All Hail Kakarot, King of Saiyans
I own no part of Dragonball Z, I'm just a fan using my creativity.
A/N: What If Bardock arrived in time to save the Saiyans before Frieza destroyed the planet? Would King Vegeta even heed the warning of a low class warrior such as him? Come read how the dragon ball universe could be turned upside down by something so simple. Rivalries will form, characters will change, everything will be different in this epic tale of the Saiyan race.
Bardock woke up in an absolute panic, his body drenched with sweat from the night before. The nightmare still reeling in his mind, he could hear the screams of his kin echoing in his head over and over again. The laughter of the maniacal Frieza etched into his memory, the devastation of his entire race. Bardock shook his head violently but the images remained, they weren't going away. It all seemed so real, this couldn't be a dream. It was something more, a vision of things to pass.
Bardock rose from the bed, his body marked by the years of scars earned in each battle, the most notable was the scar on his face. Each battle he survived had made him stronger, easily evident by the large muscles decorating his entire body with an extremely chiseled physique. Bardock knew there was no time to waste, he threw on his green Saiyan armor quickly and wrapped his tail around his waist. If there was indeed a way to prevent his nightmare from occurring, he was going to find it. He sprinted outside, flying to his space pod with extreme haste. Opening the door of the small interstellar ship, he switched on the communication system.
"Tora, come in Tora."
Inside the cramped pod, Bardock began working with the navigation system to order his ship to make a return trek to planet Vegeta.
"Tora! Come in," the saiyan repeated into the comm system fearing the worst, that his friend was already dead. Until a voice cracked, "Bardock, I'm here. What's going on?"
He breathed a heavy sigh of relief upon hearing his best friend's voice.
"Status check, who's there?"
"All four of us are here."
"Abandon your mission now! Go back to Vegeta, I'll meet you there."
"What? Are you crazy," Tora responded in more laughter than anything else. "Frieza will kill us, you paying for our funerals?"
"Tora." Bardock reemphasized his seriousness with just the repetition of his name. "I need you to leave immediately and go back to planet Vegeta. You're going to have to trust me."
Tora paused momentarily, he knew that aborting a mission in progress could be treated as desertion by Frieza, but he was also aware that Bardock would only make this request if it was absolutely necessary.
"All right, I'll meet you there," he said finally. Tori's loyalty was true and tested, he would follow Bardock anywhere.
Once Bardock got the confirmation that his team would be out of danger, he pressed the buttons to send his space pod back home. Within minutes, he blasted off from the planet and was soaring through the vast emptiness of space. The brave saiyan wouldn't turn the hibernation system on as he prayed he would arrive in time before his visions came true. The entirety of the trip was tortuous replaying of Frieza destroying his home planet and his race, he couldn't focus on anything else. His disrupted attention span allowed him to miss an important broadcast from Frieza himself,declaring that all Saiyans needed to return home to Vegeta within the month. Bardock was completely focusing on a plan to prevent this horrid vision from coming true, the fate of the saiyan race was now firmly in his hands.
One Month Later
Planet Vegeta
Bardock's space pod crashed hard on the home planet of his race. Planet Vegeta was a large planet, blanketed by a reddish yellow sky with little vegetation. The mostly barren desert planet yielded interesting wildlife, including the primitive saiyans which dominated it. Bardock specifically landed his craft away from the military field to an isolated area on the outskirts next to his home, he needed to avoid explaining why he had returned early until he was prepared. As he exited the pod, he noticed 4 other pods in similar position to his, which meant that his team understood they needed to do the same thing. According to his estimates, they should have landed yesterday or the day before and would be at home laying low until Bardock checked in with them. Leaving his space pod where it was, he levitated and flew quickly to his home.
After a short flight, Bardock landed at his home. His home was in the third class housing area outside of the palace, all of the low class warriors lived here regardless of their power level. The elites lived right outside of the palace in wonderfully large homes, while the low class lived in what basically amounted to small huts. The entire area was surrounded by similarly small huts with openings in the top for smoke from the stove, saiyans love to hunt and cook. As he pushed open the door, the smell of cooked pork smacked him directly in the face, immediately putting him in heaven.
