Disclaimer: I don't own it, blah blah blah.


To malith13: Even though you've probably died of old age by the time I'm replying, they can date others, but they can't do the diddlydo.


A few years later

Harriet darted into Ron's bedroom, and dived under his bed, her heart pounding.

She took a moment to to look at other possible hiding spaces in his room.

Her breath caught in her throat as the door creaked open. It was Him.

Her heart started pounding a million times a minute as His face appeared in front of her-

Revealing a freckled face, red hair and blue eyes peering at her good-humoredly.

"C'mon!" She groaned, rolling out from her hiding place. "Why do you always find me first?!"

He laughed. "Because you're the easiest to find."

She rolled her eyes and stood up.

~Let's go find Ginny. I swear, if she got Porky to help her…~


~Well, it sounds much nicer than Percy…~

Ron grinned.


Hermione looked up as her mother walked into her room. She carefully put aside the book she had been reading, Matilda, and crossed her legs.

"Yes, mom?"

"Sweetie, we've decided to move house. It's in this very nice village called Pottery St. Catchpole…"


Harriet flicked the television's channels around lazily. Ottery St. Catchpole had an awesome selection of channels, but she just couldn't find one she wanted to watch.

~Nothing to watch…~

~Merlin Harri, don't do that!~

She sent a mental smirk at him.

~I wonder if we can do other stuff with this link.~

~Like what?~

~Like go into each other's body or something.~

~...I can tell you're bored.~

She sighed.

~You really can, can't you?~

She managed to find a moderately interesting channel, and started watching lazily.

A few hours later, Ron burst through the front door with pink and green neon hair, blue freckles, and the ugliest shade of purple Harriet had ever seen replacing his skin. He also had a giant triangle on top of his head, which had been made… wider?

He looked like a Teletubby.

Harriet burst out laughing at his look of injured dignity, which only increased when he glared at her.

A few hours later, they were crouching in a rose bush, watching as their unsuspecting targets swaggered outside. Simultaneously, they raised their wands and cast a hex Padfoot had taught them.

The twins rose up in the air and started doing the hula, their robes having been transfigured into grass skirts. George (Or was it Fred?) opened his mouth and began to sing terribly off key,

If you're hungry for a hunk of fat and juicy meat

Eat my buddy Fred here because he is a treat

Come on down and dine

On this tasty twin

All you have to do is transfigure them

Aaaare you achin'

(Yup, yup, yup)

Foooor some bacon?

(Yup, yup, yup)

Heeee's a big pig

(Yup, yup)

You could be a big pig too!"

And then, looking thoroughly bewildered, they were dropped back onto the floor, once again in their robes.

Harriet grinned. An apple a day may keep the doctor away, but a prank a day kept the twins away.


I'm sorry it's kinda short, but I can't really think how else to end it, so there you go.