Behind us I could hear the battle raging on as we had just passed the castle gates. Merlin knocked out many Saxons and he held a vicious air about him as they tried to attack me. I had left Sir Percival and Sir Elyan just outside the gates, Sir Leon and Sir Eric to the lower towns, and Sir Gwaine was already making his way towards the dungeon with the two member of the Catha and the druids. "Can you shed the old man look now?"

"Hmm, oh right!" I watched in mild fascination as Merlin transformed back into himself, now wearing a red robe much too large for him.

"What about your outfit?" I asked out of concern of him tripping over himself. He smiled at me and closed his eyes for moment as he muttered a strange spell and his clothes transformed into what he would usually wear around the castle, along with a red scarf. "So that's how you dress yourself every morning."

"Is not you prat! Now let's go. I'm sure Morgana has heard that Emrys is here and she will be that much more frightened and threatening."

We both made our way with Alator watching our backs, as he follows close behind us.

Once inside the castle we witnessed several bodies, either unconscious or dead, some were too uncertain to tell, but we ran over them and made our way towards the throne room when we were met with someone I didn't expect. "Mordred?" I questioned and Merlin stepped in front of me.

"Arthur...Emrys." His smile didn't reach his eyes, and for half a moment I thought he was enchanted but something in me twitched with regret, sorrow, caution, anger, and pain. Yet I have no reason to feel any of these things, so I assume it's the piece of Merlin's soul that feels these heart wrenching emotions.

"It seems...that Arthur knows who you are. I was just on my way to tell that to Morgana when I was met with the most peculiar sight...Druids and knights fighting along side each other down in the dungeons. Explain to me Emrys, what have you done?"

"I have done nothing more than told them where to be during this battle, Mordred. King Arthur, was the one who commanded his knights to fight with the druids. He knows of this and of me. Considering recent and current events I will give you one chance, Mordred. You can join us and after this battle, never live in fear about who you are ever again...or tell Morgana who I am, and face me after she dies."

"You would go against your own kind?"

"She has magic yes, she was born with it and letter grew into it, yes...but that does not make her my kind. I want magic to be peacefully present throughout the land, not won over with cruelty and death. I know that you once wanted the same thing. Can you honestly tell me that Morgana would bring that? Tell me, how many faamilies does she have in the dungeons right now. How many innocent children that don't know any better about magic or this war!"

'Emrys, you walk a dangerous line...'

"What about me then, Mordred. Do I walk a dangerous line?"

"How could you have..."

'There is a lot that has happened that you know nothing of. What do you choose?' I challenged, and I watched his skin grow ever paler and his eyes grow impressively wide.


"Answer us, Mordred."

He took a few steps back and looked at both of us with the most puzzled look I had ever seen, before he rested his face to calmer expression. "If I fight at your side I want you to swear to me that I will not be hunted like an animal. That I will not be abandoned or executed."

"Considering you haven't betrayed us yet, you have my word." I answered, and I thought he was about to fall over from my words.

"Will you fight with us Mordred?"

"I...I will, but I cannot go against Morgana. I will stay out here and stand guard against any who might try and fight you. She is still in the throne room. Go, before she leaves...she knows Emrys is here, and that's why I was brought out of the dungeons. She knows I'm a druid and she was going to use me for information."

"Thank you Mordred." I heard Merlin huff out in a breath of disbelief. "I'll come in after you do. She'll likely be surprised that I'm alive."

I nodded mybhead and walked in. "Hello dear, brother. I see you've brought me an old friend, or perhaps he's brought you to me." I heard Alator grumble low and I noticed she was sitting on the throne clutching the arms of it, her hair disheveled, her skin pale, and her body thin. She looked almost like a small child in my throne.

"Hello, Morgana."

"I hear Emrys has come to save you. How's Merlin by the way? Did that incompetent fool finally die?"

"Well now, that's just rude." I heard Merlin quip from behind as he made his way to my side.


"Apparently a spell that's a lot better and a lot stronger than what you did."

"Both you and Arthur are alive, so that means only one thing. You both now know who Emrys is. After I'm finished with the two of you, I will kill him, and then there will be no one in my way!"