"Bardock!" His mate Gine yelled when she watched him walk into the home. "I wasn't expecting you back so soon." She said as she gave him a quick hug, too much affection was not normal in the saiyan culture. Wild, unhinged, raw sexual passion was but not genuine affection. And passion he had plenty of, his wife was absolutely gorgeous blessed with a voluptuous figure and short black saiyan hair. Her muscles were not as bulky as some of he other saiyan women, but she could definitely hold her own in a battle. In saiyan culture, strength was valued over everything else, in that respect these two were the perfect couple, each possessing the largest power level in their class. Bardock himself through many battles had obtained a level that rivaled many elites. He kissed her back, "yeah, I had to come back early. Where's Raditz?"
"I'm here Dad," the muscular young saiyan walked out of the small room at the end of the hall. He wasn't wearing his particular armor, instead he came out shirtless with training pants hair drooping to his knees.
"Why are you here son? Shouldn't you be off with Prince Vegeta?"
"I was, but a few weeks ago Frieza ordered all saiyans back home. He kept the Prince and his bodyguard, Nappa with him but everyone else came home. Are you alright pops?" Raditz was noticing the strange look on his father's face.
Bardock blinked as his wife tapped him on the shoulder, "yeah, I'm fine son. Gine, we're having company. I'll round them up after we eat."
That night dinner was filled with supreme tension as Bardock refused to say anything about his urgent return or his strange actions. As soon as he finished eating, he went to round up his team. Sharing meals with four additional adult saiyans would have depleted their household supply. Inside the tiny hut they all sat cramped, as Raditz took a walk and left adults to their discussion.
"The reason I called you all back, is because I've had a terrible vision. Frieza is going to destroy our entire planet, I've seen it. It's the reason why he called all of us back, he means to kill us."
Everyone laughed, except Tora and Gine. They knew Bardock wel enough to know that he meant every word. "We're Frieza's most profitable army, why in the world would he kill us?" Fasha said half jokingly.
"I don't know, but it's true. My dream, it was so real."
"You want us to risk our lives over a dream, Bardock? Have you had too much to drink?" Shugesh added.
Bardock continued explaining how serious he was and how he knew that this was coming true, his voice escalating and the tension increasing in the home. Eventually, he found himself standing up nearly threatening his team to agree with him. They accused him of being crazy and they'd be charged with treason for leaving, he grew more and more defensive as the conversation wore on.
Until Tora spoke again, "I think Bardock is right. It makes sense, why else would that demon order every saiyan back here."
"What do you suggest we do?" Gine asked her husband.
"We have to go to Vegeta, convince him of the impending danger. Convince him to evacuate the planet, we cannot fight Frieza."
"You know as well as I that Vegeta is stubborn. He won't listen to a word we have to say," Tora remarked as he stroked his chin.
"We make him listen, by any means necessary. This is our entire race we are talking about," Bardock replied.
As the tone in the conversation shifted, the saiyans that were on the fence began to see the logic behind Bardock's dream.
"What do you need from us?" Fasha questioned.
Bardock nodded his head to recognize that his team was now on board with his plan. "I need you to tell people you trust and only people you trust what I've said. Have them prepare their families to leave in complete secrecy in case I can't get him to agree. Frieza should be here in about a week, so we've got that much time to evacuate." Everyone nodded to show they were prepared to do what he said. "Meet me outside of the palace tomorrow two hours after sunrise, I'll go in and talk to Vegeta. If I need help, I'll give you a signal."
The Saiyans stood up and shook hands to signal the conclusion of the meeting, Bardock was quickly grabbed by Tora. "I hope you're right Bardock, you know I'll follow you to the ends of the Universe but you're talking about making enemies of Frieza and Vegeta. Both guys I could go my entire life without fighting."
