AN: Canon/AU, Spoilers for Season Seven. This will not be long at all I just really need to get all these thoughts outside of my head. XD Will mainly be from James' prospective with focus on Keith, Allura, and Shiro.




At first it didn't bother James Griffin.

In the rare moments of peace Commander Sam would tell them stories of Voltron. The older man was an experienced space scientist and POW survivor. Sam Holt had been in the belly of the beast and lived to tell the tale. They'd seen the images from that alien device. The Galra were fierce, merciless, and above all, coming to Earth. Good thing him and his MFE Ares pilots were the cream of the crop for their year, the very best and adaptable fighters in the Garrison. Only they could fly these hybrid planes and defend Earth.

That pride faltered for a moment when the Galra first dropped down into Earth's atmosphere.

The first fighter pilots sent out were decimated within minutes.

He'd admit to feeling his hands tremble that day, followed by a quick clenching of his fists as the MFEs were finally called to arms. Him and his team, they were faster. They were stronger. They survived the bout. It made them cocky for a while until they lost Veronica. Sam had put his hand on his shoulder then and told him the words.

"Voltron will come."

The scientist told them about Matt and Shiro. He told them rumors of what he'd heard in the work camp, how Voltron freed races and entire planets - always taking a moment to talk about his Katie the Green Paladin, which they listened to with forced politeness before bringing him back to topic.

At first they were intrigued.

The images showed the Paladins in armor, in mid flight and battling hand to hand. It was inspiring seeing someone like Officer Shirogane fighting so strong after losing an arm and being a POW. Then they learned that the Paladins took down Zarkon, the leader of the Galra. Their awe was almost tangible.

Sam usually left it at that.

But after one particularly hard week, the scientist went further.

"Zarkon had an heir," Sam murmured.

The MFE squadron stared wide eyed at the blue projection of a tall, long haired alien. Zarkon had been intimidating, but this one's eyes...Somehow, he felt more dangerous than his father.

"Matt said they believe Voltron engaged in battle with Lotor and that was the last time they were sighted."

Kinkade wasn't usually the one to speak. "Any more news yet?"

"No." Pause. "But they will come. I can't imagine Lotor beating them."

James shared a look with Kinkade. The bigger pilot closed his eyes with a shake of his head. He's deluded himself, James could practically hear him say. He usually disagreed with Kinkade's more pessimistic point of view - "realist," the black youth would defend with a half scoff if he could hear James' thoughts.

But time was talking its toll on all of them.

"We're here," James voiced out.

Sam gave him a half smile. "Yes, you are."

James couldn't help but feel patronized. "Our planes can do short range damage."

"We appreciate your efforts. Truly." Sam's smile waned a little as he saw James' frown. "But the MFEs can't take out the battle cruisers, let alone Sendak's main ship. That's something Voltron will have to do."

James stood up with his eyes flashing.

"There's another attack!"

All heads turned to the officer that ran into their break area. Sam was headed out. James heard his team stand up around him then he walked forward.

"And you say I have attitude," Rizavi said as she pushed her glasses up.

"Stuff it," James darkly muttered.

Veronica was back.

James hadn't realized how heavy her loss had still weighed on him as a leader until now. He shook her hand, trying to be professional. She wasn't having any of that. He grunted as she pulled him in for a hug.

"You kept the team safe, I see."

James smiled. "That's what a leader does."

She pulled away, giving his hair a ruffle. In some ways he reminded her of Lance.

"Come on. I have news to give Commander Sam."

"They're not going to come."

Rizavi looked away from the podium where Sam Holt was giving a speech about taking a last stand. Leifsdottir turned her head a little on the other side, indicating she had heard as well. But the usual dazed eyes made it hard to tell if she was actually paying attention. Kinkade's jaw clenched. James kept looking forward as if he hadn't uttered a word.

"You shouldn't say things like that Grif."

"It's been years since anyone's seen Voltron," James' brows furrowed. "They're gone."

Rizavi's eyes were sympathetic, knowing exactly where this was coming from. Recent reports indicated that Griffin's home city was completely decimated. They could only assume the worse, but secretly hope the citizens were relocated elsewhere.

"I'm sure your family's ok."

James fixed her with a fierce, desperate look. She didn't back down.

"Our backs are to the wall," Sam's voice echoed loudly, "but that only makes us more dangerous."

"We'll make the Galra regret coming here," Kinkade quietly murmured.

