This took far longer then I would have liked. I had gotten started on the first of January for pete's sakes. At least we have season 4 to look forward too. Anyway, sorry to everyone thinking this was dead.

A special thanks to Zaralann, RyuujinHimari, knight7572, Midnight Angels Say GoodNight, vastolordeichigo17, Tita, anvpineau, 2301 , and KimPossiblefanboy818 for your reviews and feedback. I also like to thank the readers, and those that fav/followed the story.

Disclaimer: My Hero Academia (Boku no Hiro Akademia) is not owned by me. That much certain. It is owned by Horikoshi Kohei. Please support the official release.

Izuka was practically crushed when she got home to her mother. Although she let go when she remembered that her arm was still healing. Then came the worry about her arm with Izuka having to calm her mother down with the fact it should be healed in no time. Right now she was looking at the first place medal floating in front of her while she looked at her phone. 'It's like I became a celebrity.'

Her win had become something that people were talking about on the hero forums. A few were even congratulating her on social media. Surprising enough her original and somewhat barely existent presence on it shot up as she got more followers than before. "I got a text from All Might."

Reading it Izuka put her medal on the bed as she retracted her Vector. She raced out of her room as Inko was busy making a celebratory dinner. "I have to go do something for a minute I'll be back in a bit!"

Inko turned and was about to ask what it was but by then she had already ran out. She let out a sigh as her daughter was probably meeting with Katsuki or one of her new friends at U.A. On tv Inko watched as the news was talking about the Sports Festival. With recordings of the thing playing in clips. Including her daughter's impressive display with her Vectors in her match against Shoto. Before finally showing the awards ceremony with Izuka standing at first place.

The sound of the phone caught her attention. Walking to it she looked at the caller ID with a smile before she answered it. "Hello, Hisashi."

A few minutes later Izuka walked out to the beach with the sun setting overhead. Standing out there she was greeted with the sight of Toshinori and Gran Torino. The older of the two turned to her. "Well, you put on quite the show back there," He had a small smile. "Congratulations on getting first place in the Sports Festival."

"Thanks," Izuka looked at the both of them with a confused. "Is there something you wanted to see me about?"

The both of them looked at each other. They had been discussing her 'Diclonius Queen' and her other personality. "We were discussing One For All and your Quirk."

Izuka placed her hand on her head. She still couldn't feel Lucy within her thoughts. Her presence was seemingly gone from her mind her powers were no longer being held back. Her being able to use Diclonius Queen was proof of that. 'Maybe I can use One For All now.'

With nothing holding back her powers that meant there was nothing holding One For All down. "Seeing how there is no longer any conflict for control of your Quirk I figured now was a good time to start your training with One For All."

The next day Izuka stood out on the beach again. The pinkette looked out at the waves as she noticed some trash on the beach. With an eye roll, she picked it up. Somethings just never changed. "A hero's work is never done even with the small things."

Izuka turned to the side as Toshinori walked up with his casual outfit. He looked around seeing the liter returning to the shore. Some of it was the currents doing but others were just the visitors being neglectful. The pinkette let out a sigh. "Yeah, I know you would think that after all the trouble I went through at least they would start trying to keep the place clean."

"Give them time eventually other will start cleaning the beach themselves," Toshinori gave her a smile as he spoke from experience. A lot of charities were practically set up by him thanks to his involvement. "Anyway, what do you say we get started with training One For All."

The pinkette gave him a nod. After a few seconds, she realized that she had no idea how to summon One For All. "So, how do I use One For All anyway?"

Toshinori crossed his arms. His first instinct was to tell her how he learned to use it. Gran Torino had made it very clear to him that wouldn't work. Her Quirk was mentally based so instead it made a lot more sense for her to visualize it in order to use it. "Hmmm try visualizing something that creates power like a reactor, an engine, or the sun," He uncrossed his arms as he formed his hands out into a fist. "Then try holding on to the power let it flow through you like a conductor."

His instructions were the best he could come up with. Izuka, however, started to picture a ball of energy. Grabbing on to it she felt something of a pulse of power from it. A sigh escaped her mouth as a vain like energy seemed to cross across of body and too her horns. Pink lightning arced out from her as she opened her eyes. "It feels like a surge of energy!"

"Good to see you can now use it now let's see what it does focus it through your Vectors," When she summoned up her Vectors and One For All something unexpected happened. Inside of two, she brought out twenty of them and they started to swing around her pink lighting arcing through each of them.

Toshinori as knocked on his back as Izuka tried to regain control. Her horns extended as she entered Diclonius Queen and finally her Vectors came under her control. With that, she slumped down and turned to Toshinori who pulled himself up. Her voice was emotionless as she recalled them. "That wasn't supposed to happen right?"