"I appreciate you brother, my feeling is too strong about this. I know that death is near." With that, Tora was gone leaving Gine and Bardock to themselves in their tiny hut.
"My husband, you know that Vegeta will be difficult to deal with," Gine sighed.
"I do, but this is something that I must do for Kakarot and for Raditz. And for us, you have to trust me."
Gine smiled, her husband had always shown the qualities that make up a leader from his prowess on the battlefield to his courage everywhere else. He was third class by rank, but not by attitude. If only it wasn't for the Saiyan caste system, he would have easily moved through the ranks to become an elite warrior or at the very least an officer in the army. She began to wave her tail seductively, stroking her husband's manhood. Slowly, she turned switching her hips as she walked attracting Bardock to that irresistible ass of hers. Slipping off her top, she continued walking towards their bedroom. "Tomorrow could be our last day together, let's make tonight count." The horny Saiyan assumed his dominant position, throwing her into the bed ripping the rest of her clothes off before she could say another word. "Ahhh" Gine shrieked in absolute joy as Bardock removed the remainder of his clothing and made passionate love to his wife. That was the first night in a month that Bardock slept peacefully.
Bardock arose, immediately looking for his naked wife. Another round seemed like the best way to start off his day, but his senses immediately let him know where she was. Gine was in the kitchen preparing a delicious breakfast for her husband, he strode right to her after putting on his pants. SMACK, she giggled as he cupped the shape of her booty. "Last night was perfect," he whispered into her ear.
"Stop," she smiled. "Raditz is awake."
"Fuck that kid, he'll understand when he's got a mate."
Gine could do nothing but smile at her husband's words.
"I'll get the kid, he needs to know what's happening." Bardock strode to his son's room in the hut, Raditz was actually not awake. He was snoring loudly, enjoying his break from working for Prince Vegeta. UGHHH
Bardock punched his son hard in the stomach to wake him up, "Put some clothes on boy, we need to talk."
Bardock led his son outside and motioned for him to follow as the two Saiyans flew off to a secluded area to talk. "Son, I need to tell you something." Bardock checked that the coast was clear before he began recounting his vision and explaining his plan.
The look of shock on Raditz's face clearly demonstrated the boy thought his father was insane. "So you want to convince King Vegeta that we need to leave the planet based on a dream? Father, he's not going to buy it."
"We don't have a choice Raditz, if we don't leave Frieza will kill us all. I know this will happen?"
"Ok Father, I'm with you. Family before Crown." Raditz said as he reached out to his father's hand.
"Family before crown," the father repeated back. The saying 'Family before Crown' was a saying amongst some of the more rebellious Saiyans mostly in the lower tiers. The ironic part was that the Saiyan kingdom often said Crown before Family, which was utterly ridiculous to some of the lower tiers who felt rejected by the elites. Family Before Crown was a calling card to many Saiyans who served in the army for their own personal gain but not the glory of King Vegeta, both Bardock and Raditz fell into that category.
Following a delicious breakfast, Bardock made his way to the palace of Vegeta. A towering example of the Kong's dominion over his people. The palace was easily the largest building in the world, at least 50 stories high capped with 3 large pointed pillars equipped with stained glass windows. The palace sat atop 5000 stairs leading to the first floor. In front of the gigantic palace was a 30meter statue of King Vegeta decorated in his battle armor made from solid gold. On each tall column was a stone replica of every planet conquered by the Saiyans, an ode to their immense power and reputation as warriors. Bardock walked up each of the 5000 stairs until he reached the gigantic double doors, leading into the palace. It was expressly forbidden to fly up the stairs, one of the 'stupid' rules which King Vegeta enacted. Bardock's team, wife and son congregated in the market area which laid in front of the steps waiting on a signal from him if things went south.
Waiting at the double doors to the palace were two of Vegeta's toughest guards Broco and Kale. "Halt! Bardock what business do you have here?"
Bardock nodded to the two Saiyans, "I seek an audience with the King."
