Hi guys! This is an intro to a new story of mine. Let me know what you think! Constructive criticism is always welcome.

"If I do this, it'll protect Harry…"

Hermione sat in the Headmaster's Office, fingers digging into the arms of her chair. The plan Dumbledore presented her with seemed impossible, despite all the information he gave her that proved what he wanted to do might just work.

"Yes, in fact, if you succeed, he'll be able to live his life to the fullest… with both his parents."

The thought of being able to give Harry back what was taken from him made her choice all the more easier to make. Yet, she still had questions, questions Albus was all too eager to answer as he could see the wheels of her mind working, contemplating.

"If I do this, it would change everything… The world would be a completely different place."

"True. However, the muggle world is rarely affected by our presence. Your birth will be secured if that's what you're worried about. But that won't matter. You have to remember, if you do this, there will be no coming back. Using this time turner is permanent. Going back so far will not allow you to catch up to the time you left. You will have to live a new life in the 1940s."

She'd never see her friends again. No more nights at the Burrow with Harry and Ron. No more butter beer at Hogsmead with Ginny. Her parents would be lost to her. Though, she already planned a fail-safe should the Golden Trio need to leave at any point.

"Why me?"

"I'll be frank with you, Miss Granger. We would need someone who would be a Muggleborn. The task at hand would alter the greater history of the Wizarding World and most half-bloods and all purebloods will be affected. Some, may not even be born. But this is a risk we are willing to take, for the greater good. We are hard pressed to find someone who is willing to do this because of the risks it poses."

Shocked by this, Hermione's brow furrowed in deep thought, teeth gnawing at the inside of her cheek. She hadn't thought Dumbledore would be so quick to condemn a portion of the world for the sake of taking down one man. But then again, how many have died because of him? Harry's parents flashed across her mind.

"We have sent one other to the past, but as you can see, there has been no change. We cannot begin to know what happened or why he might have failed. You may not be the first, but we can only hope that you will be the last."

"What exactly do I have to do?"

With that, Albus stood and walked toward the window, hands folding together behind his back. His expression was grave and Hermione felt her heart drop into her stomach.

"You kill the boy. Do what I could not all those years ago. You are strong, Ms. Granger, stronger than you know. Which is why we feel you are more than capable of doing this. Because you have something worth fighting for. Your determination to fix what has been so deeply and morally wronged will be your salvation… Our salvation."

Hermione felt the color drain from her face as she realized exactly what was expected of her. She had never killed another human being, but could she really classify him as such? Maybe not now, but what about his younger years? When he was just a child?

"Remember, you do not have to agree to this. We can continue searching for another individual who would be up to the task."

She shook her head, trying to process everything he was telling her. It was too much for her now but she knew she had to make a decision before leaving this office. The more time she took, the more damage that could be done. Her thoughts mainly settled on why she would do this. Harry could have his parents again. He could grow up without fear or abuse. He'd never live in a cupboard under the stairs, never wonder if he was loved, and never feel the loss of Sirius; another life that would be saved.

"Would I have a chance to say goodbye to everyone?"

The briefest of smiles flickered across the Headmaster's face, however, missed by the girl bearing the world on her shoulders. It dissipated when he turned to face her again.

"Of course, but if you tell them, or anyone for that matter, they may try to stop you, or worse. If anyone found out what we were doing, the consequences would be… astronomical."

That made sense to her.

"I'll be back by this evening… I won't say a word."

"Good… And Ms. Granger, the Order of the Phoenix thanks you for your dedication and service."

Hermione felt sick as she made her way back to the Gryffindor Common Room. She couldn't imagine that in a few hours, she'd no longer be attending Hogwarts. Her sixth year was almost over anyways but that didn't stop her from wondering just how far she could have gone if she stayed here. Seventeen years old and already taking on the world… It still blew her mind.

Entering through the portrait, she was immediately met with a chorus of laughter and odd singing that brought her back to her senses. Someone happened to smuggle some alcohol and everyone seemed right and merry. She stood back and took in the scene, one of the few happy moments she got to witness. Harry and Ron were right in the middle, Seamus on one side, Dean on the other. All of them swayed to their out of tune song while the rest of the Gryffindors laughed. It brought tears to her eyes to know that this was the last time she'd ever see them.