Her horns shortened as she returned to her usual state. The ghoulish man pulled himself up. "I figured you would have more control over the energy of One For All," Although given he didn't understand how her Quirk worked it could be that she wasn't directing it correctly. "We should work on controlling the output until we reach a safe level for you."

Izuka got thinking about this immediately. Using Diclonius Queen she could control it. Given that she didn't have any other option she decided to try it out. Extending her horns again Izuka held on to the energy of One For All as she felt it build up. "How do I control it?"

"Try visualizing something to help you," Toshinori had done so for much of his training until it became second nature to him. It seemed like as good a way for anyone to learn how to control their Quirk.

The first thing that came to her mind, disturbing as it is, was her Vectors gripping a heart. Instead if cutting it or crushing it she was trying to jumpstart it back up. Izuka just decided to roll with it. 'Don't crush the heart,' The same energy veins crossed around her as she summoned up her Vectors shorting out from her max before an almost reaching fifty. 'Just reset its beats.'

A few of the Vectors did disappear but after about five of them she hit a snag. No more were disappearing. In fact, two started yo reappear as she was getting a problem with controlling the power flow. "Judging by my Vectors I can only reduce its output by about ten percent."

"That's not bad actually," Toshinori's was about five percent when he was starting out. As Izuka had years with her Quirk it was probably easier for her to control it.

For half an hour, Izuka spent the time trying to get better control over One For All. She just barely was able to unsummon an extra Vector before she was forced out of Diclonius Queen by her own Quirk. Taking several winded breaths as the effect of using Diclonius Queen drained her. 'There has to be an easier way to control One For All.'

Starting from the top and working her way down wasn't going to help with that. Instead, it made sense to try it from the bottom and work her way up. That also run into another problem given how the Quirk seemed to react with her own. Speaking of its reaction it did help prove the theory she had since the Sports Festival. Her horns control her Vectors much like that did in her past life. One For All boosted them so much that the only way she could control them was in Diclonius Queen. 'I might need to make a few changes to my costume.'

Kurogiri looked at the newest person to join them for breakfast. Mariko had decided to stay the night here along with Tomura. He had to make it clear that they couldn't share the same room. They might be villains but they still had certain standards after all. "So, this is a usual morning around here?"

Tomura gave her a nod. Normally he would be playing his games right now. Of course, he normally wouldn't be traumatized and seeking to overthrow his teacher. Crazy how a failed attempt at killing All Might can do that. "Can't have a large gathering in a building that is supposed to be, you know, abandoned."

"Speaking of gatherings," Kurogiri turned to Tomura. "I will bring the Hero Killer here to see about joining our organization."

Mariko rolled her eyes at this. She knew of the Hero Killer. To her, he was nothing more but one of those crazy killers who tried to justify his murder with some ideology. 'If he actually was trying to change how hero's act he would set an example, but no killing is to much fun.' Whatever her feelings on it a few people followed his ideals. As foolish as it was if you ask her. "Really mind if I join?"

Kurogiri saw no reason not too. Villainous couples had been a common thing in teams. It was surprising that she asked though. "I'm certain that wouldn't be a problem," Kurogiri took both of their plates and went about washing them.

A few minutes later the both of them were sitting by themselves as Kurogiri left to find the Hero Killer. Tomura turned to the girl with a questioning look. "You won't happen to know anything about the Hero Killer would you?"

"Other than the fact he just talks about the nonsense of trying to return proper heroes when really he's just a murder looking for a reason?" Mariko summoned up a psionic blade to her hands. The girl just knew that she was going to need to be ready. "He uses a lot of knives and swords from what I hear."

Tomura got thinking about this. From the sound of it, the Hero Killer would be quick to get offended if he called out his actions like that. Even without it, they would likely see themselves as something of a hero in their own right. This would mean that a fight was bound to break out regardless. 'If that is the case then it's likely that teacher would step in if things start to get to dangerous.'

He looked at Mariko as he started to have his own train of thought. Between him, Tomura and Mariko they should be able to take him if that did happen. Even if all goes well, or as well as it could go, there was an issue of their recruits. He was going to keep an eye on them when they started to show up. Sure, he was planning to allow villains of differing views and ideologies in the League but he wasn't foolish. 'A dragon with an agenda is a danger to any organization.'

The irony of that statement was not lost on him. After all, he was the dragon with an agenda to his own teacher.

The rest of the U.A. Sports Festival went on for the next few days. Both of which were amazing but not as in the public mind as the first. Izuka stood on the train looking on her phone. "Hey, wait a minute your that girl the one who got first place in the Sports Festival."