"No," Broco said pointedly.
"The King has no time for low class trash like you," Kale added. Bardock had been completely prepared for their rejection and therefore kept his cool, even though the two Saiyans were extremely large and bulky, a helpful deterrent.
He grinned calmly, "You weren't calling me trash last time we sparred Kale."
Kale stepped forward angrily, for an elite soldier of his status to be beaten by a lower class was an embarrassment most didn't want to live down.
"Listen, you and I have no fight between each other. I need to see King Vegeta, it's about a rebellious clan. I've overheard them plotting a war."
Both guards frowned, they were still unconvinced.
"I'm only trying to do my duty as a citizen, if war breaks out then it's on your heads." Bardock could be very cunning when he needed to be, charm was another one of his qualities which Gine found irresistible.
"Fine, I'll take you." Broco finally relented to let Bardock through and opened the door. Both Saiyans entered the palace, flying all the way to the top where the throne room resided. There really was no need for 50 stories other than to massage Vegeta's enormous ego. They arrived at the throne room, yet another room dedicated to Vegeta's self inflation. The room was the definition of a regal, it was adorned in the most amazing pieces of battle art from across the universe. It was obvious what his favorite color was, the throne room decorated in that royal Saiyan red color reaching 5 stories tall by itself. The throne itself was a hardened and bronzed compilation of bones from enemies that Vegeta had defeated since his first days as a warrior. The King sat upon the throne wearing a bored expression and his royal armor with their insignia emblazoned on the front and that royal red cape draped behind him. He didn't even acknowledge Bardock as he entered the room. Broco flew over to the king and whispered to him Bardock's reason for being here. Vegeta looked back and motioned for Bardock to come closer. He strode forward and bowed, ungracefully and insincerely towards the king.
The booming voice of Vegeta spoke, "What is your name Saiyan?"
"Bardock, my king."
"My guard tells me you know of a rebellion brewing," the king continued.
"No, my king. Forgive my deception, I have grave news for you."
Broco's face dropped as he heard those words. WHAM! Broco's body was sent flying across the room with one backhand from the king. "You fool, you dare bring this low class trash before me with no reason. Guards! Escort him out!"
Immediately the four guards remaining in the room, grabbed Bardock and attempted to drag him out against his will as he fought back.
"It concerns your son," Bardock said calmly.
They stopped, "He's with Frieza as we speak correct?"
"What of it?"
Bardock took that as his invitation to explain himself to the king, he told the entire story of his vision and what would happen when Frieza arrived.
King Vegeta sat quietly, "So what would you have me do?"
"We cannot fight Frieza now, we need to evacuate and prepare to destroy him. Imagine it, the Planetary Trade Federation led and managed by Saiyans instead of that monster."
"You would have us run? Are you mad?" At this the King began to laugh loudly, "we have served Frieza well and you want me to abandon my home, making an enemy of Frieza, all based on a DREAM!" The King continued to laugh, "Guards, Remove this fool!"
"You are not thinking clearly Vegeta! I'm saving my family and there's nothing you can do to stop me."
The removal of his title really ticked Vegeta off now, he was absolutely furious with Bardock.
"Guards, kill him!"
Bardock was done with words at this point, nothing could stop him from doing what he had to. "Only a coward relies on guards, fight me yourself!"
Vegeta stood up from his throne and smiled evilly, "I'd be glad to."
This was his chance, Bardock launched a ki blast through the roof of the palace signaling for his allies to join him.
The Battle Begins
A/N: Please read and review. Next chapter I will finish the prologue and then we'll do a time skip to the beginning of DBZ. Character destinies will be
set up in the next chapter, some characters will not exist in this story but all will have drastically changes roles based on fallout from Bardock's decision. The story will tie into a lot of canon and some movie stuff. If this gets a good response I'll continue into Super. Read and review, if you're familiar with my other stories I think they're good too but I'm much more comfortable with DBZ only stuff. Please enjoy!