I could sense an intense feeling of irritation and frustration growing in Merlin, so I crossed my arms and patiently observed. "Morgana, I ask that you think very carefully about the events that have happened between us. All those times I had interfered, all those times I shouldn't have survived, all those times that you yourself have enchanted me, tried to kill me, and even threatened me, yet I still live and I'm still at Arthur's side...Now...tell me, who do you think Emrys is."

"It can't be! You're just a servant!"

"And you're just a woman who's father was too ashamed to admitting was really his daughter! Magic and the old religion does not pick rank!"

"You've been right under Arthur's nose this whole time..." She stood up from the throne and made her way towards us. "I wonder, did he try and run you through, finish the job, or did he make faulty promises about changing the law, because you've always been a loyal friend." She pouted with sarcasm, and she looked at me. "Well, at least now I know with full certainty who Emrys is, and now...Merlin you can watch as I kill your precious king!" She looked at me and raised her hand with a wicked smile, "Forbaernan!"

Before I could comprehend what my body was doing, I found myself simply wanting to guard myself from the fire ball, and words were swimming around in my head and I quickly picked one. "Gescildan!" I shouted and after the fireball hit the shield barrier in front of me the room stilled instantly. 'Merlin, how did I know that spell?'

'Must be because I know the spell and you wanted to guard yourself, so my magic that is now yours as well reacted with you and altered your memories to remember a spell.'

"How..." We both looked at Morgana who's eyes were wide with visible fear, as if her entire understanding of the world shattered, and I suppose it did. "How is it you have magic!?" She screeched with desperate confusion.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" I smirked and stepped closer to her, and she stepped back.

I rushed towards her with Merlin running just a bit faster than me and Alator went to grab her. She glared at Alator and screamed, "Ic þé wiþdríf" He flew back and hit the wall, but thankfully from his struggled breathing he was still alive and conscious.

"Forbaernan!" I held up a hand and casted my own fire ball at her, and she was visibly shaking with anxiety and fury as she pushed it away, making it crash into the wall just before disappearing.

"Akwele seo magdp!" Merlin shouted and I heard something physically snap in Morgana. I made my way closer to her with my sword ready, and I could tell her neck was broken, but she still lived. "On any other woman, that would've killed them." Merlin stated with irritation.

She eyed my sword and laughed before coughing violently. "No...mortal blade...can kill foolish man."

I lunged my sword through her heart and her eyes shot open wide with understanding. "From what Merlin tells me, this is no ordinary blade. It's been forged in a dragon's breath and can kill anything...or anyone. Goodbye Morgana." I twisted my sword and pulled it out of her chest as I watched the life fade from her eyes.

I staggered back at the weightlessness that washed over me as I realized she was finally dead. She could no longer harm Camelot. Merlin placed a hand on my shoulder briefly before letting it fall back down to his side. "You did it. You brought peace at last."

"No, we did it, old friend. Us, the Catha, the druids, and the knights of Camelot. We all brought peace."

We made our way out of the castle and once in the fresh air, we were met with a battle worn Sir Leon. "Sire! The Saxons have been dealt with, we only have a few injured and the healers are already working on them! What of Morgana?"

"Morgana is dead. Her body still lies in the throne room. I want her body burned at dawn for her crimes and as a reminder to those who served her dark magic. There will be some changes, but they will be for the better."

"Yes, Sire." Leon smiled brightly at both of us and ran to tell the others. Druids and knights.

"Where's Alator?" Kilo questioned from our right. He came running towards us, out of breath and bleeding.

"He's still inside. Morgana knocked him back pretty hard, but he's still alive. You both need medical attention though." Merlin pointed at the gash in his arm and Kilo winced and shrugged his shoulders. "I need to go heal Alator. After that, I'll find a healer around here. I'm sure there are some druids who could heal me."

"What about S'hill?"

"He's got his hands full with the knights." He waved at us and made his way inside the castle.

"Well, now what. I'm sure the druids will want to hear from me, and your people will want to hear from you."