Izuka looked around as suddenly the whole car was looking at her. They each congratulated her or talked about how amazing she was. Truth be told she was rather overwhelmed. She knew her showing made her the talk of the whole festival but this wasn't what she was prepared for. Still, it was part of being a hero in the modern age.

As she got off the train she formed up her Full Cowl as the rain fell. She had found out long ago that with her Vectors she could block the rain to a degree. Running to the gate she got passed by Tenya in a full raincoat. Her mind turned to his brother. 'I wonder how he is doing?'

When she got to school a few students who congratulated her on her win. Izuka tried to shrug it off like it was no big deal. When she passed the boys locker room she saw Tenya walking out his expression lost in thought. "Hey, Tenya."

He was brought out of his daze as he turned his head over to Izuka. "Oh, Izuka good morning," He gave her a slight bow. "I'm sorry about abandoning our match at the Sports Festival I had a family matter to contend with."

Although after the demonstration of her power against Shoto, Tenya didn't know if he could win against her. Going in fast before she could use Diclonius Queen was his best option. Regardless he forfeited the match. "Congratulation on winning the Sports Festival."

"Thanks," Izuka looked at him with a curious look. She could almost tell that something was bothering him. "Hey, so is your brother doing ok?"

For a moment Tenya remembered how bad the Hero Killer's attack had been. His brother was crippled for life and unable to be a Pro Hero. The request he gave him echoed in his mind. Still, Tenya put up a mask to hide his feelings from his friend. "It's nothing for you to worry able."

Izuka knew that he was trying to hide that it wasn't nothing. She decided not to push the issue. If it was important he would tell them. 'Unless he's keeping it a secret on purpose.'

A few minutes later Izuka stood outside the Support Class as she held her new designs for her costume in hand. In the last few days, she had thought about her outfit and its association with her past life. With Lucy gone and her desire to move away from that shadow When she got there the door to the room blew up as Izuka instinctively brought her Vectors up to block the door that flew right at her. "The day has barely started and you are already causing a mess!"

Putting the door down Izuka saw Mei covered in smoke with Power Loader looking her with annoyance. The teacher of the Support Course noticed the pinkette standing out of the room. "Sorry about that," It didn't take him long to recognize her. "You're the girl who won the freshmen Sports Festival right?"

"Yeah," Izuka pulled out her notebook from her pocket. "I was wondering if I could get my costume altered."

No sooner as she said that did Mei move into her face. Excitement at this. "Oh, I have several new babies to try out that could help!" Izuka was taken back by this.

Power Loader pulled Mei out of her face. He had told Mei about this already when a few third years came by. 'Who am I kidding the girl didn't listen,' Either that or she forgot all about it. "Sure, I'll see what we can do."

A few minutes later Izuka was standing over as Power Loader went over the new design that Izuka had chosen. Instead of a few modifications like he expected it seemed that Izuka wanted a new outfit. 'Well, I can't blame her.'

The previous one was more of the uncommon type. An outfit that most people could be seen wearing kind of deal. After the Sports Festival Izuka had seen the weaknesses of her Quirk and planned a new outfit. A fireproof latex with internal padding jumpsuit, after seeing Shoto's flames passing right through her Vectors with the padding to help her when she got through around, along with a helmet with what looked like horns designed to accommodate her elongated horns when using Diclonius Queen. This way they were better protected so that they didn't get injured and she won't lose control of her Vectors.

"Alright, I'll have to send your outfit back to the Support Company it's registered at so that they can make the changes," Power Loader finished the images of the designs to be sent. He turned back and handed her notebook back. "It might take a few days before it comes as for your other costume I suggest holding on to it."

Izuka was thinking along those lines as well. Many heroes tend to have two or even three costumes. Some of which happened to be used for certain events or just because the hero liked switching between them. Plus, she didn't really want to get rid of it. "Thank you," Izuka looked at the clock hanging on the wall. It was almost time for class to start. "Crap I got to get to homeroom."

The class was busy talking about the festival when Izuka walked in. As she took her seat she turned her gaze over to Tenya. There was something he wasn't telling her about his brother. Not long afterwards did their homeroom teacher walk in now free from his bandages. Everyone got to their seats as he looked around his class. "You're offers have come in and while not all of you have been given any we still want you to inter as such a few of you will be given your choice from heroes who work with us," His gaze fell on Katsuki, Shoto, and Izuka. "As she those he got offers."

He showed the class the number of which. To the surprise of many Shoto and Izuka were tied with many of them getting the same offers. Katsuki getting just short and then the next highest barely getting even a fourth of their totals. "You know," Denki looked at the two highest placers. "I expected Izuka to get the most requests given she won the Sports Festival but seeing Shoto tied with her was unexpected."