Harry noticed her first, expression changing from content to concern. He detached himself and made his way to her, Ron following soon after. Hermione wiped furiously at her eyes, putting on a smile for them.

"Hermione, what's wrong?"

"It's nothing, really. You know how the end of the year gets. I'm just stressed."

"Oi 'Moine, getting' worked up over you're studies again?"

She laughed, nodding her head. Letting them believe that was easier. Hermione reached out and draped an arm over each of their shoulders and pulled them close.

"I love you guys… You know that right?"

Both seemed off guard by her sudden proclamation but neither of them thought too hard on it. The three of them had been through so much over the years, it was refreshing to hear it occasionally. They gave her a squeeze before they detached themselves and headed back to the group while Hermione sat off to the side. She'd have to wait until everyone went to sleep before she could leave.

A light rapping of knuckles on his door brought Albus out of the book in his hands and with the wave of his hand, the door opened. Hermione walked through the door with determination in her eyes. A soft smile spread across his face and he gave a respectful nod.

"I've prepared everything you'll need for your task. It should take you to the year 1938. He would be eleven at that time, so it should be fairly simple."

The thought that he could say that so easily caused her stomach to churn. Could she kill an innocent child? He must have noticed the color drain from her complexion as he shook his head and came to her side. He rested his hands on her shoulders and gave a squeeze.

"He is not innocent. When I found him, he had already performed such a dark… traumatic act on two muggle children, they refused to speak. I thought this was because of his time at the Orphanage. But, after my research, I learned the truth of his parents. Conceived by a love potion, he is incapable of feeling love, compassion, the very emotions that could change him. He is a psychopath. Age does not change that."

Hermione soaked up this information, nodding along as he spoke. It made sense to her now.

"Where do I go? What's going to happen?"

With that, Dumbledore removed the necklace around his neck and placed it in her hand. It was a pendant with elegant designs like elvish runes with a bright sapphire in the center.

"You will be transported to the same spot you are in now only in 1938. You'll find me. You won't have a hard time convincing me who you are if you give this necklace to me. I will help you acclimate to the time."

She quickly fastened the necklace around her neck and took a deep breath. She still wasn't sure if she should be doing this, if they were making the right decision. Of course, she'd do anything for Harry and Dumbledore exploited that.

"We have faith in you, Hermione Granger, the greatest witch of her generation."

She frowned but nodded, taking up all that he had prepared for her. Dumbledore took out a small device hidden away in a drawer and draped it around her neck. It was much different from the time turner she received her third year. Rather than a flimsy gold, this was a sturdier metal that she couldn't quite guess. Inside the hourglass was filled with a dust that seemed to glow. Instead of one turn, there was three.

"There are three separate wheels. Ten years, 5 years, and 1. I'll put the time in for you. We're counting on you."

It felt like her insides were being ripped apart. Being thrown so far back in time would do a number on her body and psyche that she never considered. How long she was in the darkness, she was not sure. What she did know was that she couldn't take much more of this.

As soon as she appeared, her legs buckled underneath her, unable to support her weight. She gasped for air not realizing just how devoid of oxygen she really was. She didn't have a moment to compose herself before a wand was pressed to her neck.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?"

Hermione looked up in to what she could only assume was a younger Albus Dumbledore. His eyes were the same. She knew he wasn't the Headmaster yet, so why was he in this office? Maybe she had the wrong person?

She grabbed hold of the necklace and thrust it forward, unable to find her voice just yet. His expression changed instantly, grabbing hold of a necklace he kept tucked away. They were one and the same, causing him to lower the wand.

"Who are you…?"

Hermione coughed, feeling the strain on her throat. "W-What.. what year…"

"I'm sorry?"

"What year is it?"


/Note:: Some events will be pushed in order to line up with what I have in store. The events of 1943 where the basilisk killed Myrtle and Tom confronts Hagrid will be pushed to this year (if it happens at all) as well as Tom confronting his maternal Uncle and murdering his paternal side. He is planning all of this for his seventh year. This would also be the time he makes his horcruxes.