James looked over at his teammate. He turned forward with new fire in his eyes.

"Let's go down swinging."

The control room collectively held their breath.

Then the voice repeated itself. Sam barely came out of his shock to utter a single word.


"Dad, it's me. I'm here!"

"Voltron," Veronica breathed out in relief.

"Katie," Sam's voice cut off a little in emotion but he was quick to clear it. "Where are you?"

"We're in Earth's solar system. We're coming home!"

"No, wait you can't!"

The admiral glared at Commander Holt. "What are you doing?"

Sam ignored her. "The Galra have invaded Earth. If you come with the Lions then Sendak will hold us captive until you give them up!"

"Oh man, I hadn't thought of that."

Veronica's heart leap to her throat. Lance.

"We'll find a way to Earth."

James snapped his head to the screen though they couldn't see anything.

"That's -"

"Keith Kogane's voice," Leifsdottir neutrally filled in.

Voltron really was coming.

"They're coming in hot."

In his vehicle James adjusted something on his screen. Then he heard Rizavi exaggeratedly sigh from her vehicle.

"I'm sure there's a good reason for their delay."

He half shrugged though she couldn't see it. "Probably."

They soon came up on their location. Some sentries were around. He gunned it, slamming right into one.

"Ouch. Iverson's not gonna be happy about the scratches."

"He can bite me," he bit out before throwing open his door.

With a quick run he rounded the vehicle, instantly finding the enemies. Nearby he could hear Rizavi's gun as she took shots as well.

"Stay down we got this!"

The drones shattered from her shots. A pilot in white and red was turned to her.

"I had it."

James looked over, recognizing Keith's voice. No one talked back to his team.

"I don't know what drones you know, but these ones send distress signals when attacked." He fixed a glare on Keith's helmeted face. "Our weapons neutralize them completely, signal and all. Your shots just alert even more sentries to come over." He started walking over to his vehicle. "Now let's get out of here before more show up."

He heard Keith rather than saw him.

"Paladins, let's go."

The emo kid ended up the leader. Figures.

James kept his eyes forward the entire drive over.

It wasn't until they were on Garrison grounds that he actually looked at them. Their helmets were off. Keith had a scar now and longer hair. There were new faces in his vehicle. He nearly winced at the drool coming out of the dog...thing's mouth. The orange haired dude was sight seeing, the blonde was kind of cute and so was the chick in the pink and white suit. He took a double look at the man in the black and white suit. His hair was silver but -

"Officer Shirogane?"

The dark skinned pilot lifted her head off of Shiro's shoulder, making Shiro lift his head off hers. They both had fallen into a light doze without realizing it. Shiro looked up into the rearview mirror to meet James' gaze.

"Yeah. I know, it's the hair."

"Ah, sorry sir. I didn't mean to -"

"Don't worry about it."

The pink pilot smiled. "Seems you are still highly respected."

Oh. James felt his cheeks heat up a little despite the war time situation. That's a nice accent.

"Respected or intimidated by me?" Shiro half joked to the pink pilot.

James squinted his eyes, seeing more details of the new faces. They had facial markings and...pointed ears?

"They're Altean," Keith sounded out in the passenger seat.

James looked at the metal band around the pink pilot's forehead.

"Is she -"

"A princess."

James blinked at that. It seemed he had the odd ball portion of Voltron in his vehicle.

"We'll do introductions later," Shiro murmured.

They were finally arriving at the main Garrison buildings.

James stayed by his vehicle as he watched the scene.

Sam's Katie was hugging her family. Lance was getting dogpiled by his entire family. Hunk stood by, talking with Sam once he was done hugging Katie. Shiro was helping the space princess out of the vehicle when he noticed his metal right arm.

It was completely cut off.

He looked at all of their backs as Iverson approached. He couldn't help his eyes narrow as Keith and Iverson shook hands. The Commander never did that with underlings. Not even when Kinkade's arm broke from crash landing after saving countless people. The "Paladins" were getting special treatment when it's been the MFE defending Earth this entire time.

It wasn't fair.

He didn't care how childish it sounded in his head.

"They all look pretty human," Rizavi muttered next to him. He flinched a little, not having heard her come over. "And I know half of them are human..."

"But they don't feel like it," James bluntly finished.

They were strangers on his home planet.




AN: Was it just me or was there some kind of anger from James directed at the Paladins?