed to understand. They all nodded, apparently looking just as curious to find meteor.

"Alright, if we want to find that rock, we better split up, to find it quicker." Lynn Sr. said. "I'll go with your mother and Lily. Lisa will go with Lori, Leni . Luna is with Lana, Luan with Lola. And Lynn is with Lucy. If anyone finds it, text the rest so we can meet up."

The rest of the Louds nodded in agreement. They grabbed their towels (they were with that strange effect that inside the water was warm, but outside was cold) and their cellphones, and entered the woods.

Lynn and Lucy entered a darker place of the forest. The shadows fell on the two girls, preventing them to heat up and dry quicker using the ultra-modern technology of standing in the sun. Lynn was feeling cold; her red bathing clothes and towel weren't cutting it for her, but she saw her younger sister was freezing. Lucy's black bathing clothes and towel weren't cutting it for her either. Lynn took her towel and covered her sister's back.

"You don't need to do that. Nothing can heat the cold inside my body." Lucy said in her monotonous voice.

"Do you really have to be so negative all the time?" Lynn asked.

"There's nothing that can bring any sort of reason to life. Being happy is just pointless," Lucy said.

"Oh, come on! I'm sure I could put a smile on your face." Lynn said patting Lucy's back.

"I hardly believe that." Lucy said

"Challenge accepted." Lynn said with her arms crossed and smirking.

She then tackles her sister to the ground. Then, she fit both of her hands under Lucy's shoulders. Only Lynn knew Lucy's weak spot.

"Don't you dare!" Lucy said with a bit of an angrier tone.

Lynn didn't listen, as she began tickling that region with all of her fingers. Lucy soon enough began to laugh uncontrollably. She kept trying to make Lynn stop, but she wasn't able to do so. As a last effort to stop the torture, she rolled her body to the left, trying to get up on Lynn. Unfortunately, there was a little hill on the side, and they began rolling down the hill.

After a few seconds of rolling, both of them reached the plain ground again. Lynn groaned as she got back up on her bare feet, while Lucy stayed in her position a little longer to recover her breath.

"Are you okay?" Lynn asked going over to check on Lucy.

Lynn looked at Lucy, and used her finger to clean up a little dirt that was in her sisters pale face.

"That was sick." Lucy said giving Lynn a small smile.

Lynn smiled back and helped her sister back upon her bare feet. Lucy then seemed to notice something.

"Hey, I think we found the rock." Lucy said pointing ahead.

Lynn looked where Lucy was pointing. It looked like a small portion of land was destroyed by a bulldozer. They both stared at each other and nodded. Lynn took out her phone, and quickly sent a message for the rest of the family to meet up where they are. Lucy grabbed both towels that fell with them and placed them on her back.

"Thanks for the cover, by the way." Lucy said.

"Don't mention it." Lynn said giving her a smile. "I'd do anything for you, sis."

They soon reached the object that left the trail of destruction. The funny thing is, they found that it wasn't a rock that was the source of destruction. In its place, there was a ship; it was made of a white material, with a blue colored glass window. It suddenly opened, releasing smoke from inside it. Soon they heard the noise of a stick cracking.

Both of them walked a little closer to see what could be the source of the noise. They saw something coming for from behind the deep smoke the ship was spreading across the place. Out of the smoke, they saw the face of a boy who was a little taller than Lucy, but a little shorter than Lynn. He had white hair and a chipped buck tooth. Only his face and the upper part of his bare chest were visible, the rest of his body was covered by the grey mist.

"You okay, kid?" Lynn asked coming closer.

As she approached him, the boy began walking towards the two girls on his bare feet. But he soon fell on all fours to the ground with his legs seemingly a little weak to walk. Lynn and Lucy quickly ran towards the boy to help him up.

"What happened to yo…" Lynn was about to ask, but soon stopped.

Once the smoke had cleared, the two girls were finally able to see that the little boy was naked. Both thought his clothes had probably been ripped off by the ship.

Lynn and Lucy both blushed of embarrassment. Lynn knew boys anatomy, but she never actually saw one naked before. Lucy never thought about certain things before. Lucy took one of the towels she had and wrapped it around the boy's waist, covering his private parts. They helped him up by holding him under his arms, and dragging him away from the smoke. They gently sat him down on a log nearby. While Lynn was checking on the boy, Lucy went back towards the ship.

"Hey, what's your name?" Lynn asked.

The boy just looked at her confusingly, and tilted his head a bit.

"Uh, didn't you hear what I said?" Lynn asked looking confused as well.

The boy just kept looking confused, but seemed to be admiring the girl he was looking at for some reason.

"Hey, Lucy! I don't think he speaks English." Lynn said calling out to her sister.

"And I'm pretty sure he won't understand Latin." Lucy replied coming back with a piece of paper.

"What's that?" Lynn asked pointing to the piece of paper Lucy's holding.

"Take a look for yourself." Lucy said handing over the paper to Lynn.

Lynn looked at the paper, but most of it was destroyed. There were a few symbols at the bottom of the paper that were sort of understandable. The symbols were:

L 1 |\| C 0 L |\|

"What do you think it means?" Lynn asked

"Maybe it's his name or something." Lucy suggested. "L-I-N-C-O-L-N." Lucy tried to spell the word out.

"Lincoln, huh? Not bad." Lynn said. "It even starts with an L, like our names."

Lynn looked back at the boy, whom they've now decided to call "Lincoln," and Lucy sat on the other side next to him.

"Well, Lincoln, don't worry. I'm sure that once the rest of our family comes here, we'll help you out in whatever way we can." Lynn said gently taking a hold of his right hand with a small smile.

"Yeah. Even though I'm not one to comfort, I'm sure we can help you." Lucy said gently taking a hold of his left hand with a small smile.

Lincoln looks at both girls, before smiling happily with a goofy bucked-toothed smile. As he's holding onto their hands, he takes them and caresses them against his cheeks. The girls can't help but find it cute and sweet at what he's doing. Then, Lincoln tenderly pulls them in for a hug. Lynn and Lucy blush at the sudden action, but soon enough return the hug and lightly pat Lincoln's back.

And that's it for this chapter. And in case any of you are wondering, yes, the ship crash landing and the Louds finding it was inspired by Superman's origin. But this story will go in a different direction. So stay tuned until next time! Leave a review, and tell me what you think.