"Ah...the night is not yet over it seems."

"Apparently not, and we..."

"Emrys, Young Pendragon, I'm glad to see you are well." Jacus' clan leader walked up to us from the crowd with a proud smile on her face.

"Same to you, is there something wrong?"

"Wring? Quite the contrary dear Emrys. Do you remember that scroll I entrusted Jacus to give to you?"

Merlin pulled the scroll out of his shirt, and I was impressed he still had it. "It's right here, what is it?"

"It is a scroll that holds many spells, and is enchanted to merely look like a scroll when in fact it's a book myself and other clan leaders have written. We sensed the time of Albion was growing closer as well as King Arthur's acceptance of magic. It is a gift from the druids to the both of you, however, we had no idea that King Arthur may be using the spells in here as well. It's quite comical when you think about it. Anyway, once the seal is broken it will transform into a book of magic with spells created only by the druids and myself. It will also send out a mending spell throughout Camelot as an added touch for the gift."

"A mending spell?" I asked, and she smiled as if she knew I would ask.

"Anything that has been destroyed or anyone that has been injured in the past twenty-four hours will repair and heal."

"Kind of like when Merlin heard he would be free and his magic sent out that energy wave."

"Much like it, but instead of one man sending out the energy, this was a spell built up and stored by ten clan leaders."

"Why though...why make it for both of us? Why make it to where both of us could see it?" Merlin questioned, eyeing the scroll seriously.

"Because, once King Arthur knew of your secret and accepted it, there would be no use in hiding a book of magic from him, and now it seems he may learn from it."

"Wow...I don't know what to say..."

"How about telling her thank you, Merlin?"

"Right...thank you!" Merlin looked at her, then at the scroll, then finally back at me. "Should we open it together?"

"You take the bottom of the scroll I'll take the top. We'll break the seal together." We took our positions on the scroll, we both removed the seal to open the scroll and all at once it turned into a heavy book and let out an extremely powerful wave of light and energy, nearly knocking us back.

We looked around and watched as one by one the people were healed of their injuries, and the buildings were being out back together piece by piece with the spell. I was speechless at the marvel before me, but then a thought occurred to me. "It won't bring Morgana back from the dead will it?"

"No, what's dead stays dead with this spell...especially since you killed her with Excalibur." She pointed at my blade which still held her blood, but it quickly disappeared. Likely from the magic that was pulsing throughout Camelot.

"Now what?" Merlin asked as he carefully held the book in his hands.

I looked at him and couldn't help the faint smile on my face. "Now, we get to work. We tell everyone Morgana is dead, we hold a big feast, we change the law, and I have a few other things in mind."


"Is that everyone?" I questioned, as I looked out to all my subjects surrounding the bonfire we had built just before the rest of the celebrations could begin. I gazed down from the battlements with a sort of anxious anticipation, and I knew for a split second that it was Merlin's soul feeling this.

"Yes, Sire. That's everyone. They are eager to hear what you have to say and confused as to why we were fighting along side Sorcerers."

"Thank you, Sir Leon." He bowed at me and I looked inside the castle door for a moment. "You sure you want everyone to know that you're Emrys?"

"They would've found out eventually, at least this way they find out from their king." I nodded back at him before I turned to face my subjects again.

"People of Camelot! As you know, for many years now, we have suffered at the hands of Sorcerers. My father dealt with them by execution. Either by hanging, burning, or the axe...but my father was wrong!" At my words I heard a multitude of gasps, and murmurs. Some shouts about how I must be ill or enchanted. I lifted up my hand to calm them, and they hushed their tones, but it didn't stop the murmurs.

"Please, listen..." I started once more. "...Tonight we have vanquished one of our greatest threats. Morgana the high priestess is dead. We have defeated her and her army, and we wouldn't have been able to do it without the help of those with magic!" Now everyone was completely silent, and I noticed a few worried looks.

'You're sure taking your time.'

'Heh, impatient much, Emrys?'

'Just a little. I have been hiding for a while now.'