The half and half Quirk user looked at the lists. Several of these were Pro Heroes who had worked with or even for his father. "Most of them are likely because of my father."

Izuka looked at her list and raised an eyebrow. On it was Endeavor. She was certain he had been joking when he said that he would ask for her. 'Well, I guess if he changed his mind.'

He wasn't her first pick, not by a long shot, but seeing how he had to have gotten to number two somehow it was worth a shot. Plus, he did offer and kept it. Unknown to her Shoto was also taking up the offer for similar reasons. The rest of the class went over their lists, some from offers, and others school approved. Tenya looked at his offers many from high profile hero agencies, some of which worked with his brother, and immediately decided against each of them. He had his mind set on something and only one agency on the list would allow him to do it.

"Now, then seeing how you will all be heading out for the first time in public it's time that you think of your code names," The door next to them opened as Midnight walked in. Shota turned to her as he pulled up his sleeping bag. "Midnight will be helping you all with that."

Nezu looked at Toshinori as the two of them sat in the teacher's lounge. The animal principal took a sip of his drink. In the last few days, he and All Might have been talking about Izuka's training. As well as the new tidbits about her Quirk. Nezu had to admit someone with a Quirk that causes them to feel a naturally made them inclined to torture and killing didn't sound like the best of people for One For All. However, at the same time, the fact she could control this urge was simply a testament to her willpower. "She can only control One For All when her horns are fully extended?"

"That's right," They tried a punch from it when her lower, non-cutting or blowing something up frequencies, and she succeeded in almost getting tossed back by the force of it. Never mind causing a bit of a hurricane force winds to form. "Her control of it is good but getting it to manageable levels is still a long way away."

Toshinori looked at his cup as he thought about her future. The warning from his old sidekick still plagued his mind. He had asked his friends in the force to look out for anyone with the name Lucy but they couldn't find anything. Even after asking the police in other countries it still came up with nothing. 'Than there is All For One.'

It was uncomfortable to think that his old nemesis would be alive. If this was the case then there was going to be a fight between her and him. With the power of her own Quirk and One For All perhaps she'll be able to complete the mission. "I'm surprised though," Toshinori looked up as Nezu pulled him back from his thoughts. "I had expected you to put in a request for Izuka yourself."

"I could have done that?" He was under the impression that as a teacher he wasn't allowed to put in a request like the heroes that were watching.

Nezu knew that he had forgotten to tell him something. Well, at the very least he could tell him now. "Yes, the teachers can make a request if they like in fact I believe Mr. Aizawa had put one for one of the students if I recalled."

Kurogiri appeared from his own mists as he looked in the alleyway in front of him. This was according to the news were the Hero Killer had crippled the hero Ingenium. Looking around for clues to his possible locate Kurogiri summoned up several smaller Warp gates to look around. Such a thing was taxing on him but it did succeed in showing him that his target was waiting on top of a roof. With the gates all closed and taking a moment to regain his stamina Kurogiri summoned up another Warp gate and walked through.

Stain turned his head as he noticed the Warp gate open. He eyed the most covered man for a moment. The figure wasn't a Pro hero, in fact, if they had one who could open portals then imprisoning him would be easy, although he did look familiar. 'I think I saw him on the news somewhere.'

It was hard to keep up to date with the ongoing of the world when you are being hunted. Still, Satin managed to keep himself mostly up to date with major events. "Greetings I mean you no harm I just wish to talk."

"Really?" Stain turned to the man. Seeing how he wasn't in any immediate threat, although he had his hand hovering over his knife just in case, he could talk to him. "I feel like I seen you somewhere before but I know you are not one of the pro heroes."

"That I can assure you that I am not," Kurogiri did at one point in his life wanted to be a hero. A time back when he was young but didn't know how corrupt they and the world really was. "I actually represent an organization that has taken an interest in what you have been doing, Hero Killer."

There was a brief moment of silence between them. Stain thought about this weighing his thoughts about it before giving his answer. "Alright, you have my attention."

Kurogiri formed a Warp gate behind himself and motioned for him to go through. "I feel you would rather we don't have this conversation out in the open," The both of them passed through the gate leaving the rooftop. On the other side, Tomura turned his head over with Mariko as they looked at the Hero Killer. Kurogiri moved to the bar as the tv was turned on. "I have brought the Hero Killer here as you instructed."

I needed something of a breather from the Sports Festival , I'm suffering a creative block which made writing this hard. So, I apologize for the short chapter. Anyway, while Iuka can use One For All the power of it immediately goes to much for her. She has to go for power with her own Quirk to use it. You can guess who caused that.

Oh, and her new outfit is actually going to be a reference to another franchise that I am currently writing fanfiction for. You can probably guess which.

I'll see you all next time. Go beyond Plus Ultra.