A/N: I wrote this years ago. Probably in 2015. But I never posted it for some reason and found it the other day going through old files lol

The first time Marty McFly meets Alfred F Jones, he was running late to school. Which was nothing new, but it was disconcerting to hear a voice you had never heard before shouting, "Hey, McFly!" Marty slowed his skateboard down to see a bespectacled blond waving at him from a bench near Town Hall. "Haven't seen you in a while," the blond continued.

"Yeah," Marty agreed. "I haven't seen you ever."

The blond frowned. "Really? Asking if you have a time machine won't sound familiar?" Marty's face must have been the answer because the teenager continued on talking. "Welp, nice to meet you, Marty. My name's Alfred F Jones!" He stuck out his hand. Marty really didn't want to shake the mysterious guy who knew his name, but he did anyway, though he did it apprehensively.

"Don't be late for school," Alfred said. And suddenly Marty was reminded that Mr. Strickland would be very unhappy with him. He took off without another thought about Alfred.

The second time Marty met Alfred, he was on his running late to school. In 1955.

"McFly? Do you have a time machine, or something?" Marty stopped walking and turned to find Alfred F Jones just stepping out of the donut shop to the left. What a blast of deja vu.

Marty was perplexed. There was no way this guy had a time machine too. "Do you," he demanded incredulously. That was the only explanation, anyway.

"No," Alfred drew out slowly. They stared at each other until the clock tower started chiming to eight.

Quickly, Marty sprang into action. "I need to go," he said. "I'm late." He ran away as fast as he could from the mysterious Alfred F Jones.

The third time Marty met Alfred, it was on October 21, 2015. Marty had walked out of the antique store and into someone. He immediately started to apologize and step away when he looked up and saw a familiar pair of blue eyes staring down at him. A smile broke out on Alfred's face. "'Sup, McFly? Take your time machine here?"

"How do you know about that," Marty demanded. Nobody should know about that.

Alfred's eyes widened. "Holy shit. You have an actual time machine?!" The grin on his face was dazzling and Marty's cheeks hurt just looking at it.

"No," Marty denied quickly. He had fallen right into that trap.

The (seemingly never aging) teenager laughed loudly. "Sure, okay. Your secret's safe with me, dude."

"Marty!" he heard Doc call for him. Both he and Alfred looked over to where Doc poked his head out of the ally.

Alfred looked back at him. "See you some other time, then?"

The fourth time Marty met the mysterious Alfred, he was in a saloon in 1885. This time, it wasn't Alfred who called him out, it was Marty who called Alfred out.

"Do I know you," Alfred had asked, one brow lifted, a glass of gin in hand.

"I'm Marty McFly," Marty had said, too bewildered to give him his fake name. "You don't know who I am?"

Alfred leaned across his table to get closer to Marty. "Should I?"

"I guess not." Marty left, feeling a bit disappointed and confused.

The fifth time Marty met Alfred F Jones, he was back in 1985. He was hanging out with Jennifer in the cafe on the corner when Alfred walked in. "Hey, Alfred," he called. Alfred smiled at him and approached. "Do you have a time machine?

"Nope," Alfred said, grin still present on his face.