I rolled my eyes slightly. "People of Camelot, it is likely I would not be here today or had even made it to my own coronation if magic wasn't involved. I have been told by the druids and others that there is a prophecy about myself and a warlock named Emrys. For those of you who don't know, a warlock is someone born with magic." Shocked chattering began below Merlin and I, but of course they couldn't see Merlin yet. "That's right! Some people don't have a choice whether they use magic or not. This means my father has likely executed people for simply being born!"

"What's this prophecy!?" I heard a woman shout.

"Yeah, how is it possible in a kingdom where magic is illegal, that there would be a good sorcerer!?" An old man agreed.

"People, please...the prophecy states that the man named Emrys protects and guides the once and future king, who is apparently myself. It also states that Emrys is the most powerful warlock that ever has been or ever will be. In the prophecy it mentions that with Emrys' help, I will bring peace and prosperity to all the lands of Albion and make magic known once more, not as something to fear, but as something to know, trust, and use for good."

'Curious, are you doing this for dramatic effect?'

'Perhaps, Merlin...perhaps. It is the greatest reveal of all time after all.' I smiled and I took a deep breath before letting it out. "I had not known it until recently, but the man named Emrys has been right under my nose. Under all of our noses. He has hidden and lied about his magic with good reason, and he has been a good and faithful friend to me and to the people of Camelot. I would like you all to meet this man...The same man who is known as Lord Emrys to the druids and those who practice the old religion. Without him, I wouldn't be here today." I turned to Merlin and smiled. "Come on out."

Merlin stepped out into the moon light by my side, and smiled down at all of the people, dressed in his usual clothing. "Hello. The druids call me Emrys, but I would just prefer it if I remained to you all as Merlin."

'Oh yeah, filled with such class and nobility for a lord.'

'Sorry, I'm not used to this, you clot pole.'

I chuckled in spite of the serious moment. Merlin will always be Merlin after all. I turned back to my subjects and sighed reassuringly. "No, your eyes are not decieving you. This is the same man who has stood by my side since I was a prince, and my father awarded him the position as my manservant for saving my life. He truly has been by my side as a constant ally, friend, advisor, and loyal servant."

"This has to be some sort of trick!" I heard a familiar voice shout. Thankfully the crowd separated from him and it revealed Lord Harlow. "I have indeed heard the prophesies as well, but surely you can't expect me to believe Emrys is a serving boy!"

We looked at each other as some of the crowd started to lean towards Lord Harlow's argument. "Emrys is also the last dragon lord. He could summon the great dragon if you wish, Lord Harlow."

"Think carefully Lord Harlow. Do you really wanted to be shown up by a serving boy?" Merlin quipped with a surety that rivaled most nobles.

Yet, Lord Harlow is a foolish and stubborn man. He crossed his arms, looked around at my subjects and smirked. "Let's see it then. Call your dragon. If he shows I will acknowledge that Emrys is somewhere in the castle behind you, but I will not acknowledge it's a serving boy!"

"Then would you doubt a knight of Camelot?" Sir Leon stepped forward next to us.

"Aye, challenge us, then. We've seen Merlin use hisnpowers and his eyes glow like the sun. Pretty fierce power when you think if it." Gwaine shouted from the ground.

"I..." we watched as he looked around and the Knights were surrounding him with skeptical looks on their faces.

"You are in our king's land, and you dare doubt him?" I recognized Elyan's voice.

"If you want to meet him, very well. I'm sure he knows a thing or two about you that not even your own kingdom knows." Merlin took in a breath and started speaking in a language i had never heard and for second I thought my eyes were mistaking me with seeing the raw power, confidence, and authority in his stature just before shouting to the skies. "O drakon, e male so ftengometta tesd'hup'anankes!"

We waited a few moments and just when Lord Harlow was starting to get smug, we all heard the familiar flapping sounds.

We watched Kilgharrah land on one of the towers and he looked directly at Merlin and myself. "What is the emergency, young warlock. I see no reason for the alarm." No one ran but you would hear the flags wave in the breeze at the still silence and shocked faces.

"No danger, old friend. Just a stubborn man. King Arthur had made me known to his kingdom now, and Lord Harlow basically called my king a liar."

"I...I said no such thing!"

"So then, Lord Harlow, would you call Emrys, the most powerful warlock, a liar? keep in mind that I am a dragon and as long as he, my dragon lord commands it, I can breath fire."

"Kilgharrah, I don't think that'll be necessary." I say as I try to stifle my laughter that threatens to burst through at the sight of Lord Harlow visibly shaking as he looks back at the dragon and then at Merlin.

"Ah, young Pendragon. Well, if you say so, I assume Emrys would agree. I thank you both for killing the witch Morgana."

"You're welcome!" we both said at the same time and smiled at the humor in our voices.

I looked back down at Lord Harlow and he seemed as if he may fall over. "Lord Harlow, you would do well to never doubt me. The only ones I allow to do that are my wife, a few of my knights, and Merlin."

I felt Merlin's hand on me and he smiled, also trying to hold back a chuckle but his eyes looked grateful for my words. "That's enough, Arthur. I think he gets it."

"Do you believe us now?" I was mainly addressing Lord Harlow, but I was pleased when I not only received confirmation from him but my people as well.

"Well, then...Let's start the celebrations! Jacus!" Merlin shouted and I looked over at the far east tower and I watched as Jacus said a few spells and all of the decorations and food stands from the anniversary party were back as if they never left.

"Merlin, is that food real?"

"Yeah, he told me he could recreate everything including the food when we were telling his people."

"Wait, so he knew we would lose?"

"More or less, but we had to try."

"Of course you did. You never give up do you?"

"No, and I take pride in that." We smiled at each other and went down to join the rest in the celebrations.


It has been two weeks since we have defeated Morgana and now it was officially time to announce the changing of the law as well as other things.

Myself, my wife, nobles, Knights, and servants all gathered in the throne room for an important announcement of mine. "Good people of Camelot and neighboring lords, You have all either heard or experienced the great victory Camelot has achieved two weeks prior to today. I have met with my advisors, our record keeper, our physician, the druids, and most of our servants, as this is a very important matter. This is a matter discussing the law of magic in Camelot. No longer will I allow any man, woman, or child be punished for the crim of sorcery unless they have committed a heinous crime against my people such as murder, theft, ill enchantments, or spells that may cause harm to my people. Those with magic shall be judged just as any mortal man would be judged. Fair trial and the crime fits the punishment. That is the new law, whether you accept it or not is completely up to you, but nothing will sway me. Most of the kingdom is in agreement anyway. Now, to the second important announcement about the events from two weeks ago..."

I waved my hand and the guards opened the doors to reveal Merlin dressed as he was for the party, but now this was his true formal outfit. "Good morning, Sire." Merlin greeted with a wide and nervous smile.

"I have decided to grant Merlin an official noble title. He will now be known as Lord Merlin Emrys, court sorcerer of Camelot, and first advisor to the king." There were a few gasps but so many cheered for Merlin and his smile grew wider. "Hunith..." I looked at her and she came from out of the crowd and ran towards Merlin.

'I had no idea you had invited my mother!' He said to me alone as he hugged her tightly, and you could see the immense pride on her face as she looked up and down at her son, who years ago left for Camelot a place where magic is outlawed, to control his magic, and now he has not only received a noble title, but he is now free to use his magic and will no longer be ostracized for being born.

"I'm so proud of you Merlin! I know your father would be too. Also, I told you he cares for you a great deal...look at you!" Merlin wiped tears from her eyes and held her once more before looking to me.

"I gladly accept this honor, your majesty." He bowed hisbhead as he got on one knee and I couldn't help but grin like a fool.

I walked over to him and got on my knee to which I heard the astounded voices of my people. I placed a hand on Merlin's shoulder and he looked up with a slightly startled look, that he thankfully calmed quickly enough. I grabbed his hand and pulled us both up. "It is an honor knowing you, old friend. Let us bring Camelot to a new age. Together."

"I'm happy to serve you, till the day that I die." I took his arm and he took mine as we both realized a whole new meaning to those words.

"And I, you, Merlin."